
The Ying and Yang
Name - Marco

Age - 32

Hero Name/Alias/Nickname - The Teller/ Scarecrow

Appearance - 

Gender - Male

Height - 6'2

Weight - 152 LB

Personality - A force of nature as he has been described. He is a hard person to figure out so the best way to put it, insane. He is capable of full mood switches and manipulation. He is a unconquerable man, at least not for long. He has a 'hit it until it is dust' mentality, showing no mercy.

Emotionally he is unstable, He is considered Bipolar. He goes from one extreme to another, another way to manipulate for him.

Powers - 

He lacks pain, Completely. Which is a upside and downside. You figure out how.

'(shadow)Double Strike' When he strikes a target he has a 'shadow clone' strike like him making all of his attacks effectively hit twice

Penetrate - His attacks with whatever he has, even his fist. He does lost of damage. Penetrating small amounts of titanium Armour. 1 cm to be a exact.

Abilities/Skills -

good night vision

melee expert


Weaknesses -

cant shoot worth a shit.

Affiliation - LIST, a company dedicated to experimentation.

Bio- A scientist made evil, he was a nice man that is being controlled subconsciously by a over mind. He broke free a long time ago but influence stays in him.

Alignment -  Chaotic Evil

Job - Scientist

Other -
Name - Marco

Age - 32

Hero Name/Alias/Nickname - The Teller/ Scarecrow

Appearance - 

Gender - Male

Height - 6'2

Weight - 152 LB

Personality - A force of nature as he has been described. He is a hard person to figure out so the best way to put it, insane. He is capable of full mood switches and manipulation. He is a unconquerable man, at least not for long. He has a 'hit it until it is dust' mentality, showing no mercy.

Emotionally he is unstable, He is considered Bipolar. He goes from one extreme to another, another way to manipulate for him.

Powers - 

He lacks pain, Completely. Which is a upside and downside. You figure out how.

'(shadow)Double Strike' When he strikes a target he has a 'shadow clone' strike like him making all of his attacks effectively hit twice

Penetrate - His attacks with whatever he has, even his fist. He does lost of damage. Penetrating small amounts of titanium Armour. 1 cm to be a exact.

Abilities/Skills -

good night vision

melee expert


Weaknesses -

cant shoot worth a shit.

Affiliation - LIST, a company dedicated to experimentation.

Bio- A scientist made evil, he was a nice man that is being controlled subconsciously by a over mind. He broke free a long time ago but influence stays in him.

Alignment -  Chaotic Evil

Job - Scientist

Other -

Nice to see you again ;)

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