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Fantasy Great Martian War 1915



The meaning of life is the fine game of nil

Shortly after the shelling stopped, the surrounding area went silent. The original road leading into the town had been shelled so much that it’s now just craters after craters.

The farmland on both sides of the road was once farmland, but now completely unrecognizable, there is not a single plant on the field, only the mess of barbed wires and foxholes, debris of what was once civilian housings scattered.…..and network of trenches extending beyond horizon......

"Those Bloody Jerry......" A British sergeant crouched in a trench, holding a half-baked loaf of black bread in his hand.

A messenger staggered into the trench, "Get ...... out of the way!" He roughly pushed aside the soldiers in his way and hurried through the narrow trench, "Where is Sergeant Livingston?"

“I'm here! What is it?" The sergeant had finished his bread and now trying to remove dusts from his crusher cap.

The messenger rushed forward, saluted hastily, and passed a telegram into the hands of Livingston. “Urgent from the company HQ!”

At this moment, an explosion lit up the sky. Livingston looks up and saw a few fireballs exploded in high altitude——nobody on Earth knew what that is yet, those were atomic bombs detonating on orbit in an effort to disrupt global communication with EMP. Which had little effect as most Earthling are still using vacuum tube. They are bulky but are also more reliable against electromagnetic pulse.

Before Livingston realise what th could be, he saw a shooting star——no, a meteorite!

A spherical object with a trail of fire and smoke descended from above the sky and landed into the war torn No Man’s Land.

And then.

A tripod appeared. A war machine like none had ever seen on Earth, and it just startshooting at trenches on both sides.


SpazTheButcher SpazTheButcher Knight boi Knight boi

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