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Fantasy Grand Ultima [The Ultimate Reboot] (Still recruiting new expeditionists)

"Born to the Everharts of Manatus and born of noble blood like count Misiam here." I sent out a smile to the other two who seemed equally serious yet the other one Zeri seemed to be devoid of comfort. "I hope everyone is fully prepared for the mission. Lets show Celestis that our skills will be necessary for their future exploits." After i said that with the hopes of inspiring the other two we neared the caverns.I was permeated by the radiating magical energy coming from the cave. I now know why Leminel was reluctant with this mission. The danger entices me and with the other 2's approval we will venture inside.

@Mine @RedZombieWolf @Seikaze
Lupus stopped in his tracks at the mention of them being nobles. "Wait, you two are nobles?" He then knelt before the both of them, "My lords, I am but a humble servant. What are your commands?" He grew up in a good district of his city, and as such he saw a few nobles and was taught by others to always be polite to them, unless you wanted to be beheaded
"Formality is not required. Stand up, in this unit everyone is equal." I said in a calm manner. Acting all high and mighty wont yield anything but hate. Befriending others would be a good way to make them feel accepted and welcome. I caressed my tome and i told them in a serious tone. "After all preparations are completed we will begin the expedition. It is best that we return before dusk." I breathed in and out trying to relieve myself.Just the thought of using magic makes me anxious,it has been along time after all. Actual combat will be experienced all over again, not that ill do the fighting its just that I'm throwing my self in danger once more.
Lupus stood up, but didn't look them in the eye and had his head bowed, "You honour me, your lordship." He then took the lead with his shield raised. "Allow me to lead, if we are attacked I will take the brunt of the force."
Count Misiam? Zeri could not even recall the last time he had been addressed as such. It was as if it was a fragment of his past that he had lost and now found, penetrating his skin and making him ache in slight pain. His body grew stiffer as he turned to face the other nobleborn, whose smile felt just as unsettling as his words. Why would he do this? It was not as if his past was something to be ashamed of, nor a difficult topic. It just felt...uncomfortable to touch such a subject. After all, he had abandoned his family to join this guild. Having people recall to his roots was not particularly good for him. It could bring forth some unwanted behaviour, like the one Lupus was now presenting to them. "You don't need to do...that. In my case, at least. Here I am simply your companion for this mission. And in the fort I am simply....a knight." Yes, that should do it. Zeri was determined to leave things like this vanish around him. "But thank you." He spoke humbly towards the male, giving him a friendly expression as he did so. He then proceeded to focus on the mission's details, trying his best to not give away both his nervousness and his excitement, nodding silently at their leader.

@RedZombieWolf @Platinum the Trinity
The Infamous runaway,Count Zeri Misiam(no offense). His escape blew the reputation of his Bloodline, however the Misiams were able to retain their nobility because of experience. I scratched my head as i held those thoughts. That information is irrelevant to my current goal and in order for me to be effective i must first focus and assess on the current problem. I can imagine my eyes shining in the darkness of this cave. The other two are well focused and are wary of their surroundings the other lupus seems to be waiting for something to lunge at him. The thrill of battle really is something. I can feel the wails of the lost souls inside they're endless cries beg for respite and freedom. "I can feel breathing just ahead of us." The moment i said that i quickly released the tome's seal and prepared Madeleine's summoning rights. that moment i was ready to stain my hands with blood,ready to disintegrate whatever creature lies in wait.

@Seikaze @Mine @RedZombieWolf
What were the odds that he would be in a unit with not one, but two nobles? And that one of them was a runaway? Probably low, but still it happened. He moved to stand beside the one with the tome, ready to protect him from whatever awaited ahead of them. "What's the plan here my Lord? Do we continue or wait for whatever's ahead to come to us?"
The sound of the steel of the blade reach his ears ever so softly as he unseathes the sword located on his back. His eyes stare into the darkness, his hands firmly gripping the hilt. Tension vanishes from his body, replaced by a relaxed sensation circulating through it. He feels at ease at long last. With his sword at his side, with his Seal Breaker aiding him, Zeri has nothing to fear anymore. No, not Zeri. He is not the runaway knight, nor the youngest Count Misiam. He is a blade, crafted to slay whatever stands in his way. He and his sword are one. He stands silent, awaiting for Ildefonso's command.
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Darkness enveloped the entire cave, air and drips of water echoing eerily through its dark paths. Glowing cold teal mists served as a weak light, flowing through the pathways and leading deeper into the cave. Faint cries can be heard within the mists which may be.. Souls? Fortunately, it was harmless. Human-like steps and wailing phantoms from a distance filled the silence from time to time. Skeletons hung from stalactites, barely seen because of the weak light the mists give off.

As the team took another step, the mists below them were sucked towards the darkness in front. An unclear figure floated in front of the team which seemed to be the one sucking all of it. Its body glowed brighter and brighter until it was finally bright enough to light the entire place. A 6-feet mirror faced them with its topmost border having red, phantom eyes. Its mirror had dark energy swirling, almost having a hypnotizing effect. It looked fragile, but its mirror was stronger than metal it seemed when a broken stalagmite it sucked up hit it. A high pitched screech came out of its mirror, signaling a battle cry. The mirror blasted the team with a huge ball of darkness, exploding on the ground and corrupting whatever was hit and turning it black.
I barely dodged the ball of darkness because of its size, thankfully i was able to. The creature before me is somehow ridiculous and unbelievable. Allowing such an abomination to exist is folly. That moment i felt the agony and the pain of the countless wanderers butchered by this malevolent brute, the anguish , the cold embrace of death in the hands of a seemingly obnoxious creature who's only wish is to devour their souls. The blood of the innocent has been spilled in the same spot I stood on, how many more must die? None, this creature shall leave this place and i will make sure all who perished in the hands of this thing will be avenged at this very moment. I planned to start Madeleine's invocation into reality but i need time. I stood firmly, and said to the other two in a loud voice "Buy me time! distract the creature and i will be bring forth a demon..... a Void Demon!"

@Mine @Seikaze @RedZombieWolf
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Lupus saw the creature coming towards them. It was screaming, it sounded like the screams of the dead and the damned. When he heard someone say to distract it, his training kicked in and he charged at the creature, screaming at the top of his lungs in an effort to drown out the noises it was making. He had never been so scared before in his life, this creature was just evil, and it was in front of him. The moment he got in front of it and fought it in close quarters, he saw its horrible face. And when he saw that face, that horrible face, he pissed himself in fear, but kept fighting
Zeri pulled his arms up, protecting his face from the impact of the now shattered mirror. The sight before him is what he could only describe as a horrific spectacle. Wide-eyed, the blonde young man found himself momentarily struck by what he was about to face, staring at the creature with visible shock. He had seen it in books, he had prepared mentally for this kind of mission. But to see it this close, face to face, was a whole different thing. But it was all in the moment, it had to be all in the moment. Regaining his composure as quickly as one could, Zeri stood his ground, facing the foul beast before them with a fierce gaze. "Understood." He speaks up but does not wait for Ildefonso's reply. Leaping foward, he screamed at the top of its lungs, trying his best to draw the creature's attentions towards him. With his sword in wrist, he accompanied Lupus in playing bait. We're counting on you! He thought to himself while trowing a quick glance at the magi before blocking the dark figure's attack.

@Platinum the Trinity @RedZombieWolf
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I closed my eyes and concentrated. After the tome lifted from my hands i opened my eyes and saw it hovering in front of me, with the tome ready i raised my right hand and amalgamated my mana along with the souls. This resulted in a globe of dark energy lingering in my hand.

"Ein...Zwei...Drei....Vier....Funf....Sechs....Sieben...Acht...Neun....Zehn... In the darkness and stillness of the night..

Peace will be broken and your children shall dread this sight! The light will lit its final spark and forevermore shall fade into oblivion!

Hear the overwhelming anguish and claim your rightful place! You who swore vengeance upon the Gods! You who swore to bring the death of all betrayers!

Hear the sound of a thousand clementias cry and be appeased by their endless wails! For their fates have been shattered.

Their hearts crushed! Their hopes unfulfilled! Their legacy undone! Hear me oh weapon forged in the nether realms! I am Magnus Opener of the gate!

With my call assumed I will open the gate of ultimate malevolence and shall pave the way for thee's desire! Oh great being who's very wake summons death

heed my summons, extinguish all light and purge all those who stand in my way!"

The globe slowly descended and It went all the way down to the ground, after a few seconds a mauve sigil suddenly appeared, A creature was slowly ascending from the ground as if a plant blooming from the soil. At last the creature revealed itself. A long dark and slender body appeared before me. It had 3 limbs and had conjoined sewing needles for hands. It's face was covered with a mask. A mask that has a smile carved on it. Beside it were two little girls well dressed and smiling at the foe before them. As i observed the creature it had threads on each finger tip connecting to the two girls who in turn have daggers in each hand. This is it. The master puppeteer is about to perform her show after 10 long years.

"Dyaus Yorica: Madeleine!"

@Mine @Seikaze @RedZombieWolf
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The mirror quickly acted against the lunging duo and spawned a thick, purple fog from its glass body and enveloped the entire area. It stumbled after being hit by a sword, but floated away. The fog had no harmful effect or whatsoever, but it blocked the team's vision. Shortly after endlessy floating away from sight, a demon rose from the ground and onto this living world facing the mirror. It looked dumbfounded for a second, but then it had also begun its next attack. This mirror wasn't just any ordinary animated object, it was a portal. A portal as seen on that swirling darkness. The void.. The twisting darkness got deeper and deeper until it cleared up and showed bright stars and the cosmic nothingness. For a moment, the air and time seemed to stop flowing. Its red glare burned like flames from a smithy. Then there came forth a deep, bellowing howl from the nothingness. It wasn't reflecting what was in front of it, it was reflecting the inside of the void itself. It had brought a tiny part of the void into this world, which slowly corrupted the area. Followed by the howl surged dark energy and flew through the mirror's portal body and concentrated into a greenish-purple ray that was sure to bring utter destruction to those it comes in contact with. Pure darkness radiated from the ray which was unlike any necromancer could imagine.

@Platinum the Trinity @Mine @RedZombieWolf
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The puppeteer too is from the void and should not be underestimated. As soon as its eye caught the beam it was there waiting for my order. I said in an almost muffled tone. "Damaso!" The summon completely drained me and from the looks of it, it has taken its toll on my body. As soon as it heard me its hands moved as fast as lightning. The two girls moved with such grace I was in awe for a moment. The two whom i named Estifanya and Rowerva hacked and slashed the mirror repeatedly. They were so fast it was hard for me to see the current state of our foe. It continued attacking without a halt. There was no room for reprieve for the mirror. Each attack futile as the two keep on dodging it with ease. Each beam continue to go through Madeleine for the mirror my enemy has no clue that unless the summoner is dead the demon whom it summoned will persist until it has fulfilled every order.





@Mine @Seikaze @RedZombieWolf
Lupus kept hacking and slashing at his foe, he was unsure what damage if any he was doing to it, but he kept at it. When the sun miners creatures arrived, he got out of the way and let them do there thing, he wasn't foolish enough to stand between them all. He rushed over to the summoner and helped him upright, "Are you gonna be ok? What do we do?"
"I don't feel so well, however it is bearable. This vast amount of magical supply cannot go to waste. We must annihilate this creature to put the mana into use, to avenge all who perished, and to give rest to the souls who linger." I tried to stand up but my feet were bound to the ground. All i can do now is depend on Zeri, Lupus and of course Madeleine.

@Mine @RedZombieWolf
Every slash of the two puppet girls nimbly struck the mirror's body but the damage did not seem to be enough to quickly obliterate it. The mirror's dark portal glass was very hard to penetrate. Perhaps it isn't just void glass.. It was a barrier. It was a mirror barrier, purely darkness and magic. The mirror then spun its floating body slowly, rotating the ray and trying to hit everyone. The ray seemed to only hit the living as it showed no damaged to the walls.
"Zeri! Zeri! Break the barrier!" I screamed as hard as i can to make him realize that he can actually do more than to act as bait. I read through everyone's background and i found that the runaway Count had a rare core. A sealbreaker. "You have the power to destroy the barrier! Seize the moment!" I fell to the ground completely. I had no strength left after that, but I must remain conscious, I must! Madeleine cant leave. Not here, not yet.

Lupus saw the Mage starting to fade off into unconsciousness, "Please forgive me for this." He whispered under his breath, then he slapped the Mage across the face, "Wake up! You sleep now and we're all dead!" He then grabbed the Mage and lifted him to his feet, supporting him as much as he could, "If it looks like we might fail, I'll try and get you out of here."
No need to say it twice. Zeri dodged one, two attacks from the mirror before lashing out on a rush of adrenaline towards their opponent. Piercing its surface with the blade of Dawnbreaker, he could feel the core radiating, penetrating the barrier's defenses. Holding on to his weapon as desperatly as he could, Zeri would let out a loud scream while doing so. He had to break it, he had to destroy it.
As I saw the barrier get destroyed I immediately ordered Madeleine to attack and as usual the puppeteers arms moved like thunder crashing down. As i saw the creature getting hacked down by two little girls i couldn't help but make a small grin. The thrill of the kill is a sin, my sin. The creature fell apart and I felt like an audience in a colosseum, watching two gladiators get bloody.

@Mine @Seikaze @RedZombieWolf
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The mirror had fallen down with its broken pieces scattered across the rocky floor. Souls flew out from the shattered glass with faint whispers that could barely be made up, but it was one thing for sure. These souls were thanking the fellow team for freeing them from the grasp of darkness. The way was cleared, and the path continues.
Lupus grabbed the Mage and carried him past the broken mirror shards, "Well, that was weird and scary. Any clue as to what else we might have to fight in this hell hole?"
Shielding himself from the shards of glass and the spirits tho come, Zeri found himself at loss of what to say. This fight was over. But what about the next one? Or the one after that? This journey was not over yet, he could not rejoice at this victory. Not yet. But still, it was comforting to see that his presence was of some use on this expedition. "...One thing is clear, from here things will not gett easier." Call it a sixth sense or just an impression of what the recent battle had left on him if you'd like. Plopping his weapon on his shoulder, Zeri turned to face Lupus and Ildefonso with a peaceful expression, despite his faint panting. "...Shall we rest or head forward?" He asked innocently, seeing how the nobleman was still be carried. After all, that remarkable feat must have drained his energies greatly...He did not wish to insult the mage in any way so perhaps it was best to just ask.

@Platinum the Trinity @RedZombieWolf

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