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Fandom Gotham City: Dawn of a New Night

December 6, 2018.
7:56 P.M.
GCPD Station
Sydney Sionis, the supposed long lost brother of Roman Sionis, reached over to a neatly-decorated table next to him and grabbed a glass of honey-colored champagne, then took a sip from the tall glass. He didn't realize that the GCPD weren't cheap when it came to buffet items. Although, maybe it was that Bruce Way e that bought it, seeing as how this was his fundraising event.

He wasn't here for the food and drink though, no. His main goal was to get the police commissioner, a man named Gillian Loeb, to "help" in his campaign to find his brother, Roman, after Sydney claimed that someone kidnapped him from prison.

Roman Sionis was the former CEO of Janus Cosmetics, and had been accused with over one hundred counts of disfigurement. Although it was an accident—he was only 20 at the time—nobody really seemed to care, and so the courts sentenced him to a total of 40 years in Blackgate Penitentiary.

Being "related" to Roman did have its misfortunes. Although the Sionis Steel Mill was the only steel mill around (to Sydney's knowledge), many people did believe that Roman disfigured those people. It had been 15 years since then, but people, they never change.

Disregarding how Sydney had been standing there for the past half of a minute, staring off into space, he heralded the attention of a hostess.

"How may I help you, mister Sionis?" She asked, maybe a bit too enthusiastic.

Sydney looked beyond an elevated platform to the left side of the large lobby area. "May I speak with the commissioner? It's of great importance."
Its December 6th, 2018. The time is 7:56 at night, I see as I look at my watch. I mingle around the room. I may not be wealthy, but my neurosurgeon parents are, and if they get invited somewhere, their child does aswell. I hold my clutch, getting compliments on my dress, it being home made, and looking... Minorly like it. I pull out my phone and pretend to make a call, but in reality, I'm talking to my 'sidekick' (I hate calling him that), Jesus, aka, Jason McKay.

"Any sightings of him?"

"No, but be patient, you've only been there for 5 minutes."

"Yes, BUT, you've been watching on the cameras for nearly an hour!" I complain.

"Well, I havent- wait, there he is! He's talking to the hostess, near the snack bar." I hear his voice through the home made earpiece.

"On my way." I say, moving through the bodies of mingling civilians.
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Jack Napier (The Redhood)

December 6, 2018.
7:56 P.M.
Local Unnamed Bar
A well-dressed man walked into a small time bar. The barkeep looked at the man before quickly pouring some alcohol into a shot glass and placed it down on the counter. "Quick as always. Good." The suited man said sitting down and picking up the glass and drunk it down in one go.

"How was "business" today Mr.Napier?" The Bartender said filling the shot glass once more.

With a deep sigh, Jack said "Perfect. Today's "business" went off without a hitch." Jack drunk down the newly filled shot glass once more. "Do you think it's possible to get tired of winning? I mean winning is always the goal but when it's too easy it loses all the thrills." Jack stated sighing once more.

The Bartender filled the shot glass once more. "I wish I could say the same for this place, so you should count yourself lucky," The bartender said.

"Luck isn't a factor. A clown could outsmart the police in this town" Jack joked before chugging down another shot.
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I arrive to the long table of food and refreshments just in time to hear, barely, "May I speak with the commissioner? Its of great importance." I thought I was the only one in Gotham who spoke so formally. I plaster a smile on my face, being good at faking it.

"Hello." I say with a sweet smile. I stick my hand out for him to shake. "I'm Crimson, Crimson Ryodine. My parents are neurosurgeons. And you are...?" I ask, forcing my casual tongue.
"I'll go ask if he has any openings, but I won't guarantee anything, mister Sionis," the hostess said before speeding away.

Soon, a girl who couldn't be older than 17 or 18 had started speaking to Sydney, blabbering nonsense in his genius-intellect eyes.

Then, she said the word neurosurgeon. Sydney was smart enough to know that neurosurgeon meant rich, rich meant money, and money meant a potential opportunity, whether it be business or... Otherwise.

"Sydney Sionis, it's nice to meet you," he forced the words out and shook her hand. Usually he wouldn't bother with these kinds of things, but this was different. This time, there was money.

Detective James Gordon
7:56 P.M.
An Alley
The grip of Gordon's gun collided with the side of the upright man's face, sending him back onto the ground from where he had just crawled off of.

"Who are they?!" he yelled. Why did he bother with petty scum like this? It's not like he was going to give Gordon any information on the Red Hood gang anyway, and it was just more paperwork to fill out at the end of the day.
"Are you gonna give me anything or should I just arrest you now?"

The crash of rain against his thick blue GCPD coat protected everything but his head, and, unfortunately, his glasses in turn. Although, for the most part, the buildings protected both Gordon and the criminal from the rain, it still seeped through the gaps.

The man remained quiet, and looked at Gordon with an unphased face.

"Last chance! I already have you for petty theft and assault, I'm sure I can squeeze in a few more charges."
I smile sweetly. "How are you today? Tonight. Whatever!" I wave the 'mistake' off, when in reality, I made it on purpose to make him more comfortable with me. Psychological factor. I take a small plate of sushi, weird at a police event, yes, but Bruce Wayne is known for the best. And that means sushi. "Have you traveled?" I ask.
"I'm... alright," Sydney replied, confused by the questions and why this young lady had approached him in the first place. "I don't usually travel a lot, but I have been all over the state of New Jersey for the past year or so, looking for my brother who I'm sure was kidnapped from prison." Sydney paused, a face of concern spreading across his face. "It's not like it's any of your business—no offense, but I'm sure you didn't come here to hear me go on and on about poor Roman..." What was she doing here, after all, he wondered.
"Its just... I heard about your brother and you looked like you were getting a bit harassed by the waitress, so..." I rub my arm, having put the plate down while he was speaking. "Anyways, I figured everyone that doesn't hate you is afraid of you, so it must get lonely."
"Everyone that doesn't hate you is afraid of you, so it must get lonely."

The words echoed on and on again in his head. His entire life, all it had been was people making fun of him for how tall he was, or his glasses, or how smart he was. This wasn't how he wanted to be remembered; like some sort of monster, no.
But he had an allegiance to Roman. He couldn't act out of line because he respected Roman, and he had to keep that respect held firm and tight in his chest, because if he didn't, then what would Sydney have?
Nothing. Sydney would have nothing.

"My brother... I've never met him, but it feels like I'd known him for a long time when I see his face on the posters. I—"

"Mister Sionis? Sorry to interrupt, but Commissioner Loeb said that you can see him now." The hostess from before took Sydney by surprise. Had he really been talking this long with some stranger? This wasn't like him. He was losing his edge.


The chase lasted for a few minutes, but fortunately the criminal in the brown sweater wasn't very smart, much like the others today. Criminals, no matter their race, gender, or age, were usually stupid in their own actions.
The idiot ran himself in between two metal fences with spikes on the tips.

"Am I gonna have to hit you, or are you just gonna—"

"I-I-I don't know nothin' man, I swear!" The thug cut him off. Gordon let out a long sigh.

This was going to be a long night.
Jack Napier (The Redhood)

December 6, 2018.
Local Unnamed Bar - Gotham streets
Once done drinking, Jack got up from his chair and placed the money for his drink on the counter. "If any of the boys show up let them known to meet up at the store for the meeting tomorrow. And to not drink too much. I don't want to worry about cleaning up their drunken mess on my property." Jack stated before leaving the bar. Once outside Jack continued walking to the side of the road, where he had parked his car. The car was a dark deep red with black tinted windows. Jack had spent a pretty penny on modifications to the car to fit his taste and needs, such as bulletproof windows. Jack got in his car and drove off.

As he went down the streets his mind wondered to the event earlier that day...

2:15 PM

It all seemed normal on the Gotham streets as armor truck picked jewels from the bank to transfer over to the jewel's wealthy owner. After collecting the package and one of the guards for the truck shut and locked the back before getting in the passenger seat of the truck. "We loaded up and ready to go." The guard said to the drive before the took off onto the street. "So how long have you worked for the company? I don't think I've ever seen you before." The guard asked looking to the driver of the truck.

"Me? Well very recently..." The driver said as they went down the road. As he paused his sentence he made a turn at an intersection, a turn that led them away from where they were the original destination. "...But think I won't stay with this company long. And think you will be much longer either" The driver said as he made another turn to go down an alleyway and into a garage. The guard was about to pull his gun out when he was stopped dead, literally as a man next to where the truck was now parked shot him. The killer was a man in a well-tailored suit and a red hood.

"Good job." The red hooded man said the driver of the truck. "Now head the replacement truck. We already got the fake jewels loaded up. Make sure to get there on time" The red hooded continued as he walked over to the driver's side of the truck. The driver tossed the hooded man the keys the truck before walking over to the replacement truck. The hooded man then made his way to the back of the truck where he unlocked it. Once unlocked two goons went inside and collect the container holding the jewels.

"Another successful job Redhood," One of the guys said carrying the container of jewels.

"Yep another one went off without a hitch," The Redhood said with a sigh walking deeper into the building...

Present time

Jack stopped his daydreaming long enough to notice and cop chasing down a criminal in a brown sweater to dead end made of fences. Jack slowed down to get a closer look at the scene. Jack caught something about the officer threating to hit the crook and then crook saying he nothing. "Cops these days seriously need to work on their people skills or at the very least be more original with there threats," Jack commented to himself before driving off.
Smiling , i gesture for him to go with her. Then I walk away. Once I'm a safe distance away, I drop my smile.

"Learn anything, Jesus?" I ask, slipping through a set of people.

"Nope. But we did get some of his audio files, so that's a plus!" He exclaims happily. He's such an Audiophile!

"Whatever. Any news on his brother?"

"Nope." He pops the 'p'.

"Okay. Talk to you soon." I say, tapping the earipiece to hang up the 'call'.

I return to mingling, having no clear objective anymore.
"Now, what's this you wanted to talk to me about?" Loeb asked, shifting in his seat uncomfortably. "I don't like being provoked during public gatherings, mister... what was it now? Ah yes, mister Sionis."

Sydney held back he urge to strangle the man then and there. It wouldn't get him anywhere; he had nothing to gain.
"As you may have heard, my name is Sydney Sionis and I've been looking for my brother for the past year."

Loeb chuckled. "So?"

"So, after I found nothing, I'd like the police's help in this affair."

"Why should I put officers on your case, while I'm trying to manage the Red Hood situation with enough men already?"

Sydney grinned an honest grin, then slowly reached into his chest pocket. Loeb readied himself for conflict until the man across from him withdrew a few thick wads of cash and sat it on the desk.

"Because, I'm willing to donate to the GCPD fund, a sum of five hundred thousand dollars." Sydney slid the wads of cash closer to Loeb. "But," he said, stopping it with a fist, "if you would like to go... Even deeper into the investigation... Well then, the money's yours."

Loeb looked up to Sydney with a smirk. "You had me at 'dollars'."

The sound of silent footsteps detracted Gordon's attention away from the criminal, enough time for him to rush and punch him in the mouth.

Goddammit, James! Pull yourself together!

He shook the pain away from his lips, but it still lingered like the taste of iron. The criminal was nowhere to be seen. Gordon whipped around to the other direction before a hand hit his stomach, causing him to stumble back into one of the metal fences. He steadied himself with one hand and wiped away the blood on his face with another.

As the thug went in for another punch, Gordon hopped to his left and intersected him, pushing the man against the bars. "I prefer the easy way, but this works too I guess. You're under arrest, anything you do or say can be used...

The words faded away in his mind, and the criminal was in the back of his police car, on his way to the police station. At the very least, Gordon could lock him up for attacking an officer.
Then his mind drifted to Barbara. She was only a young teenager, but she could have lost her father today. Gordon needed to be more careful.
meanwhile outside in the criminal side of gotham, lily was walking back to her abandon appartment after a long first day of work at the angelic cafe. Her mind wondered for a moment thinking of the training she had with oliver in starling. Maybe it would be time soon or later to give this city something more.....hope. She walked over to her broken window abandon appartment and unlock the door before heading inside.
locking the door behind her, shutting the curtains and went into her room to train
Crystal in her mind:'we need to pratice some before we go out'
Lily:"i know just need to pratice with the punch dummy and archery"
Sydney Sionis
8:59 P.M.
The Sionis Steel Mill
The three-storied monstrosity was visible from quite a distance away, even from the several blocks Sydney was from it. Smoke shuffled out of the chimneys and under it, the faint orange glow of the contents. The building had a total of five chimneys—four of them in each of the corners, and the main one in the center atop the roof.

No security was present on the exterior except for a single security guard who sat in a shed and raised a plastic barrier every once in a while. On the inside though, Sydney had strategically placed snipers in all four corners and front and back of the building on the second floor. They watched from behind the glass for intruders, and worked as watchmen, which was perfectly legal. Aside from maybe the high-powered sniper rifles, that is.

Sionis rolled his window down as he pulled up to the guard. "Good afternoon Henry, it's Sydney." He removed his glasses and wiped them with his sleeve.

"Evenin' boss. It's been real quiet out here," said the guard, attempting to make small talk, Sydney assumed.

"Hopefully it stays that way, Henry. Hopefully."

The car drove slowly under the barrier as its lights lit up the almost barren parking lot and chose a spot close to the entrance of the steel mill. The door opened and Sydney climbed out onto the wet and familiar asphalt. He flung the door shut, and went inside.

Most of the rooms were bare (some of the nighttime staff had already arrived, but they were early), and otherwise lonely as Sydney traveled to the elevator near the back, his ears filled with ambient noise from various machinery.

The steel doors separated, and Sydney chose the third floor.
A few seconds passed.

Everyone that doesn't hate you is afraid of you...
The words stuck with Sydney a lot more than it would with any other person. Who must he have spoke to for them to have made such a lasting impact on him? We're people really scared of Sydney? What did he do to—

Ding! Cheered the elevator as the doors moved aside. He stepped out and immediately saw the man before even opening the glass door to Sydney's own office. He was sitting in Sydney's pristine leather chair, behind his pristine wooden desk, below the only light that was on in the room, his orangish-brown hair glowing in the light.

Sydney's legs began to shake a bit. What was he afraid of? Roman and Sydney had been friends for years. But Sydney saw how he treated his thugs when he had the mask on...

"R-Roman?" Sydney asked, knocking on the door. "Are you alright in there? Can I come in?"

A few moments of what felt like endless silence passed. Then out of the blue:

"Yeah Sydney, get in here! Tell me how it went!" Roman's voice held a tone of exhaustion that Sydney quickly recognized.

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