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Galactic Empires Reborn I: Residual Chaos


(Will add onto later, pressed for time. This will allow you all to move on though._

In just a few moments...Akoe was there but then...back in her ship, as if she had been dreaming. All of the instruments on her ship were going in a chaotic clockwork, and the radio was flooding in a mixture of Alved and English. Sensors of the ship had indicated that just for a minute or so there was no body heat radiating from the cockpit, and furthermore the experimental suit Akoe was wearing had indicated that she had jumped into a completely different sector of the galaxy. Akoe herself was more astonished than that of anyone on the ground watching over her, because only she knew what had happened.

Somehow...the moon god had called out to her, brought her upon his presence with many others, though the meaning of it she did not entirely understand. In fact, she couldn't make sense of any of it...but this was exactly what seekers looked for. Once she reached the ground she would have to communicate her findings immediately.

Ominous Beginnings Finale (III)

If the figure in the center of the atmospheric, ceremonial room felt any feelings of fear when four of the abductees drew weapons then his face certainly showed no signs of it. If anything there was almost a disappointed expression written across the glowing, mysterious figure as he waved his right hand and it glowed with energy yet again. There was more chanting but it was muttered and quick, only two or three words at most, before Datin's revolver, Patara's blade, Kato's blaster, and Fruvli's gun were consumed in a blinding blue light. The weapon would feel searing hot in each of their hands but they would be unable to let go until moments later when the light would fade and only dust would crumble out from their hands.

Then the clearly powerful figure, who was seemingly too caught up with current affairs to notice that one of the abductees was radiating darkness instead of the usual blue, turned towards both Max and Darren with more interest than any of the others.

"Inside each of you, the truly chosen few, was a gift of the rarest kind that was bestowed upon you at birth. The power slumbered and likely would have for the rest of your insignificant lives if I had not awoken it..."

The figure's booming voice, which seemingly intended to continue on and possibly even explain what supposed power he was talking about, was interrupted by the sound of clapping that took even him by surprise.

Only Darren, who had been paying close attention to Adamos, would of noticed the darkness swirling into existence not from any section of the Sigmaterian's body but rather from the pendant hanging around his neck. Not only that but a figure, Terran-like in body shape, began to form as the darkness coiled together. This new arrival seemed to have no problems walking outside of the blue pentagram that trapped all of the other abductees as it clapped its hands together making a booming sound that even made the central figure stop in surprise.

As each abductee no doubt turned towards this new shadowy figure another intense feeling of emptiness, fear, and panic would of taken over them just by looking at the figure. The temperature of the room would of seemingly turned ice cold just by taking a single glance at the darkness. Something deep inside each abductee's mind, their fight or flee instinct, would of activated urging them to get away with every fiber in their body as the darkness drew closer to the center. Only Adamos, who was barely visible as he was covered in a ring of dark flames, didn't seem phased at all by this unknown figure.

Then finally the center figure turned and instantly locked eyes with the darkness.

As if two Titans were about to clash the entire cathedral like room filled with two clearly distinct, different essences of unfathomable power. The very floor shook and cracked as tendrils of both all encompassing darkness and vivid, blinding blue alike tore through the ceremonial ground as if it was tissue paper. Each abductee would of felt as if they were nothing more than ants about to be caught in the middle of a hurricane the likes of which they had never seen before.

Only once it felt like the air itself seemingly carried searing fire that was breathed into each abductee's lungs did both the center figure and figure formed of darkness each rose their right hands in preparation to strike out against the other. Almost immediately every abductee's vision would of faded to white as the two forces clashed in an explosion unlike any other...

And then it was as if time had never stopped. Whatever each abductee was doing previously continued on from exactly where it had frozen. The abductees were no longer glowing and there wasn't even a mark from where they had been struck by the tendrils. It would be almost as if the entire experience had been a dream if not for the fact that the pentagram that had burned itself into the floor beneath each abductee was still there.


Miz's breath was shaky as he knelt to the ground almost immediately as he returned to the Sigmaterian vessel. Looking around the screens around the room still displayed the Earth below and just how many few remaining humans were left. Never before had he felt so insignificant than when he had been trapped in a battle between those two...

The newly born Sigmaterian Imperfect, Price, had just walked into the core of the ship as the radiating heat from the ship's heart struck him in surprise.

"You're... in charge for the moment. I need to see him..."

The Sigmaterian would of sounded insane if not for the fact that darkness began to once again coil around the white haired, red eyed Sigmaterian before engulfing him completely and in an instant taking him away to somewhere else.

Leaving Price to admire the living heart of the ship and the various screens that were displaying the Earth below.


@tims run @player2 @TheOnionofShrek @Nyq @General Deth Glitch @Gilzar
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The Maeris was suddenly back and everyone continued like they had before, but he was silent, looking intently at his wrist and seemed ill at ease. "My lord, Maeris Mrack, are you ok?" In response, he stood up and aimed his hand at the wall, firing Kratus Prime energy over everyone's heads and making them all jump. "Yes, yes I am fine. I just need to look into someone..." he said as he just hovered off, unlike other Impraetii it was rare to see the Maeris use his powers for many things, hovering in particular, something was clearly wrong with him. He closed his eyes once he was alone and began methodically searching their data stores, nothing could be found pertaining to what happened to him or any of the races and constructs he saw while he was 'there'. Was it a dream? Was it just fantasy? he thought as he broke his focus and fell an inch to the ground.

He was quickly marching towards his personal quarters for he had to decide if this was indeed a falacy of his mind or a reality of far more complex understanding. For this he would focus in his room and looking at his recent memories, try to spot the inconsistencies of a dream. While he was doing this he ordered for the empires expansion to continue and for Impraetor Command Vessels to explore the surrounding stars each time they stop, name them and seed them with Kraetian life and then return. It was less relaxing then how they were used to but far quicker and efficient. If this is real, then I must find them before they find me he thought.
Max gasped slightly and fell to the ground, twisting in mid air. The woman at the computer looked up with concern. "Sir? What happened? You started to yell then just stopped." She gasped and ran over, kneeling by him. "Do you require medical assistance?" Max look around with confusion and got to his knees.

"No... no, I don't think so." Maria waited for a moment and then nodded, getting back up and going to the computer. Max slowly rose and looked around. He quickly walked to his private quarters, gaining confused and nervous glances from some guards who noticed his quickened pace. He eventually made it, and activated his personal computer. He quickly called up Grumman, and pretty soon a video chat was started.

"Hey kid," Grumman says, distracted by something off screen. "What's going-?"

"I need to talk to you... soon. Something happened." Grumman chuckles.

"C'mon kid, we've been apart for five minutes, what-?" Grumman turned to face Max and stopped immediately at the grave look on his face. Grumman nodded. "Tomorrow at the normal time." Max nodded and went to turn off the computer. "Wait, kid..." Max stopped. "I don't know what happened to you, but it must be big. for you to be this spooked. Watch yourself kid; it's a dangerous galaxy out there. Max smiled and shut off the computer.
[Jachin system HQ]

Datin watched as the general was surrounded by a swarm of medical officers. The general's severed arm was covered by a white sheet which stopped the blood and numbed the pain. "Take the general to the ER. Bring in the artificial womb as well." A medic sail as the general was haled away in a levitating hover stretcher. "You did nothing wrong." Another general said to Datin. "You're innocent, don't worry. We have soldiers seeking out possible enemy infiltrators."

"As the acting overall commander of the Jachin sector, I prefer that everyone return to their posts." The General said turning around to which everyone obeyed the order. "Now, Commander Sprey."

"We have multiple galaxies under our direct control. As well as other galaxies for resources and other such things. Your first mission here was to take your ship and scout out this new galaxy. It's a bit far, most likely a 2 and a half -3 day journey to get there. Depending on the condition of the slip-space ruptures. We want you to scout out the galaxy. Report back is there are signs of any intelligent life." The acting overall commander said handing Datin a tiny transparent chip. "You are dismissed."


[NSS Yochin]

Datin was in deep thought. A million questions running through his mind. He even questioned whether what he had experienced was even reality or was he simply imagining it? "Captain?" Datin looked up at the first officer who stared back at him. "Is something wrong captain? You've been idle like that for a while." Datin shook his head. "No. It's alright. Nothing is wrong."

"Very well, everything is set. We have been given clearance from the Station 01 that we can jump for slip-space." The First Officer said.

Datin looked at the map which showed every galaxy under NSF control before the hologram map disappeared from the legend below him as one single galaxy hologram took their place. "Course is set, estimated time of arrival is 2 and half days captain." One of the terrans manning a hologram monitor said. "Jump to slip space." Datin said.

The modified advanced heavy stealth frigate stopped as a glowing blue portal opened up before the vessel, only big enough to fit the ship itself as it entered through before disappearing into the portal with the portal quickly closing after.
"My Lord." One of the soldiers called out concerned that the High Lord stood motionless. Kato seemed visibly shaken. He looked at the Mormen soldier and gave an assuring wave before ordering the soldier to leave the room. Alone, Kato looked at the ground to see an imprint of the pentagram confirming his doubts. using his psychic powers, he burned the floor underneath him in an attempt to hide the pentagram from being visible. Kato then looked at the ruined room of his base thinking about those aliens he saw in the abduction. "Those swines are the cause of my abduction." Kato turned around and left the ruined room, angry at the other species abducted, blaming them for his abduction as he started to think of ways to track them down. "I swear by the Emperor's hands those swines will feel my wrath." Kato said to himself walking down the halls as the entire building continued to shake from the ensuing battle outside.


[Cyngus reconnaissance force.]

In unknown space, a tactical reconnaissance force composed of 3

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c71046c7f_Reaper-classpatrolreconaissancevessel.jpg.29df6cfff8fa5f39eb9445ceba718f0b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98748" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c71046c7f_Reaper-classpatrolreconaissancevessel.jpg.29df6cfff8fa5f39eb9445ceba718f0b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Reaper-Class patrol vessels and 2 Tantive-Class Corvettes

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c71057f1f_Tantive-ClassCorvette.png.e85627db6cd9e3bd64c27426fa9dd55b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98749" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c71057f1f_Tantive-ClassCorvette.png.e85627db6cd9e3bd64c27426fa9dd55b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Slowly made their way through the unknown deep space, scanning the surroundings for any unknown ships or objects. And if possible, destroy them on sight.


[Cyngus battle group]

In a different area of deep space near an unknown galaxy, a Cyngus battle group composed of 2 cruisers

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c7105c0f3_Senato-ClassCruiser.jpg.d71713d0d922fe1774ac6f978d1ba67d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98750" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c7105c0f3_Senato-ClassCruiser.jpg.d71713d0d922fe1774ac6f978d1ba67d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
3 destroyers

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c7105edf5_Scorch-ClassDestroyer.jpg.f8aada304bf8c661c6a530bb5807347b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98751" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c7105edf5_Scorch-ClassDestroyer.jpg.f8aada304bf8c661c6a530bb5807347b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
And 3 heavy frigates were spread out, all scanning their surroundings.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c71061077_Nebula-ClassheavyFrigate.jpg.062920ab1e06226bbfe4c098102ca9bd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="98752" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c71061077_Nebula-ClassheavyFrigate.jpg.062920ab1e06226bbfe4c098102ca9bd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
The battle group was en route to a galaxy for the purpose of opening a new front in the Cyngus's expansion but also tasked with eliminating any ships that they may come across.



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Fruvli's vision faded to white as the structure's floor shook and cracked.His thoughts ran rampant as he thought that he's going to die.However,he found himself back in the conference chamber.The conference continued like nothing happened,as he never experienced the abduction.As Fruvli exited the the chamber,he noticed a blue pentagram burned into the floor where he sat."Looks like it's real.Well,more species to conquer then,they are nothing more than nuisances obstructing the unity of the universe.."said Fruvli as he walked through the exit of the hotel.

"Sir,please."said Fruvli's driver as he opens the car's door for his employer,which Fruvli boarded.While the driver drove Fruvli home,Fruvli proceeded to think about his expedition to the Goriak system.The Goriak system is composed of 15 planets,which 4 of them have significant importantance towards the Empire due to their resources and strategic location.Firstly,there's the rocky planet Goriak,which the system is named for.This planet is well known for hosting a steady supply of Goriantium,an important resource used in the Guin military.Next,there's the rocky planet Zert,which is well known for the high-quality titanium deposited in it's surface.Thirdly,the gas giant Porfun,which is the chokepoint of the Goriak system.Lastly,the ice planet Kilite,well known as the Guin's larger source of Frutoxite,a compound required for plasma fusion,a necessary process for guin energy weapons.The planet is also the Goriak system's first line of defence and hosts a gigantic military facility.As recent intel suggests,the Goriak system was conquered by the rebels,which threatens the Empire.

After roughly fifteen minutes,Fruvli stood at the entrance at the massive military facility at Hak'Sha,where he planned out the expedition and dealt with some military issues before heading back to home.With a 30 minute journey,Fruvli finds himself at home.The gates are opened before Fruvli's driver parks the car within the garage.As soon as the general passes through the door,he was greeted by his wife,who noticed Fruvli's frustration.

"Honey,any problem at the conference?"she asked,which Fruvli replied:"Nothing,just a few quarrels with the others.Zhi Shan,I'm going to the Goriak System for a while,remember to take care of the kids."

Zhi Shan,curious about her husband's trip to the system,asked the respected man:"What's about the Goriak System?"

"Just some rebels over there.No need to worry about."said Fruvli before the couple steps through the doors of their bedroom.
Astral Provinciales Obscura

Baaltur Sector

Sub-Sector Nispes

Fuilmoril System

Listening Post

The Listening post was a small probe-array orbiting the second planetoid of the system. The barren rock world orbited in an elliptical pattern around the main sequence star of the system. This was the edges of the Galaxy. Visibly seen, looking Coreward the brilliance over a billion stars glimmered like millions of jewels on black cloth. Looking Rimward there where few twinkles in the night, and blackness extended across the canvas.

Fuilmoril was no where, zero inhabitants, and the nearest Imperial world was half a light year away to Coreward. Even then, that colony was a backwater planet.

Yet, when a series of unknown vessels entered the system unexpectedly, the probe began to transmit directly into Slipspace. Sending an FTL message across space towards the Sub-Sector Capital world of Nisuria. It would probably be a couple days until a response would be mounted as the data from the probe would be analyzed and the course of action decided. Odds are that if the unknown ships stayed in system they would be met by an Imperial flotilla sent to make contact.
[NSS Yochin]

The lone modified heavy stealth frigate continued it's course as it slowly stopped close to this unknown galaxy. "Commander, there seems to be several signals coming from the galaxy. What are your orders?" Datin's first officer asked. "Proceed with caution. Tell the pilot, to avoid getting any closer to the galaxy. I don't want to damage this new vessel." The first officer nodded at the commander's response and tapped the commander's orders through a personal omni tool.

The frigate started to slow its speed down significantly before making a sharp turned as it began to circle the galaxy, avoiding any further intrusion into the unknown world.

@Verse Zero


[NSS Junius]

The NSF Battleship the NSS Junius was patrolling the western proxy sector of the NSF, an area outside of the cluster of galaxies under NSF control for the sole purpose of surveillance and reconnaissance and to ensure that nothing deemed hostile or unknown was heading in the direction of NSF territory. The battleship was in mid-slip space, returning from it's 2 week patrol outside NSF territory when the new battleship's brand new Dark energy reactors incurred problems forcing the large battleship to leave slip space.

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"Captain, we just came out into a foreign galaxy. The AI is heading towards the nearest star system so that we can be invisible under the star's magnetic activity. Our engineers are in the reactor rooms, they really can't do anything until our ship's thrusters have been powered down." The First officer said to the captain. "Just make sure that no other problems occur with the reactors. They're brand new. And ensure that this vessel is completely shielded by the star. This repair will take a while."

The large NSF battleship began to slowly reduce propulsion of it's thrusters as it closed in on the star system to begin repairs.




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Little did the crew of the NSS Jupiter realize that they had just come out near the borders of Orion, where Holon always had recon troops.

"Red Alpha 2, any readings?" A voice came through the squadron's com link.

"Negative, resuming search perimeter."

"Red Alpha 3, any readings?"

"Negative, resum...- holy shit."

"Excuse me?"

"A battleship just came out of slipspace near us. One I've... never seen before. It's certainly not Orion's, but it is heading back to Holon pretty quickly. Sending details." The pilot of the ship did a quick scan and sent the details to Alpha command. After a few moments, Alpha command sent the details to Max and requested commands on how to approach the situation. Max thought for a moment before replying.

"Send them a comm request and connect me through to it. Tell your soldiers to keep their distance from the ship so as to not appear hostile." Alpha command went through with that, and soon the NSF ship would be receiving a comms notice.

@tims run
The NSS Junius Battleship continued it's approach into the star system. Because of the potential risks of the dark energy reactors being damaged, the crew and even the captain did not have time to ensure that the star system was completely un-inhabited. "Steady." The captain said to the two pilots steering the massive vessel. "Don't be too hasty, keep her moving at a low and steady speed."

Behind the captain, a hologram probe materialized. "Captain, someone is attempting to hail the ship."

"Is it the NSF?" The captain asked. "The codes do not match with known NSF frequency codes. Leading me to conclude that this is anther species attempting to hail us."

"How would you like to approach this situation captain?" The AI asked. "I have my hands tied at the moment, please do whatever you feel is necessary."

The battleship continued at a slow speed, the AI decided that it will answer the unknown message being sent to the battleship. The AI connected it's comms with the on coming message. The captain of the battleship was pulled aside to speak with whoever was hailing his battleship through video feed.

Max waited patiently for a few minutes until the comms system activated. There before him stood what appeared to be a human, though he was reluctant to say that aloud. Synthetic humans had also formed a colony or two, and screwing them up could be bad. Nonetheless Max smiled kindly to who he presumed was the captain of the ship. "Hello," he spoke with a kind voice. "I am Maxwell Teller, current diplomatic leader of the Holon monarchy. You seem to have appeared in our territory, but my men don't report any hostile intent. Can you please tell me why it is you appeared here?"
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Before the captain stood what looked to be a terran. The terran smiled at the captain and introduced himself as Maxwell Teller, a leader of a civilization known as the Holon Monarchy. The captain stroked his chin slightly taking in all the information. It was strange for the captain, for terrans had been taught that All of the terran species had been re-united. To think that there were some terrans who managed to evade the terran unification wars seemed like a possibility at this point. None the less, the captain decided that he needed the make sure that his battleship was not fired upon.

"I am the captain of this battleship. We never intended to jump out of slip-space, but this is a brand new vessel and our reactors had incurred some problems, which is why I made the decision to jump out of slip-space to not endanger the ship or my crew."


[Cyngus battle group]

The Cyngus battle group composed of 2 cruisers

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c71e06ff6_Senato-ClassCruiser.jpg.8e78accb53a7401f4967a14674e57240.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99284" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c71e06ff6_Senato-ClassCruiser.jpg.8e78accb53a7401f4967a14674e57240.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
3 destroyers

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c71e00ad6_Scorch-ClassDestroyer.jpg.12060c2d2fe79ba3c77a113a0fb7e585.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99282" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c71e00ad6_Scorch-ClassDestroyer.jpg.12060c2d2fe79ba3c77a113a0fb7e585.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
And 3 heavy frigates

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c71e03ee3_Nebula-ClassheavyFrigate.jpg.0bb8056b7cce1dc18ee4db19971e5482.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99283" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c71e03ee3_Nebula-ClassheavyFrigate.jpg.0bb8056b7cce1dc18ee4db19971e5482.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
continued towards the new galaxy. Their shields were up and weapon systems on all the ships were online. The force was small but their mission was to open up a new front in The Cyngus's never ending expansion wars. They were to begin colonization of the nearest system in the new galaxy, and set up a relay command station so that they may report back to the Imperial sector command and request the rest of the invasion force to come.

"Lord-Captain, our probes have been launched and they are surveying the closest star system of this galaxy. We should be able to get a message back from them very soon sir. All ships have their shields ready and weapons are all charged. Our troops are being briefed on the mission plans." The Commander said. "Good. If all goes according to plan, we will arrive in a few hours." The Lord-Captain said.



[Cyngus reconnaissance force.]

In unknown space, a tactical reconnaissance force composed of 3

Reaper-Class patrol vessels

and 2 Tantive-Class Corvettes

The tiny force continued it's surveillance of unknown deep space while keeping close watch for any hostiles.



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Max's smile grew and he let out a bit of a sigh of relief at that. "Oh, I understand. In that case, feel free to stop wherever necessary to make repairs. I hope you understand that we'll need to keep a few of our troops nearby, just to make sure. Believe me, that's not my choice to make. You do, however, have my word that they will not fire unless fired upon. They are simply there as a security precaution. If you need a place to dock for repairs, just say the word."

@tims run

Unknowns spotted

The Maeris found himself inside the center of the council hall facing the majority of the representatives. "Lord Maeris, We have encountered an unknown sentient race, they are only a few systems over."

"We are nearly upon them and you have only just noticed them!" He said "Whats happened to the Scanners. If they are space faring then someone shall be commanding a Kraetian Vessel."

"Calm, Maeris, it seems to be a small force, some distance from their home, we are jumping the entire fleet to meet them however and felt you should be present."

"Good Lord Karri, you advised my will well, we shall see who they are and if they will be open to the sharing of Knowledge, will we achieve it one way or another. I would rather it be peace, not war.

As the fleet Jumped in, only a few Kraetian vessels kept themselves between The Impraetor Prime, with an Impraetii Command Vessel spearheading the entire fleet. The fleet as it currently stood was 56 Kraetian Attacker!s and 7 I.C.V's. More would come once their colonizing was complete and they had sufficiently expanded to begin attending the fleet. The Kraetians worked by pumping out children and then fighting each other to keep the planets population balanced, it worked and the Kraetians remained undyingly loyal to the Impraetii so no one felt need to change it. They also spent lots of their extra troops to supply the great fleets.

"Maeris, your orders?" said one of the younger representatives who was given the task of initiating contact with new species

"Begin attempting to communicate, try the normal channels and if that doesn't work then attempt to use the more outlying spectrum's. Keep all weapons trained of them and see what that do. Let me manage all responses and let them actually use the communication channel first. Let them play their cards."

@tims run
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[NSS Junius]

"We are going to need a place that will shield us. Perhaps a station of yours." The Captain said. "I do, have a question though, you are of terran origin are you not?" The Captain asked. "The reason why I am asking this is because long ago, we, the terrans were waging a unification war to re-unite all terrans. If you are terran, and somehow managed to evade the unification wars, we will still recognize you as an independent state and not interfere with your politics. But it would mean that we must also have to occupy this galaxy to protect other terrans whether they be united or separate." The Captain said.



[Cyngus Reconnaissance force]

"Captain! I am getting large heat signals. It seems that an entire fleet of aliens have warped out." The Mormen manning the radar called out. The captain pushed past the group of bridge crew and observed the hologram war-table showing the massive cluster of ships. "This is not good. Our ships were not designed to face off against ships that size." The Captain said. "Captain, they seem to be hailing us. Orders?" The commander said.

"If only this ship was big enough to be equipped with those blasted energy missiles. We'd destroy their ships with a single hit each." The captain said cursing. "We don't stand a chance. But hail them, I will see what the situation is, and then I will give the orders to stall and call for relief or not." The Captain said. "Understood." The Mormen comms operator said on the corvette as he accepted the attempted hailing as the captain of the corvette stepped up to the podium at the centre, awaiting.

@General Deth Glitch


[Cyngus battle group]

The small Cyngus battle groupf of 2 cruisers, 3 destroyers and 3 heavy frigates continued towards the galaxy's furthest star system. On the bridge on one of the cruisers, the Lord-Captain and the rest of the bridge staff could see the closest star in the far distance shining. "Keep shield sand weapons ready." The Lord-Captain said.

"Ah, yes, I was worried of such confusion. That is why I wished not to speak of it. We are, in fact, not of Terran origin. We are humans." He waited for a few moments before coughing. "I can prepare the station for you. I'll ask them to prepare for a foreign vessel, and then as soon as they're ready I can send you the coordinates."

@tims run
[NSS Junius]

"I'll be expecting the coordinates then." The Captain said shutting off the communications. "Humans?" The first officer said confused. "I am just as confused as you." The captain said. "But that leader also was confused meaning that what he was saying should be true. Hopefully." The first officer said. "lets hope so. For now, we need to wait until they send the coordinates. Tell the engineering team to keep checking the reactors for any leaks or anything else." The Captain said. The First Officer quickly saluted before marching off.

Tiny square boxes

They didn't seem overly interested in opening communications, "Hello, I am Mearis Ellegant Mrack, your tiny box ships are, as of now, within the Krasus. Should you wish to, we shall begin open and free discussions about information and technological advances, if not well.. " he said. as the large room he was in was transmitted in both three and two dimensional format. The other lords and houses were standing or sitting behind him. It was just as he was about to speak that three more Kraetian Attacker!s were warped in. "Should you wish to, we shall warp you aboard to begin discussions, if you do not wish to begin communications then we will be forced to move to an alternative plan." he said before the transmission being sent effectively paused so that he could move and speak freely to his men. "Keep scanners high, if they attack us or we see more of them warp in, destroy them. If they warp away scan what form of energy they use so that we can attempt to block it next time we encounter them so that we can force them to be more communicative.. or dead." then, as three more Attacker!s and a I.C.V. warped in it began again "It is up to you, and your tiny box vessels to decide."

@tims run
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[3 days later after the conference,Kurlak Space Station]

Fruvli stepped out of his space vehicle and walked into the massive military facility.The facility was stationed in the orbit of Digop,hosting numerous ready-for-combat ships.As soon as the commander stepped out from his vehicle,he is greeted by several soldiers who escorted him to the command center.The chamber was occupied by several military officers,which all are waiting for Fruvli's command.

"General,the 33rd Fleet is ready for combat.We are only waiting for your command,sir."said an officer as he stood up to greet the general,who replied:"Good,prepare the fleet for warping.The rebels must be crushed.For unification!"

The officers all stood up and saluted the flag of the Empire,which was hanged up high in the chamber as a sign of respect,just before the meeting was dismissed and the officers left the chamber to command their respective ships

[2 hours later.the Goriak System]

The Guin Empire 33rd Fleet emerged from a warphole ripped through space.30 Nguk-24 Destroyers,15 Tengerok-52 Battlecruisers,and a Lokan-90 Space Fortress,which Fruvli commands his fleet from,slowly poured into the nearby space through the warp hole.As soon as the fleet arrives,they were greeted by rebel gunships,who seek to destroy the warphole before the 33rd Fleet enters the system.But their attempts are thwarted as the Fleet fires upon them in unison,destroying all gunships.

"Foolish rebels,they should have knew that they can't oppose the great ambition of unification!"said Fruvli as the soldiers laughed as a response towards the general's statement.At this very moment,a panicked guin officer rushed over to Fruvli:"Sir,we detected multiple starship signatures! As our intel suggests,they are neither our ships or rebel ships!"

"Prepare for battle!Perhaps it was a new species waiting to be included within the Empire!"ordered Fruvli as the fleet prepares against the mysterious signals.
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[Cyngus Reconnaissance force]

Sweat rolled down the captain's forehead. The light-blue skinned mormen looked around the bridge at his anxious crew. If he attacked, there was no doubt that his force would be annihilated. But if he retreats, there is a chance that these aliens would try and follow. The captain looked down at the radar screen thinking about what he should do. The captain turned off the speaker and video to prevent the aliens from listening to his private conversation. The captain lifted his head up, looking around once more. "This is a difficult situation. On one had, we risk destruction and possible technology being handed over to these aliens. Or they might try and follow us back." The captain said.

"We will be loyal to The Cyngus and to you captain no matter what path you take. If it's battle, then we shall fight till the last Mormen." The commander said proudly. "I have made my decision." The captain said before turning the speakers and video feed back. "Greetings Mearis Ellegant mrack, I am the captain of this small task force. My apologizes for intruding into your specie's territory. You see, we were tasked with surveillence to ensure nohing hostile would be headed in the direction or close to our empire and our sole purpose was reconnaissance. But if it is a meeting you seek, then I shall heed to your request for a meeting." The captain said.

@General Deth Glitch
The comms cut off and Max began sending a report to the nearest ship bay to them he could. Once that was done, he began sending the coordinates to the NSS Junius and when that was done, he began to get into his Falcon, co-piloted by his military advisor Shaunra, as well as a small military entourage of about ten. Again, not really his choice.


Once inside, they quickly departed for the ship dock.

"I just don't understand," Shaunra said as Max flew. "Why did you give them the co-ordinates?"

"Because they clearly mean us no harm, and if they do we're ready. Otherwise, mine as well lend them a helping hand. We lose nothing, we make good first impressions, and besides that we could have saved quite a few lives."

"Okay," Shaunra continued, "but why do YOU have to come?"

"Why not? Should be fun." They made it to the dock and awaited the ship to dock.
[NSS Junius]

The captain received the coordinates and ordered for the shipboard AI to set a course with the coordinates sent. The massive hulking battleships slowly made it's way through the system and towards the station that it was directed to. The Shipboard AI had taken control of the systems to ensure that the speed that the ship was at stayed consistent and also raised the ship's shields so that any stray asteroids that may collide does not rock the ship or rock the reactors.



[Cyngus reconnaissance force]

Sweat continued to fall from the captain's forehead as he anxiously waited for a response from these new aliens who have put him in a corner. Hopefully the supposed discussion these aliens proposed, to which the captain agreed to will not end in bloodshed. Hopefully.

@General Deth Glitch


"That is good." said the Maeris "Lower your shields and I shall summon a small group of you aboard to begin discussions" he said as he moved away from the center of the large council room to allow them room. Once they have dropped their shields he will summon them over and they will, if this happens, see a blinding and overpowering hue of blue filling all they can see and the hue will remain, though less painfully bright, for around an hour after their last summon, making everything seem ever so slightly bluer then usual. If they do get summoned they will find themselves, the members of the bridge, surrounded by the Impraetii Council, around 2350 individuals all in three quarters of a circle with the last quater being the Maeris and his immediate council slightly in front of the rest off to the side where no one is sitting, resulting in no one, even those at the back of the council, not looking at the back of the Maeris

@tims run
Max's ship loaded onto the dock and he got off. After the rest of his entourage got off, they made sure that all of the arrangements were prepared for a dock to be open to them. They found it was dock 03, and awaited the NSS Junius's landing.

@tims run

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