• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Grad Night Character Sign Ups


Geun Sae

I would crawl belly deep through hell


So I just wanted to write here as a preface to the signup sheet that I'm not very picky with my characters in terms of details regarding their height/appearance/favorite food and random qualities like that. What I am picky on is that the character designed and written should fit the world that this Roleplay takes place in. This roleplay is fairly central in the world of 1990's slashers like Scream, I Know What You Did Last Summer, Valentine, and Urban Legend. It takes place in 1995 so please keep that in mind when designing your character. Feel free to embrace the tropes and archetypes typically found in Slashers like the ones below:
  • The Shy Girl
  • The Jock
  • The Red Herring
  • The Party Girl/Guy
  • The Nerd
  • The Mean Girl/Guy
  • The Stoner
  • The Fool
  • The Nice Guy
Keep in mind that I'm also accepting characters who survived the original massacre! There will be two different sheets; one for characters who are a part of the graduating class of 1995, and one for those who survived the original massacre.

  • For the Graduating Class of '95:

    || Name ||

    || Age ||

    || Appearance (Description or Image will do) ||

    || Brief History/Backstory (What are their plans after high school? Do they intend to go to college?) ||

    || Personality ||

    || Anything Else (Anything else you feel would help expand your character's depth) ||

    || Your Character's Theme (Pick a fun 90's song you think your character would love) ||

    For Survivors of the original massacre:

    || Name ||

    || Age (27-29) ||

    || Appearance (Description or Image will do) ||

    || Brief History/Backstory (What were their plans after high school? Did they intend to go to college? What happened to them after the massacre?) ||

    || Did your character receive any injuries or scars during the original massacre? Did they lose any friends or family? ||

    || Personality ||

    || Anything Else (Anything else you feel would help expand your character's depth) ||

    || Your Character's Theme (Pick a fun 80's song you think your character would love) ||

    Don't forget; a good murder mystery is all about motive! Don't be afraid to find a way to make other characters suspect you. Whether you're a red herring, the killer, or somewhere in between, it's always a good idea to keep the other players guessing.
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1643216367046.pngMickey Mickinley - The Mean Guy - Work In Progress

|| 18 ||

|| Once an exceptional athlete, Mickey quickly climbed the social ladder of Newby County High. A stellar athlete in Track and Field, Wrestling, and Football, Mickey's career was ended following a devastating injury his junior year. Since then, Mickey's become a cynical pessimist who walks with a slight limp that he tries his best to hide. Mickey's worldview has been entirely informed by his parent's poor financial decisions and struggles with addiction. His once cushy life on the south side of town was slowly uprooted by his father's chronic gambling addiction and his mother's alcoholism. During his junior year, he was forced to move into a trailer park. He eventually learned to express himself creatively in writing. Eventually, the once flashy and egotistical athlete became a sarcastic and bitter writing club loner. Mickey still managed to maintain a healthy relationship with his old friend group, still attending the parties and celebrations of Newby High's football players, even despite his indifferent demeanor. Despite his hardships, Mickey's managed to attain great grades throughout high school and was accepted into an early admission to Northeastern University on a scholarship for his writing. This has been all he's ever wanted, to get away from his parents and hometown.||

|| Mickey is a bitter pessimist. He has no qualms about being brutally honest and callous. People who Mickey dislike would describe him as a difficult person. However, those who Mickey likes would describe him as a clever guy who'll flick your ego away like a pea on your shoulder. In a hypocritical way, Mickey's ego is massive. He knows he's smart, and despite his injuries, he still maintains enough muscle to throw a good punch. Mickey still holds on to vestiges of his old life. For as resentful and dissatisfied he is with his life in Newby, Mickey loves cutting loose on the weekends and enjoying a beer or two with his old teammates. In a way, his injury and newly found perspectives on life have liberated him from the societal pressures of extracurricular activities and competitive sports. The teammates he once found himself competing with and desperately trying to impress, he now finds benevolent and tolerable. And alternatively, those who he once forced himself to tolerate now find themselves the brunt of his meanest jokes.||

The sky was blurry. The stadium lights shone so brightly he had to reach his hand up and shield his eyes from their fluorescent beams. The ringing in his ear was loud, but as it slowly died down he could hear the voices of his teammates and the familiar grating sound of his coach.

“Mickey? Mickey, can you hear me all right?”

There was a brighter light, the up-close shine of the paramedic’s penlight. How long had he been laying there on the turf? He tried to speak,

“Wha? Where?”

He could make it out clearly now, the faces of two paramedics kneeling above him.

“You took a pretty hard hit. Mickey, can you talk to me?”

He turned his head for a brief moment. Between the legs of his coaches, he could make out the stands. Hundreds of students were watching him closely with glassy eyes and dazed stares. The cheerleaders had made a pyramid formation in a failed attempt to divert the audience’s attention away from him.

He felt the latex glove caress his face. “Mickey, I need you to keep looking up okay?”

“I don’t feel too good.” He moaned, feeling the beads of sweat trickle down his neck. “Was I hit?”

“We need to get in the ambulance.”

Mickey’s breathing got heavy. “Who hit me?” He rolled his eyes back, hoping to spot the member of the rival team that had knocked him clean off his feet. Who was it? Mickey was gonna kill him. Who the hell had the nerve?

The next thing he knew he was being lifted. The sky grew closer for a brief moment, and the bright yellow lights of the stadium slowly dimmed into flashing reds and blues. He tried to turn his head this time, only to realize the paramedics had secured some type of brace around his neck.

“Where are his parents?” One of the paramedics asked.

“The coach is calling them to let them know”. He shook his head and whispered. “You know how those Mickinley’s are. They’re a bunch of deadbeats.”

Mickey couldn’t help but stare at the grey metallic ceiling of the ambulance. As he rocked ever so slightly back and forth he could feel the pressure in his chest. That sense of sadness he’d carried with him all his life. He couldn’t even be mad at the paramedic, after all, they were right. He knew it, the paramedics knew it, the whole town knew it.

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- The Shy Girl -
|| Margot "Maggie" Rooks ||

|| 18 ||


|| Raised by her reclusive, paranoid father, Maggie plans on following in his footsteps and attending Yale to become a historian. She's never had many friends, but has worked hard for her grades and is graduating with honors. Rumors swirl that her family has a past involved with witchcraft, although Maggie's obsession with folklore probably does nothing to help that. ||

|| She's just as anxious as her dad, with a million little nervous habits. She's kind, but struggles with speaking to others, and prefers snacking on sweets to starting a conversation. She is intensely focused, and often needs to be dragged away from tasks she works on. She may be uncomfortable around new people, but those who get to know her say she's a good, trustworthy friend (and one who can make a mean snickerdoodle cookie to boot). ||

|| She adores anything cute, and her otherwise tidy room is strewn with stuffed animals. She also enjoys rock music, and keeps a small collection of CDs in her car. ||

|| Semi-Charmed Life by Third Eye Blind ||

- Writing Sample -

98, 99, 100.
Maggie squinted at herself in the mirror, setting the brush on the vanity table. To anyone looking at her, she seemed spaced out a little, wide blue eyes scrutinizing the middle distance. Her mind, however, was aflurry with activity. Everything had to look just so for the ceremony - after all, it was the only high school graduation she'd have, and the last thing she wanted was to mess something up. She always messed something up.

Besides the faint hum of the light, the only other noise audible was a faint snoring from the other room. Her dad had stayed up until two in the morning again, finishing a chapter of the book he was working on. Devil's Dice, or something like that - talking about the early days of Las Vegas, of all places. Nothing made a good history book like true crime - people ate that stuff up, so she heard.

She, frankly, didn't understand it. Although maybe enough time would trivialize any tragedy. It sure didn't seem trivial in this town. It shouldn't be trivial anywhere.

Finishing off her mascara, Maggie gave a small, photograph smile to her reflection. There. Perfect.

There was nothing to be worried about.
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Jenny Johnson

  • FULL NAME: Jennifer Jolie Johnson

    NICKNAMES: Jenny, J.J., Jenny-I-Got-Your-Number, Jenny-Don't-Change-Your-Number

    AGE: 29

    HEIGHT: 5'6"

    WEIGHT: Around 140 lbs, mostly on the lean and muscular side

    HAIR COLOUR: Blonde

    EYE COLOUR: Blue

    DESCRIPTION: Jenny's always been a pretty girl and was known as a looker back in high-school. Athletic and put together, she was always the picture of femininity. Her soft face and softer eyes have only managed to harden over the years, aging with the trauma and some minimal substance abuse. Gone is the sparkle from her eye, replaced with a cold stare and a colder grimace, usually lost to staring into space or thinking about things that shouldn't matter. Her beauty has matured, appearing more of the graceful melancholy than any youthful spunk that once captivated the eyes of others. Jenny's got a nasty glare, and she's not so afraid to be seen with it.

    Dealing with physical therapy after the massacre of '85 left her with a bit of a limp that's only managed to subdue just slightly in the last couple of years. Her shoulder manages to catch every winter, stiffening in the cold and from a lack of physical activity. Her body is always moving, seemingly afraid of being still for too long. She's got one big scar over the left collarbone, snagged and jaded with scar tissue, a few inches over the spot where her heart and left lung sit, and just below the sensitive area of her neck. More scars lance across her lower back, streaking into each other, remnants of quick and messy stabs.

    Her blonde hair used to catch white in the summer sun, but now it's managed to fade and has taken a darker hue, closer to a dirty blonde than anything close to how she used to look. Brushed away from her face, her hair is often swept away while she's occupied with busier things. Jenny's maintained the length, though everyone tells her she should cut it.

    FACECLAIM: Kathryn Winnick :coolshades:
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Rodrigo "Rod" Martinez - The Jock


|| Graduating Class of '95. ||
|| 18 years old. ||

|| Brief History/Backstory ||
Rod was born in an impoverished part of town, the son of Mexican immigrants who could barely speak English. His father left the family when he was five and he stayed with his mother, who worked long hours as a cleaning lady for a wealthy family. He has always been interested in sports and has always been very popular. As a child, he spent most of his days hanging out with friends. Since work kept his mother away from home more often than not, he also learned skills like cooking, cleaning and taking care of himself at a young age.

His life only changed when his mother married the rich man she worked for, who owned a famous restaurant chain. Suddenly, Rod found himself living in a huge mansion with a swimming pool and all the luxuries he could have imagined. The new stepfather was cold to him, while the two stepsiblings hated him because they blamed his mother for ruining their father's first marriage, but not everything was bad about that new living arrangement. He started wearing designer clothes and made new friends, got an amazing car for his sixteenth birthday and was able to focus on his dream of pursuing a sports career. The parties he started to attend weren't bad either.

Near his high school graduation, Rod got an excellent scholarship to a good college, because of his participation in the football team, although money was not a problem. His stepfather would have paid any amount to send him away. However, his erratic behavior and his frequent involvement in fights and drinking made the college decide to reconsider whether to accept him. Therefore, his future is uncertain until the college makes this decision, especially since his stepfather intends to kick him out of the house anyway.

|| Personality ||

During childhood, Rod was a kind and understanding boy. He was always charismatic, had a good sense of humor, and was often very concerned about his friends and acquaintances. But the situation changed a bit when his mother got married and his family got rich. The problems and resentment he had to face inside his own home made him impatient and more prone to getting into fights. He also abandoned his childhood friends to start spending time with other groups of people.

When he's alone with someone else, he can usually be as friendly and empathetic as he was when he was younger. However, when he is around a group of people, he tends to become arrogant and loud, especially when his friends are around. This is his way of showing off and getting the attention of others. He has the unconscious fear that others might reject him like his family does, which causes him to have a need to be accepted that often makes him be cruel to some people to get approval from others.

Rod does not usually cry or complain, and seems to be a perfectly happy and confident person to others. The anger he usually feels, as well as the occasional mood swings, are only expressed in the way he treats others. To sum it up, he always goes out of his way to please people, normally his friends, but sometimes other people when they aren't around.

|| Anything Else ||

The desire to be accepted often puts Rod in dangerous situations. For example, he will drink, fight, do drugs and engage in all kinds of activities others are engaging, even if he knows the problems this kind of behavior will cause him later on.

|| Character's Theme ||

|| Writing sample ||

The Spanish teacher was sitting on the other side of the table, staring at Rod with a clear expression of disappointment on her face. Between the two of them, many tests and essays had been spread out on the table. She had called him after class and practically cornered him by the door, even though he had insisted he needed to go to his football practice. So he'd sat down and she had taken out all these papers that showed the low grades Rod had been getting in different subjects. F in algebra, geography and literature. D in Spanish.

"¿Qué pasa, Martinez?" She asked. Rod snorted and shrugged. The teacher shook her head and went back to speaking in English. "You speak fluent Spanish. It doesn't make sense that you got a D in my class. Nor does it make sense that you're failing every other subject. If this continues, I'm going to be forced to talk to your coach. You know you need decent grades to be part of the team."

"I'm about to graduate. Can't I have a break?" He asked, and then sighed. "It just feels so pointless sometimes. The college wants to suspend my scholarship. What am I supposed to do if that happens?"

Rod crossed his arms. It wasn't fair. He'd been caught doing drugs and maybe he should take it easy with all the fighting, yes, but he'd been doing his best at football for years. And he'd also managed to keep his grades reasonable through most of high school, though never particularly high. He was a tall, muscular young man, but he suddenly felt very small sitting in that chair. The teacher took a deep breath.

"I don't know what you're going to do if that happens, but I know what you can do now. Bring your grades up. Stay on the team. Maybe everything will work out in the end," she said. Rod didn't like the word she used. Maybe. Yes, maybe it would all work out in the end, but maybe it would not. All he wanted was to go to practice and be able to forget about this for just a few minutes, focus on the sport. He almost sighed in relief when the teacher finally dismissed him.

He hurried through the corridors to get to the locker room. The coach would certainly scold him for being late. A younger student passed Rod in the hallway clutching some books to his chest and he purposely bumped into him. All the books fell to the floor and Rod stomped over them, crushing cover and pages with his sneakers as he continued his way out of the school building without looking back. "Watch where you're going, you little shit," he teased. But he soon regretted it.

He had to toe the line. Stay on the team, bring his grades up, stop fighting. He stopped walking and turned around to make sure the student wasn't hurt. Toe the line. Stay on the team. Bring grades up. Stop fighting. He had to do all of that, and then maybe things would work out for him.


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Endless darkness breezed through the claustrophobic array of neat blazers, silky skirts and far much more outfits that the waking boy could feel all around his torso, he can even recognize some of them from feeling the texture and recalling his memory, tugging at many of these to beg for something... or perhaps just because it felt nice to touch as he looked up to the hands that rocked the cradle. Even just being here, Aleks felt the warming embrace of his parents, he didn't feel itchy or sneezy, he could even just sleep here on his favorite red pajamas with his trusty friend Dr. Uck, and when he wakes up, he'd throw himself to his parents who would take a good scare from it, but they'd playfully laugh as he hugged them, looking up with a toothy grin.


The sound of Aleks' own surprisingly loud heartbeats spooked him into proper conscience, looking around sheepishly as his mind wandered off into rationality. Why was he here on his parents' closet? As nice as it feels, it's not like this is somewhere Aleks walks around in frequently, so his mind wandered as he sat up from his fetal position, itching his eyes with his hands to shake off the drowsiness.

Did his parents ask him to get something?
...No, they left to get some late groceries.

Did that mean Aleks was alone on his house?
...No, they went at night because they were waiting for-


My brother.
Ezekiel, his other half, maybe a little too petty sometimes, but they're inseparable, after all, they're heroes going on adventures all around the world! Setting up traps to catch a burglar or scaring off an evil priestess, they're a duo!
Just as how Aleks feels loved by his parents, it's the same for his brother, but it's a little different. It's like... It's like they're Power Rangers, in a way, maybe Aleks is a little more inexperienced but in the end, they're in the same position. He feels it when they used to run around the overgrown grass fields back when they were younger, that feeling of the wind running across his cheeks as Ezekiel pulled him, just fooling around... It felt unforgettable...
...used to...


...So why is Aleks here again?
His brother must've asked him to, but no matter what, he can't remember.
In fact, he can't remember anything properly from this day.
It's a little spooky... but it's ok!
I just have to get out there and find out!


The room's darkness felt like nothing but a breeze, he's on his house, nothing can happen in his house! Aleks is loved here, so it's always safe, there's no monsters here!


Aleks wondered why his face was so wet as he skipped down the hallway, noticing the moving shadow on the humming echo of the light under his brother's bedroom doorframe.


The first thing Aleks noticed was that his heartbeat wasn't loud, it was just being accompanied.
The second thing he noticed was something red.
His favorite color! That's the secret of his favorite pajamas!
It must be nice if it's red!
...But what is it? Aleks needed to squint a little closer...


there's also something black there
it's red too

i spy something gold and red



Aleksander hurriedly looked around as his right hand instinctively raised upwards, a cold sweat running around his back as nothing but silence responded to his fearful screams, his hyperventilation filled the thrownabout bedroom with nothing more than a deep pity as the shadows mocked this act of comedic tragedy, his nerves calming down as Aleks stared down into his grown hands, now wet with tears, and long deprived of that nurturing warmth or that exciting tug he still remembers. Aleks figured his dad must've left for the pub again if he didn't storm in by now, the visits get more frequent near the anniversary, he shook his head as he buried it in his hands, leaning back into the bedframe as he slowly revealed his gaze into his bedroom's door, or rather, staring directly at what would've been a clear view of his dead brother's bedroom if both doors were open.

One isn't open due to paranoia.
One isn't open because it's not being used anymore.

Aleks held a vague expression as his emotions went through turbulence, unable to remain still as they nonsensically floated throughout his mind, giving him a headache and a sigh.

"...One of those nights." Aleks spoke to himself as he reached for his nightstand drawer, scavenging for the right pills, not even looking at the clock as Aleks' hands carefully but uncaringly sorted through the medicin-THUMP.

His petrified gaze shot straight at the source of the noise... A fallen stack of books.
A sarcastic laughter followed soon after the realization as Aleks retrieved what he was looking for.

"...Still waiting for you to pick me up, Zeke." Words uttered to someone that will never listen as Aleks went to his escape, leaving his emotions behind for something that makes him feel ok again.

oh to get involved in the exchange
of human emotions

Aleksander Herrington

The Broken Prodigy

Class of '95 - 18


"Boo, I'm a ghost."

The Herringtons were once, as they call it, suburban town royalty. His father was a well-respected and loved local highschool teacher, Stanley Herrington made math class likeable to thousands of bored and impulsive students, his work was admired by parent and teacher alike. His mother's legendary cooking made the life of many parties across the street, many stomachs were filled by Dalia Herrington's chicken pie. Their sons were bright kids, though a little rebellious with pranks and jokes from school to home, everyone had many expectations from their high grades, Ezekiel's acting was captivating and emotional as shown by his theater trophy while Aleksander seemed to be following his father's footsteps. Although some hated them for more specific reasons, they really were a nice family.

Then 1985 happened.
Many rumors are spoken of that night in the house, the only one who knows for certain what happened are the siblings, the police and the killer. The only certainty was that Ezekiel was found bludgeoned to death by his own trophy while their parents went out for late groceries, some say you can still find part of his brain on the bedroom floor, some say Aleks saw everything happen hiding on the closet. The looks of admiration changed to pity as the Herringtons grieved for their dead son, the mother couldn't handle being in the town any longer and left as soon as the massacre passed, continuing to financially help the two but refusing to ever come back. The father returned to the school a few months after, while many still consider him a great teacher, his smile never quite returned, and rumors are that some see him in certain nights down at the bar.

Aleks definitely got the short end of the stick, constant interrogation by the police when he witnessed nothing over their parents' closet but his brother's agonizing pain via his screams and the bloody aftermath of the scene on his bedroom as part of Ezekiel's head was battered down, the trauma essentially making him close down for many years, refusing to ever talk again. And in those many years, many visits to doctors were made, and in those visits, many drugs were administered. His father wanted nothing but to help his last remaining family, and didn't realize the more open Aleks got, the more addicted he was.

And so, Aleks' high school years were spent in a desperate attempt to pretend everything was fine, ignoring the whispers and gossips of his health as he tried to just float by it, uncertain of everything beyond as Aleks just lived because he was too scared to die. Not many chose to approach Aleks, but he always tried to be nice and welcoming, even trying to mimic his brother's sarcastic quips, to truly convince himself that everything is fine.

And Aleks sometimes likes to say that now, he's just as a good actor as his brother.

"...Just trying to make things work."

Aleksander has turned into only but a hollowed husk of his former self, a solitary person that doesn't like to get too involved with anyone as he tries to look forward in the best way he can. His solemnity is not out of paranoia or guilt, but just that it hurts too much to care for something nowadays, if he starts to care, then he'll blame himself even more for becoming like this, so he remains in stagnancy as the world moves faster than he ever could. Aleks' friendly demeanor does still remain in him, even if it's a lot more meek and passive, he's still a nice person to those who approach, he can even be a little snarky at times if he's in a good mood, though Aleks likes to distance himself quickly, he's not one to forget friendships. His addiction is very present on his life, Aleks probably doesn't fully realize that he's addicted to the pills but knows that he relies on them in dark times, he is actively trying to get off them, but he can't handle the withdrawal symptoms, so he relapses and tries again constantly. As graduation night rings closer, Aleks' idea of future is looming closer than ever, he is uncertain of what he'll do at that point and he's terrified of it, still lost in the shadows of that night, his mind looks desperately for ways to escape the loneliness and the anxiety that he has placed upon himself.

"...Sorry, didn't mean to hear that..."

As for his home life, Aleks' father hardly looks at him anymore, both guilt and disappointment running through his mind as his son withers away, incapable of facing the truth as his happy family ended a long time ago, running away to drinks when his mind runs too far from comfort. Aleks' effective parental abandonment made him much more independent, having to learn to take care of the house on his own and such, another way to pretend that everything is fine. His brother's closed room is a constant reminder of the tragedy he witnessed even if Aleks hardly remembers what he actually saw that night anymore because the trauma, the drugs and his fertile imagination, most of his memories before that have begun to turn vague as well.

All that Aleks remembers for sure is that he saw something on that bedroom that fateful Friday night when he left his parents' closet to check a noise, something that was red.
And of course, the sheer trauma of seeing something like that when you're just a kid weighed on his shoulders forever.

Aleks' school life is a little more bearable for him, everyone knows what happened to what was once a perfect family, maybe with some more truth or some more lies, but all that bothers him in there are the gossiping about his past and his loneliness, and he just has no care left for his societal position anymore. Surprisingly enough, Aleks still remains with great grades, perhaps he works more like a robot now or the assignments give Aleks something more of a challenge, some even say his father is pulling strings as well, but that's out of his realm of information.

As Aleks' highschool days rear it's finale, he only hopes that he can find a light to live by again, out of Newby or not, he doesn't know, he just wants to live again.

And who knows, maybe graduation night can give him something to die for.​
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  • Name. Colt B. Callaway.
    Nickname(s). CC, Cal
    Age. 29
    Role. Washed-up Jock.

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Anyone interested in learning more about Newby County and the Massacre of 85' can learn more here:

I'll have more info coming in soon!
‘That Edgy Chick’

Nicole 'Nic' Dune




Nicole Dune is the bad girl, otherwise known as the edgy chick that practically everyone goes to for a party, a smoke, or even a quick fuck. As a child she was radiant and sweet, even though her mother was a teen when she had her her grandparents always provided for them as her Dad was practically a deadbeat, ignoring her mother at school and acting like Nicole didn't even exist. It was hell for her mother, however it never affected Nic because her Mom refused to let him hurt their daughter.... Instead, he did something much worse.

Unbeknownst to her until she was twelve, Nicole's father was none other than the Newby Killer. He was responsible for the massacre back in 1985 and it was kept a secret by her family until parents at her middle school found out and demanded she be moved elsewhere, then her mother had no choice but to tell her. Her mother feels immensely guilty for what happened back then and even more guilty for her daughter having to deal with the backlash now, so, on occasion, she’ll drink too much. Not that her mother is a bad mom or an alcoholic, but when you fucked a murderer and lived to tell the tale with a child of all things, a little drinking is to be expected.

Given that Nic is a few years younger than the seniors, it’s a bit of a shock that she hangs out with them, but when a kid can get you drugs and alcohol why not make them part of your group? She’s always been with those older than her, since she was a freshman. Now as a sophomore, most of her friends are graduating and while she tells them they’re lame for going to college, deep down she wants to escape Denby, and the evil shadow of her father, just as badly as they do.


Considering Nicole hangs out with older classmates, she’s mature for her age, at least she likes to think so. She’s known for being the dropout character, but of course it’s not like she’s any less of a stoner either. Nic is relatively cold and sarcastic, and you can see that when she interacts with her friends and even those she doesn’t know. She thinks of herself as above those her age, and even some older than herself. The people below her are just too annoying for their own good. Perhaps she’s a narcissist, then again look at who her dad is? Although she puts on a good face, Nic does feel a lot of guilt for what her Dad did, but she still hates hearing people talk about him and in relation, her. She's been known to get into fights, especially when being teased about anything having to do with 1985. She's a hotheaded sixteen year old with eyes on her at all times because of a man she never even met, and she hates him for it.


Nic makes a lot of Daddy Issues jokes ever since finding out who her father was. It drives her mom crazy but she thinks it’s hysterical. Also, she’s not the most confident person in the world, so she overcompensates for the traits she thinks she lacks in, like dressing older than a usual fifteen year old would. Another thing is that Nic will use her sexual promiscuity to get what she wants. She’s threatened to expose cheating boyfriends and tell on a teacher if they didn’t pay her or raise her grade or do whatever else she wanted.

'Welcome to Paradise' Green Day

It had been hours since Nic arrived at the hospital. The last time she saw a nurse, she was informed that her Mom couldn’t have visitors yet. She was already a disheveled mess after everything that happened that night, but that wasn't what was important right now. Right now, she was focused on someone else. Her mother almost died, and she watched as it happened. As much as she hated to admit it, she was scared. Nicole didn't have many people, and if her Mom died she wasn't sure what she'd do with herself.

Stop thinking like that.

She had to get her mind off of the what-ifs. Her friends were safe, and for now, her mom was safe. The girl stood, not exactly knowing where she was going, but she was getting restless. Those words continued to run through her head, they could've been the last thing she ever said to her. Before she could get any further on that train of thought though, she watched a nurse come from the wing her mother was in.

"Can I see her?" Nic blurted, "Cathy Harold, I mean."

It was getting dark outside, and she knew that visiting hours had to be almost over, but.... She had to see her, at least just to make sure she was okay with her own eyes.

The nurse began to shake her head, parting her lips to speak before Nic beat her to it, "Please." She begged, trying to stand her ground. "I'm just really worried about him, y'know?"

By looking at Nicole you wouldn't be able to tell how worried she really was unless you looked into her eyes which had been glassed over since she arrived.

The nurse looked down at the girl, crossing her arms before shaking her head again, "Come on then."

Nic was led down the nearly silent hallway, her arms crossed across her chest nervously as the nurse stopped and entered one of the rooms. As her eyes came to rest on the visibly injured Cathy, the nurse gave her a push before cracking the door. The blonde walked in, not exactly sure what to say. She really didn't think she'd get to see her tonight.The silence was becoming almost deafening, so she blurted out the first words that came to mind.

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FC: Nadia Hilker


coded by xayah.

(writing sample/survivor details)

Rosalia never wanted to attend graduation night, or the graduation ceremony for that matter. It was a waste of time, she should have been sleeping instead of partying or participating in some pointless ceremony where they gave her a diploma she had already earned. Besides, big crowds made her anxious. Being the resident "basket case" of the group, it wasn't unexpected for her to feel that way, and her friends usually just went without her. But this time her friends were relentless and only let up when she begrudgingly agreed to go to graduation night with them.

She had never regretted a single decision more in her life.

Rosalia pressed the palm of her hand against her bleeding side, panting as she ran from the person she may have once considered her best friend: Michael Dunne. She had seen something sinister flash in his eyes, just before he buried the knife in her side. She was still in shock from the attack, from the sheer impossibility of it all. But it couldn't be anything else but true, she had seen it with her own two eyes. Michael Dunne, one of the kindest people she had ever known, was a cold-blooded killer. Rosalia could hear the terror throughout the block, cries of agony and the last screams of death.

Her floral dress was stained with blood, darkening as she kept running. As she saw the familiar lawn flamingos of her parents' house, the pain hit. Burning, ripping through her as she stumbled through the doorway. She laid a bloodied hand on the phone, dialing 9-1-1. "There's a killer on the loose-" she gasped. "Michael Dunne- Michael Dunne is the killer!"

"Survive this."
Rosalia lost both of her best friends the night of the massacre. First, Patricia Tomlinson, who had sat next to her in every class they had together, just to make sure she was comfortable and happy. And she lost Michael Dunne, who seemed to be the only one who understood her, and the one that nearly killed her.

She has one scar from her encounter with Dunne, a knife wound deep in her left side. It still bothers her from time to time, if she stretches too much or exercises too hard.

Her 80s Theme:

  • main menu
< 3
Kids these days...

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Just a note since somebody asked, if your character survived the original 85' massacre, just leave the details of their encounter with Dunne and I'll write it into the lore tab :)
“The Freakshow.”

> taxidermist <

> Class of 85’ Survivor <


> NAME <
Joseph Willbey

> Age <

> History/Backstory <

Joseph was always called the freak show in high school only being popular for being weird , often being brutally bullied for being a ‘freak’ ,often being into nerdy stuff and not being that into sports. Though that was not the only thing that caused the bullying, it was also appeared that his mom slept with multiple men who had wives and often hated for it. Though on the lighter side he was also friends with Michael Dune and Rosa Esther.

When the massacre happend he had a confrontation with Dune, they had a simple talk, he asked why he was doing this and if he could help him stop in anyway, which after the death of a couple, he knew that he had lost his close friend, feeling like he should’ve done more to prevent this from even happening.

Though Joseph is often sweet to his mom who’s was a single parent and a caring woman, often showing appreciation and always taking care of her, being a caring man as his mom was before him.

Though after the killings came to a stop, Joseph had only gained high suspicion of his encounter with Dune and coming out of the massacre with little to none injuries, though after the heat and fame of it came to a stop, he put his word out there that gained multiple enemies amongst his back, calling out all of the bullies for being one of the main reasons so many people died that day.

Though once the story wasn’t the hottest topic in the whole damn nation , he lived with his mother for a year not wanting to live alone, feeling like Micheal really wasn’t dead and could pop under his bed and kill him right then and there. Though he did keep in touch with one person, and that would be one of his freinds that he only had besides Micheal. Rosa Esther. She and him communicated quite frequently, and their friendship only grew from there often calling one another just to make sure they were really okay.
> Personality <

Though on the outside, he appears to be a nerdy and awkward man, often causing both him and other people to be uncomfortable at times when he’s interacting with people, often just being awkward as fuck and nervous especially around woman in general.

Though in the inside, he’s actually quite dark and corrupt, often seeming like an alien who watches videos on how to be a human, talking like the people from the old days in particlary cases, he could also seem as brutally hones not able to read the room right at times and being a joy killer for others, he truly is a freak-show some might say.

> Theme <

> Writing Sample <

Joseph was walking on the sidewalk after he had just finished a slasher movie in the theaters, he was thinking about a single scene , it was dark, the victim taped to a chair and their arms and legs tied together. The tears of the girl violently flowing through her face as her fate was permanently sealed. She would die. He recalled the blood that splattered against the wall and the masked killer who used a buzz saw to violate the teenage girl.

As he continued to walk, putting his hands in his leather jacket’s pockets to protect his fingers from the cold breeze that started arise, he then turned to an angle as he then quickly approached his house that was allocated in the entrance of the woods, as he opened his garage, it was covers in multiple corpses of skinned deer and meat buckets. As he then started to pull out the tools, as he watched the deer corpses hang on the meat hooks, the garage was freezing as it’s main job was to preserve the meats from being damaged. He then walked into the house as he put on layers of clothing to prevent to much blood and to prevent the cold from taking a toll. Once he returned he let out a sigh.

“Time to get to work.”

As soon as he said that he quickly pulled out a knife as he stabbed into the meat, starting to grab the soft skin of the while tail buck as he continued to slice, eventually pulling the skins completely off. He signed as he put the skin in the red bucket before pulling a jigsaw, and sawing off the legs and arms, as he put them in the red tub again. He slightly shamed his black leather gloves as blood splattered into the floor, sighing from slight exhaustion. As he examined the corpse.


He said as he sighed sitting in a chair before Turing his head to look at the deer skulls that he himself earned in his own hunting trips , alongside other different skulls of animal, some wolves, boars and even a bear for Christ sakes! He was a skilled hunter for sure.

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Added some information about Newby County for those curious!

And here's the OOC for anyone who has any questions :)
Also! Anyone who's writing a character who survived the original massacre, feel free to DM me if you would like. I may use quotes or additional info to write up profiles or news reports about the 85' killings :)
The Disgraced Prodigal Athlete|| Name ||
Justina Kiyoko Ishimoto

|| Age ||

|| Appearance ||

|| Brief History/Backstory ||
Justina was born into a reasonably well off family in the vibrant city of Los Angeles, California. While her family could have easily lived it large, her parents wanted a normal life, away from the bustling city life. When she was about two-years-old, the Ishimoto Family moved to Newby, Illinois, a small, quiet town where she and her older sister can grow up more peacefully. For the most part, that was what they got, a peaceful and quiet life aside from the occasional parties and teen mischief, but nothing really out of the ordinary. That is until 1985 rolled around. Although she was eight-years-old at the time, Justina's life saw some bad changes following the notorious Massacre of '85. Her Sister became more and more distant following that and the sister-sister relationship became strained over time. Coming to terms with it a few years later, Justina began building her own life, after her Sister left town to 'get away for a while'.

In 1991, Justina entered High School herself, where she quickly made a name for herself in the Girl's Basketball Team. While Basketball was her primary school sport, Justina was an all-around sports enthusiast, including the more extreme ones. Sadly, everything crashed for her in her Senior Year after a pregnancy test came back positive. As the pregnancy progressed, she dropped out of P.E and all eyes were on her as soon as word got out that she was expecting triplets! Now, in the final day of her pregnancy, Justina hopes to skim through grad night. As she is due to give birth literally the day after grad night, Justina intends to take time off school so that she can focus on childcare while trying to figure out how to balance being a Mom of Three and going to school. Having lost her Basketball Scholarship due to the fact that she got pregnant, Justina plans to go to Community College.

|| Personality ||​
Justina is a Carefree, Easygoing and a Thrill-seeker. Since life is really short, gotta live a little, right? As an Athlete though, Justina is also very hyperactive and loves to talk about Sports in general, it can be as simple as Ball Sports, like American Football, Basketball or Volleyball, something relaxing like Bowling, or as crazy as Snowboarding or Motocross! She is happy to talk about it all! However, she has calmed down quite a bit since getting pregnant, as she wants to make sure that she will set a good example for her children and will be a good mother. From Extreme Thrill-seeking Athlete...to maybe a Super-Mom? Big jump, yes, but can she find the balance between them? Only time will tell.

|| Anything Else ||
-She is Thirty-Six weeks Pregnant with Triplets (Scheduled to be induced on the day after graduation night)
P1000005 (2).JPG

-Babies were conceived naturally (With Triplets, its every 1 in 10,000 pregnancies)
-She will start crying if a sharp object gets too close to her belly
-Expecting Two Boys and One Girl
-Favorite Maternity Wear are Floral Maxi Dresses and Cardigans
|| Your Character's Theme ||

|| Name ||
Nanami Kimiko Ishimoto

|| Age ||

|| Appearance||

|| Brief History/Backstory ||
Nanami spent the first ten years of her life in the vibrant city of Los Angeles before her family moved to Newby, Illinois for a quiet and peaceful life in sharp contrast of the vibrant life that Los Angeles had to offer. Unlike her younger sister, who was into sports, Nanami was more of the Academic type, instead focusing on her studies and didn't really give extracurriculars much of a second look. She would go on to graduate in 1985 as Newby High's Valedictorian, but her graduation night would unfortunately go down in infamy following a brutal massacre.

Since then, Nanami became much more aloof and distant, often keeping to herself, though she claimed it was to focus on school, having gone to College in her hometown of Los Angeles and attending the University of California and graduated in 1989 with a Bachelor's Degree in Theater Studies. Although she didn't let others know, Nanami started going to therapy during the second half of her College tenure, haunted by the massacre.

After graduating, Nanami began traveling, enabled by the wealth of her family and, by the start of her Sister's Senior Year, had gotten pregnant with twins, not knowing that it was the result of a one-night stand during her trip in Europe. With no real way to track down the Father of the children she carried, Nanami has resolved to raise her children in this town. With her Sister being pregnant as well and with Triplets no less, the Ishimoto Sisters have made the promise to raise their children together side by side.

|| Did your character receive any injuries or scars during the original massacre? Did they lose any friends or family? ||
While Nanami received no physical scars or injuries, she was devastated by the deaths of Wanda Jeffries and Stacy Mills in particular. She was lucky to have not lost any family that day, but the loss of good friends hurt just as much. Her Nightmare did not end there; she witnessed Dunne stabbing Patricia Tomlinson and some of the other woman's blood splattered onto her face. After Dunne was no longer present, Patricia died in Nanami's arms, who struggled to comfort her in her final moments...

|| Personality ||
Nanami is known to be an Honest and Polite Woman, but was also Assertive and true to her beliefs. Just a regular woman living a regular life, or at least she thought so. Unfortunately, she took a turn for the worst, becoming both Aloof and Abrasive following the '85 Massacre as witnesses the brutal demises of her classmates, people whom she had spent much of her time with for four years, brutally murdered by another classmate who snapped, likely after years of being bullied. Such a bloody event had a bad effect on the once calm and focused young woman...

|| Anything Else ||
-Like her younger Sister, Nanami is also pregnant, but with Twins and is thirty-nine weeks along, three weeks ahead of her baby sister
-While most twins are born around thirty-six weeks, Nanami's babies are being stubborn or so she believes. Since her pregnancy is not as high of a risk, Nanami is just playing the waiting game, whereas her sister cannot

-Twins were conceived naturally (1 in every 250)
-Shares her Sister's liking for Floral Maternity Maxi Dresses
-Expecting One Boy And One Girl
|| Your Character's Theme ||
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1643322436421.png Micheal "Billy" Brown - The Party Guy
|| 18 ||

|| Micheal “Billy” Brown was the youngest son of Michelle and Rick Brown, a Chicago real estate investment duo famous for their countless properties around the windy city. The Brown family is undoubtedly the picture of new money. Flashy cars, big houses, and fancy clothes. Since Billy was a young boy he was instilled with the values typical of an uber-wealthy yuppie couple from the midwest. As the youngest child, the Browns saw Billy as an opportunity to make right the wrongs from their previous children. Realizing they’d yet to raise a red-blooded American athlete, the couple decided that Brown’s future was in athletics. He was entered into youth football divisions as soon as he could hold a football.

Despite his aptitude for athletics, Billy was unapologetically bad in school. In fact, it’s a miracle he even graduated in the first place. Most people agree that it wasn’t without a few expensive favors that Billy gets to walk across the stage with a diploma. Even more confusing, Billy is proud to tell anyone who’ll listen his plans to attend Florida State University with a walk-on position as the school’s second-string quarterback.

Throughout high school, Billy was known for two things, football, and parties. Living with yuppie parents who were rarely ever home was a massive win for Billy. Beer-fueled ragers at the Brown house were a staple of Friday nights for Newby High students since Billy was a sophomore.||

|| Loud mouth, small brain, big muscles. What else do you need? Billy's gotten through high school and life in general with the help of his charismatic personality. Billy's philosophy on life is simple; have a good time, and worry about the consequences later. Billy is entirely impulsive, rarely thinking about the damage or consequences of his actions in the long term. Despite his brute strength and force on the field, Billy is known for having the temper of a golden retriever. When his teammate Mickey Mckinley was injured in the playoff game Billy organized a party in his honor and even managed to get his parents to pay off Mckinley's medical bills from his trip to the hospital.

Billy looks forward to becoming an adult. Despite his plans to go to Florida for football and schooling, he has no intention of living the city life his parents or older siblings live. Billy's only goal in life is to return to Newby, have a wife and kids, and coach football for the same school that he spent his best years at. ||

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Chel Lucas

  • FULL NAME: Michelle Andrea Lucas

    NICKNAMES: Chel, M

    AGE: 18

    HEIGHT: 5'4"

    WEIGHT: Around 135 or so lbs, but on the softer side

    HAIR COLOUR: Brown-Black

    EYE COLOUR: Brown

    DESCRIPTION: Chel, despite seeming high nearly all of the time, takes some pride in her physical appearance. Rather than smelling like marijuana all the time-- knowing better than to get the attention of teachers and narcs, she plays it off as some patchouli and orange scent that she wears (usually douses her signature, well-worn military jacket in). She'd rather smell overwhelmingly like anything but weed than get caught. Her dark curls are well maintained, though on particularly bad days that usually follow a bender or two, they can seemingly frizz out into a mock halo around her head. Makeup isn't a necessity, and it never has been. She likes her freckles too much to cover them up like any other girls may.

    Her overall demeanor is hardly feminine at all, much to her mother's chagrin. Maybe that's why she slouches a little extra, or carries herself a little heavily, more manly in that way. Chel wears hand-me downs, usually from a box of her father's stuff that no one had wanted to get rid of, or from her older brother.

    She's always got a little quirk of a smile on her face, not quite as mocking as she'd like in most cases. Though her face is very emotive and sometimes too expressive, she tends to look more slack jawed and spaced out than focused, even if she is.

    FACECLAIM: Kiana Madeira
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For those not following the OOC thread - I encourage you to consider messaging/chatting with other players to discuss your character’s dynamics and relationships prior to the first in character posts.
I’m hoping to start in character by Sunday night or Monday morning, however if you feel that your character won’t be finished by then just shoot me a DM and I’ll let it slide :)
Everyone who’s received a cookie so far is accepted.



art kid

FC: Katelyn Nacon


coded by xayah.

(writing sample)

“Cameron Yates?”

“Here...” she grumbled, eyes still glued to her drawing. It was only pencil and line art, but it was coming together well. A body, limbs splayed at unnatural angles. A face, mouth slack and eyes still wide with terror. Pools and puddles on the ground around them, soon to be colored a rich burgundy. Cameron smiled, tucking the drawing back into her folder.

“Miss Yates, if you can’t pay attention in class, you can always be moved somewhere with a slower curriculum.” the teacher looked down her vulture-like nose, staring over her glasses. Cameron rolled her eyes and took out her science notes. She hated the teacher with every fiber of her being. Supposedly before the ‘85 massacre, Mrs. Elm had been a sweet lady who let her students turn in homework late. Although, those were definitely only rumors. Cameron knew that there wasn’t a kind bone in the woman’s body, not even one drop of kindness.

Cameron finished the drawing later that day. A woman with a long, hooked nose, splayed out in a pool of blood. Her bones were all shattered, a knife in her sternum. Signed in red marker on the bottom right corner of the macabre drawing: “The Death of Miss Vulture”. Cameron smiled wider, placing the drawing in the sleeve of a binder filled with equally grotesque drawings.

She was an interesting girl, that Cameron Yates.

"Stay vigilant."

Cam barely remembers the massacre, she only remembers her mother crying and her father running out of the house in the middle of the night. But she’s interested in what happened, why Dunne did it. She doesn’t collect the newspapers, but she researches. She’s compiled weeks and months of research into serial killers in a binder, also filled with drawings she’d rather not have her parents find out.

Her 90s Theme:

  • main menu
< 3
Here to listen!

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  • Name. Heather L. Kitts
    Nickname(s). Kitty, Kit
    Age. 18
    Role. The Cheerleader

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- NPC: The Historian -

Name: Michael "Doc" Rooks, PhD.
Age: 42
Maggie's father, Doc is a nervous man, secretive and even more reclusive than his daughter. Brilliant as he is, he's only coming out of his silence in the direst of circumstances. He knows just about every bit of history Newby has to offer. Though a gentle man, his daughter and wife mean the world to him, and if worst comes to worst, he'll do whatever it takes.
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