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One x One Grimorium Verum [dappledlion & Viper]


your local "useless" femme lesbian
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I'm going to post my character sheet here, you can too if you feel so inclined. c:
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Name: Trinity Grace Barnes

Nickname: Trin

Age: Twenty Two

Gender: Female


• Antiques

• Animals

• Rain



• Insects

• Being Cold


• Vintage Shears

• World War II Trivia

• Indie Music


• Dolls

• Moths

• Creepy Children

Important Information: Trinity is a struggling Art Major, she's currently visiting her Mother in her small Texas hometown for summer break. If it weren't for financial troubles Trinity would have never returned to her childhood home, opting for her Mother visiting in the dorms. It's not the close minded locals, the nonsensical urban legends or a new appreciation for city life. No, no. It is instead that she must face her own guilt at the one and only secret she keeps. At sixteen Trinity driving illegally and intoxicated hit a young boy and fled the scene, the police could never find sufficient evidence to convict her. She's been running from her conscience ever since.

Disclaimer: I've added the hit and run, phobias and dislikes as possible things to manipulate or use against Trinity. Let me know if there's any more information you'd like to see. I kept it relatively basic but if you have questions lemme know!

Surgat- He Who Opens All Locks

Gender: Male

Species: Greed Demon




He is a demon of darkness who thrives as a shadow and cannot be shaken (exorcised) or be kept out by any kind of lock, even if it does not require a key. With just a thought he can lock or unlock and entire building and every safe within it. Surgat is associated with wealth and thievery, in the past people used to leave him gold coins or old keys at the front of their homes in order to appease him. Thieves also used to make sacrifices to him in the hopes for successful raids, but now adays people summon him and ask for money or other material wealth. He can only be summoned by a person in possession of one of his keys but just because he was summoned does not mean that he has to listen or behave.

During the day he is confined into a house and/or a place of darkness. He cannot touch sunlight without being harmed and standing in any form of light is safer for you (since you can at least see him then) yet sunlight is the only true defense. Things like electric lights, candles, etc make him weaker but don't actually harm him. He can still interact with the world even in the presence of unnatural light. He grows stronger during the night (the new moon he is at his strongest) and the darker the room or thicker the shadows the more dangerous he is. Being in a pitch black room with him is basically suicide. Basically, sunlight is the only safety you have and you can use artificial light to ward yourself or keep an eye on him if you're trying to escape or survive.

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