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One x One Gakuen Hetalia: I'm-not-very-good-at-names

@Kenzimalija It's no problem ^^ thanks for creating this. So we'll be creating character bios then? It might take some time to reply here and on our other RP though since I have a quiz coming up- going to study~ bye :)
Oh good luck! >u< I'll try and start working on Toris, I don't think we need a solid character sheet, just kinda whatever works I guess... Unless you want a set sheet, that's cool too xD
Kenzimalija said:
Oh good luck! >u< I'll try and start working on Toris, I don't think we need a solid character sheet, just kinda whatever works I guess... Unless you want a set sheet, that's cool too xD
Thank you! Sorry for the late reply, that's great! Well a character set sheet sounds cool and more arranged xD I just can't find a picture of N.Korea though ;^; but the set sheet is the same as the former RP or do you have another proposed one? ^_^

May I also ask if the characters will still assume the personification thing? Like the Gakuen game Hidekaz Himaruya created? Or will they be just "normal" high school students? Lastly, the bio will probably just be for the main characters we'll be playing right? Since of course, I'm kind of assuming that besides Lithuania for you and N.Korea and Philippines for me ( is it okay if I do two main OCs? ;; or do I have to choose) we will also have to role-play other characters for more sense and fun. ^.^

I'm also kind of wondering, you seem to be more comfortable role-playing as males, do you not want to role-play as a female character? Just curious :)
I was going to just alter the sheet slightly, it'd probably just be name, age, appearance, backstory. Super creative, right? :'D

I was more thinking it'd be like a normal high school AU, but if you'd prefer the personification thing, that's cool too! ouo

And yeah the bio will just be for main characters, it's easier that way lol. And you can totally have two, it'd be more fun :3

Ah no, I don't have a preference on gender, just coincidence I happen to like a lot of male characters xD

Though if we're going to have two characters each, I could make my second one female to balance it out! ^^
Kenzimalija said:
I was going to just alter the sheet slightly, it'd probably just be name, age, appearance, backstory. Super creative, right? :'D
I was more thinking it'd be like a normal high school AU, but if you'd prefer the personification thing, that's cool too! ouo

And yeah the bio will just be for main characters, it's easier that way lol. And you can totally have two, it'd be more fun :3

Ah no, I don't have a preference on gender, just coincidence I happen to like a lot of male characters xD

Though if we're going to have two characters each, I could make my second one female to balance it out! ^^
Ha ha, it's pretty alright with me ^.^ *pats back*

Ah normal sounds cool too, but the S. and N. Korea thing would probably translate as a sibling argument then?

Okay~! Though do you have a list of what other characters you want to play? Yay thanks!

Thanks for the explanation :D Yay, I'd be excited on your 2nd character~ Well got to go to work, I'll reply on the other RP when I get there~ bye!

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