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Gay for You?(Not BxB or GxG)


Fangirl Gamer
I'm the class prankster. Many people don't take me seriously, for I'm usually the troublemaker. People usually hate me before they even speak with me, because there are so many bad rumours about me. You're the class jock. Everybody instantly takes a shining to you. You're the cool guy that everybody wants to be friends with. Naturally, you and I are the best of buds. The hated and the loved tend to go together so well. A little too well, actually. We've both started to develop feelings for each other. Only problem is...neither of us are gay.

But, you see, the thing is, I'm not a boy. What if I told you I was transgender? Um...yeah...It was forced upon me. My father was completely crazy, and didn't want a daughter. I was raised a boy. For the longest time, I had actually thought I was a boy. But even since then, I remained a boy, because I didn't know how to be a girl. My father's dead, so it's not like I'm being forced to do this anymore. But, nobody can tell I'm female.

But...you don't know this. I don't know if I want to tell you. Would it be worth it? Giving out my secret, just so we could be together? Or should I just ignore these feelings?
MissUnderstood said:
I'm the class prankster. Many people don't take me seriously, for I'm usually the troublemaker. People usually hate me before they even speak with me, because there are so many bad rumours about me. You're the class jock. Everybody instantly takes a shining to you. You're the cool guy that everybody wants to be friends with. Naturally, you and I are the best of buds. The hated and the loved tend to go together so well. A little too well, actually. We've both started to develop feelings for each other. Only problem is...neither of us are gay.
But, you see, the thing is, I'm not a boy. What if I told you I was transgender? Um...yeah...It was forced upon me. My father was completely crazy, and didn't want a daughter. I was raised a boy. For the longest time, I had actually thought I was a boy. But even since then, I remained a boy, because I didn't know how to be a girl. My father's dead, so it's not like I'm being forced to do this anymore. But, nobody can tell I'm female.

But...you don't know this. I don't know if I want to tell you. Would it be worth it? Giving out my secret, just so we could be together? Or should I just ignore these feelings?
wouldn't you start seeing "attributes"?
MissUnderstood said:
She has bindings, and it's not extremely odd for a man to have a feminine face.
those things ya, but like a slimmer body, larger hips... how old?
MissUnderstood said:
Dylan sat at his normal table for lunch. Everybody always sat in the same spot, even though it wasn't required. He found it amusing. @gentoxic
quick question do i like dylan already or i start to like him/her through the story?
Bryan sat at his usual spot at the back of the cafeteria. He was munching on his fries, his friends slapping his back and laughing to a joke said by the cutest girl in the whole school, Trisha. As the leader of the football team, Bryan was granted access to ALL of Trisha, but Trisha didn't seem right. Bryan didn't really like Trisha that much, but he still dated her. It was what Bryan the jock, would do. He turned around and caught the class prankster, Dylan staring at him. He instantly flared a brights tomato red. Why was he doing this? Bryan was confused, but he turned back around to finish his now cold fires,

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