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Fantasy Greatest Outcasts

Nenma Takashi

Terribly Terrible
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Appearance:(Anime pic prefferably)








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Personality:kind and loving but fierce and bright and strong when she needs to be.

Bio:She used to be part of a nice kind family. However then her powers started to spiral out of control. Disgusted with her, her parents kicked her out.


Group:(leave this n/a for now)

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Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Kumagawa.Misogi.full.885642.jpeg.fd3426ded3529bbb30ee936f67a05b81.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138116" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Kumagawa.Misogi.full.885642.jpeg.fd3426ded3529bbb30ee936f67a05b81.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name:Haru Senji




Personality:Haru is as loud and proud as his power, but also like his power the loudness is only a facade. Really Haru is a quick thinker and looks for the most logical answer and choice, but he can be driven to jump head first into danger if it's someone he cares about. Haru will laugh and use his idiot facade to lure his enemies into a false sense of security. Then when they least expect it he turns everything around on them, after all he learned from the best.

Bio:Growing up in the slums of a small city Haru always thought his power was useless. All it did was make him a semi good lighter. But that all changed when he meet Yuki she didn't have a last name same as him. She taught him a lot of things how to steal food easily how to use a silver tongue. Most importantly she taught him how to be creative with his power making it stronger and more useful. They were as close as siblings so they decided to become siblings using the same last name or Senji. There fun times weren't forever though when she suddenly just disappeared the next time he saw her. She was on the news as one of Senki's Four Warlords he had to get to the bottom of this, he just had to.

Power:Haru can create flames and control them, but something Yuki taught him is he can also shape them. Haru's flames can take any shape or form and can expand quickly in an explosion like burst. He found he is completely immune to any heat made by his flames and has a high tolerance for heat from other flames.




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Tenshi Ao








Tenshi is generally a pretty cheerful laid back person that likes to do his own thing. He has trust issues so doesn't typically seek others out unless necessary. Though, it's well known that he will help you out should you need it. You just have to find him first. He especially seem's to have a soft spot for young street rats. He likes to have the occasional adventure but tries not to overdo it and can be very protective of those he cares for. Generally he likes to keep his life comfortable and quiet.


Tenshi has vague memories of his life before he lived on the street none of them good. However, he doesn't ponder on the past much and spends most of his time flying over the cities and sleeping on roofs. He even had a comfy little place in an abandoned building with things he stole or collected over the years. He typically ignored most of the other super humans though did take the younger one's under his wing if they live on the street, Metaphorically speaking, protecting them and teaching them to survive before leaving them on their own when he deemed them ready. This all gained him many allies along with a generally quiet life besides the occasional adventure. He liked it that way to.


He has dark blue leather wings with dagger sharp edges that are freezing to the touch to anyone but Tenshi. They are typically wrapped around him and somewhat resemble a long cloak then with a hood. They are as thin as paper but very resilient and can stand up to most physical attacks and heal fast. The eye like pattern on them can turn to actual eyes that he can see through when blinded. They are also very long and strong and can be wrapped around others like tentacles to grab or protect though it causes him discomfort. The long blue parts that come out from the top cover his eyes to protect them from strong winds though he can still see out of them.


Group:(leave this n/a for now)

Great outcast
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funny,crazy,cheery,smart,clever and Clever ... but... beware if she became serious it might be the end of the world.


-she dont wanna talk about her tragic past and would just love to live in her new happy crazy life-


vane can do Parkour stunt and use her crossbow to fight her enemy's she can see thought the dark and turn invisible if she wishes to she can also control bats and use them for Teleportation (no god moder she is pretty of an epic fail and funny on this)

Group:(leave this n/a for now)


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: Sora Notoka

Age: 17 almost 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Sora could be considered odd and not just because she's an 'outcast'. She tends to go out looking for trouble with the locals, having no regard for their so called 'God' finding out. Her blatant disregard for the rules will eventually get her into serious trouble, although she doesn't seem to care. Sora is an intelligent girl her decision making on the other hand, needs some work. This mischievous girl is not to be messed with, part of her believes that the reason she hasn't gotten in trouble with their God is because she is 'soooo badass'. Honestly though, she could be right...Better not mess with her just in case.

History: When Sora was born her dad was absent to the birth, her mother later found out that he had gotten into a car wreck on the way to the hospital. Now although it is quite terrible, the root of Sora's disobedience wasn't created then. Fast forward a couple years to her mother working three jobs to sustain their lifestyle, having a child with powers was difficult. When Sora turned seven, her mother had given up on the hope of having a normal child. She quite two of the jobs and only continued going to the one job so should could have enough money to buy booze. Sora's hope of having her mom love her for what she was, had faded.

Power: Sora's wonderful power is....... Superhuman Agility. She can naturally and effortlessly do things like climbing up the side of buildings, as well as being pretty flexible. She fights hand to hand combat since she can move fast enough to hit and dodge. She could be the greatest outcast.

Group: N/A​



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Age: 14

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Asexual

Personality: Ada is a rather lethargic, listless young girl. At times, she could be found lounging around or taking a nap in some of the weirdest of places. Though she would prefer to sleep or laze about than take action or be considered as one of the greatest outcast, sometimes her curiosity pushes her to take action when she normally wouldn't. It's hard to tell how she's feeling or what she's thinking since she's always passive and mellow.

Bio: Ada was given away to an orphanage at birth and was raised by some pretty nice caretakers. She had noticed her power at a young age and tried to control it. However, as she grew older, her power became harder and harder to contain. Believing herself to be a burden to the orphanage, Ada simply left on her own accord and has been on her own since. Despite her young age, Ada has managed to get by relatively easy by using her power in various ways.

Power: Electromaster, the power to generate and manipulate electricity. A mighty, versatile power that allows Ada to use it in many different ways and in varying degrees of strength.

Group: ---​
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Name:Asano 'Setsuna'

(nickname has the words for 'snow' and 'calm')



Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance- His left eye is piercing blue and his right is a so light that it looks like the blue was painted in water colors. Skin is super pale and is colder than average.

Personality:Asano looks scary but he is actually a very kind individual who can be childish around those he protects but is actually pretty heart-less to those he doesn't care for. A quick thinker and a writer by nature, he tries to find the beauty in his situation and lives day by day. He is an avid fan of the thought of living for the present and future though his past drags him down. The teen has grey morals and distorted view of what is right as well as wrong. Coming off as someone laid back though he desires change. A freedom from the confines that life has given him within it's icy prison. Asano acts like an idiot even knowing that it was never further from the truth. The boy wears a mask out of learned wariness and broken trust but once earned is reliable though he has a tendency to give nicknames to those he respects.

Bio:Asano was a sickly child whose life was plagued by constant illness and his parents worried due to the unreal coldness of his skin. They began to distance themselves as they believed he would pass soon. The boy had been sad at the time but later felt betrayed by his parents. The caring parents became cold and murderous out of fear of the unknown when they realized that the boy was what they called '
the greatest outcast' of all. Asano could never forget the day his parents had let their fear control them and prompt them to action. That was the day he became healthy,an orphan and the day he discovered he wasn't as powerless as he thought.

At seven, the boy left knowing that fending for himself would be better than the alternative. He didn't want to be found out and
cured after all. With one last heartfelt goodbye, he left with a grin on his face. This began his time in the slums and strengthens his thoughts of what human nature was. Taking on the name 'Setsuna' and only giving his real name to a select few but never his last because... he didn't have one.

Power: Has the ability to manipulate ice that doesn't melt and create water through the manipulation of the temperature. There are speculations that he can stop diseases and other harmful effects but it has never been explored as people believe that 'ice' is just that. He has dug a bit into the extent of his power but does not know much as he has not had a proper teacher. A power thought to be simple but is more complex than even Asano knows.




Name:Aimi Sugase




Personality:Aimi is seen to be a shy, quiet and lonely child when reality she is quite the outgoing little girl but people don't realize this until she becomes the animal she is inside. Often times Aimi just wants to spend time with a friend but is to scared that she will embarrass herself in front of them so instead she spends most time alone playing with a stuffed rabbit that she has has since birth named Lola.

Bio:Aimi has scaring memories of her when she was a much younger child. Her mother a sweet caretaker but her farther a terrible being. Most the time she'd be hiding in her room listening to the fights in-between her parents late at night. The next day after a fight she'd find her mother with bruises on her face. One day when Aimi was 4 she woke up to see her mother was gone, Aimi waited and waited but her mom never returned. It wasn't soon after that Aimi left on her own to find her mom. It wasn't untill months later when she discovered her powers while defending herself from a group of thieves.

Power:There isn't quite a name for what Aimi is but most would consider her a Animorph. She can morph into 3 different animals but doing so takes a lot of energy taking her chances away of becoming one after the other. She can become a Crow, Rabbit and a Wolf/Dog (when friendly)

Group:(leave this n/a for now)

AND greatest outcast
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(Kira on the left and Yumi on the right. Their hair is brown)








Kira has a bit of a temper despite her sweet appearance and often get's into fights. She can also be very reckless and get a bit lost in the moment. However, she is very loyal and just wishes to full fill her and her sisters dreams of one day not needing for anything.


Kira and Yumi were normal until shortly before turning 10 their older brother died in a hit and run. In their grief their powers emerge and their superhuman hating parents cast them out. They were found by Tenshi a few weeks later and has since began learning to control their gifts.


Kira can make her skin turn hard and rough like sand with multiple cracks going through it. Thus allowing her to be stronger then normal.

Group:(leave this n/a for now)








Yumi is the level headed of the two and can be a bit naive. She tries to take on a lot of responsibility and is very kind. Though she can lose her temper when pushed.


Yumi can control plant life.

Group:(leave this n/a for now)

(They are NPC of the great outcast for now may change their status later)
Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_m6i2o9u6In1r9vjiho1_500.gif.9bf140005e5775c4f13ccb80567b9efb.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138228" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_m6i2o9u6In1r9vjiho1_500.gif.9bf140005e5775c4f13ccb80567b9efb.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_m821x5oQME1rafdmlo1_500.gif.d47b338e855b4e5b4be97b3afed26f8f.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138229" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/tumblr_m821x5oQME1rafdmlo1_500.gif.d47b338e855b4e5b4be97b3afed26f8f.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name:Senki Kyushu




Personality:No one can truly understand how Senki thinks, one second he can be a joker next he can be a serious monster.






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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/anime-anime-girl-bampw-black-Favim.com-1555260.jpg.658468f658d8f002869d9499d6d6815b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138237" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/anime-anime-girl-bampw-black-Favim.com-1555260.jpg.658468f658d8f002869d9499d6d6815b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(She has dark brown hair and forest green eyes.)

Name: Taylor Ming

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi

Personality: Taylor is a quite genius, who doesn't put alot of effort into many things. She likes books, singing, drawing, and kicking ass. Sure, she normally keeps to herslef, and rarely helps other people if it doesn't help herself. But, once she warms up to you, she acts like a normal friend.

Bio: "I'm....not comfortable talking about this."

Power: Taylor can turn her skin to Iron or Steel.

Group:(leave this n/a for now)

Greatest Outcast



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Name: Kira "Crow" Bell "Call me Pipsqueak an' I'll fly ya into the atmosphere and drop ya."

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Kira comes off at first as the strong silent type, but get her angry and she's got a mouth on her that could make sailors cringe. She hunts for herself and fights for herself and what friends she can make. If the reason is good enough, there's a chance she'll help out. "Leave me alone an' I'll leave you alone. If ya wanna try convincing me, good luck."

Bio: "I loved my parents and they loved me right up until I started flyin' an' soarin' all over the city. They told me to keep my wings a secret, don' call for them. I got through school quiet enough, an' for graduation- not my best idea, I was so happy, didn' know what I was properly doin' an' opened up my wings after gettin' my diploma and soared all the way ta' the end of the city an' back. When I got home, there wasn't a home left to return to. Whole place was burnt to the ground. I don' know what they did to my parents but I went up to the mountains."

Power: Some call her an angel, others call her a demon, however Kira has wings the color of neither. Her ability allows her to soar on feathered wings. They take energy to use and she can feel pain of the appendages are harmed, however if she wills them to disappear, they will. Accompanying the wings, her feet can morph into claws scaled to her body. "In other words, if y'all see something in the sky a little bigger than a bird, all I ask is ya' don' shoot at it. Pain in the butt enough huntin', I don' appreciate bein' hunted. If it gives ya a little comfort, I use my talons to get my dinner, not get back at my enemies."

Group: NA

Greatest Outcast
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.2d146c630dd6bc537912999178f462e5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138269" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.2d146c630dd6bc537912999178f462e5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name:Altar Laguna




Personality:Altar is a man who always thinks of things from a business standpoint. If it isn't something that can benefit him, it isn't worth doing. His loyalty is very expensive but can be bought. He has a bit of a creepy air about him, able to send chills down the strongest of spines.

Bio:Altar grew up in the streets of Brooklyn. He was always involved in some kind of plot to gain power. He would accept nearly any payment for any task and quickly became a well known fixture in New York Cities criminal underworld. This made him quite a few enemies and eventually one of them paid to have him killed.

His assassin was an outcast...one with super strength. This is when altar discovered he was an outcast himself. He was able to siphon enough of the mans power from him to overwhelm the would be assassin. Since that day he has studied and mastered his strange ability and after several years of laying low he has resurfaced with a new business...selling powers.

Power:Power manipulation.

Altar can siphon power away from something, this can be draining the electricity out of a machine, or even the power of an outcast. Unlike stealing a power this is not instant, it requires time with the individual being at least 20ft from him. Also unlike power stealing Altar keeps the power he siphoned until he uses it. He can infuse this energy into other outcasts granting them temporary extra powers. This is dependent on the power absorbed, for example is he absorbed the power of flight from one outcast, and super strength from another he could give both of these powers to another outcast.

Power drained from another outcast will recover with time, but what was taken will be stored within altar until he gives it away. He could easily become The Greatest outcast.

(Just to help explain further. Say a person had super strength of 10tons and altar absorbed half of his power. Now altar has strength of five tons until he either uses it all up,or sells it. The person he took the strength from will be back in tip top shape after a meal and a nap.)


Other: you can buy powers from him,for a price...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.e082231b0fbe57ae4ee8530a274a867c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138279" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.e082231b0fbe57ae4ee8530a274a867c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Current powers: super strength,Scanning vision.



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he always has a bow made of shadows with him (his power)

Name: Masyet




Personality:calm most times but will attacked if provoked

Bio:He lived in a small town at least 1 day away by horse his family was excited when they discovered his powers they helped him control them and how to hide them. One day a group of raiders came to his village asking for all outcasts none came forward so they killed everyone including new born babies I got away but my parents sacrificed themselves taking a few down with them.

Power:To control shadows, he can strangle people with their own shadows or disappear into them entirely he can also make other things living or not, he can make stuff out of shadows solid things for as long as he isn't killed he has them until dismissed.

Group:(leave this n/a for now) n/a
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Sin, Akuma


He is seventeen years of age.






Sin is the type of person that is out for himself. A lone wolf if you wish. He's not very social and hates being around a huge crowd of people. He doesn't trust people, because of what happened in his past. If you help him out, he probably wont consider you a friend. He'd think that he'd owe you a favor for helping him.


He doesn't like to talk about his past (Can I reveal it in the RP? Just because I'm to lazy to write it up right now.)


He has a power known as "The Blue Flames of Satan" which are flames that burn hotter than hell it's self and can destroy almost anything with a single touch of it. This is why he has a nickname called "The Blue Reaper". The only downside to this is that it can only activate if he pulls the sword from it's sheathe, meaning without his sword he is basically a normal human being.



"I am the Greatest Outcast!"

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