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Realistic or Modern Gives You Hell (A Teenager-Summer Camp Roleplay) NOT ACCEPTING ANY MORE, SORRY

Would you rather have mixed gender housing (one giant house) or separate gender housing (two houses)

  • Mixed Gender House

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  • Separate Gender Houses

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Awesome Sauce

A summer camp that's actually a secret reality show. Weird, right?




Ellie Fern Wells

She sighed, as she looked out the window. Her parents had insisted on driving her to this stupid summer camp. Camp Whispers, a snarky voice in her mind spoke. "Wow, thanks for this experience, Mom, Dad," she spoke sarcastically.

"Be nice," her mother said.

"Sure thing," she said sarcastically, but the didn't seem to catch on.

"Now, make sure to be social, okay? And don't be afraid to speak up!" her mom told her.

"Have fun, Ellie!" her dad said.

"Can I play on your computer while you're gone?" her brother said.

"No," she bluntly told him. They pulled up into the drive way, where she got out of the car. Her parents got out as well, and helped her get her suit cases out of the trunk of their car. "I'll miss you guys," she tried to guilt-trip them.

"Haha, nice try," her dad laughed. "You're staying." She pursed her lips.

"Dang it."

"We love you, and have fun!" both of her parents chanted, before getting back into their car and driving off.
How nice, Fern thought to herself. She strolled up to the front door, taking the key out that was mailed to her. There, she unlocked the door, walked inside, and climbed the stairs (her suitcases knocking against the wood). She chose the room closest to the stairs, where she put her suitcase in, and waited downstairs for more people to come. Fern pulled her phone out of her pocket and sighed. "Of course, no signal. At least, not here," she muttered and slid her phone back into her pocket. Sure, she could listen to music, but a thought popped into her head.

Time to go exploring... In the house that- The door opening interrupted her thoughts.

(And the roleplay has started! @Nanax @Cal Rader @Shaul @Iridescent Beauty)

Nana Park

Nana waved goodbye to her grandmother as the taxi drove away from her home. Nana played some rock music with her headphones on of course. The drive towards the airport was nearly an hour or two, which Nana has taken advantage of. The night before, she had a concert with her band and only received roughly two or three hours of sleep. She dosed off with her music playing.


As the taxi drove away when she was standing in front of the entrance door, she hesitated to open the door. After a few minutes of waiting, she unlocke the door and slowly took an entrance.

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Ellie Fern Wells

She noticed a girl open the door, slowly walking in. Time to be fun and cool! Fern thought to herself, determined. Don't be quiet and awkward, be cool!

"Hello! I'm Fern, well actually that's my middle name, but it sounds cooler than my first!" She waved, walking over and giving a small laugh. "Okay, well, I think that I've seen you around actually, at school. You're the girl with the band, right? Don't worry, I won't get offended if you haven't seen me around, haha!" So much for not being awkward. That sounded awkward to me. Yep, pretty sure I was awkward. Jeez, why do I have to be so awkward? No, I wasn't awkward. Not really. I was too... Spazzy. Yep.. Awkward, she thought to herself.


Carter Ryan

Carter was sitting beside his sister Brietta, a tall girl with long blonde hair and grey eyes, as she drove him to the camp. She was two years older than him and had just finished her Freshman year of College as a law student.

Carter took out one of his white headphones as his sister reared the car to a stop, letting the headphone dangle towards his thigh.

"You know that this is a summer camp, not a hotel?" Brietta asked him after a pause.

"Just because we have money doesn't mean I shouldn't go to a summer camp," Carter responded flatly, turning his head towards the cabin in front. "Anyways, it's better than being at home."

"Why do you say that?"

Carter smirked and felt himself inhaling. "It's the most boring place you could possibly be during the summer."

His sister was staring out the car window with him. "Are you sure you'll be able to handle the mud and mosquitos and...all that terrible bug spray?"

Carter just shook his head and opened the passengers car door. "Enjoy yourself at home, Brietta...but nothing too weird. You know how dirty those websites can get-"

"Shut up, Carter!" Brietta snapped.

Carter laughed and closed the door from behind him. He then went to the back of the car and his sister popped open the drunk. There was one large red suitcase and along with that two large bags filled with the many other luxuries he'd need (including bugs pray).

After grabbing all of the things as best he could, he attempted at waving a goodbye to his sister and walking to the front doors of the cabin.

What does this place have to offer me?
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Ellie Fern Wells

The door opened and another person was there. "Hello!" Fern greeted Carter. "Why are you here? I'm here because my parents forced me to be social!" She grinned. "I say, after you two put your stuff in a room--mine is the one closest to the stairs--we explore this house and wait for more people to get here!" The she realized something. "Oh snap, crackle, and pop! This is a mixed-gender house. Now, isn't that weird?" Jeez, how much more spazzy can I get? And really, 'I say,' and 'Snap, crackle, pop'? Am I in Kidz Bop or something? Wow. She thought.


Nana Park

Nana could tell that this green haired girl was nervous and being overly content.
"I'm Nana. And yeah, I am in a band." She said in monotone, she showed no smile and kept a simple resting face. She noticed anther person behind her. Nana was nearly exhausted from the night before. She heard someone opening the door behind her, a male was shown. She didn't greet him just yet. She just looked at him for a second and turned to her phone. "Damn..." She said under her breath as 'No Signal' was read on the top left of her rose gold IPhone 6s.

@galaxycorgi @Shaul
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Carter Ryan

When Carter walked into the room, he was greeted by a girl with green-bluish hair. The red bags and suitcase were beginning to weigh heavily on his arms as she talked. Behind her was another girl, who was on her iPhone, unengaged from the green/blue haired girl.

"Pleasure to meet you," he started. "I'm Carter Ryan. I'm here because..." He turned his head to look around the cabin, and felt himself quickly catch a glance at the girl in the back again. "...surprisingly, I actually want to be here." He then turned his head towards the wooden stairs. "I'll be right back, I'm going to go find a room."

He then walked up the stairs. The green/blue haired girl was quite the welcome when he first arrived. When he saw the other girl, she oddly reminded him of his ex-girlfriend. He had cheated on her by the end of Junior year after they'd gotten into an argument. He hooked up with some other girl from a different school. He really missed his ex, and coming to this camp felt like the perfect opportunity to move forward.

He placed himself in the third room from the stairs. Stress was relieved from his arms when he set his things on the bed. Knowing that more people would arrive soon, he returned downstairs.

"What are you names?" Carter asked both girls when he got back downstairs.​

Ellie Fern Wells

"Sucks, doesn't it, having no signal? I already tried earlier," she said to Nana, calming down, and noticing that Carter had walked upstairs. "Anyways..." She trailed off, her eyes looking up towards the ceiling. "Hopefully this summer will be fun." How is this girl so monotonous? Maybe she's just tired or something. Who knows what she did last night? "I heard that there was a lake."

"Oh, I'm Fern," she said to Carter, hearing his question as he had come back downstairs, "That's my middle name, but it's cooler than my first name--at least I think so, so yeah!" I wonder when the others will arrive, she thought.


Nana Park

Nana stuffed her IPhone back into the smaller pocket of her panda backpack. She didn't want her first impression to be awful so she decided to join their conversation.
"Nana." She said again, with monotone. Her attention was all on these two people she doesn't really know. "I'm in a band, main singer. How about you two?" She asked in a calm tone. She needed to go get a caffeinated drink or let alone coffee, although she despised coffee.

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Taylor York

"So...where am I supposed to go?" Taylor asked himself as he watched the large trail of dust explode behind his mom's car as she drove away. This was bittersweet. He had planned on going to Arizona this summer with his friends but do to secretly trying pot for the first time and getting caught with it, this wasn't a choice. How bad could this be? At least he gets to meet people. The only question is...why did his mom drop him off near the woods?

"Looks like I have some walking to do." He said, dealing with it. Besides, who doesn't love a little nature? If he could, Taylor would just live out here. With his backpack on his shoulders and his spirits lifting, he made his way through.

After a good, solid ten minutes of walking, he finally found his way to the cabin. "Here we are." He smiled. Through the windows, he could see some people conversation on the inside. Taking a deep breath in, he opened the front door. There they all were, standing right next to the steps that lead upstairs to the rooms. "Yo." He smiled, giving a small wave.​
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Nana Park

"Hi." She said lazily. Now Nana really need a cup of coffee, whether she likes it or not. She turned around to face the male, he was wearing a beanie and bright colorful colors were shown on his t-shirt. "I'm Nana. You?" She asked in monotone.

@Iridescent Beauty @galaxycorgi @Shaul

Ellie Fern Wells

"Oh, hello!" She said to the new guy, and waved. "I'm Fern!" She said, too lazy to say why. Her mouth felt dry, and she knew why. She was talking way too much, something that she didn't do often during school. Mentally groaning, she said, "I think that I'm going to go get some water. Does anyone else want anything?"

@Nanax @Shaul

Nana Park

Nana groaned as she thought of the smell of coffee. She eventually gave in and turned to face Fern.
"Coffee please, four shots of espresso if you can. " She requested. She walked over the the comfy looking white couch and fell right onto its seat. Oh how comfy and soft it was. She sat there for a moment and leaned her neck forward, and closed her eyes for a bit.


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@Iridescent Beauty[/FONT]

[FONT='Times New Roman']

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Taylor York

After completely entering through the door all the way, he took his backpack off and set it down. "Nice to meet you Nana and Fern, I'm Taylor.." He smiled, not showing his teeth. It was still genuine. Taylor's backback felt like it was filled with nothing but rocks. Heavy as hell. He lifted the pack onto the first step and then the next until he was all the way up. "This is a nice place." He called downstairs from one of the upstairs bedrooms.​

Carter Ryan

After Fern introduced herself, Carter found it a bit strange that she used her middle name instead of her first.

"That's cool," he replied coolly. I wonder what her first name is.

When Nana spoke, Carter felt his gaze shift towards her.

"You're in a band?" Carter could feel his eyes grow wider. He did not expect the monotonous iPhone girl to be in a band. "That's really cool."

Carter turned his head when another guy, finally, walked into the cabin. He wore a red beanie on his head, and Carter thought he recognized him from school. One of the kids that I've seen all the time but never actually talked to. There were a lot of those.

"I'm Carter," he responded after the kid who deemed himself Taylor finally finished greeting the girls.

Carter walked towards the girls and joined Nana on the white couch at the center of the room.​
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Nana Park

Nana's eyes furrowed. She was nearly going to pass out onto the couch. She heard Carter's compliment. "Hmm..." She mumbled in reply.


Her phone went off, notifying that one of her band mates texted her. She didn't bother to reach for her phone, she was too tired to even stand up. She recongized Carter and Taylor from school but she never actually had a conversation with them at school, let alone a gretting.

@Iridescent Beauty @galaxycorgi @Shaul

Ellie Fern Wells

"Okay," she said to Nana, and walked over to the kitchen. She opened one of the cabinets, which revealed about ten different kinds of espresso coffee. "Um..." She murmured, and her eyes widened, and she chose the Starbucks brand, making it in the coffee maker. She moved over to a different cabinet, and got a glass, and a mug out. She filled the glass with water and took a sip. They look like people from school. I don't think I've ever talked to them. Maybe a few glances in the hallway, but we weren't any classes. Were we? The coffee was finished, and she poured it into the mug. "Okay, here you go!" She chirped, and handed the mug out to Nana.

@Nanax @Iridescent Beauty @Shaul

Taylor York

After taking a good look around the room and setting his things down, he decided to go back downstairs. No use in being antisocial, especially if you're here the whole summer. As he took each step, a sense of familiarity came over him. "Aha!" He said aloud, not meaning to. "We all go to high school together." He smiled, feeling accomplished that he figured it out. Walking into the living room, he leaned up against the wall and looked around. "I knew that I had seen you guys before." He said, pulling his beanie off of his head for a second to run his hands through his curly hair. He put it back on and made sure it was secure. That beanie was one of his favorite things, not only is it his favorite color, but his best bro got it for him a while back.​
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昭夫藤本 Akio Fujimoto

Akio grabbed his bags and flipped the light switch on his way out of the now empty bedroom. He sighed as he took one final look at the room that sheltered him these past couple of years. Akio hoped that his final summer here would be filled with memories that he could take back to Japan. He took the long walk from his apartment toward the bus stop down the road.

Finally," He thought to himself, "I'll be able to get out of the city and see some wildlife." He sparked a cigarette and waited for his bus to make it's way toward his stop. Some time passed and Akio could see the bus rolling down the road. As the bus came to a screeching halt, Akio ashed out his cigarette and boarded. He made his way to the back of the bus and found a seat to himself. As the bus made it's way throughout the city, Akio realized he was the only one left on board. Finally, the bus made a final stop at the lonesome cabin in the woods. Akio got out and stretched. "Thanks!" He said to the bus driver as he looked back. The bus driver closed the doors and drove off, leaving Akio in a cloud of smoke. He coughed and took a long gaze at the cabin. Hoping for the best, he picked up his bags and headed to the door.

He rang the doorbell.

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Carter Ryan

Carter watched as Fern gave Nana her coffee. He wondered why Fern didn't say anything. Maybe it was because she was trying to fit in or the fact that Nana deemed herself as someone who's part of a band. Carter was going to say something to Nana as she began and finished drinking her coffee. God...I hate coffee.

Taylor's voice cut in before he could say anything to the girl. When the guy finished speaking, Carter remembered having an elective with Taylor a couple months back, but he never said anything. Carter was always talking to his group of friends or girlfriend to pay any attention to anyone else. Unfortunately, Carter still didn't recognize Fern or Nana. He had probably been so invested in his ex that he never paid other girls any attention, other than, say, his other friends girlfriends'.

After a moment, "how is that even possible?" Carter started.

Then, a doorbell rang to come into the cabin. I didn't even realize there was a doorbell to this place.

Carter got up. "I got it."​
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Ellie Fern Wells

"Okay," she responded to Carter. "And yep, I believe that we do go to the same high school. Isn't that strange?" She caught herself before she began to ramble more. "Who wants to explore the house?" She grinned childishly.

@Nanax @Iridescent Beauty @Shaul @Kirwinning

Taylor York

After a long moment of spacing completely out, he snapped out of it. "Oh." He smiled. "I do!" He raised his hand, pushing himself away from the wall. "This place is huge." He stated, turning his head as someone else entered. "Hello." He greeted.​

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