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Fantasy godslayer cs



The God-Emperor of Mankind
like means it is accepted

- like means it is accepted, but it must be from me
- angst is encouraged
- should be avenging someone
- should kill your parents
- must have power nuggets
- must have mastered at least one jutsu
- no bbcode or beautifying the already perfect cs format


name: jotaro amadeus kollius
age: 15
gender: male
appearance: looks nice and has a big katana, wears a black trenchcoat and sunglasses. really cool
personality: he's a really cool guy, and he acts as a mentor to others, leading them to battle to fight mega-ultra-satans in the field of glorious bloodshed. because his parents are dead, he swore to avenge them
backstory: when he was ten he killed his parents and has ben traveling ever since to find their killer and avenge them but he doesn't know that he killed them, which is a big plot twist he has to deal with later
likes: killing, death
dislikes: death, himself
- death no jutsu: kills somoene by ripping their heart out of their chest
- amaterasu no jutsu - creates a big fireball
- dark power nugget: utilizes the power of shadow and deahh
hobbies: gardening
other: his theme song is the 16th opening of naruto
name: Pamela Kitty
age: Who the fuck knows but you can think she's eighteen if you want.
Female as fuck
Big tits, big ass. She's also blonde with blue eyes and has a sexy if nondescript accent but no one notices these things.
Outgoing except when she's feeling like a loner, which is half the time. Super friendly unless she decides she doesn't like you on the first impression. If she doesn't like you, she won't tell you but she'll make little remarks about you in your presence to someone else she does like.
backstory: Once, there was a supernatural divinity who decided to pretend to be a teenage girl. Due to an unfortunate accident at a Chinese restaurant, Pamela now believe she actually is a teenage girl. But when the call came to join the God-Slayers, she knew no one would accept a girl with her figure without having a thing so she decided to pretend to be a supernatural divinity. But when she showed up for orientation, she found out that no one accepted supernatural divinities so she was told by a teacher to pretend to be a teenage girl again. So now, she's a God pretending to be a teenager pretending to be a God to her teachers while pretending to be a teenager to everyone else. [/B]
likes: her hair, compliments.
dislikes: drama she didn't cause.
- If she punches hard enough, a green shockwave will erupt from the point of impact. It will then bubble back, fold in on itself and compress to a single point of fiery destruction before erupting in an explosion.
- any attacks that damage her clothing only make her stronger.
- animals love her.
- power nugget of hope.
weapons: her hair barrette can magically unfold into a two handed curved blade with two hand grips.
hobbies: her hair, men, post-modern feminist theory.
other: her theme song is She-ra princess of POwer.
name: Insert random japanese name
age: Over 9000 years old
Find out next episode
Young enough to put you in jail
Eternal vampire who also happens to be 100% legal
If you look at her for too long you will be caught by the FBI
Dangerous appearance
Idk what kids do man, probably play fortnut
Did you know the tapir's has the biggest body to penis ratio?
name: Walker Walker
age: Old enough to have a harem but young enough to be a self insert power fantasy for teenage guys
gender: Male
appearance: Generic male protagonist, stupidly plain and average but somehow the love interest of all hot ladies who even so much as looks at him.
personality: Super good guy, wants to save everyone, only wants to makes everyone happy, dense, stupidly lucky.
backstory: Walker is just a regular teenager who for plot reason is the only generic guy in a world filled with powers and such but is somehow not dead yet. He has no skills, no exceptional talents, no distinguishing features, no visible character traits but is somehow able to have a harem of girls following him around. Of course he doesn’t notice, they’re just his friends, even if they literally slobber all over him.
likes: Friends, good people, power of friendship
dislikes: bad people, people doing bad things, evil
powers: Plot armor - Despite bein a normal human, Walker Walker is safe from all tragedy because he is a generic beta male wishy washy dense anime protagonist.
weapons: None
hobbies: None, this guy is literally bland
other: No, he’s stupidly uninteresting
name: Nightmarewolf "Fizzy" Deathmoonblood
age: 69,420, give or take
gender: Male
appearance: A 6'9" tall anthro gray wolf in a straitjacket that has red eyes with black sclerae
personality: Clinically insane but nobody knows why because he acts like a smartass
backstory: Fizzy's parents got posessed by a demon that kills people by carbonating their blood and tried to kill him, but he absorbed the demon (killing his parents in the process) and used its power to kill and absorb other demons. He was put in an asylum because all of the demons corrupted him, but then he got an invitation from kamislayer academy.
likes: Skipping class, being scary, breaking the fourth wall
dislikes: Things that require use of hands, paladins
powers: jump scare no jutsu - makes the lights flicker and teleports into your face
weapons: Power Nugget of Madness
hobbies: Scaring people
other: His theme song is bring me to life by evanescence
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name: Slatt
age: 16
gender: male
appearance: 6’4 with spikey black hair and green eyes. Nice skin complexion, has a scar on his chest.
personality: Slatt is a perveted but gentle giant for most people 6’4 and beautiful black spikey hair. Tries to rap but is usually offbeat. Has bars but again off beat. Loves girls and women. He enjoys picking fights and being alone. Blames himself for parents death.
backstory: First day of attending the school his big penis pics were leaked. Never trusts “T H O T S”. Parents were killed at the age of 13 and he looks for the killer who constantly kills the people he cares most around him.
likes: killing, fighting, girls, women, big ass, bigger ass,
dislikes: old women, small ass, small tits
Flash stepping: moving so fast in a short distance it looks like teleportation.
Blaze: allows fire like aura to surround the user increasing their strength and speed by x2.
Peep-no-jutsu: for once every 30 second slatt can see through females clothes.
weapons: his fists or kunai.
hobbies: eating, training, sleeping, crying over parents deaths
other: Theme song, crawling by linkin park

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