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The one who made Aerth
Roleplay Availability
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The sun was setting on Hells dock. At least fifty prisoners are shoved off the ships, men and women human beastkin and dwarf make up this crowd as the Hardin navy soldiers ready weapons and magic forcing this criminal scum into formation. Any resistance is met with cruel punishment, to fight back is stupid and to escape is suicidal.

Each inmate is generously given a canteen of fresh water and a pickaxe as they reach the top of the stairs. After being forced onto the edge overlooking a vicious slope a loud order is heard.
Many didn't, as they simply were to proud or hadn't heard/understood the message.
They were forced down onto one knee as if invisible hands grabbed and shoved them into position as a tall man began marching down accessing the new arrivals to goliath prison.
"Ya ya yaaaaaa.....Greetings criminal scum. Welcome to hell, my name is Wesker Eren and I am warden of goliath archipelago. For a simple explanation that means I am the boss, king of these islands... No one enters or leaves without me getting a good look at them. No one lives if they defy my orders or the orders of one working for me."
A man had the bright idea to fight through his invisible restraints to throw his pickaxe at the smug one eyed tosser as he sauntered close enough.

It was a mistake of course, as the tool stopped midair floating for a moment before swinging back into the 'would be hero''s leg twisting painfully before dragging the man off the edge to roll down the slope like cheese. A teenager took off down the slope after the dying man...

Yato (who had knelt down when ordered to avoiding the telekinesis) had pocketed his canteen and with pickaxe in hand decided to run down the slope after the dying inmate, not to save the wounded man... Yato struggled but caught the canteen from the soon to be corpse and continued down the slope to the sand.

Wesker giggled at the antics of his newest toys before continuing.
"as you can see, my power reaches as far as my eye allows... and it can end you in seconds if I wish it so."
The warden smiles and speaks as if he was Shen Anigans or God himself.

"listen close as I won't be repeating myself. You are to be set free on this land to do as you please. However, if you wish to earn your freedom you will work hard to mine iron, gold, mithral and whatever stones you can find. If you find any other goodies you can turn over your effort to human resource officers who determine your sentence. Working off your crime can earn you fresh water, rations, even weapons and armour as you are literally being sent out into the wilds in those rags, with that bit of water and a pickaxe. I'm sure you want say... A bow and arrow to hunt. A knife or sword to defend yourself. A barrel of fresh water to help get through that desert we drop you off at...."

"anyway if you have questions you won't last long, I'd suggest getting out of the desert and searching for food. Avoid the ferals as those giants will eat you whole."

If you hadn't already moved off the ledge you were kicked stabbed or forced off by various flavour of magic.
A massive jagged slope awaits with feral giants rushing towards a source of food that is you and the other unlucky souls.
Xcelgamer Xcelgamer enterelysium enterelysium u k i y o u k i y o Endless_Stars Endless_Stars
Y'all can react how you like here before fight or flight happens. Just so everyone knows any violence or sneaky shit of any kind towards the guards or warden is met with punishment/death
Post when your able to others may still join so keep that in mind before you attempt to one-shot something. For combat attempts or a interaction with a named Npc/enemy please write it as a attempt as I will react accordingly as the npc/enemy. Examples apart from combat attempts are
"lying to get your way" "A distraction of some kind" "if you intimidate/seduce/befriend someone"
Shit like that. My point being rp your character and ill worry about the rest aha

Post order is
1 2 then you-- let two others post before you do again (if need be we go 1 2 3 you)
Please ask questions in pm as I'm making a discord for OOC

Yato was able to get a leg up on the others with the reward of a extra water canteen and the pleasure of rolling down the rocky slope after tripping. With a extra corpse and pickaxe landing a foot away from his head Yato sighed in relief before Standing up in a dizzed rush... As others made there way or are forced down into the sand via fall damage.

Yato tried to compose himself and survey the area, all that came to mind was how despite protecting his head that entire fall he endured. It felt like he had been dragged by a horse on a old dirt road.
The immediate problem everyone new to the desert now faced approached with a terrible howl that pierced your eardrums.
Three giant beastkin wolves run towards the dock. They are over five meters tall running on all fours, except one with a small arm... He must have fucked up the transformation.
Despite the distance between the wolves and the new inmates Yato couldn't help but notice patchy fur, the scabs and bruises on the skin, the foam dripping from their jaws. Similar to the mangy mutts of the slums, these things are feral.
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