Good Tidings


Tigulf Extraordinaire
Oh, I'm always so bad at these kinds of things...


Hello, I'm Articus; at least, that's what they call me on the internet. I came here in the hope of finding like-minded people and have some fun roleplaying. I'm not super experienced, but I'd like to think I have a decent imagination and the ability to grow and learn. I'm sure if I should post character stuff here or whatnot so any help would be much appreciated
W-w-w-well hullo Articus!

Welcome to RPdom, where nobody is quite sure how to actually type "RPDom," but that's okay! I'm very sure that you'll find what you're looking for here at the site, as it's a wonderful place with plenty of wonderful people running around and having fun.

Here on the site, I'm in charge of getting new folks up and started, so fear not the abundance of your concerns! Feel free to direct any and all of your questions over in my direction, and in the comfort of this thread, too. People are so helpful around here that I keep getting beat to answering questions. So don't feel too awkward or bad about asking people for, about, and of things.

Hopefully we can get you up and running as soon as possible, and off to the forums!
This is marvelous.

Hi, welcome to the DOME. I'm really tired right now because the good doctor above damaged my ability to sleep when he announced that his roleplay "Gauss!" will be returning. So all spelling mistakes in this message are courtesy of Doctor Calgori and Apple Inc, because iPhones are hard to write on. So, what is it that I'm trying to say here?


Greeting Articus and welcome to RPDom, the greatest example of roleplaying forum since DARPA created the World Wide Web!

Allow me to join my fellow RPers in welcoming you to the site and let me assure you that the site encourages all players regardless of their relative inexperience or inability, just like Medel there. :P

Feel free to drop into the 'Our Roleplays' forum where you can find a wide selection of games that are 'recruiting' or that are 'joinable'. The site support all RP games, both book-based and free-form, so don't worry too much about things like needing all the rulebooks. If there is a game you are interested in, but you don't own the game (in respect to book-based games) feel free to message the Storyteller and they'd probably be happy to help you with character creation and who the system works without resorting to 'illegal means'. Free-form games are far easier, with no books (and in some cases, no established rules!!!) it's all down to the players and the ST to make the game.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to post here, on the status update ticker on the right of the main forum page or message the Administrator, Moderators, or STs.


Captain Hesperus
[QUOTE="Doctor Calgori]W-w-w-well hullo Articus!
Welcome to RPdom, where nobody is quite sure how to actually type "RPDom," but that's okay! I'm very sure that you'll find what you're looking for here at the site, as it's a wonderful place with plenty of wonderful people running around and having fun.

Here on the site, I'm in charge of getting new folks up and started, so fear not the abundance of your concerns! Feel free to direct any and all of your questions over in my direction, and in the comfort of this thread, too. People are so helpful around here that I keep getting beat to answering questions. So don't feel too awkward or bad about asking people for, about, and of things.

Hopefully we can get you up and running as soon as possible, and off to the forums!

Well, let first thank you for the warm welcome 'w' This site is a bit daunting for me, so this greeting helps put me at ease. As for questions, I don't really have many. Mainly, how do you suggest I get started?
[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]Greeting Articus and welcome to RPDom, the greatest example of roleplaying forum since DARPA created the World Wide Web!
Allow me to join my fellow RPers in welcoming you to the site and let me assure you that the site encourages all players regardless of their relative inexperience or inability, just like Medel there. :P

Feel free to drop into the 'Our Roleplays' forum where you can find a wide selection of games that are 'recruiting' or that are 'joinable'. The site support all RP games, both book-based and free-form, so don't worry too much about things like needing all the rulebooks. If there is a game you are interested in, but you don't own the game (in respect to book-based games) feel free to message the Storyteller and they'd probably be happy to help you with character creation and who the system works without resorting to 'illegal means'. Free-form games are far easier, with no books (and in some cases, no established rules!!!) it's all down to the players and the ST to make the game.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to post here, on the status update ticker on the right of the main forum page or message the Administrator, Moderators, or STs.


Captain Hesperus

Thanks 'w' I've been in a few different RP's of both types, so I kinda know what I'm doing. My biggest thing is some terms and stuff are unfamiliar to me a stuff like that.
medelsvensson said:
This is marvelous.
Hi, welcome to the DOME. I'm really tired right now because the good doctor above damaged my ability to sleep when he announced that his roleplay "Gauss!" will be returning. So all spelling mistakes in this message are courtesy of Doctor Calgori and Apple Inc, because iPhones are hard to write on. So, what is it that I'm trying to say here?


Thanks for the welcome 'w' As for joining Gauss!, I would, but I'm not all-that into that particular type of setting. Its a great sounding game, just not something I'd be all that good at. Thanks for the suggestion though 'w'
Welcome to RPdom, Articus! ;)

Erm, are you a tiger? I'm Wolf. My territory is... Never mind. You'll know when you cross it. Rawrrr.
[QUOTE="Renarion Arenimon]Welcome to RPdom, Articus! ;)
Erm, are you a tiger? I'm Wolf. My territory is... Never mind. You'll know when you cross it. Rawrrr.

Thanks 'w'

Actually, I'm an anthropomorphic tiger wolf hybrid, and I'll be sure to watch out for your turf 'w'

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