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Fantasy Gales of Darkness Character Sheet


Florian Society Member



Sexuality: Look i don't care for whatever is written here.



Power/ Magic:





Any questions about the character sheet please ask me.

Side note: I am not always going to be here but that is why I will control 1 hero and all the neutral characters and villains. You are the heroes of this story, not I. 
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Agonis Morigan (General Agony)

Gender:  Male

Appearance: A winter Knight/ Dragon. 

Sexuality: "I do not care for such indulgences." 

Age: Quite old.

Race: Human

Has the powers of the water element including that of ice, but that is not even scraping the top of the barrel.

Weapons: Able to transform ice or water into any weapon shape or size.

Skills: "Not telling."

Personality: Agony has a split personality that can be questionable about his sanity but is recognized as a genius everywhere. 

History: Was a brilliant inventor that changed life for the land. However, when he went on an expedition he returned a changed being. He was different. Poisoned, tortured and mutated beyond recognition. He is now one of the four deadly seven and the chief head scientest of the enemy.
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Gendr: Male

Appearance:Golem.jpg (only with green eyes and no hole in chest.)

Sexuality: None

Age: 250

Race: Golem

Powers: Earth Magic, Fire immunity, Super Strong, Super Durability, Telepathy, Beserk Mode.

Wepons: "Don't need none."

Skills: Street Fighting, Bombs.

Personality: Calm unless his friends are in danger. Can sometimes be a bit hard headed. Vary loyal but it is hard to earn. Likes plants but, hates pigeons.

History: Grav-L knows only one thing aboute his past, that he used to be human. He knows what it is to feel, taste, and smell but can not. He at first thought he was trapped in a body of unfeeling stone, but after a few years he saw the up sides to being a walking fortress. He was happy with his new body but still wanted to know his past.
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Also a like means it's good!

PS: I will allow cursing god damn it!
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@fuil you can post your character to appear whenever you like. You know to introduce him. I won't make anything happen yet, but wherever your character goes to I will have mine follow but not to look specifically for you. Also I will allow out of character chat here because making another forum just for that is a huge pain. Here it is a lot more convenient. 
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Name: Aiko (Forgets who she is at first) Goes by Ai because that is all she can remember. 

Gender: Female

Appearance: (Since there seems to be difficulty of posting pictures in here I'll type to the best of my ability.)

Ai has medium length green emerald hair and silver eyes. She has a snow white skin tone and is average height for girls around her age. She begins to wear heavy attire at first like fur coats, boots, and gloves, but will change accordingly to the climate in other regions as time goes on.

Sexuality: Too young to know what that is.

Age 10

Race: Human/?

Powers: ?

Weapons: None


Personality: Adventures, loyal, brave, stubborn, hot headed, and a little energetic. If not kept under constant surveillance she disappears like magic. No worries she doesn't go anywhere far. She is always curious about the world around her, and what's in store for her as she travels with her guardian Grav-L  and a small party of her other new found friends.

History: Having most of her memories wiped she can't recall much at all. She remembers Grav-L but nothing else. Her family, home, anything really. But a slight detail she aways remembers is a book that her mother should her many years ago. As for its contents, she doesn't know.
To: @The Lord of Sunlight

Please post your character here. It's not that i don't mind people joining in. Just to make sure everyone is orderly is all.

Thank you. I'll still post something for your character to do in the meantime to ensure the story goes on.
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Ah, my apologies. I wasn't able to find the page to post a character. This new system is weird. I'll post him here, though.

Name: Ivosolov Reggihme 

Gender: Male



Sexuality: Heterosexual

Age: 25

Race: Human

Power/ Magic: Ivosolov can use a variety of Holy magicks, as most Paladins know. Holy magic consists mainly of healing and defensive spells, but Paladins such as Ivosolov like to use hardened spears of light to throw at foes. Holy Magic is twice as powerful against any Dark or Unholy opponents.

Weapons: Sword and Shield. The Shield is made of steel as well as the Sword, but both have been enchanted with Holy magic to make it effective when blocking Dark magic and attacking Dark and Unholy foes.

Skills: Ivosolov is an expert in melee and hand to hand combat, and also has a bit of survival training as well. However, that's pretty much where his skills end; he was born a warrior, and will die one.

Personality: Despite being a Paladin and having a rather high status in the Kings court, Ivosolov is rather timid, and not that bright. He is unusually shy as well, which he does his best to hide. 

History: Ivosolov grew up as an only son of a highly revered Paladin, one who was known for his great deeds throughout the land. He was trained from birth to be like his father, but as he grew older, Ivosolov began to doubt himself more and more, thinking that he'd never be able to surpass his father. Eventually his father retired, and it fell to Ivosolov to take up his father's duty. Reluctantly, he obliged, and has been working for the King ever since.
Name: Lyriel

Gender: Female



Sexuality: Heterosexual, bi-curious

Age: 18

Race: Daemonfey—half demon (specifically succubus), half faerie

Power/ Magic: Lyriel possesses a supernatural charm; she is able to transform enemies into willing servants at first sight and convince them of almost anything. It can sometimes be resisted by a strong will, and is more effective on males than females (or at least heterosexual males and similar).

Due to her daemonfey heritage, Lyriel also can innately cast dark magic, which includes various curses, summoning minor demons, casting darkness, relatively weak telekinesis and a few other, minor cantrips. Casting these spells drains her energy, and she becomes tired if she uses magic too often unless it is against very weak enemies.

She can also fly with her wings and is more durable and agile than most humans, except against cold iron weapons.

Weapons: She keeps a dagger for emergencies, but generally relies on her charms and curses to defend herself or cause harm.

Skills: Aside from being supernaturally beautiful and seductive, Lyriel knows a decent amount about the occult, and is relatively stealthy.

Personality: Energetic and outgoing but selfish and vain. She is eager to explore the world with freedom and power, but thinks very highly of herself and has no trouble interacting (and especially flirting) with others, but deep down has difficulty thinking of them as her equals, especially because most everyone she meets is enthralled by her.

History: Lyriel was raised in a small village on the outskirts of the capital city with adopted parents. Until age 16, she saw occasional hints of her powers but they weren't nearly as strong as they are now. That's when her stepbrother betrayed her by selling her off to a criminal who turned out to be the leader of a cult that was trying to sacrifice her. When exposed to their occult rituals, Lyriel's true powers were activated, and she used them to escape. Now she roams the kingdom on her own with no place to call home.



Everything seems to be good enough. I may ask you later about how long the effect of the charm works and how it goes against those that are gender less or hive mind. Also do you want to introduce your character in this fight currently happening or after words? 

In terms of how susceptible each type of creature is to Lyriel's charms, here is the order of most resistant to least resistant, although all are potentially possible with concentration:

Non-sapient creatures and hive minds>sapient non-humanoids>humanoids not normally attracted to females>humanoids normally attracted to females.

The duration is basically however long the creature is in her presence. It's a passive ability, a magical allure that enthralls anyone who looks upon her beauty. A creature or person is more likely to resist if they know of her powers, if they are in an intense situation such as combat, or if they don't look directly at her (although for the third, she is sometimes able to convince people to look at her, since her voice alone has some power, and once they do, it's hard to look away.

Also, I think I can probably introduce my character during the fight. It might be a few hours at least, but I don't seem to be in much of a rush since last post was Wednesday.
Thanks for that knowledge ahead of time. All I need now is for The Lord of Sunlight to post next so the fight can continue, but I'll give it another day or so. Welcome to the RP!

To @The Lord of Sunlight

I don't mind if nothing is posted for some time. I too have a life outside of rpnation and have a lot of work to do. I just do these check-ins once in awhile to make sure if someone is still interested in the rp or if they are busy. It's just to help me to be more careful especially during these fighting sequences where I put people on the spot. If you don't wish to participate in the fight against the mutant feral just tell me and I can edit my previous post. 
Yeah that's fine. I won't reply until someone else does, especially since I'm playing a somewhat similar character on another RP.

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