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Goodnight, Prince. (W/Firetail606)

Destin keeps his head down to hide his blush as he nods. "O-Okay... Well... I-I guess, just... Thank you for liking me back..."
"Is that what people normally say? Thank you for liking me back." He giggled a bit. He sat up and took Destin's hand into his. "I think I like you a lot. You make my heart... all... messy feeling."
Destin chuckles a bit at Ellie's question, then only blushes deeper- if that's even possible- when he tells about his heart. "O-Oh.." He clears his throat, "You... You make my heart feel messy, too." He lifts his head just a bit, giving an incredibly shy smile. Much like the shy child had given to the grand Prince when they'd first met.
Ellie smiled happily. He leaned over and gently lied his head on Destin's arm. 'I'm sorry to tell you... I didn't mean to make you like embarrassed and things... I don't want things to feel different... I like being around you so much... And I want it to stay like this so I can enjoy being around you even longer..."
Destin smiles a bit, using his free hand to gently take one of Ellie's and squeeze it gently, "It's okay... I'm sorry for acting weird, it's just... I always saw it as a hopeless thing, an unrequited love that would be a secret taken to my grave. And it's like my whole world just got turned upside down, but... In the best of ways."
Ellie giggled as he nodded. "I'm glad that you don't have to keep it a secret anymore. He played with Destin's hand gently. "I would much rather you know... and I know.. Even though I have no idea what to do from here."
Destin smiles softly and shrugs, "I don't know either... I mean, I obviously never talked to anyone about how I felt, and I don't know the normal course of action for liking someone, none the less someone in such a higher position than you." With a slight hesitance he turns his head and kisses the top of Ellie's, "I guess... At least for these next two weeks, we just.. Do whatever feels right?"
Ellie nodded softly, blushing brightly. "I like just spending time with you.. So I'm glad that we still have plenty of time." He hugged him quickly. "Um.. should we start cooking..? I don't want it to get dark before we even start...
"Oh, yeah.." Destin blushes and chuckles, pulling away from the young Prince to grab the meat from the basket then walks back toward the fire and grabs a few sticks off the ground, shedding the bark then sticking them through the middle of the steaks. "Could you bring me the seasonings? I'll show you how to do all that."
Ellie nodded with a smile, pulling them out of the basket. He climbed off the basket and crouched down next to Destin. "Okay! Teach me." He giggled a bit, holding the different spices out to him.
Destin's smile widens at Ellie's enthusiasm, finding it more than adorable. "Alright.. Open one up and just grab a pinch of it, and sprinkle it over the steak, then do the same to the other."
Ellie nodded his head and set one of the bottles down. He opened the first one carefully and took out a pinch. He gently sprinkled over the steaks. "Like that..?"
Destin smiles brightly and nods, "Exactly! Now, do the other the exact same way." For some reason, despite knowing that Ellie isn't like the other royals, he wasn't sure if he'd actually want to come out here and sit on the bare ground as he's doing... He hadn't been convinced that the young Prince would want to allow himself to get dirty in such a way, or even really bother to learn such a mundane skill as cooking. But, it's certainly a happy surprise!
Ellie smiled wide as Destin told him he was doing it correctly. He gently took a pinch from the other jar and sprinkled it over the the steaks. "Ah...! I'm cooking!" He giggled happily.
"You are!" Destin smiles brightly, "Okay. Now, all that's left to do, is find a couple bigger rocks we can prop the sticks between so that the meat can cook without us having to sit here for hours. Can you do that?" He asks with a slightly challenging tone, not wanting to seem as if he were patronizing the other.

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