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Futuristic Glitch.EXE ►►► [open/accepting][cyberpunk]

Marco walked through the city as if he had accomplished a lot.He felt a tingle inside him and a warm sensation took over his body.A smile appeared and next thing you know,he was as jolly as a kid with a new toy.Some people looked at him and wondered why he looked so happy but they didn't make ugly faces.They couldn't resist smiling too while Marco walked past.It was a contagious happiness.Every mission Marco accomplished made him a little happier each time.He always felt a sense of progress.Walking up the stairs to the apartment building entrance,Marco looked behind him,admiring the city like never before.He turned back around,entered the building,and walked up to his apartment.

Marco opened the door to his apartment,and found Ayumi sitting in front of his computer
.She heard the door close and turned around to Marco with a smile."Hey there.Back from another mission?"

"Yeah.Me and Jordan both got our androids.And we kinda got into a little fight with the local thugs.This time this huge thug came and nearly killed us.We almost had him but he was a cyborg.Our bullets were bouncing off him and he grabbed us by our throats.But you know how we are,we always find a way out.I had to EMP him."

"Wow.How exactly are you not dead yet?"

They laughed at the question and Ayumi changed the subject.

"Hey,I almost forgot to tell you,I might've found something on the Blue Storm prototypes.Come here."

Marco walked towards Ayumi to look at what was on the computer.

"You see these markings?" Ayumi pointed to multiple pictures which showed an unknown phrase on the walls of the city's buildings. "These markings have popped up all over the city and sightings of the Blue Storm prototypes were reported around these areas.There has to be some connection between the markings and the prototypes.Something's going on and we need to figure out what it is."

At that moment,Ayumi's phone rings and she picks it up with excitement."Yeah?...Where?Okay,okay,he'll be there."

She hung up and slammed her hand against the desktop,looking at Marco with a surprised gaze."Marco!That was another sighting!He said he saw the markings and everything!You gotta go!Here's the location."

She clicked on a location in one of the Industrial Blocks.This was right near a Pisces Industries building.

Marco's eyes widened."Oh no.I might have to get a little wet then..." He sighs.

The location downloads into Marco's phone and he starts getting his equipment.He grabs his suit,which is in the shape of a surprisingly slim back pack.He puts it on and grabs some other things before heading out.

Marco almost trips down the stairs but he makes it to his car and drives away as fast as possible to the Pisces building.
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The Guild known as Method popped the Jailer of Love; the pre-boss before the fabled Absolute Virtue. Pawing at her mouth, Naoi let out an exaggerated, rather bored sigh. The crowd below her huddled close to the fight, but just out of reach of the world-wide AoE damage the Jailer could inflict. Everyone seemed in awe, but Naoi was not impressed. Yes, the Jailer of Love was not an easy boss, in fact only 1% of the game's population had defeated it, but to her it was trivial. Watching a fight with Absolute Virtue was the real prize.

The Jailer of Love was modeled after a jellyfish. Naoi of course had never seen one before, but she
knew what it was. Large tentacles lashed out at Method's Paladin tank, scouring his armor, and afflicting him with deadly toxins. With a grin, Naoi muttered, "Let's make this more interesting."

A wail of pain came from Method's tank, "It hurts.... oh god it hurts!" Despite the agony of being barraged by the Jailer's poisoned tentacles, the man continued his stalwart defense. A rogue in the front lines called out to his guild-mate, "Is everything all right!?" Moments later, the Jailer plummeted, causing immense pain to all in the AoE's distance causing the rogue to call out in agony, "Fuck! What the fuck!?"

Onlookers covered their mouths, gasping as Method cried out in agony. The pain was real.

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