Glorious Solar Saber and Strength Minimums

Captain Hesperus

Harbinger of the End Times and Apostle of Ghan
So, you learn GSS and your first purchase gets you a Daiklave. Shiny!! But then you decide that you want something with a little more 'SPLAT!!!!!', so you learn up a Grand Goremaul. Super-shiny!!! But hey! Hey, look! You're only Strength 2, and the Grand Goremaul has a Strength prerequisite of Strength 3. Does this mean you suffer a -1 dice penalty to Accuracy, even though the weapon is created from solidified golden light?

Captain Hesperus
Do Strength minimums even apply to to artifacts since the act of attunment makes them weigh next to nothing? Since they are left out of the errata for artifacts that had them I would think that is true.
Strength minimums are still required. Even if they weigh a lot less than what they do unattuned, they're still heavy. And big and unwieldy. If you're not strong enough to overcome the force of your own swing, of course you're going to have a harder time hitting someone nimble.
But how would this affect weapons created through GSS?

Captain Hesperus
I'd let you get away with not having the minimum attribute requirements, but you'd still have the minimum MA requirements to meet if you picked up one of those weapons.

But no single handing even a GSS 2 hander unless you actually have the 3x str requirement.

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