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One x One Gifted (Marvel 1x1) Characters


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Powers (Be detailed - what exactly can they do?):

Background (2 paragraphs max detailing history):

Known superhero/villain relationships:


Arya Faith












Arya is very deceptive - she knows how to change her personality to get what she wants and manipulate people. Generally she is very playful and doesn't act serious, choosing to use humour as a weapon, and also to hide her pain. She likes to flirt a lot and despite her twisted belief that all criminals deserve to die, she is very light-hearted about the work she does.



Arya has two powers: firstly, she is capable of healing from anything extremely quickly, and the only way to kill her is to shoot her in the head, decapitate her, or make her lose an extreme amount of blood in a matter of seconds. She feels pain like anyone else, but only for a moment, and then she is healed. Her skin, bones, organs etc. can regenerate themselves quickly and sustain any amount of damage.


Her second power is the ability to conjure magic creatures with superhuman abilities, or magic weapons that deal an extreme amount of damage or have special effects. For example, she can create a gun that kills with one shot, or a wolf with unbreakable skin. This means she never uses conventional weaponry, instead relying on her own creations. Her signature weapons are her sniper rifle with homing bullets and her dual wield pistols. She is extremely accurate and proficient with any and all weapons, and can communicate with the animals she conjures, who will follow her orders without question. She cannot, however, create any creature that is immortal, or any weapon that cannot be destroyed. Everything she creates is mortal/breakable.



Arya was born into a rich family, but she never truly connected with her parents as an only child. She lived a life of luxury, but never took it for granted, always working to help those in need. When she was six, her parents had another child, a girl, and she felt a strong attachment to her little sister. A couple of years later her father, who was a major manager in a technology firm, took on a more senior job, and began working longer hours, being home less and less. He started to become more stressed, lashing out at the girls and being violent with his wife. Eventually she got used to the abuse and violence, and did her best to protect her younger sister Viola. When she was 18 and Viola was 12, her father came home drunk and attempted to rape Arya, not realizing she was his daughter. When she fought back, he became violent and ended up hurting Viola. Viola tried to escape but he grabbed a knife and stabbed her before she could. She bled out and in a blind rage, stole her mother's gun and shot her father in the head.


She willingly turned herself in and was sentenced to life in jail for first degree murder. She remained in prison until the age of 22, she was broken out by the Weapon Plus program, who intended to turn her into a weapon to hunt down and kill mutants. She gained the ability to heal quickly and easily, much like Wolverine, but when she learned of their intentions, she broke free and escaped to New York. With nowhere to go, she was taken in by the Hand, and they trained her in magic, allowing her to summon creatures or weapons from another dimension. The Hand wanted to use her as an assassin but she refused, leaving the organization. For a year she worked with the Punisher, helping him to fight against the criminal underworld, and she adopted his sense of morality, believing that all criminals deserve to be punished, in most cases with death. At 25 she decided to work alone and adopted the alias of Dusk, dressing in a signature black trench coat.


Known superhero/villain relationships:


Having worked with the Punisher previously, she is close with him and often works alongside him to take down criminals. Arya has had multiple run-ins with Dardevil, who tried to take her down but failed due to her magical abilities. She has also met Spiderman, who told her he was going to allow her to leave but if she continued with her brutal methods she would be arrested.
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Name: Cameron Sloan


Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 24

Appearance: Long, Black hair usually styled in a double french braid. Cameron has a large scar running from her temple down to her upper lip, also many small circular scars around the temple from injections. Grey hollow eyes(Side effect from experimentation). Olive skin tone.

Personality:Sloan is apprehensive and hostile around people, her past makes it hard for her to trust. She prefers to work alone when battling forces of evil like Hydra. But only when she warms up to a certain person will she let them she her bubbly side. Cameron is incredibly sarcastic and sassy, she doesn't take any shit from anybody (including shield)

Powers: Haywire has the ability to exploit minds. She reads thoughts and can delve deep into the minds of other people for certain information or memory, having the ability to control emotions. Cameron can manipulate and twist the minds of her enemies.

Background: At the age of 8, Sloan was adopted after her parents were involved in a shooting not long after Christmas. She was flung into the hands of Hydra who had no problem using experimental drugs on the young girl. From 8 on wards she was trained to kill, show no emotion nor remorse. Haywire was Hydra's number one weapon and number one agent.

Until one night when Haywire was ordered to execute a certain man, with no information in the briefing pack and only a picture she completed the mission only to come to terms with the fact she had just murdered her younger brother. From that day forward she broke free and swore to take down Hydra one by one, eliminating any evil in the process.

Hero/Villian relationships:

Being part of Hydra's program, Haywire has previously worked with The Winter Soldier. After both of the soldiers broke away from Hydra, they kept in touch; working on cases together.

Nick Fury, the director of Shield, constantly pops up trying to persuade Sloan to join Shield, to which she refuses.

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