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Fandom Ghostly Lives: A Bleach RP

Rayischo said:
So we can create a Zanpakutoh or...?
Yup. Make the zanpakuto your very own. Just put for its shikai and bankai what each looks like and their abilities/traits.
[QUOTE="Reika Suzuya]Accepted, though I was hoping that the canon Kenpachi were still captain.

I can change it if you would like.
[QUOTE="Reika Suzuya]You don't have to if you don't want to, but I would certainly appreciate it.

I'll change it then, is it fine for him to be the lieutenant of squad 11 ?
Bills352 said:
I'll change it then, is it fine for him to be the lieutenant of squad 11 ?
Erm...hmm, as long as Ikaku is still alive. I like Yachiru calling him Baldy all the time.
[QUOTE="Reika Suzuya]Erm...hmm, as long as Ikaku is still alive. I like Yachiru calling him Baldy all the time.

That's fine, my character will just beat him in a fight (not to the death) over the position.

Start whenever. I don't care. I'm starting now. You could have started without me if you'd wanted.
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lol my character might resemble another character from another anime....and I mean really resemble that character.

(don't ask just tell me to change it when you see my character)
Aqua said:
lol my character might resemble another character from another anime....and I mean really resemble that character.
(don't ask just tell me to change it when you see my character)
That's perfectly fine. It'll be interesting to see.~

I'm gonna gonna log off for the day I work night shift so I'm gonna catch some Z's then head to work, I'll be back on in the morning.
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