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Ghost in the Machine

Chapter 1

The Ghost Awakening

A universe of peace, turmoil, war, death, destruction, life, and rebirth. A universe of chaos and order, a delicate balance maintained through means unknown. A delicate balance soon to be jeopardized, ancient entities stirring, mobilizing for war and conquest unbeknownst to all but one in the universe. And it is but one can send the message and only hope that others will heed the call.

And so it was, a message broadcast from a dark sector. Space uncharted by any empire, unknown variables, unknown secrets, all of it unknown save for one. It was dangerous, that was a known fact through various empires. But uncharted space always was, numerous dangers lay hidden in it's vast unknown boundaries.

The message contained not a plea for help, nor a warning. Rather it was a simple number of lines detailing nothing other than a threat of total and utter destruction. Whether any of those contacted would heed this threat and retaliate would be seen. For those who did would find the source of the message originating from a vast derelict structure. Some sort of space station larger than anything previously encountered, a tight asteroid field orbiting it.

@GrieveWriter @NeoLeaf @Bobisdead123 @Apex
Dravak Darkfur, "President" of the Second Klavikan Republic sits at his desk in his presidential office. His capital building sits on the edge of a Klavikan wildlife reserve, and his office is positioned to face it. Behind him is an amazing glass window, with a glass door that seems to seamlessly fit into the window itself leading out to a small balcony that gazes out over the vast wilderness. Often times Dravak will stand on his balcony, staring out peacefully in the beauty of the Klavikan home world, Klavika. But not today, today is a rare cloudy, rainy and all-around miserable day in Klavika and so drapes cover the great window.

His desk is a mess of papers. Bills to sign or veto, economic reports, military documents, numerous spreadsheets and some scattered petitions. Dravak sighs... "fucking politics...". In truth, Dravak was rather tired of his job. He had imagined it would be exciting, which is why he "took" the job. He couldn't of been more wrong. All he did was sit in his Office going through a never ending supply of "important" papers, putting on a phony smile and personality for public speeches, and quelling the occasional scandal. He missed his days as a soldier. Now that was exciting he thought. Sadly he wouldn't be getting any action soon, or ever. Unless someone broke in or a war broke out, which wasn't likely. He sighed once more, he had done enough paperwork for today. He futilely attempted to clear his desk and then opened up a bottom drawer and pulled out a small wine bottle. The bottle was green and seemed quite old, as the label had faded and wasn't readable. Fortunately Dravak didn't need to read the label to know it was a fine Klavikan red wine, aged to 100 years. As Dravak uncorked the bottle he could almost taste it. He put the bottle to his furry mouth and drank the delicious liquid.

"Ah... that's more like it!' he said to himself as he reclined in his comfy armchair. Just as he was about to fall asleep he was awoken by a knock on his door. Dravak sat up quickly trashed his wine and tried to make it look like he had been doing work. "Come in" Dravak replied

In entered Dravak's secretary, a Rovlian named Dragank, accompanied by two Klavikan Elites. Dravak could tell by the way the Elites held their weapons that they were nervous, and maybe a little excited. His secretary showed her nervousness a little less.. "discreetly".

"Uh sir... a report just came in from the military... it urgent" she said as she handed the report to Dravak, hands shaking. Dravak read the report nervously, it had to be bad to cause this kind of reaction. As he skimmed through ll he saw was a jumble of numbers. "What is this suppose to mean" he asked, eyeing his secretary.

"A-at the bottom, s-sir"

"Oh... thanks

Dravak sipped to the bottom, where the report gave a summary of what the jumble of numbers meant. What the heck? Some sort of super large threta in an unknown sector of space? Just as Dravak looked up to speak, one of the Elites spoke;

"I say we send a battle fleet over there and fuck 'em up!". The other Elite hastily shut his partner up with an elbow the the jaw. Dravak glared at the Elite who had spoken, but said nothing. He looked at his secretary and said;

"Tell the general to have a probe warp out to the source of this "message" so we can find out exactly what is going on.

Within the hour a Klavikan probe had been warped to the location of the "message". The probe was equipped with multiple sensors and cameras, and sent an array of information back to Klavika. As Dravak and his officer peered at the screens, what they saw was almost incomprehensible. A massive derelict station, bigger than anything they had ever seen, surrounded by a tight ring of asteroids.

"What the fuck..." Dravak muttered to himself as more and more information appeared on the screens.
The Swarm of Petrarica

A small vortex opened up in the emptiness of space, slowly stretching its spinning tail like water being sucked inside down a drain and expanding the hole as more as it stretched. An objected emerged from the vortex as though it were slingshotted from a different phase of existence and the vortex disappeared behind the dark object as instantly as it came. The object that had entered the space could slowly be seen by what available light their was in this verse.


A large serpent snaked its way in the dark void. It's head remains tear shaped, with three luminous 'eyes' on either side of the head, two sets of jaws and a set of thrusters at the end of their head. It's long body is that of a centipede with crab-like legs located on it's belly, rough thorny carapace on the top with smaller tentacles running along the fissures and to the sides a number of tendrils and other oddities that can be described as bulges or thrusters. Around the main segment of the beast are nine clawed tendrils covered in smaller tentacles and a thorny tough carapace, under it's supposed neck are two organs that look like thrusters with the difference being that they are used to attack smaller foes and that these organs come with every segment of the creature. The creature emitted a low moaning sound, as though it were something of a whale in the deepest depths of the ocean slowly approaching the odd anomaly that was broadcasting this frequency.

Within the ship one would find it hard to tell when synthetic structures would start or when the biological parts would end, in one such area we meet our protagonist of the swarm. Ira. The woman was 'naked' along with the majority of the other Aliuu, covered up by a bit from the own carapace and exoskeletons that her body could provide her. The humanoid Aliuu had been sitting in a transparent red bubble, looking on the ground and rocking slowly back and forth from her posture. She's troubled, wary and doesn't know what to expect when they approach this strange structure that kept repeating something about Armageddon. The youth is in charge of a small force of beastly Aliuu and had been brought here by the selection of the milirarists from her sector of space. She has more or less combat experience but she's never done something too major outside being a good supporter.

<We've arrived> a warm voice had echoed throughout the ship.

Ira looked up from the ground and stopped rocking.


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So...It Begins.

Deep inside a silent ship, one which hid in the shadows of the black of that in which it lurked. A single terran ran through those angular, organic, dark halls with a purpose. Breathing heavily as he maneuvered his way through the unnatural architecture which made up this ghastly machine, breath visible in the air, feet pounding, echoing throughout the halls. The ships structure took this echo, warped it, twisted it, mangled it till it sounded like the devils own damning laugh, coming at him from every possible angle, mocking him.

The information he had just received from the Long range relay was of the utmost importance, he had to alert the Captain! The bridge was not responding to any of the messages they had sent, so he had been sent out to inform them all personally. He paused to catch his breath just outside the bridge doors. Four hulking slabs of interlocking metal loomed over him menacingly, daring him to breach the innermost sanctum of which they held safe. With a shaking hand he steadied himself, took a breath and pressed the opening mechanism. The bulkhead opened silently, making no noise as it swished open revealing the bridge behind it but the he cared not for what lay inside the bridge so much as who.

A man stood up on the Captains level, overseeing all the lower officers and their duties, an imposing man of broad stature, 5’11 frame and chiseled jaw that had a brutal scar which spoke of a fight that happened long ago. The man raised an eyebrow at him, as if incredulous that he had entered. Darkness, the likes of which light seemingly refused to penetrate blanketed the highest level behind the man on the platform. The Terran threw himself forward, down on one knee as he spat out in a rush.

“Captain we have a situation on our hands!”

There, down on his knees he heard it, the barest swish from directly behind the Captain, exhausted though he was from his breakneck sprint across this forsaken ship, a fear struck through his body that locked him in place no matter how hard he fought against it. Shadows filled the edge of his vision, a literal cloak of writhing darkness as something moved behind the man he knelt down before. He could sense it, taste it, feel it in every bone in his body. She was here on the bridge. A delicate clawed finger touched his lowered chin and lifted his head, muscles obeying seemingly without his consent to stare up into that abyss of shadow. There, a single violet, pulsating starry eye slowly opened and blazed into existence. Such was the effect that he found he could not look away, same as his bodies seemingly inability to move, so such he found his eyes following suit, transfixed with that star. A row of gleaming white, pearlescent fangs glinted in the darkness as a feminine voice broke the silence that had fallen over the bridge, the tension so thick one could have cut it with a butter knife and unleashed hell on earth.

The voice in question had a thick accent, a honeyed tone which wrapped around the man with the softest of touches but brought with it tidings of other things that lay just on the top of his foremost mind, revealing mans instinctive fear of the unknown as it crooned.

“Do we now?”

With what little willpower he had left, the terran explained his news to the creature before him and prayed he would keep his sanity.

An unknown amount of time later, at a spaceport unnamed.

Rumors around the galaxies had exploded about a signal from the depths of space detailing the coming of the end times. Such things had been said before and little stock was put into said rumors. However different rumors began to arise about the source of said messages. Rumors that were carefully cultivated by unseen hands, groomed with practiced tongues that shouted them out to the street walkers, whispered into the ears of those with influence. Some said t’was an ancient relay come online, some say that it is but a ploy by some pirates or the like to keep others away from a glorious hidden derelict wreck, and many other tales and the like flew about the streets and lines of space.

A small skiff pulled into one said space port, offloading cargo and the like, of which said cargo after inspection was ‘passed’ was wisked away to a darker part of the local market and a change of money to the yard official who most happily turned a blind eye.

But offloading cargo was only part of their reason for being here in this little backwater space hub, on direct orders they were from an authority they dared not question and had no reason to wish to do so.

A pre-arranged meeting with a potential client, but just what was brought to the bargaining table only one amongst them knew.

Captain Valerian, proper in his dress and uniform which had a fake emblem sown on top of his true, a wasp over top the black raven underneath, sat down at one of the local favorites haunts, a bar of sorts, and chewed on an apple which he held loosely in one hand.


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As Dravak and his officers stared in awe at the information appearing on the various screens of various sizes, a scientist in the corner of the room began to speak;

"Uh sir-sirs, w-we have a problem"

All attention now lay solely on the Klavikan scientist, who seemed to sink under the gaze of his superiors.

"What is it?" Dravak growls hastily.

"Wel-l.. Uh you see.."

"Out with it!" Dravak shouts at the scientist, annoyed and eager for the "news", this causes the scientist to shrink even more under their gaze.

He clears his throat and continues "Scanners are picking up an anomaly.. Of sorts". Noticing Dravak's angry glare he skips to the point "Anyways... Another ships appears to of jumped into the system".

Several of Dravak's officers gasp in surprise. Another ship? Dravak however, shows no sign of being surprised.

"Details, give me details" he says quickly but oddly calm.

The scientist looks back at his screen, preses a few keys, and the screens in the front of the room flicker before changing to show new information. There on the screen, barely visible in the vastness of space is an odd looking show, infrared imaging shows the ship to be shapped somewhat like a serpent, chasing confusion among the officers gathered there.

"Tell me what were looking at" Dravak demanded.

"Well sir, scans suggest suggest the ship is made of biologic matter as well as machinery, it is for all intents and purposes a living being"

The Officer look at each other in more confusion. A living ship? How could this be. Dravak however, doesn't seemed concerned with this puzzling fact.

"Has the ship noticed us?" Dravak asked.

"It doesn't appear so sir. Should I have the probe warp out of the system?". The scientist asks

Drabak thinks for a moment. If they leave the unknown ship can't trace the probe, but if they stay they can study this potential enemy.

"Keep the probe here, but focus on that ship instead of the station. I want to learn as much about it as possible, even if that means giving up the drones position to the ship"

One of Dravaks officer speaks up

"What if they trace the probe, couldn't they send a fleet to attack us?". The officer asks nervously.

Dravaks laughs, and the other officers begin to laugh as well, albeit nervously. "IF they can trace us, let them come. Our orbital defenses will tear them apart. Study the ship gentleman!"
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The Epsilon....

Not long after the appearance of the Organic ship, yet another ship made its appearance. This one was of a much more obviously synthetic construction, seeming to lack much in terms of aerodynamics and appearing quite cylindrical in appearance. It had two rounded ends on either side, the sharper of the two pointing towards the derelict space station. After appearing, the ship just sat there in space silently as soft lights glowed from its interior and what seemed to be its form of propulsion.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/NK_GenerationShip2b.jpg.c3b49c77b238b1f1b921ea8b79efd984.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80875" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/NK_GenerationShip2b.jpg.c3b49c77b238b1f1b921ea8b79efd984.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Minus the Universe S label

On board, thousands of bipedal figures in strange suits moved about the various sectors of the vessel either operating the vessel, the various machines on board, or just mulling about and stand by. A small portion of them had rectangular-shaped helmets on, but the rest went helmetless. They were several inches larger than a common terran, muscular in appearance with greyish skin. Vaguely reptilian if their teeth and eyes were anything to by, these beings made up the vast majority of the operators of the ship. These were Kadrel, called Kads by some, the clones that made up the bottom tier of Sargonian society, cheap and replaceable with a hint of instinctual devotion.

Besides them, average sized bipedal beings in simplistic suits walked stiffly between them. Their eyes were dull in comparison to the reptilian yellow the larger beings had, and their skin seemed entirely synthetic. These were Ambassador units, androids created to serve as basic instructors in the absence of the a higher reigning species. They were often used for common maintenance, guiding Kadrel in the absence of their superiors, and even more well known for their usage as a go between Sargonians and other species in the universe.

The bridge of the ship was relatively small compared to the rest of the sectors, with only two dozen of the Kadrel operating severa floating holo-screens. There was only one Ambassador here, standing beside the Captain's hover shair and staring at a large holo-screen that covered the wall before them.

Captain Skaz was a Theno, superior to a Kadrel in many ways. From fighting prowess to thought processing, the Theno were genetically designed to hold positions of power over the lesser species while still being subservient to the creators. Skaz wasn't the most important Theno, and he knew that the creator's could easily replace him if they so chose to. He was perfectly fine with this, the position of ship Captain let him go many places in down time, which Theno Captains often had. And due to the lack of any threats or technological conquests, he had immediately jumped at the chance to find whatever this strange signal was in order to alleviate his boredom.

And that signal had led him and his ship here, to this massive space station. He'd seen bigger of course, but that wasn't the issue. The issue was that what they could make out of the exterior this ship didn't link up to their current Glossary of Species. It was too uniform to be assembled by pirates or scavengers, but didn't link up to the current or previous models of known species ships. It actually seemed to be quite ancient, which begged the question of where it had been and how it had kept from being stripped bare by scavengers up until now.

"Captain," the Ambassador at his side said without facing him "it appears we've located the signal's source."

"Well how about that," Skaz said with a passive tilt of his helmeted head "it's almost like it was screaming out across several galaxies trying to reach as many ears as it could. How fortunate that we found this incredibly hard to spot station just lying in the middle of space surrounded by asteroids."

The Ambassador stood silently for a bit "Was the sarcasm truly necessary Captain?"

"Never ask that question again E37." Skaz said as he stretched his cybernetic limbs "Just get ready to send some transports in."

"If I may sir, should we not-"

The Ambassador was interrupted by a Kadrel at one of the holo-screens, the Kadrel let out a string of confusing grunts and garbles.

Skaz waited for the Kad to realize it was speaking in Kadrellian, then watched as it activated its wrist-mounted translator.

"Sir!" the synthetic voice of the translator said as the Kadrel gestured towards the screen "We detect several non-S.A.C presences in the area around this station!"

"Are they shooting at us?" Skaz said as he leaned back in his hover chair

"No! But we've detected a probe-" the Kadrel gestured nervously

"If it's not shooting at us then it sounds like its not our problem," Skaz interrupted with a shrug "send in the Kadrel."

"But its scanning a large organic ship that could-"

The Kadrel was silenced as his raised arms suddenly dangled at his sides, behind him the Captain's Cosmo blade was lodged firmly into the wall causing a ripple effect wherever the weapon touched the holo-screen the Kadrel had been working at.

Skaz got up from his chair and stomped over to the Kadrel before tapping a metal claw to the Kad's forehead. The Kadrel immediately fell in half, allowing the Captain to reclaim his Cosmo blade and stomp back to his chair.

"Get me a new one," he said to the Ambassador as steam vented out from him before turning to the rest of the bridge "and send out the Kadrel."

Several moments later, several small ships exited the Epsilon before slowly making their way towards the Space Station. The pilots of these ships took caution of the various asteroids, while the payload of Kadrel and equipment waited patiently.



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The Swarm of Petrarica

The massive head of the creature had tilted a bit to the side when it had felt two distant disturbances amidst the powerful frequency that the station was emitting. Another vessel had appeared on another edge by the station ways away from the dark serpent judging from the energies that have been created and from the nature of their course. The next thing it noticed was being bathed in an array of different types of waves coming from another object that too seemed to be at a certain distance from the beast. Whatever it was the object seemed to be observing the creature and making its presence known to the other ominous vessel.

Ira had slowly walked into a room where more of the humanoid Aliuu have gathered. The room is mostly synthetic, by that I mean the floors and walls aren't made up of tissues or any type of biomass, there are large horizontal display screens on the walls complimented each with specified consoles and computers, equipment, tables and artificial objects all around. The only thing organic in this room seemed to be the groups of veins located on the ceiling of the room and the bioluminescent organ that has the room lit in a warm amber light. The young woman stopped in the center of the room and looked over towards the consoles that were being managed by other humanoid Aliuu.

"Commander Ira," An older man had called out. His stature seemed to be that of a very tall thin man, skin complexion was as pale as that of a sick man, his purple hair combed from the front and ending at the back, eyes are as clear as a quartz crystal and his dark purple carapace covering everything save his head. He gestured a hand towards her and lowered his thin tendrils behind him.

"Glad you could make it."

"Everyone's here. Let's get started." The purple man said while raising his tentacles again.

"I would advice to gt rid of that thing out their that's showering us with scans." said an orange humanoid Aliuu pointing towards one of the displays.

"The object is closest to us and it's annoying the leviathan like a persistent insect."

"Mmm... probably Terran... It poses no immediate threat." A blue feminine shaped Aliuu pointed out whilst shifting herself into her chair. She crossed her legs and began fiddling with the controls of a tablet looking object and had activated the biggest of the display screens. She looked up from her tablet and watched as a number of the the other display screens had changed their data and focused onto the new ship. A large ship vaguely the shape of a flattened cylinder with a nose and two ring looking segments was displayed roughly on the screen.

"My concern is this one."

"Most ominous," replied the orange Aliuu while grinning.

"But we're at a safe distant away from it. So it poses no threat unless it comes towards this ship."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." The blue Aliuu batted her eyes towards one of the display screens. a number of life signs have been detected approaching the unknown station. The four Aliuu had frowned. Ira's heart had raced from partial excitement and fear as she watched blips onto the screen. The tall purple man scrunched his eyebrows together and headed towards the big screen.

"Looks like our time is short and we have react fast."

"Ira and Gof, you two will both take a battalion and go into this super structure. Learn from it what you can and come back to us once you're done down there.

"Yes, sir!" The orange haired Aliuu saluted next to Ira.

"Cell and I will stay here and manage the things from here. You have your orders."

The dark serpent's eyes lit up for a second and flew into a loop. As it did it's loop several small organic pods erupted from the being's rough carapace and have been shot into the direction of the dark and eerie structure. The pods were of several different sizes and shapes, some being mostly potatoes while others were smooth and tear shaped. Being piloted by the pods' wings, fins, thrusters and or tendrils, the pods had their work cut out for them when it came to avoiding the asteroid field that enveloped the enigmatic station. Ira, being in one of the pods, closed her eyes and sighed as the swarm made there descend.


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Dravak and his officer were once again staring at the screens in the front of the room, trying to comprehend the ship thing, whatever it was they were looking at. As they discussed what the thing was amongst themselves the scientist in the back of the room spoke up once again

"Uh, another ship just warped into the sector"

Dravak and his officers turned once more to all stare expectantly at the scientist, non verbally demanding more information. Once again, the scientist shrank under their gaze, although he remained composed enough to continue speaking

"This ship appears to be from different origins then the first, as the new ship is composed of metal alloys rather than organic material. I'll bring it up on the screen."

The monitors flicked once more as information on the new ship began to appear on the screens. The ship was a long cylindrical vessel that glowed softly at its core. As Dravak and his officers watched the screens, smaller ships began to pour out of the ship and head towards the station.

"Sir, the new ship has launched several smaller ships, boarding parties I assume. I think they are going to enter the station... The organic vessel has launched boarding vessels of its own as well"

At this one of Dravak's Officers spoke up. The officer was a shorter fellow, a Rovlian to be exact. Most of those gathered we 1-2 feet taller than him and oftened joked about how they "didn't seem him down there".

"I suggest we send a battle fleet and a boarding party to board this station as well. There may be some sort of valuable information hidden inside it."

Dravak thought for a moment. Sending a fleet and boarding the station would be exciting for a change.. Definitely better than reading more economic reports. Dravak shuddered at the thought of reading more 100 page reports on average income and the such. He didn't even understand half of it. He nodded

"Agreed. Contact the Admiral of battle fleet B-2, have him warp to the station with weapons armed, but tell him not to fire. Have him link his command ships com with our control room here, I want to speak with those ships."

-----AT THE STATION-----

The emptiness of space is disturbed when out of no where 25 warships drop out of Warp. These ships range in size from small frigates to a large carrier. This small fleet comprises of 8 Rovlian fast-attack frigates and 14 assorted Klavikan ships plus one Medium-Carrier. The Rovilan frigates are small(ish) ships that are lightly armored but well shielded. The primarily use speed and agility combined with skirmisher tactics to take their enemy out with a variety of missiles and lasers. The ships themselves are long and sleek with large thrusters in the back and a frontal command bridge denoted by a blocky outcrop of the otherwise smooth design.

The Klavikan warships on the other hand are large, sluggish and blocky. They focus on armor and firepower in the form of plasma to out tank and overwhelm their enemy. The ships range from long rectangular vessels to large battleships resembling a elongated step pyramid.

The Carrier is similar to design of the second unknown ship except the carrier is much fatter and bigger all around. Out of this carrier launch 10 landing ships, carrying 20 troops each.

As soon as the command vessel, a large Klavikan battleship, enters the system it immediately hails the unknown ships.


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Mine Eyes

As everyone was busy having fun intimidating the others, flexing their proverbial muscles and showing off the hardest asses their fleet had to offer. Two ships warped into the system, farther out from the relay station than the rest, cloaked in the black which filled the nothingness of space. Their warping in was a blip on the scanners of foreign fleets but said officers would be hard pressed to find just what had tripped their scanners sensors for all intents and purposes the section of space in question was void of seemingly any ships, both from visual and otherwise.

But those on board knew what they did, observe for the moment was their goal given to them, intervene if necessary. If push came to shove, make such intervening decisive and swift. Eyes which stared out at the events now unfolding were neither hostile nor benevolent, and that was perhaps the worst part.

Upon the Bridge of one ship, six blaring red orbs of light simmered there in the shadows, the mishmash of Terrans, Xandarians, Aliuu that made up the standard crew rushing about like ants as they accomplished their required tasks, all being done silently and efficiently.

With a nod to one officer below, a secure super illuminal channel was opened up with the second ship. Red eyes met red eyes.

“The Situation has escalated slightly, should we inform the Lady?”

The other set of eyes, switched back from the holo-screen to something off on its end then back to meet the others once more.

“Aye, you know she wants regular updates, I recognize the Swarm Leviathons, odds there are so little and that the Swarms Mother is interested in a little platform floating in space such as this. I always imagined her ideals focused on more… baser traits.”

“True, however these other ships are of a design foreign to me. Odds are The Lady knows but as I do not I shall report it in any who.”

The other being on the secure call made a rather deep Hruu Hruu sound, a chilling laugh. “I wonder if they know what they have gotten into.”

“Doubtfull, star walkers are always so… arrogant, they fail to see the wolf hiding amongst the sheep almost every time.” The other quoted a favorite Terran saying, that of which said Terrans shivered slightly.

“Ill inform the Lady that both the Swarm and other parties are here. She will want to know, should we contact the Swarm on her behalf?”

“Negative, lets let the pirate queen handle it, all our job is to do is wait, watch- and intervene.”

“with extreme prejudice.”

Both creatures grinned and shut the link off… and so the two specter like ships waited in the black, watching, observing, analyzing… waiting.

“The Raven shall arrive soon any how.”

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Captain Skaz...

"Sir, a fleet of crafts similar in construction of the scanning device have just appeared!" one of the Kadrel Shouted

"Shooting at us?" Skaz asked, idly twirling his Cosmo Blade in the air above him as he rested his head in his free palm

"No sir, but if they prove hostile then dealing with them could take up precious time and-"

"Well I'm sorry grub, but until I see trails of energy fire bathing space in bright light then they're not my damn problem!" Skaz said before yet another Kadrel piped up

"Sir, one of the ships seems to be attempting to hail us."

"And that sounds like this guy's problem."

Before the Kad could offer a query, Ambassador E73 crashed into the wall next to him before sliding off and landing onto the floor with a muffled sound of Impact. The Kadrel backed away as the Ambassador wordlessly pulled itself onto its feet using the nearby console, silently patting some dirt from its suit as it did.

Ambassador E73...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/woP_yfZivqoz_840x0_Vdef9Kkm.jpg.f03f5ea8c39d0b8179f0743eaf0a2bbf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81009" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/woP_yfZivqoz_840x0_Vdef9Kkm.jpg.f03f5ea8c39d0b8179f0743eaf0a2bbf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The synthetic bipedal android ran a hand over its bald head before folding its arms behind its back and gesturing to the Kadrel on the bridge "Helmets on people."

And so the Bridge operators took the time to don their rectangular helmets, the lights in the crevice in the middle lighting up as they connected with the rest of the suit.

Once all personnel were helmeted, save for the Ambassador synthetic of course, E73 nodded towards the technician.

The technician responded to the hailing, the Synthetic watched as the small holo-screen before them connected and an image appeared before him. Though the synthetic to his side tilted his head a bit, the Ambassador just stared for a moment at the image before responding.

"Ambassador Unit E73 of the Epsilon replying to unknown hailing." the Android stated "How may I be of service?"

He took note of the fact that the signal seemed to branch towards another ship, but just assumed it was the organic one as he waited for a response.

Characters or factions mentioned: (@NeoLeaf ) (@Bobisdead123 )



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As Dravak stood in the control room, earnestly await as response form the two vessels he had just hailed, he took note of his surroundings. In all his years of being "president", he had never really used the control room, as it was only used for wars or deep space missions, which there had been a sad lack of. The room was a large rectangle, with an array of monitors of sizes varying y form small computers to large 80inch hollo-screens at the front and longer end. In the center of the room was a raised wooden platform, on which Dravak and his Officers stood. Surrounding him were rows and rows of computer stations, at which scientists, technicians and englneers would sit to help guide the missions. Today only an few scattered seats were filled with Klavikan and Rovlian scientists, who quietly talked amongst themselves, excitedly discussing what these unknown creatures might be like. Suddenly a Rovlian technician spoke out;

"The non-organic ship has responded to our hail!" he said excitedly. The technician pressed a few buttons on his hollo screen and the main hailing screen blinked on. The sight they saw was truly marvelous, a blue human like creature was a multitude of unknown creatures wearing blocky helmets in the background.

"Ambassador unit E73 of the Elipson replying to unknown hailing, how may I be of service?" the blue humanoid said

For a moment, no one in the control room spoke, instead they store in wonder at the figure and the bridge it was inside. Finally, Dravak broke the scielence with a clearing of his throat that sounded more like a growl.

"Greeting Ambassador E73" Dravak said, taking note of the strange numerical name, as if the creature was a robot. "I Am President Dravak Darkfur of the Second Klavikan Republic. We are responding to a message sent from this location. Who are you and what brings you here?"
The Swarm of Petrarica

More small bursts of energy could be felt in the area and the leviathan had taken notice of a number of ships that are in relative close position of the probe. Large ones and a number of small ones. Plus smaller bursts of energy that give of a familial aura of sorts - allies? Who knows.There seems to be an interference broadcasting towards the leviathan. The creature shakes the signals off and can't do anything with them. Just like the probe it's just a mild nuisance that's going exasperate the dark gargantuan serpent. The creature led out a deep moan and continued to float aimlessly in the void.

"Great. The object that was nothing had now just spawned a small contingency of Terran vessels." The blue humanoid Aliuu had said whilst pushing a sequence of buttons and initiating a number of commands for the officers under her authority. The tall purple man didn't say anything and just watched the bigger display screen of the station. Hands behind his back and taking a glance at a set of displays that show more blips on the screen.

"Hmm." He hummed deeply to himself while tilting his head and rubbing his hands together.

"I've already opened a channel to the other side. If They come any closer to us they'll have a real fight in their hands."


Ambassador E73...

The Synthetic turned to look back at Captain Skaz, the Large Theno turned and casually waved his hand before looking forward again. Ambassador E73 silently turned back to face the contacts before stating:

"Our Epsilon-Class Front Developer ship was tasked by S.A.C officials to investigate said signal in order to sate the curiosity of higher officials. Though it would seem that not only has our current intervention resulted in a semi-disappointing result, we have also encountered other parties with similar goals."

The Ambassador turned back to Skaz, but this time the Theno didn't even glance at him. The synthetic gave up after some time and continued with his speech.

"It is, however, not our problem if my superior's words are anything to go by. We will continue with our original objective and discover what is making such a racket on our scans."

The Ambassador looked to the side for a moment "Your species looks familiar, another race of alternate Anthromorphs if appearance is anything to go by." at that Skaz actually sat up and turned to stare at the screen from his hover chair as E73 continued "If interaction with your race has been catalogued in the past rest assured I will find it."

"Though I can say with certainty we have not encountered this Bio-Based race that currently shares this area with the both of us. Beings similar to them yes, but not these specifically."

Before the Ambassador continued, Skaz rose from his hover chair and towered over the rest of the crew before letting out several metallic laughs. The Kadrel looked at each other as he did so for several seconds.

After he finished his hearty laugh, the Captain began speaking in an off language and lazily jerked a finger to several technicians before hefting his Cosmic blade, attaching it to the back of his metallic body and sitting back down. The hover chair then began floating backwards towards an energy field that seemed to act as a door, the field went down just before Skaz exited on his chair.

Once the field reactivated the Kadrel slowly returned to their consoles and screens, several still muttering in that grunt based language.

"It would appear my Superior has taken a leave for some time." Ambassador E73 stated before turning his attention back to the contacts "Now, what exactly are you? Just in case my search comes up fruitless."

(@Bobisdead123 )
-----CONTROL ROOM-----

Dravak, his officers, and the many scientists and technicians that were filling the room looked at the creatures in the hailing screen in interest, the scientist all sat in small groups discussing topics such as anatomy, intelligence, origin and the such while the officers were discussing the unknown creatures military strength. Dravak on the other hand remained silent and focused entirely on his conversation with this interesting creature and he noted the unprofessional attitude of the creatures captain.

"I am a Klavikan, as are half in the room. We are a wolf like species defended from jungle wolves many millions of years ago. The others are Rovilans, a cat like species lightly younger than my own that my species conquered millions of years ago. Since then they have been integrated seamlessly into our society to the point that we consider the to be Klavikan as well." The says the last part about "seamlessly integrating" rather proudly.

"And what, are you?" he added.

After saying the last bit he muted his mix and turned.to.his communications technicians

"Has the organic ship responded to our hails?"

"No sir, perhaps they do not process such technology"

Dravak mused on the thought for a moment


-----AT THE STATION-----

The Klavikan battle fleet continued to scan the station and the unknown ships, trying to get a fell for what they were encountering.

The station appeared to.simply be a large and old station, nothing too extraordinary besides the signal coming from deep inside.

The other ships on the other hand was a different the story. The Organic ship ws unlike anything they had ever seen before, yet it seemed like it would provide little in wats of a challenge if a fight were to break out as the Captains of the shops believed the Organic material would provide little protection against their plasma.

The Cylindrical ship on the other hand was ominous, giving no signs of its method of propulsion besides a faint blue glow from its core. The ship had no weapons as far as they could detect, but they doubted that was the case. The two ships remained a mystery to them despite all their scans, but the intensive scanning still continued.

The boarding ships had just reached the station, landing in a large open and empty hangar. Upon landing, the commander of the party, Jolf Hagfard, a Rovlian, contacted the commander of B-2 battle fleet

"Sir we have landed in the station, its clear as far as we can tell."

The commander replied almost immediately

"Good, pick up the signal and trace it to its source. Be careful and make sure to stay away from the other boarding parties, we don't want any trouble"

Jolf nodded and terminated the conversation. He began to call out orders and soon 180 troops were on the march deeper into the station to the source of the signal with 20 troops staying behind to guard the transports.
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At the latest question, E73 tilted his head to the side for a moment before tilting it back and replying "I am E7, the Captain's Ambassador Unit tasked with commanding the Epsilon's Kadrel and Ambassador forces by his side or in his absence. Since he has currently left us for some 'down time' I am currently the active commanding officer of this ship."

One of the nearby Kadrel technicians called out in grunt-speak, drawing E73's attention, the Ambassador listened to the Kadrel as it explained before tilting its head down and shaking it.

"As it would seem," the Ambassador continued "we have no genetic records of your species in our databanks. Therefore, I am obligated to congratulate both you and the Kadrel under my employ for a first contact scenario."

At that the technicians turned to watch as the Ambassador clapped his hands for a moment before stopping and speaking to the Kads "Though you may not survive the next few days, the S.A.C. congratulates you on such a momentous occasion you can take comfort in being semi-associated with. And as for you..."

He turned back to the assembled Klavikans and Rovilans and stared for a moment "It is a pleasure I'm sure, the S.A.C. takes pride in knowing a great deal of different species. And knowledge of your race's existence can be seen as a successful outcome despite whether or not the station's signal proves beneficial or not. I can only hope we have no records of the other beings present in this sector."

The Station...

As the Kadrel off loaded several large crates, an Ambassador Unit from the Epsilon continuously updated them through their helmets' interfaces. They hadn't been cleared to risk removing their helmets yet, and so spoke through their helmet speakers in Kadrellian. They'd landed several of their ships in what looked like a hole in the vessel which turned out to just lead to a landing zone inside. The rest set off to find other entryways so their forces could search from multiple points at once. The ships that landed had to do so carefully as the landing zone was quite narrow.

As they went about unloading several crates, a single Kadrel stood apart from the others.

B06 glared at the Station's interior from within his helmet, beside him he could see them already dragging bulbous chords from out of the ship and hooking them up to some of the heavier crates. He reached to an industrial zipper on the side of his suit before producing a glowing flask-type container which he sipped from quietly before sighing in relief and hefting his weapon.

He heard an accusing grunt from behind him, and glanced back as one of the newborns pointed at him before garbling out some more words.

B06 waved it off, he didn't need to explain himself to a being who hadn't even reached his first hour. After the crates were set up, and the chords began pulsing, the Kadrel formed two 20 Kad groups before heading off, leaving the rest to watch the ships.

B06 was unofficially considered a superior by S.A.C. protocol, but with the Ambassador giving them directions he hoped he wouldn't need to draw attention to himself by pulling age.

(@Bobisdead123 ) (@Atom ) (@NeoLeaf )
The Swarm of Petrarica

The Station...

The pods all directed themselves towards several entrances, that each seemed to lead to the swarm into a landing platform of some kind. Upon impact the pods popped or exploded like bubbles, unleashing various gases, liquids, debris and of course their passengers.

The wave of pods contained the smaller and more agile Aliuu, which skittered around the platform with their small dog sized bodies.The small creatures moved quickly on their tentacles, moving away from potential impact points from several more pods or idling around swaying their round 'heads' side to side as they fixed themselves on the platform's 'gravity'. The crows on the other hand floated around like derelict balloons, with open tentacles making them look like floating octopuses.

The foot soldiers had appeared. With heads the shape of ancient early arthropods, two pairs of legs, a pair of powerful chelicera mouth parts fitted with horns on the sides and an array of flexible tentacles from it's lower body. These beings stood about as tall as the average man, walked above the hounds and went out of their way for the next wave of their kind. They weren't interested in the flawed critters that were going around scurrying like insects and behaved naturally.

"Uuuuuuu-Ai-Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" An eerie roar came from the first tank that had erupted excitingly from it's pod. It's body was blob shaped, had a head with two powerful toothy jaws and thick tendrils. The creature 'stood' 4 meters, weighed around 7000 kg and moved its body through vibrations of its lower body portions. The next batch of tanks arrived, idling about as they towered over the scattering hounds and content foot soldiers.

The next thing that came was even stranger than the tank. The body was vaguely humanoid and took many features from that of an arthropod, it's limbs were that of a crab's, some legs ended with 2 toed feet while the front legs had a venomous dark pincers and a pair of wings made out of a strange simple looking yet complex membrane to help it in flight. The head is assumed to be round, one cannot tell for sure thanks to the outline of the tentacles. They stand around the same size as the foot soldiers but have a more vicious air around them like the tanks.

Another set of creature came upon landing of a number of pods. These beings walk on four limbs, own a tail and are seemingly completely made out of tendrils. What it's purpose is is unknown from first appearance but it will eventually have to show its cards. With them came several man-sized tentacle creatures floating ominously and seemingly enjoying the gaseous substances that the pods had released. The entrances and plat forms were over run with the organic creatures and the remains of the pods. Lastly Ira arrive covered in her carapace fully and walked amidst the combine of critters who all made way for her coming.

"Landing successful." She said through her 'armor'.

<Excellent. Proceed with caution, young one.> A warm voice echoed and vibrated in her head.

"By your orders."






Foot soldier




Heavy Soldier


Special Unit





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-----CONTROL ROOM-----

Not survive for the next few days? These are strange creatures indeed Dravak to himself, they were certainly different from his own people. And there were even more species? This would surely excite his scientists... And his officers who say everyone and everything as a potential threat.

Returning from his thoughts Dravak said

"The pleasure is all mine. We have noticed you have landed men on the station. I would like to inform you that we and the organic based ship have as well. I've order my men not to take any hostile actions, although I can't say the same for the organic based ship." looking at the line of Officers and scientists anxiously await to speak with him he looks at E37 and says;

"If you will excuse me, I have some business to attend to, good day E37" and with that he nods to his communications technician who terminates the hail.

Turning around with a sigh, as Dravak knows what to expect next, he is still almost blown away as the noise returns to the room as his Officers talk amongst themselves and to him and the scientists excitedly shout to one another, despite being so close to each other. He tries to look interest as leading scientists spurt scientific information at him ay such a fast rate he cant even comprehend what they were saying. At the same time he tries to take part in the strategic discussion his Officers were attempting to involve him in. Dravak sighed, it was going to be on of those days...

-----Ravard Roshk, head Rovilan scientist-----Control Room-----

Ravard sat in the middle of a large group of fellow scientists, excitedly discussing the new species and the possibility of others they had not yet met. Ravard led the discussion, proposing many theories that were quickly accepted by his colleagues and commenting on his fellow's theories, never discrediting them but rather countering them with his own. Anyone could see that Ravard was the unspoken leader of the group. Ravard himself was an accomplished scientist with whom the advanced micro-jump drives Rovilan and even some Klavikan ships used was credited. Despite this fame one might notice that he was not the exact head of these unofficial discussions. Sure he lead his little group but not just 5 feet away was another much larger group of scientists, predominantly Klavikan scientists to be exact. While yes, there were Klavikans in his little circle, most were the few Rovilan scientists who were allowed to take part in the confidential gathering in the control room.

The other and larger group sat there shouting and arguing with one another, shouting their own theories while crushing another's. The few Rovilans in the larger circle sat off to the side, offering the own theories that were often ignored or returned with a rolling of eyes from many Klavikans in the group. Despite all the Klavikans claimed, this was a common sight.


(will be added in shortly, as in this afternoon, in another post if someone posts before me, which is fine)
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A legend born, or monster created?

A message, sent via a hidden superluminal relay, arrived at the Bridges of the two hidden ships. A few thousand Kilometers away from the derelict station, the two stealthed cruisers unleashed a veritable volley of encrypted chatter.

“The Lady has noted the happenings here, command is being turned over to us, to proceed as we see fit.”

“ahh… I see… shall we then?”

“Most definitely, scans are all well and good but they lack that…”


“Yes solidity, that solidity that first person recounts have about them, the emotions, the expressions. They give a powerful image do they not?”

“A picture paints a thousand words.”

“Don’t spout philosophy at me.”

A pause in this exchange stretched between the two Captains of the vessels as they contemplated the choices before them.

“This presents a unique opportunity brother mine.”

“Oh?... does it now?”

“Indeed, hes been dying to prove himself for a while now, why not… let him run free and have a new take on his current… condition?”

“Ahh… I do believe you make an excellent point, very well. Dual infiltration pods?”

“Well of course.”

“ Then shall we begin?”

Outer Space

In the outer lying section of space orbiting the station and in its own orbital pathway, two blips appeared on the ship scanners with all the appearance of meteors. They flew with unerring accuracy and slammed into the aft section of the station. From these burning wrecks the air shimmered both with the heat of the ‘asteroids’ entrance and… something else. grey and black mottled armor clad terran figures emerged, their a dark black cloak seemed to mimic the background of which they passed in front of, blending in almost perfectly, as it appeared to be made entirely out of organic feathers though it was anything but. Ten in total emerged, close range silenced PDW’s with all manner of gadgets slapped on, each weapon individual to the soldier holding it and each with his own personalized gear for… various situations.

They were Odins ears, his eyes, they were the Ravens. And they whispered into the ears of their great lady all of what they had seen roaming in places hostile and supposedly locked down. Silent and unnoticed they tread where all but the Dredge dared go and other more adventurous souls. Their black helms just but on section of shadow amongst many.

One more figure stepped forth from the crashed infiltration pods and the doors sealed behind him making twelve total. Their escape plan A, plan B if things went wrong. The Ravens moved away slowly to let this one pass in front of them, with its fluid grace. “Run quite, stay unseen. Observe, then if opportunities present themselves, take them.” Rasped a voice, rough from disuse. “Rodger” came the response over the encrypted com channel. "For the Glory of the Lady of Ravens. ”For glory." they echoed.The fire team moved forward with silence born of training and technology, their feathered cloaks whirling about them, distorting their image. Left behind they trailed dark feathers in their wake which quickly dissolved.

The lone figure remained behind for a moment to watch them then shook his head, as if trying to get rid of some other thought. He quickly took off in pursuit of his brethren catching up with them quickly.

Back in the two stealthed cruisers, eyes watched their vitals, helmet cams and the like with malicious glee though those orbs paid much attention to one labeled Magnus Raad, his helmet cam showed two eyes burning in the bright, one a dark brown, illuminated by the HUD in front of him… the other a vibrant blue, with pulsating tendrils trailing away from the side of his face, a mass of warped and twisted flesh.

A voice in the void. “Prove thyself… half-breed.”

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The Ambassador stared at the screen as the image of the Klavikan and Rovilans cut off, then continued staring for some time until one of the Kadrel spoke up in Kadrellian.

"What?" The Ambassador asked as he pulled his eyes from the console and walked over to the Kad's holo-screen. The Kad pointed out the two blips, and together they watched as they impacted with the space station.

The Kadrel asked something in Kadrellian, to which the Ambassador narrowed his eyes before shaking his head.

"Either way, with the other two forces there as well this doesn't really change much but keep the newborns informed."

The Ambassador unit then walked to the center of the bridge before speaking "Helmets off."

The Kadrel began taking their helmets off and once they halfway done with that he went on speaking.

"With forces on the Space Station to get a feel for things, and a successful interaction with a pair of new species, I have decided we shall attempt to contact the Organic Ship."

At that, the Kadrel crew turned to him, "Unknown variables account as risks, as such we must deal with as many as we can before something... unpleasant turns up."

"As such, we shall attempt hailing-"

The Unit was interrupted by one of the Kadrel who raised his hand and pointed towards his console, Ambassador E73 stared at him in silence until the Kad lowered his hand.

"Judging by the reactions of the Anthromorphs, I suspect that we were contacted first. And seeing as no other connections were made during our conversation, I can only assume contact with the Organics have gone rather unheeded. So we will send an envoy."

At that the Crew members all jerked to stare at him openly.

Elsewhere on the ship...

The Kadrel barked several queries to the two others which ushered him along, though they didn't answer, the Ambassador walking ahead of them was more than open.

"Once you make contact with the Organics, or get turned into powder by their weapons whichever comes first really, be sure to deliver the Mobile display. If the interior of their ship proves itself resilient to it then just sync your Helmet's interface with your speaker and we shall do this through simple auditory."

The Kadrel grumbled a bit before grunting some more

"And if they do end up taking you hostage remember to make the Creators proud."

At the mention of the Creators, the Kad immediately simmered down as they reached the launch bay. Once there he was moved towards what looked to be an oversized locker, one of the Kadrel escorts tapped several buttons on its side and the door slid open to reveal a single chair surrounded by holo-screens.

The Ambassador held out a disk-like contraption which the Kadrel Envoy immediately placed in a small pouch on his suit, the Unit nodded at the Kadrel who sat down in the locker-thing before securing his rectangular helmet on his head. The other Kadrel was about close the machine when the Ambassador halted him and grabbed the Envoy's suit-covered hand.

He popped open slit on the palm of the Kad's glove before sliding a tablet in and repeating "Make the Creators proud."

Some time later the tiny ship was launched from the Epsilon, floating in space for several minutes before its propulsion system kicked up and it began its steady trek towards the Organic Ship.

Back on board, the two Kadrel who had walked him to the ship watched his progress on a holo-pad.

"How long till they blast him?"

"Oh please, we both know they're gonna torture him."

"Bet you your wrong."

"Oh yeah, what do I get if I win?"

"I still have some Luquida slugs."

"Deal. And I got a ticket for the Drip."​

"Might as well hand it over now."

Characters or factions mentioned: (@NeoLeaf )
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-----Klavika B-2 Command Vessel-----

Captain Tarzak, Klavikan commander of the B-2 battle fleet sat in his "bridge", which was actually a relatively small room deep inside the rather large battleship. the Klavikan reliance on heavy armor and focus on strength and power causes their bridges to typically be located deep within the ship to keep the ship running even when the outside has taken a heavy beating. The bridge consisted of a raised platform in the center at which Captain Tarzak stood, monitoring the hollo-screens making up the front of the room. On each side of the room sat rows of computers with hollo-screen, where technicians helped run the ship and make sure all systems were running correctly.

As Tarzak stood on his raised platform, he mainly focused on the screens showing results of the many scans the fleet was performing. Suddenly two blips appeared on a screen to the left. Pointing two the blips he asked

"Someone one tell me what those things are where the hell they came from"

The technician responsible for the particular set of scanners looked at his hollo-screen in confusion, taping several areas on his screen before responding

"It appears two asteroid-like objects just appeared and are headed straight at the station sir"

Tarzak raised a furry eyebrow "Asteroid-like?"

"Yes sir, our scans show it has features of an asteroid but our scans are unable to penetrate to its core and give us much data, its surprising we didn't pick it up earlier.... it appears to have crashed into the station sir"

Tarzak rubbed his wolf-like chin, thinking over the appearance of the "asteroids". How strange two asteroids would crash into the station, and at this exact moment... "Very well, keep me informed"

The technician nodded and continued to fiddle with his screen. Tarzak looked back up at the screens, studying them with renewed interest.

"Contact Commander Jolf, tell him to be on high alert"

-----Commander Jolf-----

Jolf led his party through the ever darkening derelict station, with its broken panels and its wires hanging form the ceiling. Ahead of his party, his "Scout drones" made sure the path was clear. These scout drones were simply small spider bots the scurried along the floor sending back information its short-distance scanners picked up.

If one were too look at Jolf's party one would notice that all the Klavikans were in the front, with the Rovlians bringing up the rear.

"Commander Jolf, this is B-2 Command-Vessel, be advised Commander Tarzak orders you and your men to be on high alert, B-2 communications technician 04 out"

"This is Commander Jolf, I copy that, Commander Jolf out" Jolf looked down at his gun and mech-armor. His gun was an Mp8-L3, an advanced laser variant of the primitive Mp8, which was an upgraded version of an Mp7. It was almost identical to an Mp7 except that had a longer barrel and was all-around bigger, but still small by gun standards. Instead of an actual clip that fed bullets into the gun, it served as a "power-pack", feeding energy into the gun which was depleted as the gun fired its laser beams. Jolf's own gun was actually more powerful than the standard issue, one of the many perks of being a Rovilan commander. Instead of the typically relatively "low-energy" red lasers the standard issue "Mp8-L2" fired his were high energy blue lasers and his clips were upgraded to provide the energy needed to power the gun. His mech-armor was upgraded as well. Typically Rovilan tech-armor was a sleek light armored suit that provided the wear with some light-arms protection but a large increase in speed, agility and reaction time. As a commander, Jolf was given a advanced and pretty expensive upgraded mech-armor suit that used an extremely rare metal that was both strong and light, giving him protection form most small-arms fire with the same increases in speed, agility and reaction time.

Jolf looked ahead into the darkness that was the hallway he and his men were marching through. Fortunately all Klavikan soldiers were equipped with helmets that gave them dark-vision among other useful features such as hud-displays, built in coms and the likes. The helmet, being mentally linked with its wearer, allowed Jolf to give orders on different channels without having to touch any buttons at all.

"Alright men, I want everyone to turn their suits to stealth mode, we don't know what we are up against and we don't want to attract any attention if possible" Jolf said over his coms to his entire party. In stealth mode, the suits would divert some power from their primary functions of increasing the wearers abilities to its sound dampeners, effectively making the wearer completely silent. Lastly Jolf added to his order, "And I want radio silence, I want to be able to hear a pin drop"

At this many of his me, mainly Klavikan, moaned in annoyance. His second in command, a Klavikan name Salvak spoke out in protest; "Whats the point, sir, of radio silence, there's no one here besides those other species and they haven't attack us yet".

Jolf glared at his second in command, he always seemed to object to his commands, and he had noticed they way he used "sir".

"Key word, yet, now fall back in line, soldier". With this Salvak fell a few steps behind Jolf and as if he had forgotten that Jolf could hear on all com channels, he said "Fucking Rovilans" in the Klavikan division coms. Jolf just shook his head, this too was common.

Despite their protests his men obeyed, and the part marched ever deeper into the strange and derelict station.
The Swarm of Petrarica

The Leviathan...

The tall purple hired Aliuu had been informed from a small object that slowly approached the leviathan from one of the humanoid Aliuu working on one of the consoles in the room. Blinking he walked behind the woman's seat and kept his eye peeled on her display screen while she got rid of additional information until both of them got a visual on the object. This object appeared to be a humanoid in a suit, wearing an odd headgear and operating a strange vessel that seemed to be made out of a series of display screens. It didn't have any weapons on it and looked relatively harmless.

"Deary me, it looks like we have a visitor." The man said in a high tone.

"Don't open the door honey." He joked.

The patted the woman's seat and walked back towards the center of the room. He was already making thoughts about whether to destroy the thing or interrogate it. His inner Aliuu is seeing the humanoid as an enemy, something to kill for the cause of the Queen Mother but his rational portion fortunately took over this implanted command. He rose a number of his blue tentacles towards another operator and stretched his arm out to point at the man specifically.

"Bring the leviathan's view closer to that humanoid and its aberrant vessel. I want to see what they want -Ah-" Before the man returned his gaze towards the big display screen he was reminded of the probe that was aggravating the ship.

"Can someone shoot that gnat?"

The dark gargantuan serpent replied to the humanoid's approach by lowering itself enough to have the small object within sight of the creature's three huge 'eyes'. Giving out a small wail the monstrous being paid heed to the small curious object and it's operator.

On the rough spiky tentacle infested back of the leviathan, a number of pods violently erupted from the carapace of the creature and had launched themselves towards the probe that had been bathing it in useless signals. The projectiles each looked like a metallic asteroid with a number of tentacles spinning and heading towards the probe that seemed to belong to the ridiculous fleet. Dodging these projectiles was out of the question - a cloud of them was heading towards the thing in indescribable speed and these rocks are fitted with seeking capabilities to hit whatever target that the leviathan wanted.


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-----Control Room-----

"Sir! The Organic ship has just launched a multitude of projectiles, missiles I think, at our probe!"

Dravak turned his attention away from the hollo-screens at the front of the room to face the technician that had spoken. The technician was a younger Klavikan sitting towards the middle left of the room. So the Organic ships has fire had it? This should be interesting....

"Is it targeting our ships or just our probe?"

The Klavikan technician looks at his screen and presses a few buttons before responding.

"It appears they are just targeting our probe, 10 seconds till impact sir. Orders?"

Dravak thought for a moment. Perhaps the probes scans had been harming the ship in some way, or maybe it just was annoying it. Either way this should be interesting for a change...

"Have the probe remain where it is, perhaps they want to scare us. Either way its a probe and we can send another one in.". He thought for a moment then added

"Have the fleet target the Organic ship but do not open fire just yet. Tell Commander Tarzak to attempt hailing the vessel again, if they do not respond, order him to open fire"

The technician nodded and began to press an assortment of buttons before adorning a small headset and replaying Dravak's orders.

Dravak turned to another technician in the front right of the room, who was responsible for communicating with the B-fleet shipyard.

"Have the rest of B-fleet ready to warp in and assist B-2 if needed"

The technician nodded and began to relay his orders.

Without a seconds hesitation Dravak turned to his personal secretary and said;

"Contact my personal fleet, I think things are about to get heated- and I want to be at the center of it all."

His secretary opened hey eyes wide but said nothing and nodded. She scurried away to complete here task.

Finding an empty station, Dravak sat back in the rather comfy padded seat which sadly didn't have any arm rests. Today was gunna be interesting. Finally, some action!

-----B-2 Command Vessel-----

"Sir, the Organic ship has launched projectiles at the probe, orders?"

Tarzak pondered this for a moment. Time for some fun.

"Have the fleet ope-" he began to s until a technician on.the right side of the room interrupted him.

"Sir we have received orders from HQ to attempt hailing the Organic vessel before opening fire"

Dammit... Just when things were getting interested. Tarzan nodded at the technician.

" well, hail the vessel" (@NeoLeaf)

"All ships target the Organic ship, have the fighters ready to launch"

at this this technician and began to furiously tap buttons to carry out his orders.
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The Epsilon...

"Contact... made?" one of the Kadrel technicians said as he scratched his head at the

"Do not confuse yourself with too much thought Newborn" E73 stated "speaking to massive creatures has been done countless times. We just need to find out which language works best for it and proceed."

"Um, sir? It would appear the Loading Bay Crew have started up a betting ring."

E73 turned to look at the nearest Holo-Screen which soon changed to reveal the Loading Bay with dozens of Kadrel clamoring around two, the Kads were waving writhing neon-green slugs and some strips of paper in the air as they placed their bets.

"I'm hearing twenty five on eaten, twelve on annihilated and a solid thirty for torture, anyone else on torture?" asked one of the two

E73 watched bets being placed before simply shaking his head and turning from the screen to the one portraying the Envoy.

"Okay, now exactly as I say."


The Envoy nodded as the tiny ship came to a stop before the massive creature, the display screens shifted to the sides allowing the Envoy to raise a hand outward and wave towards the being, taking note of the way the eyes followed its every movement.

Producing the disk given to him by the Ambassador, the Envoy simply tapped a button on its side before a blue projection was produced. Soon a miniature hologram of an Ambassador hovered above the disk, the Envoy trying to keep it as steady as possible as the Ambassador began speaking in several various tongues, the language changing every so often as it tested out several.

After several moments, the Ambassador settled upon one much more easily identifiable "Greetings, I am Ambassador E73 representing the Epsilon-Class Front Development Ship currently sharing this sector with you and several others at this moment. Seeing as hailing has proven ineffective at establishing some form of communication, we have decided to contact you in a much more personal attempt to sate our curiosity of what exactly your intentions are within this system."

The Hologram paused for a moment before continuing "As our communications with the race behind the probe you've just destroyed have shown, they have come for the signal which drew the attention of our superiors. Would it be safe to assume that this signal drew your the eye of your species as well?"

(@NeoLeaf )
The Swarm of Petrarica

The remains of the probe...

The cloud had stopped after the destruction of the probe. The sharp balls of metallic objects stopped moving and remained still and floated harmlessly in the void. The objects weren't needed for the time being and the cloud of razor tentacle balls waited upon order of the leviathan to attack something. The annoying probe has been dealt with but to no surprise another array of signals originating from the fleet struck the creature and the cloud would soon have another target if this goes one for too long.

The Leviathan...

One of the three eyes flared brighter than the others upon the activation of the hologram projection. A bulge emerged from two fissures of the the leviathan's rough scaly surface and from it emerge another type of Aliuu. This Aliuu had a round body fitted with a 'shell' of technological appliances, a long neck soft looking sluggish body and illuminated itself in the darkness in a blue bioluminescent color. It sped towards the Humanoid, its ship and the device that's creating the projection. It stopped a number of meters away from the projection and began create energies to match the waves of the communication device. Once it found and recreated a frequency it 'blinked' with it's masked face.


"Greetings, I am Ambassador E73 representing the Epsilon-Class Front Development Ship currently sharing this sector with you and several others at this moment. Seeing as hailing has proven ineffective at establishing some form of communication, we have decided to contact you in a much more personal attempt to sate our curiosity of what exactly your intentions are within this system." The hologram could be understood after the being had attempted with several other types of garbled dialects and tongues that the creature had never heard of.

Inside the Ship the purple haired humanoid Aliuu heard what the projection had said. His quartz eyes flew upwards and his head vibrated slightly when he connected himself with the slug. A small spark was seen on it's mask and the 'eye' changed from a blue color to an orange shade. Assuming direct control.

The Hologram paused for a moment before continuing
"As our communications with the race behind the probe you've just destroyed have shown, they have come for the signal which drew the attention of our superiors. Would it be safe to assume that this signal drew your the eye of your species as well?"

A mellowed voice came from the Aliuu, a voice that seemed to echo from the ends of a distant horizon or mountain range and yet sounded as though it came from inside a person's wet inner body. Every word that was spoken by the slug came with a pause and there seemed to be a soft hissing sound that amplified itself on occasion.

"We. Came. Here. To. Investigate."

"This. Signal... For. What. Purpose. Is. It. Activating? For. What. Reason. After. So.
LONG? What. Is. It. Warning. Us. From?" The creatured looked towards the station for a quick glance and returned its snaky neck to resume its attention to the projection.

WHAT. Is. It. That. We. Should. FEAR?" It spoke the last word with an amplified voice.

"As. For.
THEM... They. Are. ANNOYING. Us. So. Much. So. That. We. Can. TOLERATE. YOU." An animalistic growl could be heard faintly in the background before being drowned by the hissing sound and the Aliuu stopped talking.

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