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Fandom Going beyond and Ultra


Sanji had arrived early in classroom 1-A, he absolutely hated being late, even if it meant being the only one there.
Nova walks into the class room after a while. She is still trying to fix her hair so she doesnt look like a crazy person like a person with scales doesnt look crazy.
Nova walks into the class room after a while. She is still trying to fix her hair so she doesnt look like a crazy person like a person with scales doesnt look crazy.
Kasumi walks into class with her sketch book in her hand and little drawings of birds flying around her, “Nova! How have you been, it feels like ages since I saw you!”
Nova smiles and goes over to Kasumi "good my mom is overacting like usual she made me bring 3 jackets with me because i quote 'i dont want you to freeze' its hot outside and the school isnt too cold" she says to Kasumi

Noi runs in thinking he is late like he is almost to everything. He sees Sanji and he goes over to him "Hey Sanji how has life been treating you"
Nova smiles and goes over to Kasumi "good my mom is overacting like usual she made me bring 3 jackets with me because i quote 'i dont want you to freeze' its hot outside and the school isnt too cold" she says to Kasumi

Noi runs in thinking he is late like he is almost to everything. He sees Sanji and he goes over to him "Hey Sanji how has life been treating you"
“Fine, you?” Sanji didn’t say much, he was content being alone most of the time, Noi was probably his only friend, though he never really asked him to be.

“hmhmhm.” Kasumi giggles at Novas’ response, “I was so stressed I nearly forgot my sketchbook at home,” she holds out a finger letting a bird land on it. “I draw when I’m nervous.” She said awkwardly.
Noi says "i had an amazing summer of training" he then sits next to Sanji

"You always think you forget your sketch book" Nova says to her and looks at the birds
“What kind?” He asked Noi only slightly paying attention.

“Heheh, true.” Kasumi responded a bit embarrassed. “Where’s your sketchbook? I’d love to see what you’ve been drawing.”
"quirk training mostly" he says to Sanji

Nova gets out her sketchbook "i wouldnt say they are as good as your drawings" she says handing Kasumi her sketch book
"quirk training mostly" he says to Sanji

Nova gets out her sketchbook "i wouldnt say they are as good as your drawings" she says handing Kasumi her sketch book
“Interesting.” He was still not paying full attention, but he was listening.

She flips through some of the newer pages. “Your shading’s gotten a lot better. You’re definitely improving.” Kasumi complimented, she was always kindhearted, especially toward her friends.

Some other students were starting to arrive.

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