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Realistic or Modern Gang Characters


Junior Member
This is the character thread for those in the Gang Roleplay, which is always open to new people.

Available Important Roles:

Gray Wolves -
Leader: Taken
Second: Taken

Ravens -
Leader: Taken
Second: Taken

Other Roles:
Roles available in each gang are assassins, 2-3 in each gang, a heist planner in each gang, and multiple people who participate in the heists. In the Ravens gang, there are also strategists.


Realistic Picture:
Preferred Weapon:
Brief Personality:
Brief History(Optional):​
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Name: Jason Nerezzo
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Gang: Gray Wolves
Position: Leader
Preferred Weapon: His fists
Brief Personality: Jason has never been a man of morals. He is cold, ruthless, and cunning. He had never taken orders from anyone, which is how he rose to the top. He kills anyone who disobeys him, anyone who gets in his way.​
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Name: Blake Waters
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Gang: Ravens
Position: Leader
Preferred Weapon: Gun of any kind
Brief Personality: Blake is the epitome of what the Ravens stand for. Smart, very controlled, violent only when he needs to be. He is quite patient with his allies, less so with his enemies.​
Realistic Picture:

Name: Felipe Julio Cavez
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Gang: Raven
Position: Second In Command
Preferred Weapon: Metal Baseball Bat
Brief Personality: Felipe is a reserved man. He's loyal to none other then the boss himself, isolating himself from the rest of the crew and remaining quiet has become a staple of his. He carries a calm demeanor throughout his operations and reveals his cruel intentions through his actions and not words.
Brief History(Optional): Not much is known about Felipe, except that he was brought into the Ravens and that he was born without a home.
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Jasmine Celphis




Gray Wolves


Preferred Weapon:

Brief Personality:
The calm head to Jason's ruthless one, Jasmine is brash, opiniated and harsh. One prone to use poison rather than a direct means of killing, she dislikes violence and viewing the pain her 'job' causes others. But don't underestimate her, she is the master of seduction (romantic and platonic both), persuasive and skilled in mind games.

Brief History(Optional):

Cori Woods | 29 | Assassin

Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Gang: Ravens
Preferred Weapon: Sniper rifle

Appearance: Cori stands tall for a woman at 5'8", but she's not shy about wearing heels when called for. Covered, she may look thin; however, under her clothes, she is lean and toned with hard muscles. She has no tattoos nor scars to speak of, and wears makeup to cover any blemishes on her face. Her eyes are a pale, piercing blue. Her hair and skin are white, almost ghost-like. Her nails are almost always decorated in a suitable color and she likes to dress well.

Personality: As a Raven, Cori detests the Wolves' and their ruthless, violent methods. She is a calculative, cold, and generally humorless. While she is generally submissive to the will of the gang as "just" an assassin, she has no issue with standing her ground against something she finds wrong. Beyond the cool exterior, Cori is actually receptive to friendlies (or flirtiness) and is rather generous in lending a hand where it's needed. As an assassin for the Ravens, she excels in strategic and safe kills, but she can handle herself in closer combat as well.

Brief history: WIP, I intend to add it as I learn more about the world and gangs.​

Name: Quinn Miller
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gang: Gray Wolves
Position: Thief
Preferred Weapon: Hand Gun​

Brief Personality: Eccentric and unstable are two words that can be used to describe Quinn, though it is likely not just the influence of environment and genetics that has made her this way. Raised with the questionable morals and values shared by the Gray Wolves, as well as often being under the influence of various illegal substances, Quinn is unpredictable. Although she can appear sociable and friendly at times, she lacks the inherent sense of empathy that others have. Violence does not phase her, unless the pain is inflicted upon herself. Combat is not her strong point, but she can shoot a gun proficiently. Quinn has had little to do with the leader of the gang, but she blindly admires everything he does.

Brief History: Quinn's past is typical of many who have grown up with family in Gray Wolves. The Miller name was well known but loss credibility after both of her parents were incarcerated for multiple accounts of homicide and the use, possession, and trafficking of drugs. Without parents present, Quinn lived between many gang houses from nine years old and picked up many skills early on. Her schooling was cut short as she became of more use to the gang. It was noted from early on that she was an adept thief, and an unsuspecting one at that. Along with thieving, Quinn proved to have a mind for money and trade.
Name: Alexandre Durant
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Gang: Ravens
Position: Heist Planner
Preferred Weapon: Remote-controlled Weaponry
Brief Personality: From a young age, Alex had always been very intelligent. This showed in his early milestones, school work, and his time in the Ravens. Everything Alex does is meticulously planned which has made him highly dangerous and highly successful. While foolproof assassinations and heists are Alex's strong suit, he does not do well with spontaneity or situations requiring brute force. Alex has always had a strong sense of justice which often proves to be more of a hindrance than helpful as justice is very rarely a priority in his line of work. Alex is very compassionate, though he is usually able to separate emotion from work. He doesn't like or enjoy mindless violence but appreciates that it often can't be avoided.

Brief History: Though he tries to hide his past from others, Alexandre grew up sheltered and lead a fairly privileged life in a middle-class family and most know it. However, his life was turned around, for better or worse, after he almost single-handily organised the mass robbery of three high-end jewelry stores with no causalities or consequences. The promise of recognition, money, and power would have been enough for any 17 year old boy to drop everything and leave, which was just what he did. Sixteen years later, he still has some level of money, recognition, and power, but also a family, and hundreds of threats on his life.
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Name: Sammie Fletcher
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gang: Ravens
Position: Strategist
Preferred Weapon: 6 inch dagger
Brief Personality: Sammie Fletcher is a tortured genius. She is a mathematical prodigy, a whiz at physics, her spatial reasoning skills are ridiculously good. But Fletcher is bipolar. Bipolar I, to be more exact. This makes her unpredictable and dangerous, but also useful. You never know what Fletcher you're going to get; the sweet, manic, and hyperactive Fletcher or the moody, angry, and violent Fletcher. She's useful in a fight as she is short, agile, and ruthless, but she's still naïve in many ways due to her age. Fletcher is rather socially awkward, to the point where some call her Asperger's, but she's kind and well-meaning unless she's in a manic or a depressed episode.
Brief History: Fletcher graduated high school at 16 years old with a 3.85 GPA and got accepted into Harvard, but instead of studying physics like she intended to, Fletcher picked up a drug addiction, dropped out of college in her third year, and joined a gang two years later. She's since gotten clean, but her experience with drugs brought out a darker side of Fletcher. She started craving blood and violence, she started itching for the sound of guns firing into unsuspecting victims, she started needing more and more crimes to occur. The only problem with this is that Fletcher is just below 5 feet tall and is as thin as a bone. She's hardly a soldier. So instead of fighting, Fletcher realized she could use her brain to cause as much violence as possible.
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Name: Edward Verdana
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Gang: Gray Wolves
Position: Assassin
Preferred Weapon: His Pink Pump-Action Shotgun or His Taser
Brief Personality:
Edward is quite the person. A mind full of thoughts. Both parts of his brain clashed after separation, both acting as a separate mind. Edward often having a hard time thinking because of this. So much so, that his personality has changed so much since that day, it's almost hard to think about it. His left shoots to destroy, and in most cases, his right shoots to collapse. His brain controls so much of his life that it's impossible for him to do his own thing. With how much shit has gone wrong in his life, he's tired and stressed, trying to keep together his sanity... Whatever's left of it.
Brief History:
Edward rarely talks about his history, cause in most cases he can't remember. It's also hard for him to identify memories so they become mixed.
Edward is able to split his vision equally with his eyes, he uses this to read documents quickly and spot things easily. His eyes don't work as something like a reptile, he cannot separate where they look, but what they identify.

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Name:Andre Hartman
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gang: Grey Wolves
Position: Hired Participant
Preferred Weapon: Nightstick (several)
Brief Personality: Though stolid and looking like a man of purpose, Andre doesn't know what his overall purpose is in the Grey Wolves. His calm and stable demeanor helps him get out of spontaneous situations which is perfect as a hired mercenary for this sort of job. He does his best to blend into the background, offering no opinion unless necessary or required. Loyalty is a close second to his own personal interests. Not one to really show his emotions, only people with who Andre has formed a connection with will be able to see his true face and earn his trust.
Brief History: Once an assassin of the Grey Wolves, now just a hired participant of their fights and raids. Andre joined first out of hatred for authorities in society for their failure to help his ailing brother and incarcerating him for theft of medicine. Now, after multiple killings and literal blood on his hands, Andre just wants to settle down in a quiet place and live out the rest of his days alone. Deliberately putting himself on the lower ranks of the Grey Wolves allowed him more freedom of movement and less importance in the group. One day, he hopes that this freedom and loss of responsibility may send him on his way out of the gang life. Though, in a corner of his mind, he knows that he may never get out.​

Name: Alessandra Foxcrest
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Demisexual
Gang: Ravens
Position: Assassin
Preferred Weapon: Hidden Blade Gauntlets
Brief Personality: As an assassin, Allie is quite reserved and keeps to herself most of the time. Well, that is if you don't tick her off. If that's the case then she turns into a spitfire who is very outspoken. Other than that she's nice.
"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer."
Brief History: Being apart of a gang was something that was the last thing she wanted to be apart of. Growing up, her life was simple: work, go home, relax, sleep, see a few friends every so often, and repeat. Well, lets just say she put herself unknowingly into a crowd of people who were bad. They saw potential seeing as she was athletic and her dad taught her a few things about weapons. So, they had kidnapped her and sheltered her to basically brainwash a whole new lifestyle into her. An assassin. A few years of torture and neglect, she had decided enough was enough and began to learn. Eventually she was rewarded for her services, but little did they know that when she was skilled in her duties that she would assassinate them all.

Leaving that past behind her, she fled and stayed into the shadows as people were looking for her. There was no turning back now. As she began her new life as a lone assassin, Allie had found a new gang. The Ravens. They had taken her in, but the only reason she was there was for money. Or so she thought. In a new place with some new people, it was going to be harder when she wants to leave. Or does she really want to stay?

Name: Mikas "Jinx" Drevsky
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Gang: Gray Wolves
Position: Assassin
Preferred Weapon: Dagger Set or Semi-automatic Pistol

Brief Personality: Crazy. That's the only way to properly describe Mikas. He gives his gang leaders a headache trying to keep him on a leash. Any partner of his pray to whatever gods they pray to before going on the mission. Mikas, better known as "Jinx", is absolutely mad. He killed a man by stabbing him everywhere but lethal spots so he would slowly bleed to death, got his friends to rape a girl for touching him and joined a gang "for fun". He has manners but no morality. Beguiling innocence, a silver tongue and quick wit makes Mikas the perfect liar. Effortless grace, an emotionless, clear vision and beast-like thirst for blood makes Mikas the perfect killer. Put the two together and you get Jinx, the ruthless assassin of the Grey Wolves Gang who leaves a gory trail of blood and mangled bodies as his mark.

Brief History: Born to wealthy and powerful parents who would do anything for him and having been on honor roll at an esteemed private school throughout his life, Mikas can hardly identify with most gang members. When he was 17, he was out with a few friends and ended going home with an older man. After...certain activities, Mikas found a knife with a gang symbol carved on it hidden under the man's pillow and thought, Why not try it out? That was the first time he killed someone. Unfortunately, that someone turned out to be part of the Ravens. They started coming after him, so he killed another, then another, then anotber. Eventually, Mikas ended up joining the Gray Wolves almost naturally. Mikas acts as something like a bank at times when the Gray Wolves hold events and such to sell drugs.
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Audrey Philips
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Gang: Grey Wolves
Position: Participant

Preferred Weapon:
Twin daggers strapped to the sides of her thighs or a machine pistol in her waistband

Brief Personality:
Audrey is definitely one for mind games and seduction. She'll do anything to reach her goal, even if it means bloodshed. Her movements are swift, agile, and graceful when fighting. Rarely does a distraction give her a cut, but if she's fighting more than two enemies, things can get bad for her. Audrey isn't exactly a leader, but she most definitely isn't a follower in the gang. Although her looks are innocent, there's always a glint in her eye that gives away her true self if you're paying attention.

Brief History: Audrey was raised in a single parent home by her father in a not-so-nice neighborhood. He did everything he could to protect her, but not even he could keep her away from the influences of the kids at school. By highschool she was smoking weed and doing acid and shrooms. She didn't dare touch alcohol after what happened to her mother as a todler, but assumed drugs were somewhat safe as a teenager. One day on her way from school after a fight, a man in a hoodie came to her and offered her to be in the gang. In exchange for her fighting skills, he would teach her more and provide more than her father ever did. With a twinge of guilt, she accepted the offer. As a young adult, she doesn't do drugs as often and has moved away from her father, but contacts him occasionally.

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