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Fantasy Generic Fantasy RP (CLOSED)

"Well I'm sure you're just as beautiful." Callum assured her, and left one more kiss on her cheek before getting up and strapping on his armor.
Emmalia decided not to reply, then noticed he was putting on his armor. "What are you doing? Why do you need your armor...?"
"I'm just being prepared is all." Callum said. "Don't know if spirits could show up, and I'm not sure what happens if one of them turns violent."
Emmaia nodded slowy, then got out of bed and started pulling on her own armor as well, at least as a show of solidarity if nothing else - though normally she wore her armor anyway.
Callum looked over at her and gave Emmalia a gentle smile. "I love you Em.' He said as he finished getting ready, and went over to kiss her gently.
Emmalia returned the kiss. "I love you too. Do you think that something will happen?" She seemed a bit nervous and unsure, him leaving right after he had returned. Then again, back to the old lifestyle, finding problem and what like to fix.
"Probably not." He said, walking with her out of the room. "But it's always good to be safe, just in case. Are you alright? You seem rather... Anxious." He spoke softly and walked close beside her.
"Oh, I just don't want you running off without me to fight something again," Emmalia said with full honesty. "I may not be able to be much help, but I still don't want to be left behind. I'm basically all better now." Except for the voice of instinct in her head, which was, thankfully, quiet so far.
Callum frowned slightly. "I'll need to be sure of that. We can't have you going full vampire out in the middle of the town. People would knock down our walls and burn you to ash faster than you could say ouch."
Emmalia looked up at him and said, "I've escaped death before. I can do it again. And if I went full vampire and either of us were threatened, that village would be razed within a minute. Love, you are everything to me. I wouldn't risk either of us unduly."
Callum smiled softly at the gesture of romance, although it did entail killing an entire village of people. He understood what he was supposed to take from it, though. "You've become quite the romantic, Ms. LaFaren." He said, looping his arm around her waist.
Emmalia shrugged and smirked. "Nah, I'm just very possessive." Mirroring him, she moved her hand around his waist. At least he was off the topic of thinking she might go vampire on someone.
Callum smiled and gave her a gentle kiss. He had enjoyed Emmalia's more romantic side. Being stuck in a castle for a few weeks might be why she's seemingly more affectionate, but he wasn't denying that he enjoyed every bit. "Don't worry, only a week or two more and you'll be able to roam free all you'd like."
Emmalia gave him a softly smile and quietly said, "Why would I want that? I don't care if I roam free or not, long as I roam with you."
Callum smiled, "Well then, you better get used to these walls, since you'll be seeing them for the rest of our lives." He joked. They weren't the kind of people to settle down, at least not when they were in their prime. Still, the thought of what Balder had said about a coup was getting to him.
"Well you best get used to traveling most of the time, we have to find those spirits you're supposed to return." Em could tell that something was bugginghim, so she asked, "What's wrong, love?b
Callum enjoyed the sound of her talking about roaming again. It was one of his fondest memories of her, simply traversing the countryside, just the two of them. "How do you mean?" Callum asked, bringing up his happier, more light hearted voice to try and thwart her attempt to pry his nervousness.
"You seem... distracted. Especially when talking about staying or travelling. Your heart rate changes a bit too." Vampirism had its perks, like being able to tell -fairly accurately - when someone was lying or experiencing certain emotions. Em sighed and put her hand in his. "Lover, you can tell me, you know that."
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Callum nodded slowly. "I know that dearest. I just... I'm afraid of what Balder meant when we captured him. If there's some kind of coup underway... We might be helpless to stop it. I can't afford to have a bunch of Lords assault this castle if what he was saying is true."
Emmalia listened patiently, then said, "Well, you have the largest standing army North of Capath. You're a warlord, Cal. And even if we're overrun, we can get out, worst case. It's not an ideal situation, but it's possible. We can go to Cassian with the information, if you want."
"I know that Emmalia." He said, letting out a heavy sigh. "It just... Bothers me. It's like a sickness, once you feel it you can't just forget it's there. I can't just sit idly by while a bunch of Lords try and dethrone a king."
Emmalia slowly nodded. "I can understand that, dear. I just don't like seeing you worried. You know, we can go down and see Balder in the dungeon and ask some questions."
Callum nodded slowly. 'Is he here still, or did you send him off to Cassian?" He trusted Emmalia enough to give her control over leadership functions like dealing with prisoners, controlling guard shifts and most anything else.
"He's still here. I kind of forgot about him, in all the hubbub of your death. Bit distracted, after all." She looked up at him and gave a bit of an apologetic shrug and smiled slightly. After all, Balder had merely attempted assassination on Callum. Gallium had succeeded. One was definitely higher on the priority list.

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