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Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. The constant annoyance from the clock simmered down into a mellow beat, following every single thought. Tick. Its almost time... Tock...Almost here. Alex tapped his fingers against the smooth surface of the coffee table, cigarette in the other. His head was hunched over and he gave sly grin, nodding his head like he'd gone. Which probably was true at this point...

"Knock knock. Time to get up off your fat ass." The man motioned his head to the side, signaling everything was ready and pack up to go. He lifted up his head to the remark, not even bothering to straighten out his posture, and smirked grimly. "Surprised to see you still give a shit up to this day, Romero" Romero snorted, walking over to a small bar table in the room, lifting up a bottle of whiskey. Not giving a damn, he tilted the bottle and drank straight from it. "Oh come on, don't be a little bitch about it. I guarantee that this batch could be the one.." Now it was Alex's turn to snort at that blasphemy. He took another puff of his cig, before it putting out and clasping his hands together. This is the absolute first time he'll be join them to see the newcomers, not even realizing how dangerous that is for him alone.

But then again...How bad could it be? For the last time, Romero took a swig of the whiskey, then following towards the door. He tapped the door frame, his nail clacking against it like the ticks of the clock. Tick. Tock. He said himself, and he won't say it again. Alex huffed as he got up, grabbing his gear and walked up to the warehouse. There were four jeeps which should be good enough, and if anything, he wouldn't mind of the girl to sit on his lap. He hopped into a separate car however, along with Romero and fiddled with the signature thing in his hand. The mask was soon strapped on him, looking over Romero for the same and the they were off.

"Let's show em what Heathens really is..."


Location: Parking Lot outside of Selena Mentions:





In the town of Selena, a man with dark hair and brooding features loomed in the darkness of his apartment. A wealthy man he was, praised and paid for the roundhouse kicks and bone crunching blows he delivered to his opponents in the Jiu Jitsu ring. But today, Samu Klein would no longer be the heart-throb, world-class fighter that the world knew him to be. He was going to disappear from the championship rings and the screaming crowds, the bloodied mouths and swollen eyes of his adversaries. Samu no longer wished to do television interviews with scripts, and he definitely desired to be as far away from his manager as possible.

Thus, when he heard a rumor about the underground organization HEATHENS, Samu decided to walk a new path in life. A discreet one.

Everything was packed. His clothes, possessions, toiletries, all of it - crammed into one small black suitcase. Samu stood in the dim light of his room, adorned in a simple black teeshirt, dark blue jeans, and black Nikes, checking over his possessions. He would be but a shadow in the night.

On his desk, he left a suicide note.

I cannot go on with this life. I've been swindled, taken advantage of, and used as a means for consumerism. And so I've decided to end it.

Don't come looking for me.


Once he was positive he was ready, Samu grabbed his suitcase, stuck his phone in his back pocket, and abandoned his quite swanky apartment building. He made his way seven miles north of the town, following the facts of the rumor on blind faith. When he reached the town's edge, he found the abandoned parking lot. No one was there. Samu sat down in the parking lot, lit a cigarette, and waited. The moon shone overhead and the ember of the cigarette glowed red every time he inhaled. Crickets sang, and his heart beat fast to their rhythm.

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Amelia 'Witchy' Albany
Where: Selena's parking lot - With: @Soylent- Outfit: x
"Alba, why do you have to go?" Olivia whined with a pouty lip. Witchy's young sister eye's were wide open and filled with salty tears, she hated when her sister leaves but she knew it was for the best. Witchy sighed, her sister was too young to understand, luckily Olivia was staying with an old family friend and Alba knew that they would take care of Olivia, better than Albany ever did in her life. "I want you to have the best," Albany's voice was just barely a whisper as she tried her best not to cry in front of Olivia, she had to be strong for both of them. "Now remember what I told you? I was never here. You don't have a sister." The words were like sharp knives to Albany, Olivia was the only she could call family and now she was loosing her too. Albany gave her young sister one last hug before grabbing her suitcase and left, trying not to cry in front of her sister.

time skip

Albany soon arrived to the location that she told to go to. To be frank, she was terrified to join HEATHENS, but if it was for her sister, she would do anything. The soft clapping noise her heels made against the cold, damp concrete made her heart slowly calm down. Her grip tightened on the suitcase handle, Witchy noticed a man sitting on the ground having a smoke, haven't she seen him before? Whoever the guy was, he was sure to be stronger than her. "Good evening," Albany spoke in a somewhat posh manner, "I'm Witchy." Albany gave a cold hearted stare to the man before dropping her suitcase next to her feet. "May I have a smoke?" She asked, her brow slowly raising. The moon shone brightly on Witchy like a spotlight, making her skin seem lighter than usually and her overall appearance spooky, almost ghostly.

Location: Parking Lot outside of Selena Mentions:






Samu gazed up at the glowing figure that towered over his sitting body, examining her before cocking a sly smile. The first one. Samu was sitting in front of the first HEATHENS recruit he'd ever meet, and he was much obliged. He blew trails of smoke from his nose, the white vapor leaking out from his nostrils. The charming champion took one more drag, letting the pollution invade his large lungs, and spoke.

"Of course you can," he breathed, smoke escaping from his lips, "Sit down and I'll give you a light." He removed the cigarette package from his front pocket, flipped it open, and extended it to her. The night was warm with a small breeze to it, perfect for a leisurely smoke.

"I'm Samu Klein. Delighted to make your acquaintance. I assume you're here for the-" He didn't know how to describe it discreetly. Maybe this girl wasn't a new recruit for Heathens. But it was highly unlikely that she was here for another reason, for she carried a suitcase with her.

"For the job opening," he said with a small smile, the corner of his eyes crinkling slightly.



Mood: Nervous | Outfit: X | Mentions: @Soylent @Valentina


Declan was getting up in the small apartment he had. He was trying to be quiet to not wake the boys who slept with him in the two bedroom apartment. He saw his oldest younger sister standing in the hallway when he got out of the room, already dressed and looking at him frowning at him softly. Declan knew that she didn't like to leave the kids alone in the apartment especially in this bad area, but they had to go. They had no choice. He just grabs her hand and looked at her softly before opening his mouth quietly and started to talk "This is the best choice for them. You know that. Plus we will be back soon, and Henry will watch them well." She nods and they quietly left the apartment and went on their way.

~ T I M E ~ S K I P ~

Declan and Danielle get there and sees two other people. A really cute guy and a spooky girl who were each smoking a cigarette. They just went up to where they were supposed to be and looked at them. Declan was studying them, he knew that they weren't taking a midnight stroll around these parts so they had to be here for heathens. The guy looked like he worked out and the way he held himself, like with respect and control. He might be fighter or boxer. Something like that. Danielle was silent, probably checking out the guy and girl too. He breaths in deeply and out. He was nervous but they had always known that they didn't belong out in the real world. The real world already rejected them. Now it's time to get even.

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Mood: Nervous | Outfit: X | Mentions: @Soylent @Valentina


Danielle was getting dressed in her room. Her sisters were asleep in the room with her. She was trying not to wake them because they didn't exactly know about heathens yet. Declan and she wanted to keep that from the little ones and only told Henry and Ashley who was very against it themselves but they also understood where she and Declan were coming from. Danielle leaves the room quietly and waited for her brother Declan to come out the room. When he did, she looked at him frowning. She didn't like to leave the kids her all alone. It's not a safe neighborhood as it is and now they were bringing a gang into the mix. Her brother walked up to her and quietly spoke to her "This is the best choice for them. You know that. Plus we will be back soon, and Henry will watch them well." She nods and they quietly left the apartment.

~ T I M E ~ S K I P ~

Danielle and Declan get there and sees two other people. A really cute guy and a spooky girl who were each smoking a cigarette. Danielle was silent, quietly checking out the girl and guy. It wasn't her fault both of them were fucking hot and she hasn't had any release in a couple of days since making the decision to come here. She bites her lip softly and looks at the two and says awkwardly
"So are we all here for the.....bus?"

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Apartment > The Parking Lot






@Soylent @Valentina @P r i n c e

"Hello mister, do you think you could give me a ride?". A lollipop hung from Violet's cotton candy lips as she batted her eyes at the stranger. The sky was fading to a whispy pink as the sun sunk into the horizon, illuminating the city in a dreamy halo of light. Violet had been wandering the streets for hours, singing to herself and marveling at storefront displays. Only now had she remembered her purpose for walking the streets of downtown Selena.

"Well," the young man looked down at the golden watch on his tanned wrist, "you leave me with no choice. How could I say no to such a pretty face?". He smiled down at her with a devilish grin before guiding her towards his luxury car.

The palm of the man's hand rested on Violet's back, but she didn't flinch. Though her mania had kicked in and her mind was in a dizzyingly erratic state, she kew she'd be able to protect herself if needed. He opened the door and allowed her to slip in, locking the car as soon as they were settled.

"Well, 'Mr. Fancy Suit', we better get going. It'll be dark soon.". She pointed in the direction they needed to travel, before pulling another lollipop out of her bag and throwing the other one out the window.


"So what's a girl like you doing out in the middle of no where? Wouldn't you rather be somewhere more... comfortable?". He finished his question with a wink and another sneaky grin. She knew what he was suggesting, but didn't bother addressing it. All she did was giggle and nod her head towards the shoulder of the road.

"Pull over here, I can walk the rest of the way. It'll also be best for you to turn around once I leave. The road gets a little dangerous from here on out!". Violet tugged on the handle of the door, which was once locked but now opened with ease. The man's face lit up with shock and he patted his pockets in search of the keys.

"Oh, and you might want to be careful with these, I've heard they're quite important.". She smiled and tossed him the keys before skipping away from the car. He called after her to ask for her name, but Violet had already disappeared towards her destination.

Night had fallen by the time she reached the desolate parking lot and the moon cast eery shadows along the unlit pavement. The only other light came from a gentle orange flicker at the opposite end of the parking lot. The flicker was followed by a wave of smoke and the soft murmur of voices. Violet skipped her way towards them, humming an old nursery rhyme.

She came to a stop in front of, what she counted to be four, other people. A slender brunette to the right of her had just asked a question, but Violet was too distracted to here it. Instead, her focus fell upon the cigarettes that rested in the hands of the other two.

"You're going to die if you keep smoking those," she carelessly plucked the cigarette out of the pale, ghostly girl's hand. "Try this instead!". Violet pulled another lollipop from the bottomless stash at the floor of her purse and extended it towards the girl.

Part of her realized it was a stupid idea to snuff out a strangers cigarette, but that part was suffocated beneath an inconvenient mood swing and an extreme sugar rush. No amount of lollipops could fix the fact that she impulsively sold last of her medication in exchange for $100 and an 'authentic vintage jacket' worn my Marilyn Monroe...

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Avarice Constantine

location: apartment > parking lot | outfit: xxx | mentions: @Valentina @Soylent @VintageBlues @P r i n c e


emptiness. that was everything that surrounded ava. her shabby, run down apartment lay silent and empty. the contents of her life were packed away in a duffel bag. she was about to be a ghost. she looked back at herself in the mirror, her eye's darting about analyzing every detail of her face. tonight was initiation night and she wanted to look her very best. she knew that she had the skills, but she wanted to look the part just as much. she carefully applied her blood red lipstick and puckered her lips a little bit. red was one of her favorite shades, that is other than her midnight black lipstick. waltzing out of the bathroom and into the living quarters, she took one last look around the room and took everything in. ava wasn't much of a sentimental person but this was different, it was the first place that she lived, not under the thumb of someone else. with her duffel slung over her shoulder, the tall girl headed out the door, slamming it behind herself.

her senses livened up the moment she stepped outside. the cool even air hit her skin, the smells of car exhausted tickled at her nose, and the sounds of the distant train rumbled towards her. she lived for the night and all the things that came with it. there was a sort of beauty that hung in the silence in the night. those were one of the few times she could feel at piece with her chaotic mind. the pitter patter of water droplets melded with the sound of the souls of her shoes on the pavement. together they echoed through the alleys she walked though as she made her way to destination zero.

her ears perked up when she heard the low murmurs of people talking in the distance. she knew she had to be getting close. the silhouettes of people in the distance came into her line of sight. she was too far away to make out faces of any of them but she could already tell none of them were her friends. through her escapades, and criminal past she made a few very good friends along the way. when they heard of "heathens" they all knew they had to join.

as she got closer she could could see that it was two males and several females at the meeting spot. none of them seemed to be holding any conversations, more or less just standing around with small quips here and there.
"hi-ya doll faces," she said with a toothy grin. now she just had to play nice with the others until her own little gang showed up.

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? Cecelia Montgomery ?


Location: Montgomery house -> Selena's parking lot outside of town

Company: Everyone

Mood: Tired and wary

Cecilia's alarm blared out across the quiet night, the little light in it flashing red until the managed to turn it off through fumbling with the buttons. It was time.

She shivered as the breeze from her open window breathed on her bare skin when she began changing, trying to keep as silent as humanely possible, avoiding the creaking floorboards as she walked around the room, until she was finally ready. Slipping her bag full of changes of clothes and other necessities she threw it out of her window and into the back garden. The bag was small enough and light enough to not make a sound, after all, 2 years had passed and all of her clothes had not fit when she had come back. These were only the few things she had managed to get that would fit her now in the short period of time she had been back.

Cecelia felt a stab of pain that she was leaving her family behind once again, they had only just got her back - or had they? Considering she wasn't the same person she was 2 years ago, they thought she was considering the untouched room, exactly as she had left it two years ago before going missing. Like a shrine to the 17 year old girl. Cecelia touched the bridge of her nose for a short moment, closing her eyes while she thought before opening them back up and following her bag, jumping out of the window, landing on her feet flawlessly.. She knew that if she spent any longer re-considering her decision, then she would stay in the toxic environment that was suffocating her. She
had to escape.

The petite blonde made her way around the house, onto the main street, to where she had parked her car further away from the house that afternoon to make sure her parents wouldn't wake. Throwing in her duffel bag next to her, she gave a last final look at the house, that had stayed the same, and would stay the same for the next couple of years probably, before hitting the gas and speeding away.

When she finally reached the parking lot, she got out of her car and after a moment of indecision, dropped her keys onto the ground. Some poor bastard would get a luxurious Friday night gift. Cecelia made her way towards the parking lot, but away from the group, avoiding looking at the chattering group of smokers. She wasn't looking to build friendships in the heathens, she only wanted to stay sane - for as long as possible.

So instead of nearing them, she made an arc around the group before sitting down on the dirty round, her bare legs scuffing in the dirt, and the bags under her eyes from multitudes of sleepless nights matching the ground.

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location >> parking lot

mood >> apprehensive

interactions >> n/a

'your obligation has been taken care of.'

'do not look for me'

he was sure that the alarmingly bright post-it note would be the first thing that his cousin would see in the morning. well, later in the morning.was it early enough the be considered morning yet? it didn't matter. he shifted through the contents of his backpack again, checking one last time if he had forgotten any of the few things he needed to take with him. the bag was as full as the past 5 times he had checked it, but it was better to be sure.

the creaking of the old front door didn't bother him as he slid the backpack over his shoulder again. he had made sure that the older man was out cold. yuta was sure he wouldn't be able to hear anything over his snoring on a normal night anyway, so he didn't worry. the door had always closed quieter than it opened, so once the fresh air hit him, he was able to relax. the sneaking around was over for now.

his cousin had been generous enough to buy him a bike so he wouldn't be stranded in the little house, as it was on the edge of town. if there was one thing to thank the coward for it was that, but it wasn't like yuta to give anyone that unrealized pleasure, even though he had already climbed onto the bike. there was nothing to be too grateful for anyway, and he was sure whoever found it the next morning would probably like it better than he did.

it was a quick ride to the usually abandoned parking lot. before he approached it, he laid it on the ground next to the road. some kid would definitely take it, right? it wasn't his problem anymore. shrugging at the thought, he walked to enter the space leisurely, stuffing his hands into his pockets. there was certainly more people there than he expected, but the surprise did not become evident on his face. he stayed away from the small crowd, not exactly wanting to talk to a bunch of angst-driven young adults at this time of night, as hypocritical as it sounded.

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L O C A T I O N:

Auntie's house ? Selena's abandoned parking lot

T A G S:

@andjuly @Bhlow @A p h r o d i t e @anaideia @VintageBlues @P r i n c e @Soylent @Valentina

M O O D:


O U T F I T:




Trini's eyes squinted at the loose hairs falling down on her face, blowing them back up and way from it once more. She looked in the mirror and huffed, fighting the sudden urge to just rip them off. Hair was annoying at times. Since when was putting on a beanie so difficult to achieve? The dim light of her lamp attracted two visitors tonight; a beautifully elegant moth, and the concerned face of her aunt. Trini looked over at the moth, once her appearance was perfect and carefully guided it towards her open window.

One visitor left. Trini turned around to face the upset sighs of her family member. She honestly wanted to leave, mostly in her mind she couldn't become anymore perfect if people were stopping her all the time. Saying things about her image, that she ok already. "Ok" is not enough, and it never will be at this point. Trini looked over at the organized luggage laying on her bed; her backpack and her suitcase and simply picked them up and strolled out of her old home. HEATHENS has to be her new home now, for at least they can't tell someone what not to do with their personal image. Trini took out her phone, and texted her posse, signaling she was on her way.

Her aunt followed her all the way to the front door, but stopped her and simply hugged her. Surprisingly enough, it was the first time Trini ever hugged back. And thats saying a lot.

~ T I M E-S K I P ~

Trini had been in her car for a while now, since she lived on the other side of town. The glowing moon cascaded rays across the sky, twinkling stars complementing the face like dimples. Nights like these were the only exception of unorganized perfection. It always made her wonder whether her condition could actually be fixed one day, where she could just accept things as they are. Nah.

Once she arrived at the parking lot, she smirked towards the familiar face looking back at her. Trini took out her things, and walked over next to her friend, of course slightly realizing that there was more people. She hesitated a little, standing a little away and nodded her towards her car. She didn't exactly like people she didn't know offhand, especially for this occasion.

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Amelia 'Witchy' Albany
Where: Selena's parking lot - With: Everyone - Outfit: x
Albany smiled as she plucked the cigarette from Samu's finger and inhaled the cigarette between her lips, forming her dark lips into a shape of an 'o' and began to blow quick and simple smoke rings. It seemed like a quick second as more people came to the parking lot, what was this? A gathering? Witchy nearly jumped when a pale girl took away her cigarette and gave her a lollipop instead, "You're going to die if you keep smoking those, try this instead!" Witchy couldn't help herself but take the lollipop from the girl, she reminded her of Olivia, despite the fact that she looked completely different from her... and older. "Charmed, I'm Witchy." Albany smiled at everyone that was in front of her, the man who offered her the cigarette, the bubbly girl who gave her a lollipop and everyone else who arrived. Albany carefully studied those around her.

First, she noticed the girl with the two-toned hair, it was odd choice but Albany admired the girl for her bold movement. Next was the girl who passed the lollipop, she quite bubbly for a girl her age, she almost acted as if she was five. Her imaginative mind began to draw over the lollipop girl, she imagined her with light purple hair and bubblegum freckles like you see in cartoons. Soon, more people came to the parking lot, when was this 'leader' going to come? He was sure taking is lovely time. Witcby turned around when she heard a girl speak up. "Sup," Witchy gave a cocky smirk at the girl, she looked like your average teen. "Hello there," Albany purred at the girl, taking the lollipop out of her mouth. "Now, can anybody tell me when this 'Alexander' guy going to come? I would rather use my time for important things."

Caterina Satana
"I'm a goner, somebody catch my breathe."

w h e r e convenient store > parking lot.

w i t h
@A p h r o d i t e

m o o d hungry > wary.

o u t f i t x x x

t r a n s l a t e princesa (princess) / mono (monkey)


it was completely awkward. cat stood there silently as she tried to pick out something spicy from what the local convenient store could offer. she could pick from warheads, sour patch kids or some rainbow strips in a packet. with a simple shrug, catereina picked the warheads from the shelf, carefully slipping them into her front pocket. the store owner was minding his own business, his focus keeping attentive on the magazine he was reading in front of him. she made sure no one watched her, just in case before she swiftly left the store quietly. cat raced away from the store, grabbing her small rucksack that she left on the side of the store and quickly jumping on the back of the bus, opening her warheads with a goofy smile on her face.

"mom, dad!" the young girl cried in her bed, it was dark outside and salty tears ran down her hot, flustered cheeks. "princesa? what's wrong?" her parents asked, flicking the light switch on and rushing to their scared daughter. "i saw a monster under the bed! he was going to eat mr mono!" the girl stuttered as her tears continued to roll down her cheeks. a soft smile curled upon her father's face as her mother cuddled her child. "princesa, everything is going to be okay." her mother cooed, wrapping her long tan arms around her family as she hummed her daughter asleep.

-- time skip --

cat jumped off the back of the bus with a small thud, it wasn't at the place but it was a small walking distance away, nothing too bad. caterina continued to eat her warheads one by one as she walked across the road. once she finally arrived, she felt like trash. everyone looked so angsty yet cat was dressed in jeans and a shirt. there was a girl that sort of looked like her... she guessed. with a small sigh, cat walked up to the girl with an awkward smile. "um hey.. i'm cat." she introduced herself, her fingers fiddled with the warhead packet. "are you here for the thing?" cat asked, she couldn't refer to HEATHENS as it actual name, just in case she wasn't really there for HEATHENS. that would be awkward.
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The lit cigarette was almost to his finger nails, continously burning away and dropping ash to the ground and on to his black boots. He didn't smoke, but he always liked to see things fade away. With one final breath, Evan dropped the cigarette, leaving it to burn away in the grass. He spun the keys to his father's car around on his finger tips and pressed the unlock button. His father's red sedan laid parked behind him, and in the front seat his dad sat mutilated, dead and cold. The sound of water rushing nearby was all Evan could make out as he picked up a rock, tossing it around in his hand before tossing it at the winsheild, where it simply bounced off rather than going through the thick glass. The skin around Evan's eyes was pink and raw from all the crying that had taken place in the last four hours since he had axed his father.

This task couldn't wait any longer though, he had a place to be. He shifted the car in drive and closed the driver's door, making his way around to the back of the car. The car had already began rolling down the edge of the slope when Evan put his shoulder into it, pushing with all his might to ensure the car got into the stream, where his dad was sson to spend all eternity.

-Several Hours Later-

Evan was used to walking from place to place, but the walk to the Heathen's hideout had been a long and hard one. Giving Evan plenty of time to consider his actions over the past day.

Perhaps he should've sunk with the car as well, but would that have been fair? Didn't the old man deserve it?

A smile crept up on his face, and laughter was soon to follow. The idea that the killing had been a mistake was just too funny for him. This was his way of repaying his father for all the sins he had comitted. Karma was a beautiful thing, and Evan was witness to this fact. His thoughts faded away into the darkness as he reached the parking lot, where a few girls where standing, doing what he assumed to be smoking. He had to wonder about the group.

Did they know eachother? Were they as insane as he was?

It didn't really matter to Evan anyways, he wasn't one to make friends. He walked over close to where they were and stuffed his blood stained hands into the jeans of his pockets, whistling a little to grab the attention of the other heathens.

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● M e n t i o n s ●



● A p p e a r a n c e ●


To a New Start

● P O S T ●

One thing Rhea learned was that if you could not adapt to your new environment, then you were dead. A pocketful of cash and barely any possessions, Rhea had to find ways to live on the streets. Whether it was pick pocketing, breaking into people’s homes, or even pulling small cons, she found some type of comfort for herself. Rhea learned to adapt and survive in a world that would sooner see her dead.

Perhaps, she should thank her mother for that. If not for Rhea’s constant struggle in that house, then she would not have been able to survive for these past two years by herself. Being homeless was a lot like being at home and she knew what to expect before something happened. When you live in a world where people are so emotional, it can often be useful to provide a more logical response to it.

That was just the type of person Rhea was, she was always watching and mentally taking apart people’s weaknesses that would later serve her purposes in the end. People had this basic need to be understood for who they are, and when someone like Rhea came in and provided that, they were comfortable enough to say or do things that they wouldn’t normally do in front of someone.

But stuff like that can only get you so far and right now, she was low on money and could barely afford anything at this point. For the past three days, she has been hiding out in an abandoned house. It smelled of stale, mildew and something else. Not the most glamorous of places she has stayed in, but it served its purpose well.

Rhea stuffed some of her clothes in a small, black, duffel bag she stole a year ago. It was almost sad how much of her clothes fit inside the small duffel bag. Today, she needed a fresh start or something like that. She needed something other than hopping around from place to place. Maybe HEATHENS could be that for her.

Rhea zipped up the bag and began carrying it out of the house towards the ’67 Chevy Impala; it was stolen of course and could you blame her? She had a thing for the classics. Rhea popped open the trunk and slipped her bag inside on top of various papers with unintelligible handwriting and food wrappers. Whoever had this car was messy, but she didn’t care.

The car came live with a soft hum from the engine before she drove down the road towards the meet up. Oddly enough, Rhea was a slight bit nervous and sad. It really did not make much sense because it was not like she was leaving anything important behind. Yet, the feeling was there.

✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ Time Skip ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿

By the time she reached the parking lot, she saw a cluster of people waiting in a group. Rhea could only assume they were apart of HEATHENS, but just on the off chance they weren't, she was not going to say anything. She pulled the car up into a parking spot, stepped out and grabbed her bag from the trunk. Rhea could not help but give the car a small pat. It was a pretty car.

“Goodbye.” Rhea mumbled before walking over to the area where the group was. Well, not too close. She chose a spot some little ways from everyone, drops her duffel bag and sat on top.



Location: Parking Lot outside of Selena Mentions:

@A p h r o d i t e @Valentina @P r i n c e @anaideia + Everyone else





When Witchy stuck the cig between her lips Samu held up a small black lighter, flicked a flame on with a scratch and ignited the end. The night air around his head became saturated with a gray haze as his cigarette began to decrease in size. He scoffed quietly when another girl approached, replacing Witchy's bud with a piece of candy, deciding not to answer her comment: "You're going to die if you keep smoking those." Even to the 6'4" Jiu-Jitsu champion, the girl looked intimidating, so he kept his mouth shut tight around the butt of his cigarette, opting to observe the strangers.

"So are we all here for the.....bus?"

"Hi-ya doll faces."

Samu scanned the newcomers with caution, sizing them up, noting their physical strengths and weaknesses. The gait of their steps, their heights, the broadness of their shoulders, how far apart their feet fell. Once he had the small details memorized, he turned his attention to the dark asphalt of the parking lot, digging the toe of his tennis shoe into the loose rocks. He felt another presence make an entrance, a quiet one, but didn't look up. More footsteps invaded his ears, scattering this way and that. Samu only lit another cig, the Marlboro pack small in his large hands, the smoke massaging his lungs.


A deep feminine voice grabbed his attention and Samu glanced up at the figure that had muttered the greeting. Of all the people in the once empty lot, she intrigued him the most. Perhaps it was the texture in her voice; Perhaps it was her attractive features, modest and mysterious. He noticed the stiffness in her body, her hands stuck deep in her pockets, and held up his Marlboro box, motioning with it.

"Now, can anybody tell me when this 'Alexander' guy going to come?" Samu ignored the question - for he had no earthly idea, and something else occupied his mind.

"Hey," he said, the words escaping his mouth around the cigarette, which wiggled in their exit, "Want a light?" He had rudely interrupted the other girl who had started to introduce herself.

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Location: Strange Parking Lot | Mood: Sardcastic and Quiet | Outfit: X | Mentions: @A p h r o d i t e @anaideia @Valentina


Declan looks at the next person to show up and mumbles softly "I'm not a doll face. I'm pretty sure that none of us here are here for a stroll in an abandon parking lot." His sister looked at him and shaked her head as he keeps on studying the people coming up to the group. Next it was a young girl with a strangely deep voice not that he was judging. His own sister had sorta of an deep voice also. It was nothing new to him.

The girl who was smoking before a girl came up throwing the cigarette away and giving her a lollipop said something about Alexander and about using her time for important things
"Then you probably shouldn't have come today." He again mutters to himself while because his sister was close to him that she heard it. She snickers and shook her head at him. He was smirking to himself, he couldn't help it. His mind tends to blurt out things that he doesn't want to say out loud. Declan was a quiet soul, but his mind was not. His mind would be thinking about the next day and the next day after that. Always worrying, never thinking about himself but his family instead. It has been this way since they had run away from the system. Since they threw away their old life and started a new life in the streets.

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Location: Some creppy ass parking lot | Mood: Thinking | Outfit: X | Mentions: Nope


Danielle shook her head at her brother who had muttered under his breath saying "I'm not a doll face. I'm pretty sure that none of us here are here for a stroll in an abandon parking lot." Her brother, she guessed was worried about something. The only time he speaks out like this is when he was worried about something. Danielle was worried herself, the gang idea may not had been the best idea to date but they were running out of options and money. They had to provive for their siblings some way or another but they both have beefs with the way society is run themselves.

It had treated them like shit for too fucking long and she wants to do something about it. Surely her skills can't always be use to get another year on the lease on the apartment plus this way they can earn money while doing it. She was standing up for her siblings as well. Knowing their stories just made her fire inside her grow more. Her brother could never understand this, he had been the one always watching out for her and now her siblings as well. Always the logical one of the two of them. Danielle knew her way of thinking is illogical but who gives the fuck if it was. It was her way of thinking and damn it she loved her way of thinking.

Her brother had muttered something else sounding like
"Then you probably shouldn't have come today." She wasn't really paying attention to how many people that was coming up but she snickers at her brother knowing that he was annoyed with someone and shook her head at him again. Declan needs to learn to just go with the flow but fight against it when necessary. It was a motto to her. One she plan to stick to till the end of her days.

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Lemony took her last step out of her high-end apartment building, not even bothering to turn around and look back. She had no reason to. If she had it her way, she’d never return there again. She was starting over completely. There was no two-weeks’ notice to her boss at the boutique she worked at. There was no change of lease notice to her apartment building. Instead, she had left all of her belongings into her apartment, par a few of her valuables: all of her makeup, some clothes, a pack of bubblegum, and a pack of cigarettes, which were all stuffed in her red purse. In another plastic grocery bag, she had stored the things that she would need to destroy if she didn’t want anyone to know about her whereabouts: her laptop, cell phone, her wallet, and keys. She had cleared out her bank account the day prior and her entire savings were stashed inside her wallet, all in cash.

On her way out the first time, she had run into the bellhop, John. He asked where she was going, and she simply responded, “I’m leaving.” It was far too late for her usual habits—though she was practically nocturnal, she never ever left the house after 9. She had her reasons. Naturally, as ditzy as John was, he had suspected something odd. She had offered him money to keep him quiet, but he didn’t want it. He wanted sex. So that’s what Lemony gave him. Not that she really minded all that much; it wasn’t the first time she’d done something like that—and it probably wouldn’t be the last. After that, she’d walked out of her apartment, already feeling her stress melting away.

The taxi pulled up, and Lemony blinked her large brown eyes and gave the driver an innocent smile. He rolled down his window and returned the look. The last thing she needed was a cabbie as a witness, but she knew exactly what to do. She knew how to keep anyone quiet—she was used to getting her way, and things weren’t about to change now. She opened the back door and slid into the car.

”Where you off to, honey?” The cabbie asked. He was young, no older than thirty, but different than what Lem was used to. He was shaggy, dirty, poor-looking, and the gold-digging girl was not used to that. She usually played in the field that she’d get the most out of, dabbling most with rich older men who would take her shopping or buy her a brand new Lamborghini. Lemony pulled out her phone and opened the note, containing nothing but a street name—no address, just a street name. She handed him the phone. ”Babe, that’s not an address. I can’t do that without an address.”

Lemony opened her wallet. Like was mentioned beforehand, she knew exactly how to get what she wanted, when she wanted it.
“You sure about that?” She handed him a wad of twenties. She wasn’t sure how many, but it had to total out to at least $200. It should be enough. “I hope that can also cover me for a little favor.” His eyes went wide and Lemony giggled and gave him another innocent smile.

“Whatever you need, baby,” He muttered, eyes still wide and trained on the fanned out cash. Lemony leaned into the front seat and ran a hand across his chest, pressing her mouth close to his ear.

“This,” She whispered, tugging at the collar of his shirt, just for good measures. “is a secret. This ride never happened. You never saw me.” There was a mischievous glint in his eye—one that Lemony recognized all too well. She knew what was coming next.

“It’s gonna cost more than that.”

…❤… TIME SKIP …❤…

The taxi cab finally pulled over to the side of the rode, just as Lemony had requested. She gathered her belongings and opened the door before the car came to a complete stop. As she leapt out of the car, practically tripping on the shoes of her own heels, she heard the cab driver call something incoherent as he struggled to get his shirt back on. Oh, the prices Lem payed for the things she wanted.

After walking some time on a mostly abandoned street, lined with shops that were long closed, she finally came to an alley, the one she had been waiting to find. Walking through the alley in between two unidentifiable buildings, she checked behind her to make sure she wasn’t being followed and then crossed behind the building on the right. In front of her eyes lay a large, beautiful river. Across the river she could distinctly make out a bustling city, glistening and reflecting its own persona across the river. A city that Lemony was leaving for good—if she was lucky. And, with that final thought, she pulled her beloved electronics out of the plastic grocery bag and chucked them over the railing. They fell with a splash, and next, her keys, with a jingle and a splish. Finally, she took all the cash out of her pink leather wallet and tucked the wad in her back pocket. Down went her empty wallet, the last trace of her identity connecting her to this city, this congregation, this life.

The parking lot wasn’t far away. No more than a five minute walk. Lemony dodged every uneasy or suspicious glance she got, knowing that in a matter of time she’d be in the position to slaughter these bitches without a word about it. Just in a matter of time.

When she finally arrived at the lot, she was surprised by the amount of people who were already there. Lemony, not one to be intimidated on the first impression, blew a big bubble with her pink bubblegum, wrapped her hands around the straps of her backpack, and walked up to the group, her head held high with confidence and her heels clicking with each step. She immediately recognized her two best friends Ava and Trini, though they both seemed to be involved in some kind of conversation. She popped her bubble and blew a fresh one, approaching the clique.

”Hey, hot stuff,” She joked, nearing her friends. She already had a feeling about some of the other people in the group—she could tell just by looking at them that they were going to be… difficult. Hopefully just not as difficult as her.

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Location: Parking Lot outside of Selena Mentions:

@A p h r o d i t e @Valentina @P r i n c e @Bhlow @Lonelytaco @anaideia





The cigarette packet landed in Samu's palm with a clack as the loose contents moved inside, and he tightened his fingers around it, returning it to his front pocket. He decided to finally answer Witchy's question with a curt and ignorant reply:

"I don't know." As he spoke his eyes still examined the mysterious brunette in front of him, now holding one of his offerings. The smoke leaked out of the corners of his mouth slowly, paralleling his gradual contemplation of the girl. "He's evasive. Who knows when he'll show?"

She was different, so different in a way that it confused Samu. She was not like other girls that he had met before, the ones that stood outside the stadium doors and screamed at him for an autograph. She was not like the women he had a liberal access to when he could afford a night off. The ones he had grown tired of, the ones that made him realize he didn't care for meaningless affairs. After one particular night it finally registered to him that he didn't
want the luxuries that women could award him. He didn't want to wake up with a stranger in his bed. It was all fake, just like the scripted talk shows, just like the press conferences. How could he have been so blind to believe that a relationship he could buy with a $100 dollar bill could be real? He promised himself that if he ever had a significant other, their relationship would be bound by multiple aspects: loyalty, trust, passion, communication.

And Samu's gaze absolutely did not hold any kind of lust in it. No, the dark man looked at her with only the utmost respect. So he decided to keep her in the back of his mind. Perhaps she'd make a fine friend.

"My name's Samu Klein," he announced, allowing most people in the vicinity to hear, but mainly aiming it towards the girl. Each time he took a drag from the cigarette's filter, the ember lit up, lightly tinting his nose pink. He finally turned his attention to the people around him: the quiet ones who evaded social interaction, the loud and confident ones who spoke up immediately, the ones who opted for a spooky whistle.




The Parking Lot





Mentions: @ Everyone (A.K.A I'm too lazy to tag people lmao)

Amateurs. That's what came to mind as Violet scanned the group, her sharp eyes observing the rise and fall of everyones chest. She analyzed each smirk and each word that twisted their lips, looking for the slightest hint of liveliness. Nothing. They were all putting up a mask of defensive security, masquerading around as if they weren't the least bit nervous. As if they weren't at all unsure of the choice they were about to make.

A rich voice wafted towards Violet's ears, leaving hints of confidence and authority in the air. The deep sound lured her away from her mind and back into her reality trip. She snapped her head towards the direction of the voice and looked up at the man through her thick lashes. He was handsome enough, but there was something cold about him. Something intriguing but troubling. He'd announced his name as Samu but, naturally, Violet's mind found a way to draw the syllables of his name into a more playful concoction of sounds.

"Well, Sammy, thank you for the introduction! It's about time we all start getting acquainted.". Violet turned around at the last part of her sentence and gazed towards those who lingered in the shadows of the uncanny parking lot.

"Let me be the second to formally introduce myself to the group," her slender fingers reached inside her purse and they slowly gripped around a cold metal object. She held the object in the air, causing moonlight to cascade off of the flashy pink surface. Her index finger curled comfortably around a small trigger as she eyed the group one more time.

"My name is Violet Nicole Parilla the First," her voice was chipper and dripping with a languid cheerfulness as her hand tensed around the gun. The silent moments that passed through the night were suddenly interrupted by a low, dangerous hiss. A wave of smoke travelled from the tip of the weapon, followed by a dazzling shower of glitter and sparkles. "But you can call me Sparkle!". She lowered the glitter gun and twirled the cherry red lollipop around her mouth. Flecks of glitter floated through the air, clinging to every possible surface. Violet's porcelain skin was now dusted with a whimsical coat of silver glitter and pink sprinkles.

For a split second, she tasted the feeling of regret as it swirled around in her mind. Then it faded away and she floated back into her creepily enthusiastic state.




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