Generic Harry Potter RP [Inactive]

She smiled. "Ravenclaw? Slytherin? I know you're not in Hufflepuff." She sighed and waved her wand, muttering, "Finite Incantatum," toward Joe.
She laughed "Ravenclaw. And you two, well lets see." She studied them for a second. "Hufflepuff, brother and sister, sixteen, twins maybe, am I off on anything?"
"What do you mean unfortunately?" he scowled 
"You thought I didn't see it coming?" he laughed
"Let me give you some advice" he smiled "Use a more advanced spell, it looks better"
"I sent the Slytherin Quidditch captain because I slept with his girlfriend" he smirked
"And of course by social relationships I mean relationships of any sort, including friendship and romantic relationships."
"Still applies" he smiled "me and Grace are best friends but I have no others"
"Because I asked and you said yes" he moved closer to her "am I really cute? Grace am I cute?"

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