• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Godling Academy (Characters)

William Hawthorne


Descendant or Mortal Background Until Chosen:

Assigned God/Goddess (Your choice):



Abilities (If Descendant):
Two-Faced Manipulation:
Body Double - The user can transfer their existence into another person upon touch, storing the user’s mental and physical form within the target as energy. This can serve as a hiding place, but the user may also communicate telepathically with the target when within. Additionally, the target, if they possess enough willpower or if both sides agree, can call upon the user’s other powers freely. Finally, if the target’s willpower is weaker, the user can forcefully take control of the body they are inhabiting and be granted full access to their memories and powers.
Truth Detection - The user can always tell when an individual is lying or saying something that is incorrect.
One of Two Faces - The user can change their body into a female version of themselves. This does not affect their mental state or powers, but their body will operate exactly like a female’s.

God of Doorways:
Portalcraft - The user holds absolute control over portals. The user can generate portals in their vicinity or over great and specific distances as they please. This power also grants control over portals made through other means and can even prevent portals from being manifested in acertain area. The portals of Janus can be freely moved and reshaped, however the edges will split apart all matter on contact. This involves having a portal close with a target halfway through or having a portal thrown through a target’s body. Portals can move as fast as a thrown frisbee. The larger, greater distance or more numerous the portals, the more taxing it is to maintain.
Door Manipulation - The user can open any locked entrance or object that isn’t magically sealed, and can seal them via magic.


Dorm partner (Optional):

Pet or special item(Optional):

Information about God/Goddess:

Relationships with other Gods/Goddesses:

Other Information (Optional):may
Hi. Janus is a Roman god. This rp are just for Greek gods! Please change your patron to someone from the Greek mythos
William Hawthorne


Descendant or Mortal Background Until Chosen:

Assigned God/Goddess (Your choice):



Abilities (If Descendant):
Two-Faced Manipulation:
Body Double - The user can transfer their existence into another person upon touch, storing the user’s mental and physical form within the target as energy. This can serve as a hiding place, but the user may also communicate telepathically with the target when within. Additionally, the target, if they possess enough willpower or if both sides agree, can call upon the user’s other powers freely. Finally, if the target’s willpower is weaker, the user can forcefully take control of the body they are inhabiting and be granted full access to their memories and powers.
Truth Detection - The user can always tell when an individual is lying or saying something that is incorrect.
One of Two Faces - The user can change their body into a female version of themselves. This does not affect their mental state or powers, but their body will operate exactly like a female’s.

God of Doorways:
Portalcraft - The user holds absolute control over portals. The user can generate portals in their vicinity or over great and specific distances as they please. This power also grants control over portals made through other means and can even prevent portals from being manifested in acertain area. The portals of Janus can be freely moved and reshaped, however the edges will split apart all matter on contact. This involves having a portal close with a target halfway through or having a portal thrown through a target’s body. Portals can move as fast as a thrown frisbee. The larger, greater distance or more numerous the portals, the more taxing it is to maintain.
Door Manipulation - The user can open any locked entrance or object that isn’t magically sealed, and can seal them via magic.


Dorm partner (Optional):

Pet or special item(Optional):

Information about God/Goddess:

Relationships with other Gods/Goddesses:

Other Information (Optional):may

Hey, no worries Angel Evans Angel Evans and I talked and since it's in the link in the front we will happily accept it but when you finish your character. We have a HUGE day planned out on Monday so make sure you finish your character before then!
Also, we have a discord link that when your character is officially finished and accepted I will send you a link to :) We are glad to have you a part of the family soon!
Noir Rossi


Age : 17
Gender : Male
Goddess : Nyx
Hair Color : Black
Eye Color : Violet
Height : 6'1"
Weight : 172 lbs.
Build : Muscular/Lithe


Noir is a quiet and soft spoken individual with a gentle demeanor. He's hardly ever seen to raise his voice above a whisper. He is well known for being someone you could tell anything to without any form of judgement or disregard. He enjoys helping others when they need it and will extend his help when he believes it valuable to another. He is open and honest with those around him, and will speak his mind if prompted to. For the most part, however, he tends to keep to himself, preferring not to bother others or meddle where he isn't wanted. He's content both being alone and being around other people. He tends to be lenient when it comes to making decisions and is most often fine with whatever is going on. Noir won't volunteer information about himself unless asked and for that reason, some will have spoken to him numerous times and not know much about her. He keeps a cool and calm head in situations and it would seem hardly anything seems to bother the boy.

For the very few times he does get angry and when his vast abundance of patience grows thin, he can become a force to be reckoned with. When he believes strongly enough in something or feels he needs to act in a direct way to alleviate a situation, Noir gets serious and his tongue is sharp. He's brutal and does not relent until he is satisfied. When he does happen to get angry, his temper burns hot. Not many have seen him this way and those who have would do their best to avoid it.

Noir is very protective over those he cares about. He can be quite the worrywart with their health and might even insist on taking care of things for the person to assist them. One sure fire way to upset Noir is to harm someone he cares about. He can be quite scary to the enemies of his friends..

+ Fresh Flowers
+ Poetry
+ Cold
+ Silence
+ Birds
- Sunshine
- Swimming
- TV
- Social Media

- Stargazing
- Piano
- Ballroom Dancing
- Reading
- Cooking


Noir has always been a quiet individual throughout his life. A gentle presence that's attracted attention throughout his life with friends that have come and gone. He grew up with his grandparents and his father in the countryside. His family had been farmers for quite a few generations and weren't about to quit. He'd help around the farm occasionally but was excused for most of the work when, working out in the heat of the day, he would become weak and faint. He'd achieved good grades with little effort but never seemed particularly invested in anything. It seemed he was content with his life with little to complain about and nothing much has changed since.


Night Affinity : During the nighttime, Noir is stronger, more alert, and more powerful. He heals quicker and is less susceptible to illnesses or afflictions. During the daytime, he is weaker and is more likely to get hurt.
Silence : The ability to nullify all sound and light in an area for a limited period of time.
Blind Sight : He can see in the dark as well as he can see in the light.
Shadow Manipulation/Transportation : He is of the shadows. He can manipulate others shadows and turn them into minions. He can also use the shadows to transport hIMself, moving from shadow to shadow.

Information about Goddess

Nyx is the greek goddess or personification of the night. A shadowy figure, Nyx stood at or near the beginning of creation and mothered other personified deities such as Hypnos and Thanatos with Erebus.

Relationship with other Gods/Goddeses



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Narine Rossi


Age : 17
Gender : Female
Goddess : Nyx
Hair Color : Black
Eye Color : Blue
Height : 4'11"
Weight : 102 lbs.
Build : Petite


Narine is a quiet and soft spoken individual with a gentle demeanor. She's hardly ever seen to raise her voice and is often seen with a serene smile on her lips. She is well known for being someone you could tell anything to without any form of judgement or disregard. She enjoys helping others when they need it and will extend her help when she believes it valuable to another. She open and honest with those around her, and will speak her mind if prompted to. For the most part, however, she tends to keep to herself, preferring not to bother others or meddle where she isn't wanted. She's content both being alone and being around other people. She tends to be lenient when it comes to making decisions and is most often fine with whatever is going on. Narine won't volunteer information about herself unless asked and for that reason, some will have spoken to her numerous times and not know much about her. She keeps a cool and calm head in situations and it would seem hardly anything seems to bother the girl.

For the very few times she does get angry and when her vast abundance of patience grows thin, she can become a force to be reckoned with. When she believes strongly enough in something or feels she needs to act in a direct way to alleviate a situation, Narine gets serious and her tongue is sharp. She's brutal and does not relent until she is satisfied. When she does happen to get angry, her temper burns hot. Not many have seen her this way and those who have would do their best to avoid it.

Narine is very protective over those she cares about. She can be quite the worrywart with their health and might even insist on taking care of things for the person to assist them. One sure fire way to upset Narine is to harm someone she cares about. She can be quite scary to the enemies of her friends..

+ Fresh Flowers
+ Poetry
+ Cold
+ Silence
+ Birds
- Sunshine
- Swimming
- TV
- Social Media

- Stargazing
- Piano
- Ballroom Dancing
- Reading
- Cooking


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse tristique vitae risus eu dapibus. Sed auctor augue et vulputate bibendum. Praesent libero tortor, consectetur eu urna nec, euismod lobortis enim. Praesent vitae mi vel sem vulputate pellentesque sed a augue. Nunc sagittis faucibus nisl vitae maximus. Nulla pretium cursus pellentesque. Sed eleifend porttitor nibh sit amet varius. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum luctus sagittis massa. Sed ipsum elit, consequat quis ullamcorper non, efficitur et ante. Suspendisse et volutpat justo, ut vehicula libero.

Duis sodales, massa luctus commodo bibendum, leo quam volutpat erat, a tempus nisl est vel ex. Etiam gravida imperdiet auctor. Etiam porttitor augue non dignissim condimentum. Aenean porta mi felis, et iaculis mi rutrum sit amet. Nullam elit dolor, laoreet eget nisl a, placerat volutpat felis. Fusce euismod purus id lectus vehicula varius. In dignissim posuere bibendum.

Donec nulla tellus, consectetur eu tristique vel, condimentum eget quam. Nam porttitor mi at rhoncus pretium. Praesent ut enim id felis ultricies faucibus sed viverra diam. Donec quam diam, pulvinar ac vestibulum ac, sollicitudin in tortor. Fusce consequat ex ipsum, eget commodo dui tempor pharetra. Quisque commodo, arcu eget pharetra rutrum, nisl lacus condimentum mi, non varius magna enim sed nulla. Nullam quam tortor, malesuada non nibh et, eleifend lacinia nunc. Duis tempor ornare eros eget tincidunt. Phasellus consequat feugiat rutrum. Cras id magna et mi bibendum porttitor congue at est. Vivamus odio turpis, feugiat vitae ante vitae, volutpat dapibus nulla. Praesent id ullamcorper dolor. Nulla enim erat, volutpat et odio eu, sodales euismod nulla. Ut risus ligula, posuere a justo eget, ultrices suscipit risus. Praesent euismod, eros sed vulputate imperdiet, sem massa vehicula purus, et porttitor nibh augue eu erat. Proin volutpat gravida luctus.

Praesent rutrum elementum lacus, quis malesuada nunc commodo et. Fusce sed diam faucibus, sollicitudin nisi non, sollicitudin sapien. Nunc accumsan interdum neque, ac condimentum ligula facilisis eget. Integer vel nulla lorem. Proin dictum sed libero vitae egestas. Aenean non bibendum turpis. Donec lorem nunc, elementum in sagittis quis, aliquam quis tellus. Maecenas varius nulla turpis, sit amet condimentum enim sagittis pulvinar. Etiam congue nisi vel augue dictum, a commodo purus tincidunt. Nulla non accumsan tellus. Praesent aliquam neque velit, vel consequat justo aliquet quis. Fusce in erat eget tortor dapibus mattis. Mauris magna est, facilisis ac sapien vel, malesuada sagittis ipsum. Vivamus quis lacus consequat, consectetur orci bibendum, finibus turpis.

Information about Goddess

Nyx is the greek goddess or personification of the night. A shadowy figure, Nyx stood at or near the beginning of creation and mothered other personified deities such as Hypnos and Thanatos with Erebus.

Relationship with other Gods/Goddeses



Loving it so far but still waiting for a few more details before I approve fully

Name: Ishwar Patil

Age: 17

God/Goddess: Suparshvanatha

Personality: Humourless, Carefree and Mature.

Hobbies: Drawing, Meditation, Cooking, Singing

Abilities: Absolute Intelligence, Absolute Combat, Musical Empathy, Spiritual Meditation, Heaven Lordship

He was born in a high class family in a wealthy port. He lived out of trouble until he was about 14 years old, but at that point life changed.

He went to the nearby Jain Temple and was making some great new friends. After an astonishing adventure, he is exploring new areas in a weird world. But with his sense of calmness and compassion, there's nothing to stop him from climbing to the top. He could quickly become somebody we can expect great things of.

But things could change quickly; he is currently still finding the right place in the world. He feels like there's more to explore in this world. Luckily he has great people around to support him.

Dorm partner: Harmonia

Relationships with other Gods/Goddesses: Suparshvanatha (Descendent), Vinay Bhattacharya (Father), Lia Patil (Mother)
Name: Lucien Riordan​


Descendant or Mortal Background Until Chosen:Decendent

Assigned God/Goddess (Your choice): Zeus

Personality: Brave, strong minded, intelligent, strategic, open minded, rebellious, sometimes hot headed.

Picture (Optional):

Hobbies: playing chess, riding horses, training in combat, playing the piano, flying.

Abilities (If Descendant):

Weather manipulation: Able to influence the weather

Electrokineses: ability to generate and manipulate all forms of electricity.

Aerokineses: minor manipulation of wind

Enhanced strength and stamina

Background/History: Lucien was born to a beautiful mother who raised him in the world of gods and monsters so he knew what he was since he was small. Growing up not knowing who his father was made Lucien a bit of a rebel. His mother understood and when he came of age he was told that his father was Zeus. This somewhat made him angry. How come he never had seen him or at least received a letter. As soon as he developed his powers his mother had him begin his training with a close family friend who happened to be a god that was tasked with watching over Lucien since birth but he didn’t reveal that to him until he was of age. Through the years he trained and tuned his abilities until the day finally came that he was selected to attend some school for kids like him. In honor of his mother’s wishes he decided to attend the school to see what it was all about. Now he begins a journey that will take him into the most unexpected part of his life.

Dorm partner (Optional): TBD

Pet or special item(Optional):

Lucien summons the sword from the sky and it appears in a flash of lightning.

Information about God/Goddess:
Zeus King of the gods and god of lightning and storms.​

Relationships with other Gods/Goddesses:

Other Information (Optional):
Lucien was gifted his sword at the age of 13. It appeared out of nowhere during a severe lightning storm.​
Narine Rossi


Age : 17
Gender : Female
Goddess : Nyx
Hair Color : Black
Eye Color : Blue
Height : 4'11"
Weight : 102 lbs.
Build : Petite


Narine is a quiet and soft spoken individual with a gentle demeanor. She's hardly ever seen to raise her voice and is often seen with a serene smile on her lips. She is well known for being someone you could tell anything to without any form of judgement or disregard. She enjoys helping others when they need it and will extend her help when she believes it valuable to another. She open and honest with those around her, and will speak her mind if prompted to. For the most part, however, she tends to keep to herself, preferring not to bother others or meddle where she isn't wanted. She's content both being alone and being around other people. She tends to be lenient when it comes to making decisions and is most often fine with whatever is going on. Narine won't volunteer information about herself unless asked and for that reason, some will have spoken to her numerous times and not know much about her. She keeps a cool and calm head in situations and it would seem hardly anything seems to bother the girl.

For the very few times she does get angry and when her vast abundance of patience grows thin, she can become a force to be reckoned with. When she believes strongly enough in something or feels she needs to act in a direct way to alleviate a situation, Narine gets serious and her tongue is sharp. She's brutal and does not relent until she is satisfied. When she does happen to get angry, her temper burns hot. Not many have seen her this way and those who have would do their best to avoid it.

Narine is very protective over those she cares about. She can be quite the worrywart with their health and might even insist on taking care of things for the person to assist them. One sure fire way to upset Narine is to harm someone she cares about. She can be quite scary to the enemies of her friends..

+ Fresh Flowers
+ Poetry
+ Cold
+ Silence
+ Birds
- Sunshine
- Swimming
- TV
- Social Media

- Stargazing
- Piano
- Ballroom Dancing
- Reading
- Cooking


Narine has always been a quiet individual throughout her life. A gentle presence that's attracted attention throughout her life with friends that have come and gone. She grew up with her grandparents and her father in the countryside. Her family had been farmers for quite a few generations and weren't about to quit. She'd help around the farm occasionally but was excused for most of the work when, working out in the heat of the day, she would become weak and faint. She'd achieved good grades with little effort but never seemed particularly invested in anything. It seemed she was content with her life with little to complain about and nothing much has changed since.


Night Affinity : During the nighttime, Narine is stronger, more alert, and more powerful. She heals quicker and is less susceptible to illnesses or afflictions. During the daytime, she is weaker and is more likely to get hurt.
Silence : The ability to nullify all sound and light in an area for a limited period of time.
Blind Sight : She can see in the dark as well as she can see in the light.
Shadow Manipulation/Transportation : She is of the shadows. She can manipulate others shadows and turn them into minions. She can also use the shadows to transport herself, moving from shadow to shadow.

Information about Goddess

Nyx is the greek goddess or personification of the night. A shadowy figure, Nyx stood at or near the beginning of creation and mothered other personified deities such as Hypnos and Thanatos with Erebus.

Relationship with other Gods/Goddeses



approved! (On phone so can't put a "love" emoji yet)
Nico Nico send the discord link?

Name: Ishwar Patil

Age: 17

God/Goddess: Suparshvanatha

Personality: Humourless, Carefree and Mature.

Hobbies: Drawing, Meditation, Cooking, Singing

Abilities: Absolute Intelligence, Absolute Combat, Musical Empathy, Spiritual Meditation, Heaven Lordship

He was born in a high class family in a wealthy port. He lived out of trouble until he was about 14 years old, but at that point life changed.

He went to the nearby Jain Temple and was making some great new friends. After an astonishing adventure, he is exploring new areas in a weird world. But with his sense of calmness and compassion, there's nothing to stop him from climbing to the top. He could quickly become somebody we can expect great things of.

But things could change quickly; he is currently still finding the right place in the world. He feels like there's more to explore in this world. Luckily he has great people around to support him.

Dorm partner: Harmonia

Relationships with other Gods/Goddesses: Suparshvanatha (Descendent), Vinay Bhattacharya (Father), Lia Patil (Mother)
I am honestly LOVING this character but... This specific RP is ONLY Greek Gods. Do you think you can change the God/Goddess? Also, Harmonia is taken as a dorm partner. Dont worry, well figure it out when you are approved
Clementine McGregor

Age : 16
Gender : Male
Goddess : Eros
Hair Color : Blonde
Eye Color : Pink
Height : 5'6"
Weight : 122 lbs.
Build : Lithe


Clem was a strange element. A boy who had a taste for both the luxuries and for comfort while also being content with exactly what he had. At times he can be quite picky and complain quite often, but he's never gotten to be too very annoying for those around him. He speaks his mind, words often leaving his mouth without filter and if his mouth has ever gotten him into trouble before, he hasn't really cared much about it. He doesn't like to sugarcoat anything and doesn't appreciate when others expect him to. That being said, on the contrary, even if Clem does his best to hide it, he's pretty sensitive inside and yearns to be accepted by those around him. He's a social butterfly at the beginning stages of awakening and adores the attention of others.

He doesn't take any BS from people and will put somebody in their place if he feels they need it. Being consciously aware of the feelings of those around him, while it might have been exhausting for others, it gives him newfound energy. He likes to meddle in the relationships of others, hoping to fix it while he can and offhandedly live vicariously through others being as he has never found a lover himself who will accept him and it's what he yearns for most.

Clem has always had a passion for the feminine things, liking to wear makeup, skirts, and do his hair. This has either caused people to gravitate towards him or run the other way. It doesn't mean he's relinquished every ounce of masculinity, but for the most part, prefers to act and dress feminine. He enjoys feeling pretty and dressing up. This is what he is most sensitive about and anyone who teases him for his lifestyle is really hitting him where it hurts. When he loves, he loves with all his heart and he wears his heart on his sleeve. Love makes him timid and clumsy, since he's still new to the experiences himself but when it comes to love in general, he's an expert. .

+ MakeUp
+ Kitties
+ Sweets
+ Pink
+ Bubble Baths
- Plain Colors
- Boredom
- Mathematics
- Bullies
- Classical Music

- Crossdressing
- Video Games
- Manga/Comic Books
- Painting
- Ballet


Clem has always been a flamboyant and strong willed boy. If he's put his mind to something he's gotten it done. The difference between years prior and now, was that he was a lot more naive than, unaccustomed to the judgement of others. He picked up his love for girls clothes when he was seven and didn't really start to take it too seriously until he was eleven. Kids were cruel. While some of his friends too his side, some also turned to making fun of him and bullying him. It went on for a few years until he changed schools. It gave the opportunity for a fresh start and by this point, with first impressions, most had a hard time noticing that he was a boy and not a girl. He didn't volunteer the information right away and some figured 'Clem' was an interesting name for a girl. Slowly, as he opened up to more people, he found more of them were accepting and he blossomed. He went from hiding his hobbies to openly expressing them. He was very popular among his peers and grew comfortable in this zone.


Red String Manipulation : The ability to touch and use them as he sees fit. So long as he has his lyre on him and is playing it, they become visible to a certain degree. This includes walking on them, showing them to others, and manipulating them with the lyre. He only need to select a string and connect it to his lyre to change it how he sees fit. The act is unpracticed and as of right now, doesn't often change the way he wants it to.
True Love's Kiss : Clem's kiss has the ability to heal afflictions and wounds.

Love Sight : Clem is privyto the feelings people have for one another. Including feelings people have for himself.

Information about God/Goddess

Eros is the god of love. Originally known as the son of chaos, but in later tradition was the son of Aphrodite with either Zeus, Ares, or Hermes. Also known to embody fertility. And sometimes was known as a mischievous god.

Special Item
Clem's special item is his Lyre, usually tucked away in his bag or purse. For travel convenience, it can take on the shape of a keychain. Too bad Clem is constantly misplacing his keys.

Relationship with other Gods/Goddeses



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Name: Felix West

Age: 17

Descendant or Mortal Background Until Chosen: Descendant

Assigned God/Goddess (Your choice): Poseidon

Personality: Felix has two very split personalities because of his upbringing(which we will get into in the history section). When there is a nearby source of water, especially if its saltwater, Felix is very calm and carefree. He'll crack a few jokes and instigate conversations, but he's never been a big people person so the more people interacting with him the larger the water source has to be to calm him down. He's very neutral when it comes to conflict, preferring to stay out of it but if pushed he will go off like a typhoon, holding nothing back. Now the flip side of the coin is that if Felix is without water, meaning that he can't feel any water in the immediate vicinity, he'll start to shut down mentally. He's never really had real friends and has been fully dependent on the ocean for support growing up so he feels very alone when he is without water. And that's what he fears most, being alone. He wants friends and he wants to be around people he just doesn't want to lose anyone important to him anymore. His father died and his mother abandoned him, then his community pitied him from afar, never reaching out a hand to help. He only trust the ocean to always be there for him.

Picture (Optional):

-Longboarding (when he's away from the ocean because its just surfing on land, calms him down)

Abilities (If Descendant):
-Can breath underwater
-Control over currents (he has just recently discovered this power and his grasp of it is pretty poor. As of right now, he can make a tiny cyclone in a bottle or a slow current in a moderately sized fish tank.
-Friend to most marine life
-Can turn saltwater to freshwater and freshwater to saltwater (could probably change a school swimming pool given enough time ;)

Background/History: Growing up with only one parent is hard. Especially when your mother hates the one thing that keeps you sane, the ocean. See Felix's family have been descendants from Poseidon for a few generations now, and his father believed that he was special, that he had gifts from his lineage. Who knew descendants of the God of the Sea could drown. Felix's father washed ashore miles down the coast from their hometown when Felix was nine. His mother never really recovered from the loss. Some nights she would leave the house to go curse at the ocean, and she started to forbid Felix from going to the ocean. Of course he couldn't be kept from the sea for long, sneaking off in the middle of the night to surf under the moonlight and hiding surfboards and fishing gear under the porch so that his mother wouldn't find out. Because of the way his mother acted after his fathers death, most of the town wouldn't associate with Felix and his mother, abandoning them to their struggle alone. Having been abandoned by his mother and community, Felix developed a heavy dependence on the ocean to keep him calm and happy. Six years of sneaking out at night later his mother discovered him, she had gotten drunk and was going to go curse the ocean out as Felix was heading back in from a nice night of surfing the waves. In a fit of rage at feeling betrayed by her own son to the ocean, she took his surfboards, broke his poles and told them that they were moving inland that night. Of course Felix couldn't leave his one sanctuary, the one place he felt safe, so at fifteen he ran away from home, stole a sailboat, and had been traveling the ocean by himself for two years until he was summoned to Godling Academy where he hopes to better himself and grow more independent.

Dorm partner (Optional): TBA, if anyone is interested let me know, I skimmed through most the characters already but I plan to read them after posting this to better understand everyone.

Pet or special item(Optional):Always carries with him a canteen that he filled with saltwater the night he ran away from home.

Information about God/Goddess: Poseidon is the Greek god of the Sea, brother to Zeus and Hades.

Relationships with other Gods/Goddesses: While a Descendant of Poseidon, Felix has never felt obligated to pay attention to the current pantheon, and hasn't interacted with any of the gods and goddesses.

Other Information (Optional): Heterosexual
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Name: Alissa Orikos

Age: 18

Descendant or Mortal Background Until Chosen: Descendant of Hermes

Assigned God/Goddess (Your choice): Hermes

Alissa is a strong willed individual, she gets shit done even if she has to break a few noses in the process. She's a bonified Kleptomaniac, stealing cause she can or to make money. She's cocky and haughty, she doesn't like being told that she can't do something. Cause that'll just make her want to do it more. She's stubborn like that. She'll kick ass and take names later if you get in her way, don't get in her way. Spending her teen years in a school with hardened kids has taught her a few tricks. However since she was laid down the rules of GA she's actually became more tamer, she wont risk being kicked out. However she is mischievous and loves playing pranks. Who said she couldn't have a little fun in the process of hard work. She's athletic and loves to swim/surf, run or do gymnastics. Swift and light on her feet Alissa makes a formidable opponent. For a little bit of a price she can get the job done for you. Please give her money she's a starving artist.

- Scrap-Booking
-Making Memories

+Enhanced Strength and Speed: Alissa can lift up to 150lbs and run up to 60mph. As she gains power it will grow in speed and strength.
+Enhanced Thievery: Alissa has a weird and almost supernatural way about stealing things. It's quiet and quick and you won't even know what hit you.
+Lock Manipulation and Intuition: She can sense the internal structure and mechanisms of any lock she touches. She always seems to unlock it. She can also sense if someone has placed a curse or trap on a lock.
+Silver Tongue: She has a strange way of persuading people to do things, however this is only if they are weak willed or not expecting it. If they are well aware of her and stubborn it will not work.
+Prophecy: She has a small gift for prophecy and it comes in little tiny snippets of visions that half the time she can't understand.

Born in Melbourne, Australia to a loving mother and an absent father. Alissa was always a strong willed child, not ever giving up anything she was determined to do. Stubborn if anything. She went through childhood as basic as could be. Until her high school years where she became a little klepto. She had learned after the first time she was caught that her father was Hermes. Maybe her mother thought this would stop her from stealing things and selling them, but it only encouraged her. She wanted to make her father proud, and how else to do that than to do what he stood for?

She ended up in a delinquent school for troubled teens. She gained quite a reputation there, she was the one you came to if you wanted to smuggle something into the school. She was the one who you went to if you wanted to break into the deans office and scribble the grades out. She had a little business at age sixteen, and she was loving it. Although she didn't graduate with the normal students, she made friends and connections to last her after graduation. She moved back home and spent a lot of time on the beach or selling tickets outside the arenas.

That was until her father showed up. He had been watching her and was actually proud of her. She had accomplished something. Now she was to go to a place called Godling Academy to become the next Hermes, and she wasn't going to back down.

Dorm partner: TBA

Pet or special item:
Flying Shoes- Her father gave them to her, they're a replica of his own flying shoes.
Pet: Her pet hare, Mellie.

Information about God/Goddess:
Hermes is the Greek god of roads, speed, messengers, commerce, travel, thieves, merchants, athletes, and mail deliverers. His Roman counterpart is Mercury. His symbol is the Caduceus.

Relationships with other Gods/Goddesses:
Alissa is on good terms with the gods, she hasn't met many of them at all. She thinks she hasn't made any mad, she could be wrong.

Other Information (Optional):
-She's straight (Ya'll needed more of those >.>)
-Yes she has a Aussie accent, yes she will punch you for stereotypes.

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Name: Felix West

Age: 17

Descendant or Mortal Background Until Chosen: Descendant

Assigned God/Goddess (Your choice): Poseidon

Personality: Felix has two very split personalities because of his upbringing(which we will get into in the history section). When there is a nearby source of water, especially if its saltwater, Felix is very calm and carefree. He'll crack a few jokes and instigate conversations, but he's never been a big people person so the more people interacting with him the larger the water source has to be to calm him down. He's very neutral when it comes to conflict, preferring to stay out of it but if pushed he will go off like a typhoon, holding nothing back. Now the flip side of the coin is that if Felix is without water, meaning that he can't feel any water in the immediate vicinity, he'll start to shut down mentally. He's never really had real friends and has been fully dependent on the ocean for support growing up so he feels very alone when he is without water. And that's what he fears most, being alone. He wants friends and he wants to be around people he just doesn't want to lose anyone important to him anymore. His father died and his mother abandoned him, then his community pitied him from afar, never reaching out a hand to help. He only trust the ocean to always be there for him.

Picture (Optional):
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-Longboarding (when he's away from the ocean because its just surfing on land, calms him down)

Abilities (If Descendant):
-Can breath underwater
-Control over currents (he has just recently discovered this power and his grasp of it is pretty poor. As of right now, he can make a tiny cyclone in a bottle or a slow current in a moderately sized fish tank.
-Friend to most marine life
-Can turn saltwater to freshwater and freshwater to saltwater (could probably change a school swimming pool given enough time ;)

Background/History: Growing up with only one parent is hard. Especially when your mother hates the one thing that keeps you sane, the ocean. See Felix's family have been descendants from Poseidon for a few generations now, and his father believed that he was special, that he had gifts from his lineage. Who knew descendants of the God of the Sea could drown. Felix's father washed ashore miles down the coast from their hometown when Felix was nine. His mother never really recovered from the loss. Some nights she would leave the house to go curse at the ocean, and she started to forbid Felix from going to the ocean. Of course he couldn't be kept from the sea for long, sneaking off in the middle of the night to surf under the moonlight and hiding surfboards and fishing gear under the porch so that his mother wouldn't find out. Because of the way his mother acted after his fathers death, most of the town wouldn't associate with Felix and his mother, abandoning them to their struggle alone. Having been abandoned by his mother and community, Felix developed a heavy dependence on the ocean to keep him calm and happy. Six years of sneaking out at night later his mother discovered him, she had gotten drunk and was going to go curse the ocean out as Felix was heading back in from a nice night of surfing the waves. In a fit of rage at feeling betrayed by her own son to the ocean, she took his surfboards, broke his poles and told them that they were moving inland that night. Of course Felix couldn't leave his one sanctuary, the one place he felt safe, so at fifteen he ran away from home, stole a sailboat, and had been traveling the ocean by himself for two years until he was summoned to Godling Academy where he hopes to better himself and grow more independent.

Dorm partner (Optional): TBA, if anyone is interested let me know, I skimmed through most the characters already but I plan to read them after posting this to better understand everyone.

Pet or special item(Optional):Always carries with him a canteen that he filled with saltwater the night he ran away from home.

Information about God/Goddess: Poseidon is the Greek god of the Sea, brother to Zeus and Hades.

Relationships with other Gods/Goddesses: While a Descendant of Poseidon, Felix has never felt obligated to pay attention to the current pantheon, and hasn't interacted with any of the gods and goddesses.

Other Information (Optional): Heterosexual

You are approved! Warning though we are in the middle of a class so you might have to wait a day or two for us to finish our task and start the next "class." Our RP is popping though and we already 20 pages in, in less than a week (and it's not even summer yet). Please make sure to join our discord link as well. I will send it to you as a message.

Age: Seventeen.

Descendant or Mortal Background Until Chosen: The Jacksons each share the same blood line as the twin Greek god and goddess, Apollo, the god of sun (after Helios), music and poetry as well as Artemis, the god of hunting and wild animals.

Assigned God/Goddess (Your choice): Apollo

Personality: Cyrus is very much like the male twin of the pair, Apollo. Cyrus is laid back and relaxed most of the time unless someone ticks off one of his many pet peeves. He thrives being in the spotlight and loves to be the center of attention, often pulling of stunts and speaking out unnasked in need of said attention. Not too difficult due his charm and charisma, Cyrus hates being told what to do, or when someone else doesn't agree with him. Deep down, he's very insecure about himself, the root of his desire and hunger for popularity. As a cause of this, he's rather hot-headed, and often reacts in a rash manner whenever pushed beyond his limit.

Cyrus, in spite of his selfishness, might also be one of the best friends a person could have at the academy. His loyalty might be a little off, but Cyrus is quick to realize whenever he's gone too far, and with an undying determination, is always there to fix whatever the problem may be. Good or bad, Cyrus is very blunt with his peers and those older than him, a type of honesty that may get him in trouble, but also draws the notion of his trustworthiness.

Hobbies: Cyrus especially enjoys music, and though he thrives in most aspects of it, under the covers, he has a very soft spot for poetry but is ashamed of it due to it not fitting his criteria of manliness. He also loves cars, fashion, and sunny days.

Abilities (If Descendant):
Apollo: Solar Manipulation

  • Charge solar-based technology (e.g. Solar Panels).
  • Heat Manipulation: He is able to manipulate the heat within a ten metre radius from him, increasing the solar energy (he can't decrease the temperature).
  • Solar Attacks: Cyrus is able to fire out miniature solar winds, flares, or even beams of solar energy at a controlled target.
  • Solar Constructs: including weapons, walls, allies/servants, armor, etc.
Artemis: Animal Imitation
  • Animal Communication: Cyrus is able to communicate telepathically to animals, but often says the words aloud to aid him with the ability.
  • Adaption Imitation: Cyrus is able to mimick many of animals of nowadays' adaptions such as claws, night vision, echolocation, growing fur, and plenty more. Each transformation involves a great amount of pain as well as a duration before it's fully added to his body. Reversing it also does the same.

Background/History: Growing up, Cyrus' parents were both very successful in their businesses. His father a renouned wildlife expert/zoologist, Willy Jackson, and his mother famous musician, Marilyn Jackson, he grew up in great lavish. The spoiled brat always sported a brilliant smile and his iconic Ray Ban glasses, and grew up with knowledge about his Greek god heritage. His father was a descendant of Artemis, his mother the offspring of Apollo, and soon enough he'd be the descendant of both. At first, Cyrus didn't believe it, and only joked that his parents should be arrested for incest (his father, Willy Jackson was actually chosen by Artemis herself, and not born into her bloodline, thus meaning, his parents aren't really related). As he grew older, the first of his powers to surface were those of Apollo, waking up, his sheets would sometimes be scorched, or his palms bright with yellow energy, "sleep-awakening" was what his parents dubbed it, unconsciously using his god-given powers. His Artemis side had always been lesser, only had he used it twice to talk to animals, once when he'd been attacked by one, and another at one of his father's zoos. Although he stalled for long, eventually, Cyrus was forced to enroll into the Godling Academy.

Dorm partner (Optional): Cyon Michaels Nico Nico

Pet or special item(Optional): Cyrus is in possesion of his first guitar, though it was soon enchanted, and upon will, turns into a hypnotic harp. The guitar pick to go with it had also been enchanted, and also upon will, morphs into a large arrow, similar to Artemis'. When transformed, both arrow and harp are made of gold (the harp's strings still function, oh magic).

Information about God/Goddess: God of the sun after the retirement of Helios, Apollo is also the god of music and poetry. He's known for his arrogance, but also for his charm and bright charisma.

As for his other half, the god of the hunt and wild life, Artemis is known to be deadly in battle, using her proficiency in the hunt as well as her skill with fauna.

Relationships with other Gods/Goddesses:
Cyrus is often taunted by his god-ancestor Artemis due to his similarity with Apollo, and in spite of denying it, is aware of their striking similarity. Artemis and Apollo are still very close to Cyrus and his family.

As for other gods, Cyrus especially dislikes Poseidon due to the god's short temper much like his own, and hating to do work for Poseidon whenever the ocean god isn't in a good mood.

As for the other gods, Cyrus is mostly on good terms with them.

Other Information (Optional): N/A

If you wish to BE active please let us know. The 2nd Apollo spot will be open for now in case you still want it.
Name: Jasmine

Age: 18

Descendant or Mortal Background Until Chosen:
Mortal, as far as she knows but theirs rumors...

Assigned God/Goddess (Your choice): Persephone

Personality: She is normally known as a happy and optimistic girl but she has a fear of losing the people she loves after her mother died. She tends to wear a flower in her hair. You will find her wide awake in the mornings in the garden taking care of the flowers rain or shine, happy or sad. As a bonus, she loves to help people heal and grow as well. She knows everything and anything to do with plants and herbalism and is expecting to get into potions easily because of it. She doesn't accept people to get too close for AWHILE if at all. She gets tempted to do things as long as the price is something she really desires (example. seeing her mother). She tends to get along with everyone and cheers people up easily.

Picture (Optional): normally known to have at least one flower in her hair that is always blooming. Normally she tucks it behind her ear.

- Taking care of plants (duh)
- Making potions (later)
- Helping other students with something
- Volunteering
- Loves to dance, especially under the moon


-Germinate & fertilize seeds (can make them blossom any time or place in the future)
- Has a small light that she can summon and walk around her or light something up for her
- Helps the dead move on (future), can speak to them for now
- Can heal plants & plants can (in the future) heal her
- She can summon nymphs (future)
- Her atmosphere around her can match her feelings- if she is extremely happy everything is blooming. If she is sad, they are dying (future)

Her mother named her Jasmine because it was her favorite flower and the first flower she ever took care of. Her father died while Jasmine was very young. Her mother, at a young age, would teach Jasmine how to work in the garden. That was their time to talk about their day and tell each other stories. Her mom always picked a blossoming flower and put it in Jasmine's hair telling her she was the most beautiful flower of them all. When her mother died when she was around 14 years old she was taken care of by her grandmother. She worked in the garden so often after her mother's death because it was the one place she felt her presence. One day, Persephone herself found the garden and all its beauty and immediately sought out the young girl that had created it. Jasmine met the Goddess in awe and when Persephone gave her the letter to come to this school she had one condition. "If I am correct, as Persephone I will have to marry a Hades correct? I will only take this opportunity if I get to see my mom while in the Underworld." Persephone agreed to the circumstance understanding her own special relationship with her mother.

Dorm partner (Optional): OPEN

Pet or special item(Optional): She had one last picture of her mother that is on her dorm nightstand. That picture means everything to her. Although technically they are not "pets," fireflies tend to be around her and she loves to look at them.

Information about God/Goddess: Persephone is the daughter of Demeter and is known to have been kidnapped by Hades. She ate a pomegranate while in the Underworld and her soul was trapped half of the year with Hades in the Underworld and the other half of the year she was with Demeter creating spring and summer. While she is in the underworld, Demeter stops working on the flowers and just cries for her daughter. This is where Fall and Winter come in. Queen of the underworld. She is known to be a beautiful maiden.

Relationships with other Gods/Goddesses:
None. She's a newbie in this world. She does expect to enjoy Demeter's company though.

Other Information (Optional):


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Name: Lucifer Loy

Age: 19

Descendant or Mortal Background Until Chosen: Descendent

Assigned God/Goddess (Your choice): Nyx

Personality: Lucifer is mostly quiet around others, but will still talk if needed; Lucifer also becomes absolutely quiet if embarrassed; When angry seeing someone Lucifer cares about injured or something of the sorts, he will do anything in his power to help


Hobbies: Other than the normal daily walks Lucifer does, he normally chills around and sketchs drawings for potential tatoos

Abilities (If Descendant): Eventually Lucifer will be able to: master Umbrakinesis (It’s the control and shapping of shadows and darkness. Ie, moving them around and making them into solid objects Look it up if you don’t understand it <3 ), faster regeneration the darker the room is, can slightly heal others in the dark but only minor cuts and stuff, form into darkness, travel via dark areas but must be his size and if more than just him must be physically connected, night vision, and slightly stronger physically at night
Any powers available right now will be bolded. Until later, they are quite weak and not at their full potential

Background/History: Lucifer, growing up, was a very lonely child in the first place. Normally gravitating to himself, he eventully stoped trying to “make friends”. Eventually, once Lucifer got into High School, he realized the dark corners everywhere quietly whisper or make noises. Reaching out to them occasionally, and alone, they seemed to almost form how he saw them. After realizing this, Lucifer eventually started training in order to form small objects and let them stay. Up until Lucifer was done with High School, he was able to almost speak to the darkness he found and they’d listen and be there for him. After training, while not going to college just yet, Lucious was able to make objects form about the size of a shoe and stay there. Any larger, for now, needed more practice. Eventually, as Lucifer was about to click “send” on the college appulication, his room flickered with light and lack of it. His lights, or something else so it seems, made his room total black and next thing he knew he was somewhere. Now, that would be something he has to try some other time.

Dorm partner (Optional): None yet, but is always available

Pet or special item(Optional): Lucifer cares dearly to his tattoos, and hates dueling in case of scaring them

Information about God/Goddess: Nyx is the Protogenoi of the Night, Daughter of Chaos. Nyx birthed some gods and goddesses that are minorly known, such as Hypnos, Thantos, Aether, the Fates, the Furies and more. More information can be found out if you message me :)

Relationships with other Gods/Goddesses: Like his distant relative, Lucifer stayed away from other gods and goddesses as much as possible. Siding, only slightly, with his own kin and the descendents of Nyx’s kin.

Other Information (Optional): Lucifer normally will not be seen out during the mid day, but in early morning and at night
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Name: Lucifer Loy

Age: 19

Descendant or Mortal Background Until Chosen: Descendent

Assigned God/Goddess (Your choice): Nyx

Personality: Lucifer is mostly quiet around others, but will still talk if needed; Lucifer also becomes absolutely quiet if embarrassed; When angry seeing someone Lucifer cares about injured or something of the sorts, he will do anything in his power to help

Hobbies: Other than the normal daily walks Lucifer does, he normally chills around and sketchs drawings for potential tatoos

Abilities (If Descendant): Eventually Lucifer will be able to: master Umbrakinesis (you all are smart. Look it up if you don’t understand it <3 ), faster regeneration the darker the room is, can slightly heal others in the dark but only minor cuts and stuff, form into darkness, travel via dark areas but must be his size and if more than just him must be physically connected, night vision, and slightly stronger physically at night
Any powers available right now will be bolded. Until later, they are quite weak and not at their full potential


Dorm partner (Optional): None yet, but is always available

Pet or special item(Optional): Lucifer cares dearly to his tattoos, and hates dueling in case of scaring them

Information about God/Goddess: Nyx is the Protogenoi of the Night, Daughter of Chaos. Nyx birthed some gods and goddesses that are minorly known, such as Hypnos, Thantos, Aether, the Fates, the Furies and more. More information can be found out if you message me :)

Relationships with other Gods/Goddesses: Like his distant relative, Lucifer stayed away from other gods and goddesses as much as possible. Siding, only slightly, with his own kin and the descendents of Nyx’s kin.

Other Information (Optional): Lucifer normally will not be seen out during the mid day, but in early morning and at night

Please let me know when you finish his background/history and make sure to put all information about abilities (not just putting to look it up. The idea is to pu it on the CS chat so we don't have to look it up anywhere else) and if you can, put more information on Nyx. Specific things that you will probably mention in the future. Glad to have you aboard!


Elizabeth Whitacre
Info like name, and etc

Name: Elizabeth Whitacre

Age: 17

Descendant or Mortal Background Until Chosen: Descendant

Assigned God/Goddess: Hera

Elizabeth is a polite, social, and a motherly princess towards everybody. She is easily angry, and will try to hit you with a belt or a sandal if you don't listen to her. Elizabeth hates cheaters, and will try to punish the cheater in her own hands, because she doesn't trust her parents to punish the fool as badly as she does it.
She can be jealous and vengeful if Elizabeth finds out that her boyfriend is cheating on her, and will make their girlfriend as miserable as possible.
Elizabeth can also be too bossy, cunning, sometimes irrational, and can be a bit too proud of herself at times. <- Don't call her a bitch, even though she is one.

Dancing the waltz and doing ballet
Reading books at the library
Baking food and sweeties.
Abilities, Dorm partner, and God stuff


Bond Manipulation: manipulate bonds.

Oath Keeping: maintain any sort of oaths that are made.

Enhanced Charisma: possess unnaturally high charisma.

Insanity Inducement: cause others to go insane. ( Rarely does that unless she is mad. )

Dorm partner: Jasmine

Pet or special item: Elizabeth got a pet peacock named Gilburt from Hera.

Information about God/Goddess: Hera is the Queen of the Gods and is the wife and sister of Zeus. She is the goddess of Marriage, Mothers, and Families.

As the goddess of family, Hera will be happy to pack your lunch or comb your hair or give you a ride to school, but don’t talk back to her. When Hera is mad, she doesn’t just ground you. She’s likely to smash you into the ground.

Her symbols are a pomegranate, a cow, and a peacock.

Relationships with other Gods/Goddesses: Elizabeth loves her mother: Hera, and hates Zeus for cheating on Hera.
She doesn't mind the other gods, but thinks Hephaestus is lame. <- Elizabeth does know them btw.

Background/History: Even though, Elizabeth is the princess of England, she hates her father for cheating on Hera with a bunch of women. Her father keeps making excuses for cheating on his previous wife: Hera, because he wanted to have more kids. But Elizabeth wasn't buying those excuses, as she has 10 brothers and sisters from those cheaters already. She knew that he wanted to have another wife, as she was more pretty than Hera.
Elizabeth would literally hire assassins to kill her, cut his wife's hair, ruin all of her dresses, tried to poison her, and etc, for her father to clearly see how much she hates her. Her father would never notice it, but he would hire more guards to protect his wife. Eventually, his wife would divorce her father because of Elizabeth, or they would drop dead from all of Elizabeth's bullshit plans towards them.

Now her mother: Hera loved Elizabeth, and she would help her on her quest to make her father's current wife, and his next wife as miserable as possible in her mind. Hera even gave Elizabeth a pet peacock named Gilburt, as a gift for making her cheating husband's wives so miserable.

As for Elizabeth's brothers and sisters, most of them hate her for killing their moms like that. They would often keep telling their dad about what Elizabeth is doing, but Elizabeth would manipulate their bond by causing her father to yell at them, and say that he doesn't believe in their lies. She even got her father to say how much he hates them for doing that, because he loves Elizabeth more than them. Only her sister: Sarah knows about this, and even she doesn't want to tell her father about this, because she hates him too.
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If you wish to BE active please let us know. The 2nd Apollo spot will be open for now in case you still want it.
wait, no one said the roleplay started yet??

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