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Fantasy Greenbrier: The Town of Supernaturals

hey I'm going to invite a few more people here... is that ok? @FantasyForever1 @Aqua @Newtype @Ninja God @ashlynn @Krillin
I'm soooooooo sorry I haven't been replying. Its just been super busy with finals and father's day.

I would totally understand if you want me to drop out
Don't worry about it, I haven't been as active as I should be either. My laptop has been screwing up even more than usual and it's hard to rp on my phone. Don't worry about it :) @WolfsbaneRain
Hey, did I warn you guys that I was leaving for Philmont, New Mexico for two weeks on a hiking trip?

I'm back now. Recap?!
Well, nothing much has really happened. Bushido, his childe Calypso, Misty, and Ivran are all in Paris. Jade, Javik, Hyde, Luna, and Adam (a new werewolf) are all in town. People have just been talking really
...Is Sandra around? She was previously with Bael and Anishnaabe and thus the only one they know well.
Sorry guys! I missed a notification.

Then I got caught up in an important scene in my main RPG. I'm kind of the second-in-command and the captain's moving out of her apartment and I had to take over. I'm back! Where is everyone? Town?
Sorry!! I wasn't getting notifications for this (no idea why...) and assumed it shut down! Is there a possibility I can start again with the same character?

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Hey guys, I'm trying to get my priorities in order and while I do like this RPG, I want to lighten my RP load so I have a MUCH slower day. I'm just trying to focus on other things so I'm gonna drop this RPG.

I really dislike doing this :(

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