Other Gameboy forum


God of wisdom
I'm a video games collector with every console from the Atari 2600 to the PS4, but there is an item in my collection that I am glad to play in public, my light grey original gameboy I got from a cousin's storage unit. I also have a game boy color and three Gameboy advances (I grew up in that time, so) and I have to say that Game boy games are among the easiest things to collect, you can keep 50 of them in a small bin and the handheld had pretty much everything; puzzle games, platformers, rpgs, even fighting games. You name it, the game was released for it, but being the most popular portable video game system of the time it was bound to have many developers developing games in a portable form factor for the handheld and would do so for a staggering eleven years. So, what are some of your favorite Gameboy games?
I used to love the Game Boy version of the original Donkey Kong when I was a kid. It basically expands on the concept of the old arcade game and turns it into this sort of puzzle platformer with a lot of variety in the stages. It also had compatibility with the Super Game Boy so if you plugged it into your SNES using that peripheral you got full color graphics and a cute arcade-style border.
I may have grown up in the game boy advance era, but when I did get my hands on an origional game boy and a few games when I was eleven (this was 2009) I was impressed that a device from the 80's could play actual games as opposed to being a beepy LCD games that I had been expecting it to be. My first original gb game was tennis (the one it came with out of my cousin's old storage locker) and I was amazed that it had music, sound effects and that it was simply a complete game. 
The pokemon games, duh. =P

Last weekend I actually found my little gameboy advance, probably hadn't been touched in years. I didnt think it would turn on but it did and fire red was in it. lots of feels as it went through the recaps of my quest LOL. Then I put it right back into the little shoebox I found it in and left it. 
I don't remember all of the GBA games I had when I was younger :(.

I did really like Pokemon Blue though.
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I still have a copy of Pokemon Emerald. The pokedex is complete except for Feebas.

I love Pokemon, but you can't forget Zelda Minish Cap, Kirby, and of course, Medabots!
Hmmmm I think one of my favorite games was pokemon emerald and Kirby Dreamland if I remember the name correctly. The Kirby one was colored but that's about as much as I can remember.

I had many other games but I just can't remember them... :(
I remembee getting my GBA original at age 5 and my first couple of games were F-zero: maximum velocity, Sonic Advance, donky kong country and Super mario advance one and two
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