General discussion


My initial thought for a character was a driver or pilot type much like a Shadowrun Rigger. The downside to something like that is your dependence on having vehicles.

Now I'm thinking Operator or Techno-wizard.

I'm curious what other people's ideas are - other than Lamladaz who already posted a charsheet.
I'm doing an ogre Headhunter Techno Warrior. 

Vehicle dependency isn't that huge of a problem.  Glitter Boys, Power Armor Pilots, Robot Pilots and the like, could all be considered "Vehicle Dependent" yet are still quite powerful.  If PEG follows the same track as Palladium, there will be a TON of vehicle options to choose from, eventually.

In the original Rifts system, Operators, Psi-Operators, and Techno-Wizards were a big deal.  Kind of the unsung heroes (TW's with the right build, could be overwhelmingly cheesy with force multipliers and specially crafted magic/TW items late game) of the game.  With the "Technical Difficulties" rule in Savage Rifts, having one of these would be excellent.  I was tossing around the idea of making one myself.  My choices broke down to Crazy, Cyberknight, Headhunter, or Operator.  Hell, with the way the Operator/PSI is set up, you could probably dip into piloting as well as the game advances, and have the best of both worlds.
I thought Emma was interest but seems like that's not the case. Ah well,  if your friend is still interested. He is more than welcome to join us.
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I have two maybes.  One seems closer to absolute yes, and the other one is yes, but is trying to gauge her time commitments, so that still makes her a maybe.  I should know more soon.  Would bring us to five if both said yes, if that is alright.
OMG thanks for having me. It's literally been years since I've done a true forum based RP. Hope to not let you guys down :)

As far as my Character, I have a basic idea, but I believe I need to have approval before I can just be him. Can he be a Rakashan?

Sorry I'm just a bundle of questions. Can you tell me more about the Tomorrow Legion? Like are they "outside the box" type people? Do they have unusual recruiting tactics? I have a background for my character, but I'm trying to tie it into the current story and I've read the setting, I know a bit about the world, but thought I'd get your thoughts on TL.


@MalkonThe tomorrow Legion are essentially a group of people who got together to do some good in the world of rifts. Their HQ is castle refuge[this is actually a real life location right now] rebuilt by a clan of dwarves. As for the background for your character, funny enough, the game got you covered.

Just Roll 1d20 for a narrative hook with the tomorrow legion group.

Most people who comes to the legion are volunteers.

Your group will be part of the Special Exploratory Team aka SET, essentially special units who do a bit of whatever they want and take decisions on the field.
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That helped a lot thanks! I'm still trying to wrap my head around everything, I think I'll have my character done soon. Do we have a tentative date to have this done by?

Doing pretty well.  I'm working with @Ladybug_Runner to get her Dragon Hatchling up and running.  I did have a question for @Deviltigerr though.  The Rich and Filthy Rich edges, can you spend the credits you get from them during character creation, or is this your "start the adventure" cash?
You can spend them or keep them , dont forget to read the changes to the edges in the tomorrowl egion player guide (you get to roll on additional tables.)
Apologies for being out of it!  I'm working on my character tonight . . . . she's coming along!  Thanks!

Do we have an estimated start date?  I work well with clear goals and deadlines . . . otherwise I'll just keep plugging away until further notice.  Thanks!

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