[Guide] The Titans Initiative

  • Sir Les Paul

    The Duke of Chords
    Titans Initiative

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    "The new League will be made of people with self-control. Restraint. Discipline. The age of Heroes is over."
    — Joseph Waller, III

    The Titan Initiative is a first line training program for young talent, meta-humans and people of interest whom intend on joining the United League of Justice (ULJ). The program is designed in to shape potential recruits into the ideal 'agents' as per the objective definitions of the Hand of Justice, Joseph Waller, III. More specifically, it is aimed at creating more reliable members of the League and straightening out troublesome youths.

    The new Titans are located in San Francisco, California within the third Titan Tower created by Victor Stone (Cyborg) himself. Not only do these halls echo with the nostalgia of the previous generation of Titans, lead then by the late, legendary Nightwing, but they boast resources, security and a constructive environment for Titans as they make their way to becoming fully established Agents of the League.

    The Titans take elements from the former success of teams comprised of 'side kicks' of mainstream heroes and into their maturity as heroes themselves. There is no mistake in the thought that the Titans are an independent branch of the ULJ, not just a group set aside for training. Thus, all members of the Titans Initiative are at minimum dubbed Junior Agents and represent the League individually.

    Unlike all other members of the League, the Titans are not divided into the Alpha, Beta and Gamma Branches. Titans are assigned onto teams based on their individual personalities, teamwork and their perceived potential for success among a set of individuals. Therefore, teams within the Titans focus more on developing teamwork skills in the present before working on integrating into various teams. Teams will also have the opportunity to be more diverse than most other branches, resulting in more immediate exposure to others of different abilities and power levels.

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