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Fantasy Greek Mythology Expanded Universe RP?


now i know how joan of arc felt
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Heyo! To start off, I'd like to say that I am Hellenistic,/Dodeketheistic/whatever you wanna call the modern religion of the old gods. So I have been very eager to create or be a part of an Old God-centric RP that's actually NOT Percy Jackson related LOL. Anyways heres the shebang:

Divinity Usurped
As Hades, king of the Underworld, once said to his fellow gods on one of the rare visits to Mount Olympus, "If you dare take one of mine, I'll take one million of yours, an eye for an eye." This was in response to a debate on whether or not to employ the lost souls of warriors that were killed in combat as soldiers for future wars, as suggested by none other than Hades' own brother, Zeus, the king of the Gods and the God of the sky! Hades cared not for the Olympus' God's conflicts and wars, he would much rather bide his time existing in his own realm with his greatly beloved wife Persephone. This was meant to be his fate, or so he thought; One tragic night in the Springtime, when Persephone was released back to the overworld to visit her mother and give life to the earth, she was brutally assasinated. Hades was devastated, he felt as though he let her down, he could have stopped it from happening, he could have stopped her Killer. Persephone's mother Demeter, God of the grain and growth, blamed Hades for her untimely death, so she went to Zeus, who was also Persephone's father, to seek revenge. Zeus was outraged at the news and planned for war, knowing that his brother would soon be coming for him for Hades had lost the one thing he held dear to him, also beceause he had caught wind of something much darker, a shadow conspiracy.
code/design by Fable Fable
Who are you?

You can play as any Greek race you would like, within balancing limits (No OP races.)
However your characters will be Demi-Gods that are going to be wrapped up in the oncoming war of the gods, your characters are meant to be OCs and not Demi-gods that actually exist already.
As a big fan of Greek Mythology I am so interested! So I could be Zeus's son? What about the other gods since Zeus is mainly the one who goes out and have his way with female mortals. Like for example, I assume we can't pick Hades as my father because he doesn't go out and rape everyone. But, Ares could be my father because he does in fact rapes dozens of mortals. Am I correct or do we just not look too deeply in the lore of Greek Mythology?
As a big fan of Greek Mythology I am so interested! So I could be Zeus's son? What about the other gods since Zeus is mainly the one who goes out and have his way with female mortals. Like for example, I assume we can't pick Hades as my father because he doesn't go out and rape everyone. But, Ares could be my father because he does in fact rapes dozens of mortals. Am I correct or do we just not look too deeply in the lore of Greek Mythology?
Yes you can, and you're right about Hades. He is also going to be an important character to the story, which I haven't fully revealed. Also i'm going to be delving really deep into the lore but obviously changing stuff around for the RP, will keep most of it authentic though.
Yes you can, and you're right about Hades. He is also going to be an important character to the story, which I haven't fully revealed. Also i'm going to be delving really deep into the lore but obviously changing stuff around for the RP, will keep most of it authentic though.

Nice. I am definitely interested.
I would be greatly interested in this setting. Do you have a time frame for when this starts?
Probably sometime this week, just need 2 more people for the minimum.
I'm interested in playing a ghost/strigoi. I have some ideas in mind for that.
Sounds interesting, but Strigoi aren't really in greek mythology right? Im not too informed in the vampire related myths (i think thats Romanian)

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