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Fandom Gyunghong Academy (Vaan and LeeYeonha)


Senior Member
LeeYeonha LeeYeonha

The Gyunhong academy was notorious for producing elite trainers. Located within the Hoenn region, it accepts 50 students into its ranks each year. Despite its small intake, its graduating class is even smaller, with only ten students being permitted to graduate at the end of the four years. Those who graduate would receive the title of a “Gyun” trainer, a title that could get you a job wherever you desired.

This year Semi was among one of the 50 students accepted into the program. After a glance around the room, it seemed that he didn’t even know anyone else who had been accepted. This wasn’t utterly surprising though, as many traveled to Hoehnn for the specific purpose of attending the academy. He had hoped at least one other person from Verdanturf would be present though. Semi fidgeted within his seat, tracing his finger on the Pokeball strapped at his side. He was only allowed to keep one Pokemon on his person, not that he was allowed to let his Swablu out in the school anyway.

The other two pokemon he was allowed to have were tucked away in his backpack, each in their Pokeball as well. Only being allowed to take three pokemon to Gyunhong was a tough restriction for many, but for Semi it was rather easy; he only carried two pokemon usually. It was more of a challenge to find a third, but his mother was more than happy to offer up her Corphish. The Corphish, on the other hand, was not as happy.

He looked ahead, a speaker now beginning to walk onto the stage and to the podium.
Kahna knew she was among the best of the best. She didn't want to mess up her first day because of a stubborn Pokemon!

She tugged at Gengar's arm. "Come on, Gengar!!!! We can't be late!!!!" She yelled, straining to pull him. Gengar began to make straining noises as well as he pulled away, trying to escape back into Kahna's room. "You can't do this to me! This is an elite school! Don't make me put you in the pokeball!!!!" She says, almost falling over at the sudden movement of Gengar.

Gengar attached himself to her leg, hugging it tightly and she laughs. "I thought so." She says, smiling. Kahna realizes that she is wasting precious time and picks Gengar off of her leg. "Let's go!" She says, running out the door, calling a final goodbye to her mother. "Love you, mama! See you in a few weeks!"

Kahna quickly grabs her bike and begins to petal quickly, Gengar following close behind*
Kahna knew she was among the best of the best. She didn't want to mess up her first day because of a stubborn Pokemon!

She tugged at Gengar's arm. "Come on, Gengar!!!! We can't be late!!!!" She yelled, straining to pull him. Gengar began to make straining noises as well as he pulled away, trying to escape back into Kahna's room. "You can't do this to me! This is an elite school! Don't make me put you in the pokeball!!!!" She says, almost falling over at the sudden movement of Gengar.

Gengar attached himself to her leg, hugging it tightly and she laughs. "I thought so." She says, smiling. Kahna realizes that she is wasting precious time and picks Gengar off of her leg. "Let's go!" She says, running out the door, calling a final goodbye to her mother. "Love you, mama! See you in a few weeks!"

Kahna quickly grabs her bike and begins to petal quickly, Gengar following close behind*
( Vaan Vaan just in case I was supposed to tag you.)
As the speaker took to the podium, she placed a hand into the air signaling the room to get quiet. Most knew the woman by her appearance alone, blonde hair tied back into a neat bun and oval glasses seated just on the tip of her nose. As the room silenced, she shuffled some papers giving them a quick scan, “Good evening everyone.”

Semi slouched in his seat, relaxing a bit. She had taken her time getting here, for sure. Though as headmaster of the academy, he was sure that she kept busy.

“If you do not know me, you will. My name is Ms. June, and I am the headmaster at this academy. If you look to the left of the stage, you will see my two chairmen; Mrs. April and Mr. Tobon. As first-year students, the interaction you have with me will be limited… it will be primarily my colleagues here that you will share correspondence with. However, each year I am tasked with assigning the first-year students into their relative squads of three.”

Semi nodded.

“This year I will not be doing so…” she announced to a room which began to fill with whispers, “You will be tasked with finding your own team. You may be aware that, however, there are 50 of you… 49 currently, which means that, mathematically, there will be 16 teams. The two remaining people here today, that do not find teams, will be sent home immediately. Please find your team and be re-seated.”

With those words, Semi felt his heart sink a little bit further into his chest. He quickly shot up out of his seat and began to look around, people already beginning to cluster and exchange names, and he began to move towards a pair situated at the door, but as he approached a red-headed girl quickly intervened, taking his spot.
Kahna and Gengar quickly get off their bikes as they arrive, rushing inside.

Once inside, they search for the correct room. When they find it, they quickly burst in, but when they do, Kahna trips over Gengar, falling into a heap on the floor.

(The next reply will be longer. This is just short for reactions)

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