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Fandom Guardians of the Animeverse OOC

Yeah Just realized I forgot the title DFUCDFDVGTJF

Anyway for your question about Digimon there will be some limitations about how powerful they can be since I don't want this to become a rp of just power and have our goal be easy like that. You picked Agumon right? Well I am going to say that he can only have a few moves.
(Alright, So can his forms be all the way up to ultimate?)
Are the homunculus from Fullmetal alchemist allowed? I thought I’d ask because of them being hard to kill.
So, so far we have the Digimon universe, Seven Deadly sins, Fullmetal alchemist, One Piece

which one should we travel to first?
What kind of image are you using because it only allows specific images
This is gonna be ‘fun’ with having Envy as a companion 👀
Somehow with meliodas and his terrible cooking wouldmake things funny
I’m looking forward if they find out what Envy did to Hughes.
But what will happen if tai forces Agumon to Dark digivolve again into skullgreymon
Then there’s that nameless ishvalan kid he killed in disguise as a soldier..

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