

Magic Eight Ball
Where to begin? I just turned 27 (gasp) and have been roleplaying since I was 13, gradually building into a decent enough writer. I'm no George R.R. Martin, but I can be somewhat enttertaining.

I find myself with more free time lately than I know what to do with, so I figured I may as well dust off my keyboard and give it a go. I prefer 1x1's and females for my characters, though I can play male just as easily if I like the idea for the story. I have no issues with doubling, so don't be afraid to ask. My post length can vary from 2-3 meaty paragraphs to an entire page. Just let me know what you're up for. Well, that's about it I suppose!
Welcome to the wonderful world of RPN.
Glad to have you here and be sure to watch your step.
Somebody closer to my age. Feeling less alone. Good to have ya here with us. I'm your go to shady-individual-you-should-absolutely-question guy if you need medical help. Remember; don't panic, call the mechanic. The chime is a work in progress.

What kind of genre's do you favour?
Ah, I am not the only old fart on here 😂 I enjoy many genres from science fiction to fantasy, but my true love will always be historical fiction. I do a crave a few fandoms here and there, but I am always up for anything steeped in history and lore. 😍 Bloody battles, breathless romances, epic betrayals, court intrigue...absolutely glorious.
Somebody closer to my age. Feeling less alone. Good to have ya here with us. I'm your go to shady-individual-you-should-absolutely-question guy if you need medical help. Remember; don't panic, call the mechanic. The chime is a work in progress.

What kind of genre's do you favour?

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