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Realistic or Modern Good vs Evil High

TehFanzyBillCipher said:
Once Lauren pwned Liam Ace let out the sound of his people at max volume. Like Armin seeing Eren getting eaten volumes.

He also clapped with his metal hands at the show. Bravo! Bravo! May I have a try! Asked Ace, getting up.
Lauren looks at the robot as she finishes her attack on Liam and he is on the ground "Sure which one of us?" She turns back into her regular clothes while Liam says the spell "Limage" as an magic circle appears on the floor with Lauren in it as all their cuts and bruises healed.
Eric Border

A few moments later, Eric's prediction was right and the robot had moved in front of him. Frustration started stacking even more and more, he wasn't sure how long this guy would be in the way. "Okay, this is the last time I'm-" Eric's final words were cut off by the robot's laugh. It was quite annoying, but what made Eric feel suddenly better was the fact that he finally left. "Thank god," He murmured once the robot was out of earshot.

"Next!" The person who was serving said. Eric nodded and grabbed a plate, and then proceeded to get his food. Cool, that jerk's gone and once I look up I'm at the front of the line. Wonderful, He thought and walked over to the tables. Most of them were full, but he made his way to an empty one, and sat down.

@anyone once again
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" Thank-k-k-ks... It still huuuuuuuuuuurts to be disowned-d-d-d-d by your parentttttttts... At le-e-e-east I still havvvvvvvve my brothers-s-s-s and siiiiiiiiisters. All 60 of th-h-h-hem, they are trrrrrrrtrying so ha-a-a-a-ard to not eeeeeeeeat each-h-h-h other or some ellllllllllllse for big bro-o-o-o."

Finn chuckled, pulling out a picture. The pic had 60 smiling kids standing before Finn, a happy "little" family. Finn ate some of beef on his plate to show that he was fine.

"Iiiits un-n-n-n-nbelievable that I'm gooooooooing to have f-f-f-f-five more."

Finn seemed happy to talk about something else, he also seemed proud of his brothers and sisters.
Pyosimros said:
Eric Border

A few moments later, Eric's prediction was right and the robot had moved in front of him. Frustration started stacking even more and more, he wasn't sure how long this guy would be in the way. "Okay, this is the last time I'm-" Eric's final words were cut off by the robot's laugh. It was quite annoying, but what made Eric feel suddenly better was the fact that he finally left. "Thank god," He murmured once the robot was out of earshot.

"Next!" The person who was serving said. Eric nodded and grabbed a plate, and then proceeded to get his food. Cool, that jerk's gone and once I look up I'm at the front of the line. Wonderful, He thought and walked over to the tables. Most of them were full, but he made his way to an empty one, and sat down.

@anyone once again

Finn addressed Eric, smiling an extremely sharp grin. He frowned in the direction of the door, and looked back at Eric.

"I-i-i-it seems thatttttt you'v-v-v-ve met Ace. Nnnnot the nic-c-c-cest robot."
"Wake up… WAKE up…… ADRINIAN"

Adrinian awoke with a start. "Alex... what the fuck dude."

"Calm down. You're late for school idiot."

Adrinian sleepily looked over to a clock hanging on the wall.

Less than a minute later a very worried Alex, who had now taken over the body upon request, was running in the direction of the school. With a small teleportation rift created, and jump through, the duo was at the entrance of the building. As they stepped forward, Adrinian proceeded to be in control again. The eerie purple smoke floated from his left eye, a sign that Alex was very active within the body. They entered the building, Adrinian seemingly speaking to himself in a scolding tone.
Amira nodded her head to show that she could understand where he was coming from. Then she took a bite of some fruit, and tilted her head. “Are you the only one in your family that thinks like this?” she asked him.

Then she looked up when the a new person came toward them. “You can sit here if you want,” she offered him, gesturing to one of the chairs.

The boy in the trenchcoat, and a metallic visor, was sitting in the cafeteria, playing a old game of Dance Dance Revolution. Not that he cared about the other classmates, but he didn't seem to care about the surrounding folks.

In the meanwhile a blond girl with a schoolgirl uniform is seen to be eating dumplings. And somewhere, further a one armed boy was standing on the roof of the school, all in ragged clothing.
Adrinian wandered aimlessly. He wasn't very hungry, but the cafeteria seeemed to be the place where most people were hanging out. The purple haze on his eye got thicker.

"Wow you are so lame." Alex commented within the head. "Just a regular kid with no friends; speaking to himself. How sad." the tone of the voice was overflowing with sarcasm.

Adrinian looked annoyed. "Wow." He said, but accidently out loud. He didn't even realize it. He went and sat at a table. On the other side of the table, there seemed to be a group, but he doubted they would pay him much attention. His left ear flicked slightly as he observed the room. He wasn't use to such large, above ground buildings. But now he'd be living here, so he'd have no choice but to.
Eric Border

As Eric was about to take a bite of his lunch. He looked over at someone who was talking to him. Eric couldn't see his actual face, for it was covered by a mask, though it was probably for a good reason. Eric listened to the person who was speaking to him, and he started wondering why he was stuttering so much. Though it would be rude to bring that fact to light. "Not the nicest thing in general," He grumbled, purposely showing his frustration.

“You can sit here if you want,” The girl who accompanied the other person said. She, actually showed her face, like almost everyone else in the cafeteria. Eric considered the offer for a few moments, until abruptly placing his food on the table and taking a seat. "Thanks," He said. "My name's Eric by the way."
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katseye said:
Adrinian wandered aimlessly. He wasn't very hungry, but the cafeteria seeemed to be the place where most people were hanging out. The purple haze on his eye got thicker.
"Wow you are so lame." Alex commented within the head. "Just a regular kid with no friends; speaking to himself. How sad." the tone of the voice was overflowing with sarcasm.

Adrinian looked annoyed. "Wow." He said, but accidently out loud. He didn't even realize it. He went and sat at a table. On the other side of the table, there seemed to be a group, but he doubted they would pay him much attention. His left ear flicked slightly as he observed the room. He wasn't use to such large, above ground buildings. But now he'd be living here, so he'd have no choice but to.
"Iiiiiii'm Finn and-d-d-d this issss Amira."

Finn looked up from Eric and Amira, spotting Adrinian.

"Yyyyyou can jo-o-o-oin us if yoooooou want. Ther-r-r-r-re is enough rooooooooooooooom for you."

Finn motioned to a seat beside him, moving his mask out of the way.
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[QUOTE="The Reaper Of Souls]"Iiiiiii'm Finn and-d-d-d this issss Amira."
Finn looked up from Eric and Amira, spotting Adrinian.

"Yyyyyou can jo-o-o-oin us if yoooooou want. Ther-r-r-r-re is enough rooooooooooooooom for you."

Finn motioned to a seat beside him, moving his mask out of the way.

Adrinian's attention moved from the wall's paint to the stranger gesturing to him. Adrinian's ear flicked, purple haze on his eye becoming more defined as he moved closer. "Hey.. I'm Adrinian, but you can call me Adrian or A."


"Alex, shut up." Adrinian said, very tired of Alex's commentary. He didn't even realize he said that out loud.
katseye said:
Adrinian's attention moved from the wall's paint to the stranger gesturing to him. Adrinian's ear flicked, purple haze on his eye becoming more defined as he moved closer. "Hey.. I'm Adrinian, but you can call me Adrian or A."

"Alex, shut up." Adrinian said, very tired of Alex's commentary. He didn't even realize he said that out loud.
Finn wasn't surprised at Adrin's outburst, he had seen a lot in his years...

" Share-e-e-ed body with Deeeeeemon?"

Again his secondary eyelids slid over once again as he indicated the haze that poured out of Adrin's eye. His scaled face was friendly and warm, even with his fangs and blood red eyes. Finn held his home-made mask on his lap, making the tall Shapeshifter Dragon lean back.
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[QUOTE="The Reaper Of Souls]Finn wasn't surprised at Adrin's outburst, he had seen a lot in his years...
" Share-e-e-ed body with Deeeeeemon?"

Again his secondary eyelids slid over once again as he indicated the haze that poured out of Adrin's eye. His scaled face was friendly and warm, even with his fangs and blood red eyes. Finn held his home-made mask on his lap, making the tall Shapeshifter Dragon lean back.

Adrinian also nodded to the other, his expression reading "very annoyed at said demon" Then his head crashed down onto the table, the thud echoing through the room.
katseye said:
Adrinian also nodded to the other, his expression reading "very annoyed at said demon" Then his head crashed down onto the table, the thud echoing through the room.
Finn suddenly fell back in shock, scrambling back up. Lightly using one of his talons, Finn checked Adrin's pulse, his face stone calm. Inside he was panicking, his thoughts ran like wild horses across a plain.

*Oh God! Is this normal for him?! What if its my falit!? Santa Maria Posada!!!*
[QUOTE="The Reaper Of Souls]Finn suddenly fell back in shock, scrambling back up. Lightly using one of his talons, Finn checked Adrin's pulse, his face stone calm. Inside he was panicking, his thoughts ran like wild horses across a plain.
*Oh God! Is this normal for him?! What if its my falit!? Santa Maria Posada!!!*

Adrinian immediately sat but up, smiling. However they were now Alex. They rose to their feet turned to Finn and smiled.

"Well, look at you! Bein' all educated in your demonology!" The demon hooked an arm around Finn. "Aw, you've known the kid for only about a minute and you already care, checkin' his pulse and whatnot. That's so cute." Alex then looked them up and down. "Hey aren't you one of them Dark Matter Dragons? The cannibal thing right? What're you doing here and not in the big void of space?" Alex smiled at them. There was a weak orange haze from the right eye.
katseye said:
Adrinian immediately sat but up, smiling. However they were now Alex. They rose to their feet turned to Finn and smiled.
"Well, look at you! Bein' all educated in your demonology!" The demon hooked an arm around Finn. "Aw, you've known the kid for only about a minute and you already care, checkin' his pulse and whatnot. That's so cute." Alex then looked them up and down. "Hey aren't you one of them Dark Matter Dragons? The cannibal thing right? What're you doing here and not in the big void of space?" Alex smiled at them. There was a weak orange haze from the right eye.
Finn felt his face heat up, his blush hiden some what by his scales. He didn't like to be touched, his dragon instincts could kick in any second. His tribe had evolved in a way that made any contact very sensitive, a defense in space and a hazard on earth.

"Uuuum... M-m-m-my tribe was ffffffforced here by-y-y-y biggggggggggger tribe. B-b-b-b-because how Iiiiii looked."
[QUOTE="The Reaper Of Souls]Finn felt his face heat up, his blush hiden some what by his scales. He didn't like to be touched, his dragon instincts could kick in any second. His tribe had evolved in a way that made any contact very sensitive, a defense in space and a hazard on earth.
"Uuuum... M-m-m-my tribe was ffffffforced here by-y-y-y biggggggggggger tribe. B-b-b-b-because how Iiiiii looked."

Alex audibly groaned. "LAAAAAAAAAME. I thought you were here because you wanted to take over or something." Alex crossed their arms, looking away. "Don't get me wrong, what happened to your tribe is messed up. If I were you, I'd plot revenge. Make the larger tribe rot from the inside. Like an apple, kiddo. Be the worm that ruins the entire thing. Be the worm."
katseye said:
Alex audibly groaned. "LAAAAAAAAAME. I thought you were here because you wanted to take over or something." Alex crossed their arms, looking away. "Don't get me wrong, what happened to your tribe is messed up. If I were you, I'd plot revenge. Make the larger tribe rot from the inside. Like an apple, kiddo. Be the worm that ruins the entire thing. Be the worm."
Finn looked down, his blush a thing of the past. A mixture of shame and fear clouded his face as he sat down, head in hands.

"Wwwwwwwhy do you thi-i-i-ink I'm connnnnnnnnndemned by my ow-w-wn tribe? Our eneeeeeeeeemies found themselv-v-v-ves wiped outtttt... I wasn't even try-y-y-ying... Beeeeeeeeesides, I'm tryin-n-n-ng to make sure hummmmmmmanity doesn't turn int-t-t-to a feast... I wwwwwwwas hoping tha-a-a-at this schooooooooooool could hel-l-l-l-lp with the urggggggggges... I don't-t-t want to beeeeee a-a-a-a-a Monster..."

Finn wasn't made to be a monster, he sighed into his hands.

"Sorry... Iiiii didn't mean-n-n-n to drrrrrrrrag you i-i-into that."

His face stretched into a long crocodile-like snout, pouring the rest of his plate into it. He chewed slowly, swallowing solemnly. His face returned to normal, he smiled softly.

"Why-y-y-y don't weee talk abou-u-u-ut something elseeeeeee?"
Amira smiled friendly as the new people took their seat by the table. Her fingers went to her camera immediately, ready to take pictures of anything interesting. These people both looked pretty human though, she couldn’t immediately spot their species. Finn seemed to catch up quickly on Adrian’s specie though, when the ‘demon' spoke to himself. Amira blinked surprised and snapped a picture when his head fell onto the table. Then took another with his arm hooked around Finn shoulder.

Then she glanced over at Eric. “Can I ask what kind of specie you are?” she asked him. “Although I probably don’t know it.”
[QUOTE="The Reaper Of Souls]Finn looked down, his blush a thing of the past. A mixture of shame and fear clouded his face as he sat down, head in hands.
"Wwwwwwwhy do you thi-i-i-ink I'm connnnnnnnnndemned by my ow-w-wn tribe? Our eneeeeeeeeemies found themselv-v-v-ves wiped outtttt... I wasn't even try-y-y-ying... Beeeeeeeeesides, I'm tryin-n-n-ng to make sure hummmmmmmanity doesn't turn int-t-t-to a feast... I wwwwwwwas hoping tha-a-a-at this schooooooooooool could hel-l-l-l-lp with the urggggggggges... I don't-t-t want to beeeeee a-a-a-a-a Monster..."

Finn wasn't made to be a monster, he sighed into his hands.

"Sorry... Iiiii didn't mean-n-n-n to drrrrrrrrag you i-i-into that."

His face stretched into a long crocodile-like snout, pouring the rest of his plate into it. He chewed slowly, swallowing solemnly. His face returned to normal, he smiled softly.

"Why-y-y-y don't weee talk abou-u-u-ut something elseeeeeee?"

Alex rolled their eyes. "Don't apologize. I get really into that kind of discussion.." Alex want to comfort him with physical contact, seeing as how that clearly made him very uncomfortable. They just stood there very awkwardly.

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Eric Border

Eric sat there silently eating his lunch whilst listening to the conversation. He didn't really want to move into a conversation since the demon person seemed a little hyper, even for him. "Well, actually the robot got me out of the happy mood," He whispered to himself, making sure no one else heard. Drumming his fingers on the table due to boredom, all he was doing at this point was listening to the 'dark matter dragon' and the demon. He was learning quite a few things, things he could make good use of later. Looking over to Eric's right, he saw the girl taking a few pictures. It seemed like she was a photographer, if the camera didn't make it obvious already.

“Can I ask what kind of specie you are?” she asked him. “Although I probably don’t know it.”

Eric started considering what he should say. Compared to everyone else here, he had a pretty boring life, and a pretty boring race. But he decided to keep it to the truth. "I'm just a regular superhuman," He yawned and gave a lazy point at her. "I'm guessing your race however, is the photographer."
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Amira blinked, looking momentarily surprised, but then she chuckled. “Ah, no, not exactly,” she answered Eric, and then moved her hair aside to show off her slightly pointy ears. She looked like a normal human without them at display. “I’m an elf. My race is forest elves to be exact,” she explained to him, and let her hair fall back into place. Then she held up the camera. “This is only my hobby. I have never really left my village you see, so everything’s kind of fascinating.”

To emphasize she lifted the device and snapped a picture of him. “Sooo, What’s a superhuman specifically?”
Eric Border

Eric was pleased with the fact that he made someone was happy or at least a short laugh at least. As Amira began to shove aside some hair, he noticed some pointy ears. Which pretty much explain what race Amira was. “I’m an elf. My race is forest elves to be exact," She explained to him, and Eric gave a short nod that that. She began to give more background to herself, and Eric was quite surprised with the fact that there were elf villages. He knew that chances are that elves existed since pretty much everything else did, but it made him wonder. Where would these villages be?

Eric didn't really pay attention to the camera, since he was busy thinking. However, Amira's next question caught his attention. "Uh... A person with abilities. That's it," He said, giving a short shrug.
Nikolai dreamt hard, immersed in a world of stormy clouds, plump puddles and broken concrete. All around him was the husks of burnt-out skyscrapers far-out, and the withering dust that flew from still-burning houses lined like hedge bushes, still furiously blazing despite the rain's best efforts. Suddenly, something changed about the landscape. A single figure, roughly human-size, in proportions and a ways down the dark, demolished neighborhood. Nikolai decided to step forward to the figure. Normally he would not be so recklessly curious, but basic rules do not apply to the world of dreams. Slowly, he began to hear a small whisper that rapidly grew into a maniacal shout as he continued closer. Even with a dream's sense of reason he began to retreat, yet noticed the loose shale below his feet was literally sliding towards the figure, each crumb coalescing into a plate that he could not escape. The figure, previously encased in shadow was now visible, with ragged hair, torn clothing and a rabid face, snarling as it continued to holler incoherently.

He jumped up, without care as to what was around him, and quickly slid off of a plush material and onto hard, cold tile. Nikolai cupped his hands around his ears in an attempt to erase the yelling and it worked, only to realize it was something even more ravenous than what he had dreamt about.

His baby five-year-old-sister, slowly retreating into the lap of his fourteen-year-old sister, the oldest besides himself. They both shared similar casts of bemusement at his shocked awakening. He grimaced, and quickly struck the air downward with his fist, mutter incomprehensible curses with his usually cashew complexion burnt with red. "Get out." He said, his thunderous voice booming. He always had a very low, baritone voice that tended to surprise many. He puffed his chest out and repeated "Get out", with a playfully hostile manner, his ears swept back, his lips in a snarl and his eyes wide, giving off a sort of Disney villain appearance. His eldest sister glanced at him from her smartphone once, then back down. "Mother demanded I and my assistant make sure you were awake in case the alarm on your phone didn't go off. Did it work?" She grinned a devilish grin.

Nikolai ceased his raucous appearance as it squandered into a bland, passive look that gave off a thick air of disappointment and apprehension. "You're stupid, you know that Orelia?" He phrased with a displeased tone. Orelia, his fourteen-year-old sister smirked, arose from his desk chair and strode towards his door, giving him a slick side-stare. "Says the guy whom puts his underwear on last." Nikolai quickly reacted defensively and rose an incriminating finger. "That was one time!". Orelia shook her head and returned her attention to her phone, Nikolai's curly brown-haired baby sister following. As the door shut, Orelia opened it again and said, with amusement; "By the way, you're late.".

Nikolai looked at the clock with horror; twelve noon.
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katseye said:
Alex rolled their eyes. "Don't apologize. I get really into that kind of discussion.." Alex want to comfort him with physical contact, seeing as how that clearly made him very uncomfortable. They just stood there very awkwardly.

Pyosimros said:
Eric Border

Eric was pleased with the fact that he made someone was happy or at least a short laugh at least. As Amira began to shove aside some hair, he noticed some pointy ears. Which pretty much explain what race Amira was. “I’m an elf. My race is forest elves to be exact," She explained to him, and Eric gave a short nod that that. She began to give more background to herself, and Eric was quite surprised with the fact that there were elf villages. He knew that chances are that elves existed since pretty much everything else did, but it made him wonder. Where would these villages be?

Eric didn't really pay attention to the camera, since he was busy thinking. However, Amira's next question caught his attention. "Uh... A person with abilities. That's it," He said, giving a short shrug.
"Iiiiits okay.... Wha-a-a-at should I ccccccccccall you?"

Finn turned his gaze to Eric, smiling his toothy grin. He tilted his head, his reptilian face scrunched up in confusion.

"Abilitiesssssssssss? Do y-y-y-you mean likeeeeeeeee..... Su-u-u-uper Strength?"

(He doesn't have his mask on...)

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