General discussion

@Deviltigerr and @Vaneheart:

I am creating a Techno-Wizard Trimadore and encountered a slight contradiction in rules:

The Techno-Wizard class starts with 4 skills for free at a d6: Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Engineering), Knowledge (Science), and Repair.

The Trimadore race starts with 2 skills for free at a d6: A choice of 4 knowledge types (I chose engineering) and Repair.

Would the skills Knowledge (Engineering) and Repair start at a d8 at character creation before applying skill points? Or would they be at d6 and then need to have skill points applied as normal?
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@Deviltigerr and @Vaneheart:

I am creating a Techno-Wizard Trimadore and encountered a slight contradiction in rules:

The Techno-Wizard class starts with 4 skills for free at a d6: Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Engineering), Knowledge (Science), and Repair.

The Trimadore race starts with 2 skills for free at a d6: A choice of 4 knowledge types (I chose engineering) and Repair.

Would the skills Knowledge (Engineering) and Repair start at a d8 at character creation before applying skill points? Or would they be at d6 and then need to have skill points applied as normal?

Pretty sure this is a GM call ( @Deviltigerr ), as while it seems the free skills should stack, I am unsure.  If possible, I would spend the bonus skill on something you don't already have (cybernetics or computers especially), as it is easier to level up existing skills, rather than learn new ones, as the game progresses.

EDIT:  If all else fails, we can ask here:
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Pretty sure this is a GM call ( @Deviltigerr ), as while it seems the free skills should stack, I am unsure.  If possible, I would spend the bonus skill on something you don't already have (cybernetics or computers especially), as it is easier to level up existing skills, rather than learn new ones, as the game progresses.

Gotcha! Yeah, I have been using that tactic of spreading out skills to get as many as possible.

I'll develop its backstory while I wait for the call.
I was working with @Ladybug_Runner on her Dragon, and we came across something interesting.  On page 44 of the Tomorrow Legion book, under "Happy Birthday," it says that dragons know "Dragonese/Elven" from birth, yet it doesn't really give a skill rating on it or note it anywhere else in the entry.  On page 65, it says that all characters are automatically assumed to know Language: American.  Does a dragon hatchling get both of them for free, or do they have to buy Language: American separate?  Or even Dragonese separate?

Heh, for flavor, I should have taken Language: Gobblely as Gorbalug's native tongue, then bought ranks in Language: American, instead of the other way around.
@Gregam: they talk about that in the book, essentially you get a die upgrade. It becomes a d8 in that case.

@Vaneheart: Native language doesn't matter in Savage world, as the character is considered fluent in it. But well if your parent dragon is native from NA, can allow them to have imprinted American English as a native language too, if not, yeah you will need to buy it seperately if you are from somewhere else.
@Gregam: they talk about that in the book, essentially you get a die upgrade. It becomes a d8 in that case.

Roger that! I'll update the character sheet and update my post.

Just for my own edification, which page of the Rifts book was it on? I looked in all the areas I thought it would be and came up empty.
@Deviltigerr  Can you help me understand what a benny is?  It sounds like dragons don't get them; one of my hero journey rolls depends on them.  Should I reroll?  Am I mistaken?  Thank you for your help!
@Ladybug_Runner Bennies are essentially "benefits" you get at the beginning of each session and doing something cool. They are tokens essentially that you can use to reroll any trait rolls. You get 3 of them at the beginning of every session and then you get some during a session, then rinse and repeat, all bennies not used at the end of the session disappear. So usually there is no need to save them up too much.

@Gregam Near the end of the table section beginning on p. 129, talking about how the GM can handle people getting the same results etc...while mostly a GM's call, I simply just go with it, upgrade the die and move on.
Oh, hey, how do you roll dice on posts now?  I have been trying to figure it out since the big site update.
@Vaneheart nvm just found out in the survival updated guide:

Where is the dice roller?

Temporarily gone. We're working on it!

Guess we will have to decide on a dice roller, will let you know when I come back tonight from work or if you have some suggestions feel free to let me know.
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Hi all - I got caught up in a critical issue at work. It's been all consuming. If I have time to roll up a character and jin before you get started I may go Operator at this point, as I had been leaning Techno-Wizard before. Or maybe I'll just go another "fighter" class. Dunno. Could we use more muscle?
Hi all - I got caught up in a critical issue at work. It's been all consuming. If I have time to roll up a character and jin before you get started I may go Operator at this point, as I had been leaning Techno-Wizard before. Or maybe I'll just go another "fighter" class. Dunno. Could we use more muscle?

We sure could use more muscle.  While I'm playing a Techno-Warrior, he's not the greatest muscle ever.  Would be great to have a Juicer or Crazy, or even go jolt cola and go Glitter Boy or Power Armor Pilot.
Built a Juicer first draft last night. I tend to play conservatively and hate losing characters so playing a living time-bomb is stepping out of my comfort zone! 

I'll post the draft this evening (Eastern Time). May have time to post some of the background today depending on how much downtime I have.
Juicers are pretty good.  The "Freshly Juiced"  edge somewhat helps stave off an early death due to bad rolls.
Juicers are pretty good.  The "Freshly Juiced"  edge somewhat helps stave off an early death due to bad rolls.

Hmm - I somehow missed that one. I'll take a look at it. Probably more useful than "Rich".

And how about some advice? I rolled on the Armor table and got "pick any armor in the book (except power and robots)".  I was doing a more stealth build and was worried that heavier armor would just get in the way. Are there armor penalties to stealth checks? I couldn't see a Stealth armor in particular.
Hmm - I somehow missed that one. I'll take a look at it. Probably more useful than "Rich".

And how about some advice? I rolled on the Armor table and got "pick any armor in the book (except power and robots)".  I was doing a more stealth build and was worried that heavier armor would just get in the way. Are there armor penalties to stealth checks? I couldn't see a Stealth armor in particular.

Sure thing.  The Freshly Juiced edge on page 68 of the Tomorrow Legion book is pretty solid for a starting juicer, and somewhat mitigates the dying.  If you plan on using burn dice during gameplay, Burn Brighter is also good, as it lowers the chances of a shitty burn roll.  Most of the "Burn" edges are alright, but dubious in their longterm usefulness.  Split the Seconds is golden for almost all Juicer builds (page 71), since it doesn't require a burn dice expenditure to be used.  After that, it's a matter of what you want to capitalize on.  Do you want to shoot dudes, stab dudes, use big weapons to shoot dudes, etc.  For stealth/single-shot shooting, Marksman and Steady Hands seem good.  For big weapons or rapid fire weapon shooting, Steady Hands and Rock and Roll seems solid.  For stabbing faces, there's quite a mix, all the way from the Two-Fisted/Ambidextrous builds, to lots of others.  I'd focus on one or two angles.  Trying to spread out too much ends up with a kinda lackluster build.

As far as Stealth penalties, I don't think there are any on standard armor as long as you meet the strength requirement.  Crusader is good, but requires d10 strength.  The "sub power" armors, like the Gladius and the TX-11 series are really nice, but having to charge your armor every 96 hours for 2 hours is somewhat of a bummer.  Both of those series require d8 strength if they run out of power.
Oh - question - DOes Two-Fisted only apply to hand-to-hand/close combat or does it apply to two-fisted shooting too?

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