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Fantasy Group of Immortals (inspired by TOG) - OCs


Fly me to the moon...
Character sheet:

OOC/plot information:

Are you open to pre-established relationships (be it platonic or romantic)?:
When/where would you like to start the story with your character (before/during their meeting with the group or after they've known each other for a while)?:

Character information:
When did they found out they are immortal:
Place of birth:
OOC/plot information:
Are you open to pre-established relationships (be it platonic or romantic) Of Course

When/where would you like to start the story with your character (before/during their meeting with the group or after they've known each other for a while) Anything is fine with me.

Character information:

Name: Sincere Noir (Currently) Antoni Gilded (Formerly) Anansi of Egypt (Originally)

Age: Appears 22

When did they find out they were immortal: 3 BC, but he was raised being told he was immortal.

Place of birth: The Mediteranian Sea

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual


Height: 6’2

Weight: 142lbs

Eye Color: Grey

Hair Color: Black



Sincere is a creative at heart and in every way possible. From singing in the shower to dancing while waiting in long lines, he expresses his imagination and creativity however he can. At his core Sincere is selfish, vain, and proud. His early years have instilled in him a sense of superiority that has yet to be shaken by time or experience. That being said, he did learn compassion, empathy, and sacrifice from his time playing god. He cares deeply for the well-being of his loved ones and goes to remarkable lengths to bring them happiness, even if he must get his hands dirty to do so.

Interacting with others is an easy task for Sincere as he has always been surrounded by multitudes of people and spoken upon some of the grandest stages in history. He can fake the most genuine smile and can wear the saddest face even when happier than a bird in the sky. Lying is a talent of his, honed through centuries of acting and practice.

When fighting in combat Sincere is a bit absent. He prefers to fight his opponents using stealth and weaponry or items that allow him to inflict pain with little risk to himself. Sneak attacks, archery, and the use of poison are Sincere’s preferred method of warfare.

Skillset: Anansi’s skills lean more towards the shadows and unseen arts. Taking down enemies unnoticed, undermining and undoing the efforts of another, and moving unseen are skills Anansi is known for. He is also a world historian and speaks perfect Latin, Arabic, Maya and Spanish. He is of course a phenomenal actor.


During the final century of the Egyptian empire a woman and her husband sailed across the sea from Africa to Italy for the final time. During their voyage the woman became a mother, finally going into labor and giving birth to an immortal baby. The day prior to their arrival in the roman empire, the ship was destroyed by a violent storm that could only have been the work of Poseidon himself. The crew and every passenger died, even the newborn baby, but in the morning as the sun rose on the beaches of Italy, the cries of an infant drew the attention of a traveling theater group. The shrieking baby was all that had washed up from the wreckage, the rest lost to the sea. Seeing him there in the sand, basking in sunlight, unharmed and seemingly healthy, the eldest of the group declared the baby a child of Jupiter. A newborn god.

Anansi, is what the African immigrants called him and that is the name he chose while the Italians named him Dionysus in belief he was the god of Theater for having appeared to a theater group. He was worshiped off and on stage as a superior being and this fame drew the attention of the Emperor himself. How could a god walk among them and not meet the Emperor of Rome to bestow his blessings upon their leader. Anansi was amused and refused the Emperor’s audience. Although he had been raised by and grew up among mortals, he did not believe anyone to be above himself, not even an Emperor with massive armies. For his refusal, the armies of Rome were sent to Anansi’s home town to challenge the boy’s divinity. When faced with the overwhelming might of Rome, Anansi’s home was crushed and he would have become a prisoner had a stranger not shown up and rescued him.

The two fled from Rome, but Anansi was used to a more lavish lifestyle and quickly sought out new worshipers. And he found them, even those that would wage war for the god of theater. Eventually the followers became fewer and fewer until Christianity put an end to Rome’s pantheon and killed many polytheistic religions in the “civilized” world. That was when he left Europe and traveled to what is now known as South America. There the natives swooned over his immortality and the cycle began anew. This time he learned to fight from his Mayan followers and waged war beside them against neighboring empires and foreign invaders.

Having lived for so long at this point, Anansi could see the signs of decline like a red alert going off. Yet another empire began to fall and he could do nothing to prevent it. For all his immortality he lacked the power to stave off time and soon enough even the Mayans ceased to believe in him and eventually they fell. He was now hard pressed for followers again, Those who would have gone to war for Anansi were now gone and so he sought out his old hero and vowed to stay by their side till the end of time. The rest is history.

This is an Aztec/Mayan weapon called Macuahuitl, it
OOC/plot information:

Are you open to pre-established relationships (be it platonic or romantic)?
Yes to both. I like the idea of pre-established relationships, so message me if you're interested in that with my character :)

When/where would you like to start the story with your character (before/during their meeting with the group or after they've known each other for a while)?:
I’m open to anything

Character information:

: Alexandra of Sparta

Age: 2804

When did they found out they are immortal:
When she was coming back from the market, Alexandra was viciously attacked by a criminal. To her – and the criminal’s – surprise, the numerous stab wounds healed immensely quickly. Needless to say, out of the two of them, it wasn’t Alexandra who lost her life that day.

Place of birth: Sparta, Ancient Greece

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual



Alexandra’s fierceness is perhaps the first thing one notices about her. There’s a fire within her that seems to never quell, no matter how much her opponents would try to extinguish it and break her. She’s tough, and seems to have an incredibly high pain tolerance, and incredibly low care for her own well being in an emergency situation - whether that is a bi-product of the way she was raised, or simply a trait she developed over the centuries, she isn’t sure. She values discipline and hard work highly, and has little patience for a bad attitude.

She holds herself with a high confidence that may at times slip into cockiness - it’s easy to do so, with her age and skill set. In battle, she’s a force to be reckoned with. She’s stupidly brave and while she isn’t exactly fond of killing, she’d do it without hesitation. Alexandra doesn’t exactly have aggression problems, but the will to fight has been ingrained in her since she was a child and despite herself, a fight is often instinctually her first action to solve a problem, even if it’s not the option she ends up picking in the end. That, paired with her inability to back down from one often caused her some trouble over the ages.

Alexandra is a bit blunt, a bit sarcastic, and can, at times, seem a bit stand-offish. She’s ancient, and very much burdened by the past - nonetheless she tries to adapt to the current age to the best of her ability. She’s not the best with tech, though.

She’s terribly protective of her fellow immortals, especially Sincere. Alexandra feels responsible for them, and cares for them more than she’d like to admit. She may not be the best at expressing her emotions with words, but she definitely does so with action.

A passion for learning burns within her almost as bright as her fierceness. It’s nearly obsessive, how devoted she can get when trying to learn something, her natural curiosity fueled by her nearly desperate need to chase away her existential crisis. She tends to hyperfocus on things - be it learning something, or her mission.

There’s a wiseness, behind her eyes. She’s quick to action, but she’s intelligent and has a knack for strategy. Alexandra has been through a lot, and lost a lot, but she tries to keep her heart… reasonably open.

Alexandra is a skilled linguist and is fluent in numerous languages. She’s also skilled in topics related to geography and battle tactics. She’s an incredibly skilled combatant and can wield numerous weapons – though a Greek kopis sword remains her main choice. She’s also a good marksman, though she is more proficient in close combat than long-distance combat. Alexandra also likes to dance.


Alexandra was born in Sparta in 784 BC. She had a standard childhood, and married at the age of 18. She had two sons, who later died in battle. Her husband soon followed. Alexandra chose to not remarry. After discovering her immense healing abilities, Alexandra was allowed into the army itself and served there for many years. After she helped the Greek army defeat the Thebans – which, she concluded, was the reason she was made immortal – she left Greece and started traveling throughout the world to learn about different cultures and fighting techniques as well as learn more languages.

She returned to the Mediterranean’s when the Roman Empire was at its peak. She fought battles alongside the legionnaires, met the Caesar and even entertained the job of a gladiatrix for a few years. It was then that she met Sincere, and fled with him from the Caesar after saving him.

During the Dark Ages she was accused of witchcraft and underwent months of torture until she escaped. She spent a few years away from civilization after that, losing her faith in humanity for a while.

Throughout history, she fought for what she believed was right. Battles, wars – she took part in too many of them to even list. And now? Now, she’s continuing her missions, as she genuinely believes that that is her purpose in this world.

Relationships -

Alex tries to keep her heart... reasonably open. She's afraid of giving her heart to anyone, because she had already lost a lot of loved ones in her life. She's open to flings, but the moment things get serious or too long, she runs. After losing her two sons she never became a mother again, and she absolutely does not want any more children, given that the pain of losing her first two hasn't subsided.

Alexandra's the leader of the old guard, and so she feels responsible for them. She's very protective of each and every immortal in the team, and she's very loyal.

Sincere - her closest companion, her brother in everything but blood, and probably her (platonic) other half. Alex is especially protective over him, given both the circumstances of their first meeting and the fact that he was the first immortal (the first person who wouldn't die on her) that she met. She admires his creativity, and while his god complex isn't her favorite thing in the world, she's conscious of the fact that it has probably helped them outa few times. I think he's the only person in the world who can pull her out of the dark whenever she slips into an existential crisis or blood-rage in a fight.

Cookie / Niki - Alex isn't intimidated by her intense presence as most people would be - instead, she's almost.. admiring of it. She finds it enthralling, in a way - well, unless their at odd at the moment. They're both very similar and very different, and the unique combination created a sort of love / hate relationship between them, that Alex isn't always sure what to think of - she just knows that Cookie's loyalty and protectiveness drive her to be a better leader for the team. Oh and then there's dancing... Alex is enthralled by the other woman when she dances, her passion and talent. Is she aware that Cookie's eyes sometimes wander when dancing? Of course, but she can't judge when her own do the same.

Augustus - Alexandra is appreciative of his maturity and how responsible he is - she doesn't really voice it often, but she's glad to have someone like him in her corner. Both of them were raised and trained to be soldiers in Mediterranean cultures with a high military prowess and both had fought in countless ancient wars - which makes Alex relate to him on that specific level, even if she's not very fond of his homeland, and of the fact that his presence reminds her of it. Given that he's the hacker of the team, he became Alex's go-to for tech troubles and questions (as she's not very good with modern technology, despite her best efforts).

Rune - Alex isn't sure how to approach Rune. She knows she intimidates them, but given her less-than-stellar communication skills, Alex isn't sure how to stop that, despite honestly wanting Rune to feel more comfortable with her. So she tries to share her passion and knowledge of languages and hopes Rune following through stems from a place of inspiration, not fear. With how fearful they are of the world, I can see Alex trying to foster and instill more confidence into them.
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"Cookie / Niki" | The Wildling


'Nikté Ja Kookay Itzamarra'

1025 yo (looks mid 20's) | 5'11" | 170lbs | Hazel Eyes | Chestnut Hair | Tan Skin | Lesbian
She/Her(s) | Yucatan Peninsula | Pre-Established Platonic | With Old Guard for centuries


FC: Hope Beel


+ Imposing, Piercing Gaze, Intense Presence
+ Excellent Senses, Instincts and Perceptive
+ Reserves Judgement, Free-thinker yet Loyal
+ Loves animals, knowlegeable and is a 'Whisperer'
+ Strong-willed, Brave and Protective of Old Guard

- Cold, Calculating, Closed-off Emotionally
- Impulsive and Unpredictable, down right Inconsiderate at times
- Aggressive and Violent on the drop of a dime. Physical show of force is first choice.
- Willing to do whatever it takes to keep Old Guard safe and secure; even dirty Gov't Black-Ops.
- Poor communicator, anti-social to outsiders, needs a year to herself in the wild intermitantly.


  • Mother was half-Norse Viking and half-Beothuk (Pre-Canadian Peoples). Father was Mayan.
  • Niki was 2nd born twin on the Mayan Great Pyramid under the Moon of Ixchel and both given Mayan names.
  • Mother was Immortal that denied the call of the Old Guard and Immortality was short lived; for whatever reason, she made it to the Yucatan to have her children and 'pass' the power to one of the 'Firefly' Twins.
  • Niki found out she herself was immortal when she 'died' giving birth. Niki came back to life but her baby never took a breath. Niki's Mother was blamed as a false goddess and sacrificed; it was her 'time' and her immortality had passed onto Niki.
  • Niki and her sister took over her peoples by coup and ruled successfully. She, the 'Jaguar Flower' since she was a beast friend and master tracker. Her sister, the 'Moon Feather' as the spiritual leader and wise woman
  • Her sister betrayed her and tried to 'steal' her 'godhood.' Niki defeated her sister and forgave her but her sister never forgave herself and took her own life.
  • Niki fled into the jungle and lived alone in the wilderness for 7 years, becoming the revered and feared legendary "Jaguar Lady."
  • After finally dreaming about the others in the Old Guard, she returned to her people and dug around. Literally. Found old records re: a 'walking enlightened darkened god' and decided to travel the world and seek him out (Sincere).


  • Ajaw Kookay is the honorific her people called her; "Noblest Firefly". But the Old Guard misheard and thought she said her name was "Cookie" and it stuck.
  • Will physically assault any outside of the Old Guard that calls her "Cookie."
  • Grabbing her wrist and massaging it is a sign she is going to be violent.
  • Scratching behind her ears is a sign she is unsure or lying.
  • Despite the cold demeanour, she loves to wear bright and colourful clothing.
  • Doesn't care for humour but can be found hiding a smile upon hearing puns. Also when no one is around she will cutesy talk with animals.
  • When music with a good beat plays, her hips and shoulders move subconciously
  • Sometimes other Old Guard members will wake up finding her flopped on top of them like a giant puppy.


  • Survivalist - trained to hunt, build, forage and survive in multiple climates and multiple geographical locations.
  • Outdoor Athlete - expert swimmer/diver, climber (free and line work), surfer, kayaker, skier, dog sledder, horse-riding.
  • Animal 'Whisperer' - especially canines and horses. Actually lived in a wolf pack for years.
  • Close combat - big girl, big attitude, big fight. Learned multiple fighting styles and has her own martial art; "Jaguar Flower."
  • Marksmanship - Sidearms, rifles, semi/auto weapons, cross bow, bow and arrow even. Not as good as fighting up close, but can still shoot 'em up reeeeeal good too.
  • Heavy Weapons and Explosives - making things go boom puts a smile on her face.
  • Fave personal weapons is her short spear, "Mariposa" and her gun, an IMI Tavor GTAR-21 "Hadita"
  • And yeah dancing. She loves to dance, and is really good at it.
  • Plays guitar and drums too.


  • Every failed relationship, each person she loved and outlived, whether friend or lover was another dagger in her heart that drove her to use this immortality to do only good. But each dagger eventually cut deeper until it pierced her soul. The only daughter, mother and sister she would ever have gave their lives for her immortality and because of that; Nikté Ja has hated herself every single day since the first day she became immortal.


Cookie is not into romance at all. Over the years she had her fill of broken hearts and outliving lovers and friends. It's why she such a cold bitch now.

Make no mistake she loves everyone in the Old Guard and is deadass loyal. But she is selfish and has an attitude problem. She is very "I do what I want when I want" despite her loyalty. Hard to read what she really wants or needs socially/emotionally. And it does not help she is a poor communicator too.

Augustus - I can see her as annoying to Augustus since she is a poor communicator and ot takes time to tease out a convo with her. I imagine she's just walked out when he loses his cool. I think out of them all (so far) she is most distant with Augustus. I think where they do have the best chemistry is on the battlefield. If its not about personal feelings or emotions and its all about being bad ass, I think they get along just fine. She tends to tune out his tirades and chastisings like she did with her mom, but listens whole-heartedly to his strategies and weapons/combat advice.​
Sincere - I think she and he are hang out buds. She is enthralled with his creativity but not fond at all of his silver tongue (lies) but goes along with it. I can see her showing her playful side with him and jabbing back and forth with their modified Mayan dialect. I think with Sincere she sees in him that which she had missed out when she was a child with her twin sister. And although she is resistant, she knows that somewhere inside her these playful moments are healing ones.​
Alexandra - She and Cookie are much too similar yet too different that I see them butting heads alot. But my gosh dancing... Both women live to dance and I see Cookie being absolutely enchanted by Alex when they dance. And though she tries to hide it, she cannot help but stare at all the wrong places when Alex does dance. I think Cookie sees too many traits of her twin sister in Alex thus furthering the love|hate and that just drives her to constantly be better and err on the side of doing good.​
Rune - Another too similar yet too different. But I do not seeing them butting heads. There is a commonality that I see Cookie trying to foster; the wilderness, survival and their place in it. If anything, I think Cookie sees alot of herself in Rune. Glimpses in their eyes reveal deep seeded pain. I see Cookie yearning to stroke their cheek, run a hand through their hair or just hold them and let them know it will all be okay. But that would be letting down walls built up over centuries. That cannot happen; Cookie will never hurt again.​

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Name: Augustus Vesta
Nickname: Augustus of Rome
Age: 900 (Looks 38)
Place of Birth: Rome, Italy
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Sexuality: Gay


Hair: Black, cut short, always styled
Eyes: Light Brown
Skin: Tanned
Build: Muscular, tall, and athletic
Height: 6'2

Augustus is strong-willed, passionate, determined, and confident. He loves to help people out but doesn't like to be thanked or celebrated. Ever since he was a young child he's always been mature and responsible. He is always ready to fight for what he thinks is right and is very wise with his words and knowledge. Augustus is always learning and trying to perfect himself in battle and in his personal life.
Augustus was born in Rome, Italy in 1122. He grew up training and preparing for coming wars and battles. All his life he fought in many wars and battles that spanned many, many years. He was soon one of the greatest warriors in Rome and no one could stop him. It wasn't until the War of the Roses that he was killed. That is when Augustus found out he was immortal. After coming back to life, he went on to win the war for Edward IV. Augustus started having dreams of the members of The Old Guard and he went to find them.
Are you open to pre-established relationships (be it platonic or romantic)?: Open to anything
When/where would you like to start the story with your character (before/during their meeting with the group or after they've known each other for a while)?: Open to anything

Augustus has a large weapon collection full of different guns, swords, knives, explosives, etc. His favorite weapon is his M1911 pistol and two Khopesh swords.
He is skilled in over 170 different types of martial arts. He is a highly skilled and advanced marksman, strategist, tactician, gymnast, acrobatic, swordsman, hacker, and aerialist.
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Dearly Departed

Full Name

Lottie "Rune" Taylor


Salem, Massachusetts






Salem Witch Trials


Panromantic Demisexual

Date of Birth

June 25, 1672

  • Hair

    Rune keep their hair right below their shoulders. They were born naturally blonde and never tried to change it. They often just wear it down in loose waves or tie it back in a loose ponytail.


    Their eyes are baby blue with some freckles scattered within. They are often told it looks like they have stars in their eyes.


    5'5" (165cm)

    Body Mods

    They have several tattoos scattered on their body. Every single one of them have a meaning. Their favorite one is the lunar moth right above their left knee in remembrance of their last partner.

    They also have a septum piercing.


    Sydney Sweeney

♡coded by uxie♡

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