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Fantasy Grand Ultima [The Ultimate Reboot] (Still recruiting new expeditionists)


The ultimate reboot of the Grand Ultima RP has come! Adventurers of Fate heed thy call of your ultima cores once more! But this time there is a difference in your destiny. Become a new member of the expedition group of Myria and explore the world, or lead the way to vanquish the Shadow of the Void. The way will be determined by how it will all go..
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Xeina's physical and written test has just finished and he got the results saying that he has been accepted into the Purefell Green Division. With a shout of joy and excitement, he left the inn and headed out of Zali to go to the Myrian Expedition Team Headquarters. Trains have been out of operations since the beginning of the void's unstable release of dark energy and horse carriage transports can be seen nowhere so he had no choice but to travel by foot. Luckily, no bandits attacked and he successfully arrived in one piece at the headquarters after a day of walking.

Myrian Expedition Team Headquarters

A huge golden fort by a cliff near the sea left Xeina in awe. Outside the fort is crowded with what seems to be people trying to apply for a spot in the team. Xeina cut through the crowd and entered through the big metal doors leading towards the headquarters. He was directed to the Discussion Hall in the right by a girl with a purple division badge, though it seems that the seminar has already begun. "Late.." With a sigh, he ran through the hallways and entered the Discussion Hall through the double doors, giving his letter of acceptance to the lady who asks for it, and takes a seat on an available chair. It was very large and cold inside. The person in front talked about how Expedition members are picked for an expedition, allowing every expedition member free roam for an expedition, debut expeditions for new members, and a lot more to know about. When the discussion was done, everyone else was dismissed, each given a key to their own rooms to await further announcements.

Xeina proceeded to the left hall through where the rooms are and looked for his room number. He entered his room and unpacked his small luggage, sitting at the bed and waiting. "I got IT!". He smiled and waited for his debut expedition announcement. Names were echoing for other new members, and many were waiting in the dining hall at the center of the fort.
Ember sat in her home, reading her test results, silently rejoicing. She had gotten in! She stepped out of her home, locking the door behind her. She rushed to the Myrain Expedition Team headquarters, and looked at the crowd outside the fort. "Ugh. I hate crowds." She pushed through the pack of people, and through the big metal doors. She looked around, confused. As she was about to just pick a place to walk to a woman with a green Divison badge ushered her through the halls, and to the duscussion hall. She handed her letter of acceptance to the woman who asked for it, and ventured in. She picked a seat, and waited for the duscussion to start. The man standing in frog of the large group explained how things worked, and after some time, the discussion finished. All people sitting in the room were given keys to their rooms, and dismissed. She walked around for a bit, before finding her room, unpacking and then sitting on the floor, awaiting the time when her name would be called.
Some days it just paid not to wake up, or to just sleep in, whatever one preferred over the other really. Some days, and really that was pushing the definition of the word 'some', would end up in such tragedy that one would wonder what the purpose for waking up in the first place was. Other days were just plain tedious that one would be more productive just lying in bed and waiting the the sun to finish it's long, boring, trek through the sky. Worst of all, some days are just so empty that no matter how hard you try, absolutely nothing seems to change, and so sleeping through it wouldn't really alter anything.

"Why am I not surprised that you missed it?" For Ivi, such a day was apparently the third kind, trying to tune out most of the nagging an existing member of the Green division. Seriously, they could be so insensitive sometimes. She was fourteen, for crying out loud! When promised a life of adventure and mayhem, the last thing she was looking forward to was the division sleepfest. I her defense, all they told her to do on the manifesto was make her way to the fort and the date, they never really mentioned a time and an orientation.

She received her keys from the older woman, once again thanking the stars for the fact that her default expression was heart-melting, before making her way to her room with a satisfied grin on her face. The boredom was hard to bear, but when she finally gets to hear her name being called, and a test being issued, it would probably be worth it in the end.

Hopefully, or else she would be facing a mistress of light two-thirds her age for burning down a fort.
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"Xeina Ashbelt! Please head to the briefing room of Purefell Green Division on the north hall."

A loud announcer's voice echoed through the whole fort. As the voice faded, Xeina's eyes widened, probably with a mixed feeling of excitement and worry. He rushed through and got to the north hall which was colder and quiet, away from the noise of the crowd at the center of the fort. In front of him stood three doors, with the left door marked with the emblem of the blue division, the middle door with the emblem of the green division, and the right door with the emblem of the violet division. It was all trembling and cold sweat until he slowly opened the middle door.

The room was all white, large and circular with a round table with many chairs. On top of the table stood a little girl with a skirted plate armor seemed to be specially made for her. With a short stare and a blank expression, he turned back immediately and opened the door again with the intention of probably waiting a bit more. He was not informed of a kid being there in the room and thought maybe it was a lost child, but alas, it was too late.

"What do you think you're doing.. NEWBIE!?"

The girl disappeared in a flash of light, and before Xeina had time to turn his head, the girl reappeared in front of him and threw him into one of the empty chairs. Landing face first, he groaned and hurriedly sat straight. "Y..You're Leminel!?" asked the surprised Xeina. From the looks of Leminel, she's probably already used to this. "Hmph, you'll learn. Wait for the other two and sit quietly.". Xeina responded with a held back yes and let out a sigh. "How surprising.. And it hurts!"

"Ivisius Omnydrus Infitu Elysium and Ember Pryan! Please head to the briefing room of Purefell Green Division on the north hall."

Well that was a long name, he thought. What might his debut expedition teammates look like? He had hoped for it to not be as surprising as this Captain General standing in the center of the table with a serious look. What a very unusual day for him indeed.

"Ivisius Omnydrus Infitu Elysium and Ember Pryan! Please head to the briefing room of Purefell Green Division on the north hall."

(Don't edit the mistake pls)​

She sighed, getting up from her bed with a start before stomping her way towards the north hall. All of her excitement at the journey ahead quickly melted away as soon as she heard that particular voice over the intercom. It was aggravating that, not only was the little sprite her commanding officer being superior to her in magic, tactics and overall combat, albeit barely, she had the audacity to graduate a whole four years ahead of Ivi. Being her classmate at one time was utterly ridiculous, but being surpassed four years ahead of the 'brightest student in Manatus' as she, and only she, called herself was just atrocious.

"For the last time child!" She screamed angrily, bursting into the room with a vicious tone. She smirked inwardly, at least she bested the girl who could throw teenagers in physical strength, as was custom. "The preposition is 'In' when referring to place, not 'On', unless you plan on having a meeting on the rooftop? Speak correctly, it's no wonder you abandoned chanting so quickly, with a thought process like that, you wouldn't be able to cast a single spell right!" Roughly she took her seat, glancing at the boy before turning a glare towards the child, hiding a small, angry because that was the only reason, blush under her blonde tresses.

Her sister, wherever Amelia was, didn't respect the little girl, so neither would she. She had to admit it though, her mother was right when she said her CO was cute.
'I hope I'm not late...I hope I'm not late...' she thought. Maiko rattled this thought in her head as she was transported by horse carriage to the foreseen location that was described on the flier. She had luckily been able to find a person willing to take her to the expedition team's headquarters, after a long day of pleading and unsuccessful bribing. As she jumped off, she felt the air in the scenery change rapidly, turning from a peaceful breeze to a nerved wind. Shivers grew along her spine as the wind blew, almost as if its goal was to go through her. 'Guess it'll be rougher out here than I thought....hopefully the others are nice, though'. She cast her mind back to the tests that she had to partake in to apply for the expedition team - one was a test of physicality, and the second was of mentality. Luckily, she had somehow passed both tests, though her optimism overshadowed the fact that she most likely only barely passed.

Breaking through the crowd slowly, she read the flier over and over, looking to anyone else like she was finding some deeper meaning in all of this. But, being a little naive, this thought would be a bit above her. Maiko had soon gotten through the crowd, the gates and was quickly in the fort. Almost as if hunting for her, a girl with a purple Division badge urged Maiko to move to the discussion hall quickly. Handing over her acceptance letter, she soon sat in the discussion hall, enthralled by the sheer size of it. Listening lazily to the briefing of how the expedition team worked, and how it was organized, though the details were blurred out to her as she daydreamed in silence. Being dismissed soon after, she held firmly to the key that she had been handed after the briefing - it looks to be a room key. Luckily, she had located the rooms only just before, when she had first entered.

Seemingly in a hurry, she had ran to her room, unpacked what lack of belongings she had, and lay on her bed, exhausted from the boring monotone voice of the person who was briefing them. 'They were going to call our names', Maiko thought. '..have they not done it yet? ...or did I just rush too quickly..?'. Almost as if on que, the questionably oblivious girl dosed off.
"Well well well. Look who's here! Jealous of my current position?". Leminel went down and confronted her face to face. Xeina, again surprised at how young these two are and is thinking how much of a monster they could be, rested on his arms on the table and pretended to ignore them while waiting for the other one. "We both know grammar was never my strong side! Neither do I have time to care anyway." Her armor clanged as she jumped down with a sly grin.

"From now on I will be your higher-up, and you won't be able to do anything about IT!" Angrily emphasizing "it", she clenched her fist as if ready to break a wall anytime. She instead pointed onto an empty chair beside Xeina who is actually halfway asleep due to the long and boring wait. "If you would please sit till the last one comes?". Leminel went back to the center of the table and murmured things that seems to be about Ivi.

"Maiko Yeer Sterben. Head to the briefing room of the Axeir Purple Division in the north hall immediately."

Another voice was heard from the intercom.
The girl jolted back up with panic, having realized that she had dozed off without first noticing. In a slight frenzy, she gathered her equipment and left her room, locking the door and running of with upmost speed. Arriving at the north hall after minutes of blind searching, she soon had found the Axeir Violet Division's briefing room. 'Not so immediate...ugg. Time for another briefing...' she murmured in her head, morbidly curious of what her commanding officer was like. After a minute of calming down outside the briefing room, she entered, her expression now normalized and mild. 'Don't screw this up, Maiko...it won't take long', her optimistic side seemed to blurt out, though in her current mood, such encouragement was needed, even if it was by...well, herself.

Pushing open the briefing room's doors, she scanned the briefing room for any sign of life, as she usually did. The briefing room was....empty? Her mind seemed boggled at the fact that no-one was present yet - was she the first one there, before even her new commanding officer? Was she hearing things? Was she in the wrong briefing room, maybe? These questions jumped in her head as if to amplify her anxiety that she held in. She decided to sit down on one of the chairs and wait, deciding that the commanding officer might've just made a mistake or something. She was probably missing something completely obvious, but she didn't know that. But for that moment, she just stared at the ceiling, daydreaming about the sights she saw on the way here in a fairytale-esque fashion, as to pass the time.

'Hope I can get along with the captain...'
"So you're blind too child?" Ivi chided, though her voice lost all venom, to be replaced by rough but genuine amusement. "I am seated, there is no reason to change from here to there, I'll still end up beside you anyway, unless of course, you want to tyrannically evict this one, Xenia was it?" She asked, though somewhat rhetorically before returning to the child. "Use your eyes for once."

Once again, she faced the boy beside her with a look of bemusement. White hair wasn't the most common appearance, and she couldn't exactly get a good read on his eyes either. (You didn't post the color) Not that she was flustered about looking a boy in the eye or anything, it just seemed... inappropriate? After the little squabble she had, she at least had to make amends. She sure knew the princess too small for her britches wouldn't. "I'm sorry about the midget here, she gets a bit cranky after eating her vegetables. Call me Ivi, I'm sure it will be a pleasure working with you."
Ember heard a name called, then her's. She popped up off the floor, and practically flew out of her room and down the hallways. She skidded to a stop in front a three doors. Three different colored emblems adorned their surfaces, the violet to the right, green in the center, and blue to the left. She stepped forward, and pulled open the center door.

She stepped inside, and took note of her surroundings. The room was big, white, and practically empty, except for a boy, a girl, and dangerous looking child. Since the boy and girl were both sitting, she assumed the child was Leminel. She turned to her, bowed, then quickly took a seat, next to the girl.
Xeina wondered, how old was this girl who is currently talking to him? Apparently nearly as small as the Captain General, he didn't like kids. The blank look on Xeina's face didn't change and he raised his head to take a look at her. "Huh? Hmm. Sure.". As much as possible he didn't even want to talk to anyone else, quickly diverting his attention to the one who just entered and back to lying on his arms.

---Axeir Purple Division Briefing Room---

"Sorrryyyy!" The doors burst open with a woman in glasses wearing a leather armor and a violet cape. She was heavily sweating from who knows whatever she did and where she came from. Smiling and adjusting her glasses, she sat down at the other end of the round table and started introducing herself while fixing her pink long hair. "Nuiko. Imina Nuiko is my name and I will be monitoring your debut expedition! We will begin briefing right now."

Nuiko pressed the center of the table, making the surface a map. It showed the four regions. "Alright! For your debut expedition, your task will be supporting the Green Division together with its other new members. Pretty easy, right?". She pointed at the upper right part of Manatus and encircled it. "This is where you will be deployed, the snowy part of Manatus, the Glacial Plainstrides. I hope you're ready for the cold!". Excited as she was to see a new member of the Axeir Purple Division, her expression turned from cheerful to serious.

---Purefell Green Division Briefing Room---

"So, everyone's here!" Leminel took a good look at each three and ignored the girl's blabbering. Like Nuiko did, Leminel also pressed the center of the table and showed up the map while pointing to the Glacial Plainstrides. The land was described as snowing heavily with frozen lakes and few trees. "There has been reported troubles of Ice Wraith hauntings in these parts lately, including the sighting of a fallen comet in the vicinity which must have something to do with it. Your task is to find AND stop the cause of the Ice Wraith hauntings. I have also been informed that the Purple Division will join the expedition as your support and back up.". Leminel stepped on the center of the table to hide the map. Earlier, just a rambling kid, but she easily changed gears to show a more mature act. Her eyes were like the eyes of a true leader for a moment.

It didn't seem like any easy task for Xeina. This was a great opportunity for him to do something great once in a while but the thought of the danger and harm bothered him. It was also said that the plains might be filled with wolves and other beasts. Though trembling a little, he stayed silent and sat straight looking at Leminel. The tension was never anything like before.

Leminel and Nuiko both asked and said at the same time. "Any questions? If none, proceed to the entrance in about 10 minutes.".
Her initial impressions of the Captain General were....odd, to say the least. From a glance, her commanding officer was harder to understand than anything else Maiko had seen here. The impression she had gotten off Nuiko was not that of which she'd expect to get from someone in such a high position. The tension in the air had seemed to dissipated the instant the general had entered the room. 'What an odd person..' she thought. 'She seems kind of nice, though. Guess we might get along better than I thought!'. Something clicked in her mind about the situation that was odd to her, though. She decided to consult Nuiko about it; "Uhm...am I the only one who is supposed to....be here? ...did no-one else enter this division..?".
Nuiko chuckled before speaking as always. "For this specific expedition, yes!" She adjusted her glasses and smiled. It seemed that this was also common for Nuiko knowing that a supportive division will not appeal to most. She confidently pointed at the door and said, "Your fellow new members have already been assigned on another tasks, if you saw the crowd at the entrance. Now, go and line up at the entrance with the rest of your team.". Anyone might find it funny how much people signed up for the purple division because of the reasons "Its too dangerous!" and "I don't want to die!". What will happen to those people? Probably failing on their debut expedition and sent home, thought her.

"Dismissed! Here is your other team member. Find her, line up in the entrance, and get ready for deployment." Leminel showed them the data of Maiko and shooed them away, seemingly still irritated at Ivi. It might have gone like the other members who're scared of danger for Xeina, but it seemed that toughening up was the right choice for making him capable of greater actions. The noisy crowd at the center hall and the entrance was filled with questions of who will pass and even who will come back alive. His heart may have skipped a beat when he heard "Come back alive". Breaking out in cold sweat, he went on ahead and searched the crowd for the girl named Maiko while shouting her name, which is tasked to support them.
"Thank you, Miss Nuiko. I'll go right away. See you!" Dismissing herself from the briefing room after a wave goodbye towards Nuiko, she began to walk out the North Hall and went towards the entrance, as advised. Nuiko's rather optimistic nature seemed to be rubbing off on her already - Maiko had not a worry in the world for just a moment, but then snapping back to the task at hand, she had a look around the entrance outside. Moving into the crowd gathered there, she tried to look through the lines for the other team's members from the Green Division. Suddenly, she had seemed to hear her name being shouted out into the grumbling crowd. Was that one of them? Moving towards the sound of what seemed to be a male's voice, Maiko had finally identified what had been searching out for her. 'Well, he isn't that bad a looker...' She thought, looking at him with idly prying eyes. She just had to hope he wasn't that bad a person either. Confronting the young man, she spoke out a few words to him; "Hi...I'm Maiko. Maiko Yeer Sterben. Are you one of the Green Division's members I'm supposed to be supporting..?".
Yes, we are... why are you all so old?" She spluttered as she laid eyes on the... more developed of the girls in the group. If there was one thing she didn't like about being younger than everyone, it was the fact that she ended up being looked down on for all the wrong reasons. "And why are three three girls and one boy here? They couldn't... um, I don't know, at least balance things out or something? Are we understaffed?" She started to rant before she realized, quickly speaking in a tone that begged a fight. "Never mind, when will the mission start?"
Ember hopped up from the chair, and followed the rest of the team out of into the packed entrance hall. She heard bits and peices of conversations as she went by, mostly about not wanting to die, staying alive, and who would come back alive. The boy had stared yelling out Maiko's name, and the girl came running up to them. She introduced herself. Ember nodded her head to the girl, and said a quiet hello. Listing to Ivi, she joined in. "Who knows? Maybe all the boys were assigned to different teams. Or, it could be that all the boys were sent home, tails between their legs. But, who knows?"
[Xeina's Appearance has been updated in the CS]

"Uhh, yeah. I guess.". It did not help his uncomfortable anxiety that all the team members were girls, and with the fact that one was a kid. He looked away after answering with a likely glum look. Shortly after meeting up with all team members, a tall, old man with a wooden staff and badges of all three divisions stood in front of the crowd and shouted. "Order!". Everyone stopped their chattering and turned front, including the worried Xeina. "Ah, the aspiring young'uns have gathered.". He waved his staff, creating fifty-six magical status boards in the air that displayed the health and locations of every team and its members. "I am Meldor, the Head of Operations of the Myrian Expedition team and this here, is my power I call Link. It enables me to connect to a life source and monitor it, though it is not only limited to that use. There is a total of two hundred twenty-four new members, and fify-six teams here, each team having four members. The small teams are only for your first and determining expedition. There maybe death, and those who failed each of their assigned tasks will be sent home."

The atmosphere turned serious and the air became cold. Xeina looked around, seeing faces of fear or regret, some seemingly wanting to turn back. He didn't let this pull him down, looking straight and steady. The sound of the breeze filled the short silence in there, and shortly after, the words everyone is waiting for. The old man raised his staff and slammed it down the ground with great force followed by..

"Let the determining expedition.. COMMENCE!"

Everyone started running towards the road, others taking the horse carriages. Each team had different tasks, and his team was tasked for the Glacial Plainstrides at the Northeast end of Manatus. "Here goes nothing.." Xeina stayed determined to pass this expedition and come back in one piece. Though troubled inside, he managed to keep the calm expression. He pointed at the horse carriages looked at them. "Lets get there fast.".
"Well, a team is a team...I've got to support you all. I look forward to it." Maiko replied to the others, looking towards the carriages as Xeina had pointed them out to them. Looking around at the horde of teams rushing down the road's path, she let out a small laugh at the rather frantic nature of some of them. The Head of Operations' ability to monitor life sources did bug her in the back of her mind, and if anything she found it a bit creepy. But there was no denying it had very useful functions, especially for someone with said position. Being a Mechanic, she had no such mana cores, like the others probably did. She only could wait to see their skills on the expedition, but even then she'd just be in a supporting position. Shooing the depressing thought off, she began to run to the horse carriages with the rest of the team hopefully following, trying to find a carriage that hasn't already been taken. "I...I think there's one over there!"
"Found one!" Ivi exclaimed, finally locating a carriage. She would be lying if she said she wasn't excited, but with that excitement came nervousness that she could and would not deny. She was strong, people granted her that, but being 14 came with the troubles of a fourteen year old, and the irrational fears that plagued children. The general, her friend once upon a time, was not exempt from that, still sometimes troubled by the things that are expected of her despite her age. There was only so much maturity she could muster before breaking after all, and for some reason, there was always a chance that this was it. The first would forever be the hardest after all, and she knew for a fact that sometimes it would never get easier. "Come, on then! Let's go adventuring!"
Knowing how large Myria is, it would take days to travel by horse, and even more by foot. The Glacial Plainstrides was on the other side of Manatus which was really far. An adventure filled experience and mostly.. Danger, as he looked forward to be experiencing as he got on one carriage. Having the Head of Operation's mana latched onto him seemed uncomfortable at the moment because he isn't used to being watched. His feelings were still conflicting with each other, being enthusiastic or hesitant about what lies ahead. Seeing all the teams that ran off, he wondered how many would be able to pass and come back.

"Yumena Harbor please.". It was very handy that the horse carriages hired by the fort does not need payment, saving Xeina a lot of coin problems. The Glacial Plainstrides is just directly south of Yumena Harbor so he thought it might be good to stop by the harbor town first for preparations rather than directly heading to mission. Everyone seemed to be in the carriage so he closed the door and rested upon the soft, luxurious looking seats. The carriage began moving as the horses neighed and ran. While traveling through the roads, Xeina took the time to look out the glass window and admire the stunning lands. They passed through brightly lighted cities, small villages, narrow and old bridges, dark forests, seaside cliffs, and a lot more. They also had to circle around the mountain of Runairis Peak, the mountain where the legendary sword of Lancelot, Aerune rests, because of it being covered by a mysterious barrier no one could pass. Xeina constantly prodded Ivi with, seeing if she would get annoyed like any other kid.

Finally arriving in Yumena Harbor after days, he immediately got chills. The area was heavily snowing and it was his first time to be in a snowy area. "L..Leminel didn't tell us it was THIS cold!". Unfortunately, his scarf was not enough to warm him up. The harbor town was small, but fine enough to have inns, some shops and a quest board. He got out of the carriage, shaking because of the cold. "Uughh. My back hurts from sitting too long.. And I think i'm going to get sick!".
Ember stepped out of the carriage, and almost fell over. "Ugh...I'm so stiff." She watched Xeina for a moment. "While we're here, we should get some extra gear, like warm clothes, agreed? Also, we need some kind of plan, as we don't want to just go rushing in to the misson, completely unprepared. Why don't we go to one of the inns, rent a room or two, and stay for maybe a day or so, to get ready? And we know almost nothing about each other, that should be changed." She leaned down to streach her back, awaiting the groups answers.
"I'm..fine with that. I thought this fur would be enough warmth for me....clearly not." Maiko mumbled out, shivering with every passing wind. "My back....agh. I can't wait to lie on an actual bed...". Maiko looked slyly at the surroundings of their new location - the harbor town seemed to be smaller than expected to her, though with the cold being the way it is, she should've expected it. View distance was decently limited in the Glacial Plainstrides, so maps of their surroundings would be of upmost importance. She knew this quite well. But being ready for anything was just as important, including having supplies such as food, drink, various tools to survive in the frozen cold. It also meant that they'd have to put in a little practice before they went out, as she had bet that they had gotten a little rusty, even if it had only been a few days. It was best just to be sure. With this on Maiko's mind, she asked; "...wouldn't we need to practice too, by the way..? We'll need to figure out how we all fight anyway. We don't exactly want to get in each other's way and end up almost killing ourselves out there..."
"Yes, we should. But, let's go get a room, and get out and buying gear. I'm freezing, as I assume the rest of you are." Ember headed farther into the town, before looking over her shoulder. "By the way, what type of mana core do you have? We need to know that about each other,as well."
"Inn first, talk later." Ivi replied curtly, not exactly as affected by the cold due to her subtle use of her core, though she was somewhat close to her breaking point due to one of the girls in the group. Wait, no, that was very vague, due to the cross-dressing girl in the group. That was the only way she could swap from uncaring and stoic to utterly annoying and scared in a heartbeat, no boy could be that fickle no matter what age. Like it or not, however, she had to admit that she was the most experienced with travel, so she had to refer to her for guidance in these matters. "Xenny, where's the nearest place we can get us girls comfy, unless you girls are okay with talking with an annoying chatter all the time?"

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