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Fantasy Gangs of BlueBay, CS

Only problem is 3B’s have been around for three years aha
It’s fine to say he knew Hone for five years, perhaps they are friends from when he wasn’t a gang leader ahha

Also love that you made He effort to make the NPC aha <3
Only problem is 3B’s have been around for three years aha
It’s fine to say he knew Hone for five years, perhaps they are friends from when he wasn’t a gang leader ahha

Also love that you made He effort to make the NPC aha <3
Got it. Would seem fitting that he knew Hone for a while, making that the reason he joined the gang.
Also, I felt it was needed that we had a medic, but he should, of course, be available to everyone. So making him an NPC seemed fitting.
I shall make note of which NPC’s can be used by anyone.
Hone, and aces are a Nono
Michael the medic is a yes yes
Name: Sasha Markov
Age: 21
Sex: Female
Relevant info: She is usually wearing brown leather jacket with only a blue bikini, a gray short skirt and knee high suede brown boots.
Powers: Can manipulate her own blood or blood that she sees and create it at an exponential rate. Can also take away powers by starring at a person.
Small bio: She is known as one of the two twins that live around the city, hustling people and living of the streets. They go around make what little money they can to buy food, drinks and cigarettes and raising hell in the city.

Flowiest D Flowiest D

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