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Realistic or Modern Good vs Evil High

Amira figured she had been shoving her camera into people’s faces enough for… a couple of minuets, and set it down, before she continued eating. She was still listening in on the conversations though, every detail was fascinating to her.
After the drive to the school in his Lamborghini Gallardo, he parked his car in a open space and entered through the gate, unnoticed by the waves of students. He listened to the speech ,and later headed for lunch, still unnoticed by anyone. Taking his place in line he glanced around the cafeteria. @anyone
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The visor wearing boy looked up to to remark some lost boy looking around in the cafeteria. A moment, later, he went back to playing his video game on his handheld console.

could be heard from the console itself. No one seemed to be of interest to him, really.
Mark seemed to flare up as the line took forever to get somewhere, so he stepped out of line and walked up the line his hair turning red, as well as his usual blue eyes turning red now. A freshman, by the looks of it, stopped him. "Hey, get bac-" said the student right before he stopped , as mark looked at the boy.


A momment later the boy fell on the floor, looking at mark, eyes full with a look of sheer terror on his face. Mark then continued to walk up the line then got his food, an apple and a coke, as he wasn't that hungry, then went to the roof by teleporting.
"Such an attention whore", The silver haired boy sighed, as he kept playing his video game. He isn't sure what was happening, but apparently, a boy fell down on the floor, scared simply by looking at him. And apparently, the hair seemed to change to a lighter shade. It could be red, it could be white, all he knows that something changed with the hair.

A black haired boy, fully in rags, wielding a scarf, and apparently some piece of clothing to cover his right side, which where a right arm would be is watching the clouds. Really, he didn't really seem all there that much, as he was just passing the time.
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Nikolai's next hour was more of a blur of time than an experience. Nothing was of note, just a sort of compact time-to-go-to-school routine, minus a few steps and speed cut to a sixth. The only real thing that was of note was his transportation, by foot. He was an exceptionally fast runner, and ran past the masses with his blue compact pack slid across his hip, racing to his late-for school.
Kuroko said:
Mark seemed to flare up as the line took forever to get somewhere, so he stepped out of line and walked up the line his hair turning red, as well as his usual blue eyes turning red now. A freshman, by the looks of it, stopped him. "Hey, get bac-" said the student right before he stopped , as mark looked at the boy.

A momment later the boy fell on the floor, looking at mark, eyes full with a look of sheer terror on his face. Mark then continued to walk up the line then got his food, an apple and a coke, as he wasn't that hungry, then went to the roof by teleporting.
Finn helped the terrified boy back onto his feet before returning to the table.

*Strange... Doesn't seem like he's have the best first day.*
Alex sighed,now sitting in a chair with their feet up, chair tilting back. "I'm getting bored. I'm forcing Adrian back." they commented, now bringing their feet back to the floor and putting their head down.
The streets were a congested clog of automotives and wandering pedestrians, very thick in number. Luckily, Nikolai was able to reach and keep to the rooftops and ledge, avoiding the majority of the blur below. Conveniently placed window sills, fences, elevated stairs and ladders allowed him access from point A to point B, then to point C without being forced upon the busily bustling sidewalks and stuffed roads. In roughly thirty minutes he was within view of the grandiose campus grounds, and was in such awe he nearly came crashing down from a chimney some two-hundred yards away, hurdling almost thirty feet to his death.

He marveled at the appearance, the chiseled granite structure, the polished glass window panes, the meticulously cut fresh green plantation, the beautifully detailed wrought-iron gate, the everything. The list went on for a considerable number of features, but he decided to continue focusing on actually getting there versus fantasizing. Taking a careful step, he slid down the side of the chimney and then swept off of the shingled rooftop, landing upon a rather bare balcony and finally bounding off the rail and rolled onto the ground, which while he expected to be grass - as was the surrounding area - was actually the concrete foundation of a pool. Though the roll itself absorbed most of the impact, he still succeeded in scraping his left shoulder and dirtying the side of his loose flannel pants. He gave a quick brush to his fresh injury, then continued onto his rush.

In just a minute or so he braked, his pace rapidly slowing before the soles of his Nikes actually skid across the pavement. "Well damn." He exasperated, almost breathless by the sheer scale of the school he was to attend. Slowly, unsurely, he took steady steps toward the double-hinged oaken doors, taking notice of the many strange-looking creatures, humans, hybrids and... Others... Wondering around the lawn, in scarce quantity. With a feeble hand and a wondering gaze, he slowly opened the heavy carved doors.
Arriving on the roof, he sat on the ledge, and took a bite out of his apple. "This sucks, I forgot my basketball, and I dont know if this school has a basketball team... . or court for that matter." Mark said, eyes watching the area around him. He had calmed down now, his hair and eyes becoming blue again.


"I want a strawberry milkshake, now." He muttered, and searched the are for some way to get one. @anyone
Kuroko said:
Arriving on the roof, he sat on the ledge, and took a bite out of his apple. "This sucks, I forgot my basketball, and I dont know if this school has a basketball team... . or court for that matter." Mark said, eyes watching the area around him. He had calmed down now, his hair and eyes becoming blue again.

"I want a strawberry milkshake, now." He muttered, and searched the are for some way to get one. @anyone
"Here you go."

Finn handed Mark a strawberry milkshake.

" You just have to know how to be polite and ask nicely."
Alex/Adrian, who was now just Adrian, awoke with a slight start from the table. He yawned and slowly got up, walking away. Adrian made his way to the halls, roaming the building just really wandering aimlessly.

"Huh!?, or sorry, I didn't know you were there. Thanks." Mark took the milkshake and began drinking it, his serious expression from before had turned into a look of pure happiness, but he still looked calm.

@The Reaper Of Souls

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Kuroko said:
"Huh!?, or sorry, I didn't know you were there. Thanks." Mark took the milkshake and began drinking it, his serious expression from before had turned into a look of pure happiness, but he still looked calm.
"You're welcome."

The reptilian boy smiled, a blush covered again by his scales. His mask picking it up, even when it wasn't on his face.

"This is really hard to say, but would you like to be my friend? I haven't really met anyone else yet."Msrk asked, not seeing him blush as he finished the milkshake. "I know I seemed mean back there, but im not used to waiting alot". He added, but it was barely audible, more like a mutter under his breath.

@The Reaper Of Souls
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Kuroko said:
"This is really hard to say, but would you like to be my friend? I haven't really met anyone else yet."Msrk asked, not seeing him blush as he finished the milkshake. "I know I seemed mean back there, but im not used to waiting alot". He added, but it was barely audible, more like a mutter under his breath.
@The Reaper Of Souls

*Dang it. The voicebox didn't work for very long... Oh well, at least I'm on the right track.*
Letting a smile creep onto his face, Mark stood up from where he was sitting. "Great, well I'll see you later, I have to check out the school for a court, unpack my bags, and then maybe head over to the clubs." Mark said, before letting out a light yawn. And with that he waved goodbye as he walked away, heading for his room.

@The Reaper Of Souls

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Kuroko said:
Letting a smile creep onto his face, Mark stood up from where he was sitting. "Great, well I'll see you later, I have to check out the school for a court, unpack my bags, and then maybe head over to the clubs." Mark said, before letting out a light yawn. And with that he waved goodbye as he walked away, heading for his room.
@The Reaper Of Souls

[QUOTE="The Chosen Undead]The streets were a congested clog of automotives and wandering pedestrians, very thick in number. Luckily, Nikolai was able to reach and keep to the rooftops and ledge, avoiding the majority of the blur below. Conveniently placed window sills, fences, elevated stairs and ladders allowed him access from point A to point B, then to point C without being forced upon the busily bustling sidewalks and stuffed roads. In roughly thirty minutes he was within view of the grandiose campus grounds, and was in such awe he nearly came crashing down from a chimney some two-hundred yards away, hurdling almost thirty feet to his death.
He marveled at the appearance, the chiseled granite structure, the polished glass window panes, the meticulously cut fresh green plantation, the beautifully detailed wrought-iron gate, the everything. The list went on for a considerable number of features, but he decided to continue focusing on actually getting there versus fantasizing. Taking a careful step, he slid down the side of the chimney and then swept off of the shingled rooftop, landing upon a rather bare balcony and finally bounding off the rail and rolled onto the ground, which while he expected to be grass - as was the surrounding area - was actually the concrete foundation of a pool. Though the roll itself absorbed most of the impact, he still succeeded in scraping his left shoulder and dirtying the side of his loose flannel pants. He gave a quick brush to his fresh injury, then continued onto his rush.

In just a minute or so he braked, his pace rapidly slowing before the soles of his Nikes actually skid across the pavement. "Well damn." He exasperated, almost breathless by the sheer scale of the school he was to attend. Slowly, unsurely, he took steady steps toward the double-hinged oaken doors, taking notice of the many strange-looking creatures, humans, hybrids and... Others... Wondering around the lawn, in scarce quantity. With a feeble hand and a wondering gaze, he slowly opened the heavy carved doors.


Finn smiled sheeply, waving back at Mark..

*Wow...... That could have been better...*

Finn gather his stuff, putting on his helmet and unrolling his sleeves as he stepped out and headed to the carved door.


Finn stumbled back, nearly falling as he hit a boy who was about to walk in.

"Sssshoot! I'm s-s-s-s-sorry! I wasn'tttttt watch whe-e-e-e-ere I was goingggggg!"

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