|Grim's Manor for the Unholy|

Alice jumped and stopped when someone landed next to her. She listened to him talk, then just stared at his hand for a long minute before looking at him, not saying anything but remaining in silence.
When the girl said nothing the smile whipped off his face. So you refuse the head angel he raised his sword but when he thought about it he said, "No no I can't take a soul," looking at the fallen one he flew away crying.
Grim was distracted by the fact that Roselyn and Myles wouldn't shut up."Look! She talked! It's fine! Now could you two do something productive!?"

Roselyn snarled, "I'm not going to baby sit him if that's what you're asking." With that stated Roselyn walked off somewhere up stairs into the manor.

Myles sighed and headed towards the front door, "I'm taking a break..." He muttered, going outside. He sensed the presence of two. He looked around and saw a girl over by the gate. "You can just walk in, the door is unlocked!" Myles told her.
She watched, and slowly frowned a bit. She didn't want to seem mean, for that wasn't what she had been aiming for. She was simply a very cautious person, and for some reason presumed that he was going to hurt her, though after she thought about it, she shouldn't have presumed so. She watched as he flew away, with a tilted head.
The angel whipped up his tears and flew down to meet Grim when nobody was paying attention. "Why do you put up with those two," he said. "Aren't there hundreds of demons, your selection is not limited to just those two."
Grim sighed, remembering the incident about one hundred years ago. "I put up with them...because...I care..." He said, smiling slightly. "Especially Myles...I worry for him just as much as I did years ago..."
Alice continued to wander around the manor, and ended up in a random room, that she boredly had walked into.
Alice continued to wander around the manor, and ended up in a random room, that she boredly had walked into.
Grim shook his head and laughed, patting Caricon's back, "You know it's not a bad thing to have them..." His tone was a bit serious, which was rare for him.

"But! I wouldn't expect one who has never lived to know what it means to 'care' or to 'love' or to have any stated opinion besides the one in those fairy-tales you call a bible~" Grim teased. "Oh and you can figure out the people here on you're own."

Proving to be no help, Grim laughed and started heading towards the library, where he spends most of his time.
Exhausted, Alice slowly fell asleep with her forehead resting against her knees in the random room she had found, still sitting on the floor, her sword laid on the ground right beside her.
He was left in the room alone. When he flew to his usual spot. he considered the thought. Life that acutely might be fun to learn what it is like to be a mortal. No I can't fall into temptation. I must stay in my form continue to watch over Grim. But no matter what he did he couldn't get the thought out of his head. So he decided to talk to the wised person on that matter here. He went to the courtyard he paced around until he found the grave that was of the house's last owner. He set a rose on it and said, "Oh spirit please tell me what is it like to be mortal." He then backed away and watched the fireworks.
Alice slept silently in the room, her sword seeming to softly glow a dim red beside her. Without movement, and without sound, she slept rather peacefully, for she was completely exhausted. In normal circumstances, she wouldn't have allowed herself to sleep due to the fact that she was so cautious.
Lillian, the ghost who walked among the graves had shown herself. She had died an old woman, but her spirit was young and free so she was shown in her youth, fresh at age nineteen, the age when she lived the most. Her presence was for the most part, solid, but she tended to fade in an out as she began to speak. "What it's like to be human? Ha! Look at me now..." She said, pushing her hand through her chest, "I'm nothing more than air," She laughed not taking the angel seriously.

Roselyn walked through the manor but heard someone breathing in one of the rooms. She opened the door slightly and poked her head in hoping for it to be something interesting but it was just the mute girl from earlier, she frowned. "Psh...lame..." she whispered to herself.
Immediately waking up from the whisper, Alice opened her eyes quickly and lifted her head, looking at Roselyn immediately.
"The question is not to ask what is it like to be a human the question is what was it like to be a human," he replied trying to get the spirit's attention.
"Sheesh, relax, just continue sleeping...it's not like you're any fun so you've proven to be no use to me..." Roselyn taunted, her fangs exposed while she laughed.

When she closed her mouth, her teeth grazed her lip and cut it open. This has happened multiple times and Roselyn winced at the own pain she has given herself.

"Ow..." She muttered while wiping the blackened blood off her lip. 
Lillian paused, "Oh..." She mumbled and took a seat on top of her tomb stone. She didn't have to sit down, it's not like she's tired or anything, but it was a force of habit from being human once before.

Lillian sighed, "It hurt...a lot...much more than you could ever imagine..."
Alice rolled her eyes at Roselyn but didn't put her head back down, watching her and thinking of how childish she was acting, though Alice couldn't really talk, for many times before she was even more childish.
"Painful," sticking out his tongue like he had a bad flavor in his mouth,"What's pain like?" He had never experienced anything except comfort.
"Well...I've been through a lot more than an average human would have to...all the pain I went through was to prepare me for what I had to do..." Lillian explained. She looked down at her fading hands and sighed heavily, "Pain...pain only hurts so much physically before it goes numb...but it's the emotional pain that hurts the most..." She tried to explain.

Roselyn sighed, "You know what...whatever, you don't have to talk to me or like me," she snapped. "Just keep to yourself then..."
"What does pain feel like?" He knows what emotional pain is. You can't go through the history of the world without feeling emotional pain. But this physical stuff was. "Please explain it better."
Lillian got up and brushed imaginary dust off before lunging her hand right through the angel's chest. "If I could actually hurt you, and rip out whatever was inside of you...you'll feel nothing at first...." Lillian started. "You'd be in shock because you're brain wouldn't be able to handle that much pain...but after awhile you would feel this achy sensation, making it harder for you to move...to breath. You feel yourself slipping away...and then...you die..." Lillian removed her hand from his chest and floated back. "That's what it is..."

Roselyn saw this and she raised an eyebrow at her, "Oh...so we're playing those games now...how about this?" Roselyn stuck out her tongue, and she used mind manipulation to make it seem like her tongue touched the floor and was long and coiling like a snake.

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