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Fantasy G O D L I K E ( An epic-high Fantasy )

( Until I post the character sheet and my own character, please don't post anything here yet. )





Appearance: ( I insist using anime images xD )

Appearance Description: ( Just fill this in if you want to change some detail from the image. Like hair style, skin color, or eye color and stuff. )

Continent Currently Living In: ( Refer to the 4 continents )

Artifact Wielded: ( Fill in an image and a description )

Artifact's Power/Ability:

Inner Achael Form: ( Insert an image of an Achael when your character activates the Inner Achael )

Inner Achael Bonus: ( What additions of power your character receives when your char activates the Inner Achael )


Background: ( This includes your character's personal history and how your character got/found the artifact. )

Other: ( This is optional )



Appearance: ( Just look for a pic on the web that looks Achael-looking )

Appearance Description: ( Fill this in if you want to change some details of your chosen image above. Example: Your Achael's image on your char sheet has a face, just use this Appearance Description section to say something like: "Just imagine the Achael doesn't have a face."

Achael Energy Wielded: ( Fill an image of a weapon, or object and it's description. )

Achael Energy's Power/Capability:

Personality: ( Remember that all Achaels have evil inside them. Just use this section if you want to add something more specific for your Achael like: "Patient" or "Tricky" )

Background: ( Your Achael's personal history and such. )

Other: ( This is optional )


1. Being OP is allowed. DO NOT ABUSE IT.

In my RP, being OP is allowed. I allowed all of us to become OP for one reason only: To make battles more intense and massive. But this doesn't mean that you can keep saying that you blocked the attack from nowhere. Otherwise, the fight's going to be endless and it's gonna become frustrating. I allowed being OP so we can have powers that are extremely incredible, and so the fights would be intense.

I mean we can be like:

User 1: The Achael strikes him on the chest with his sword with bullet-speed.

User 2: The Human blocks the attack even if the attack was so fast. Although, he stutters from the sudden attack and will take him time to recover from the block.

User 1: The Achael sees how the Human stutters and uses this as an advantage to strike his knee.

User 2: The Human watches as the Achael's blade strikes toward his knee. The Human, with his fast reflexes, uses the rest of his energy to shove off the blade away from his knee. Although he stopped the attack, his hand bleeds as he shoves the Achael's blade off.

And we certainly should not be like:

User 1: The Achael strikes him on the chest with his sword with bullet-speed.

User 2: The Human blocks the attack quickly. Even if the attack was so sudden, it didn't even make the Human stutter.

User 1: The Achael then strikes the knee with his blade.

User 2: The Human sees the Achael's strike and shoves the blade without making his hands bleed then continues to stab the Achael BOOM BOOM POW POW I'M THE STRONGEST GUY IN THE RP! I CAN KILL ANYBODY BOOM BOOM I'M SO STRONG!!!

Guys, just please be considerate and know when to be OP and also know when you should give in to the attack. Otherwise, I'll kick you straightforward.

2. Only one attack per post.

We can block an attack all we want, but we can only attack one time in a post.

3. Minimize love scenes.

If you want to interact in a relationship, it can only be limited to kissing. Anything beyond that is kick-potential and I will kick you straightforward. I'm very strict on this.

4. Minimize swearing.

If you want to swear, use other signs to censor it like $ or *. I'm very strict on this, too.

5. Ask the roleplayer's permission if you want to kill his character.

Ask him the permission on killing him first.

6. Be kind to each other.

I'm very strict on this, too. Just please be kind to each other. If you don't, you're totally kick-potential.



Name: Tyrus Savo.

Gender: Male.

Age: 23


Continent Currently Living In: Danthruil

Artifact Wielded:


This katana is 4ft long and is extremely sharp. Very light but dangerously accurate.

Artifact's Power/Ability: Once the katana is wielded, it gives Tyrus the ability to teleport to far distances in a blink of an eye. Because of his intense teleporting speed, his former location is marked with a red smoky figure of his former and last-known position. He can even kill 3 persons in just a second. ( This excludes Achaels and Artifact Wielders like him ).

Inner Achael Form:

( Don't mind that red halo above his head :P )

Inner Achael Bonus: His katana can float/levitate on it's own without Tyrus wielding it. This makes the katana fast and stronger. It can return to Tyrus any time. While Tyrus is on his Inner Achael Form, he can clone himself into two in a short period of time.

Personality: Tyrus is a kind and gentle man. He's usually calm. But, when anger consumes him, he can be a nightmare to his enemies.

Background: Tyrus is born in a rich and royal family in Danthruil. His father taught him and his two brothers the art of swordsmanship that's been passed on by their family for generations. Just like his father, Tyrus and his brothers pursue the dream of being soldier to fend off the terrorists that happens in Danthruil. When he was on a scouting mission with his brothers and other soldiers, an accidental forest fire occured and took the lives of many soldiers including the life of both his brothers. Tyrus took cover in a cave while the forest fire occured overnight. There, he found a strange katana that granted him the incredible abilities. When the fire had gone out, Tyrus regrouped with the survivors and went back to Danthruil's city, with the corpses of his dead brothers.. and the katana. Just after the burial of his brothers, Tyrus left Danthruil willingly because he was worried that his new-found ability could hurt the innocent. Rather than continuing his dream to become a soldier, he left his life in Danthruil and traveled to places where he could train his powers and study the katana. Unluckily, he never had any experience with using a 4ft long katana before. So, instead of visiting katana classes in towns, he created his own one-handed style of his katana similar to the technique used with a normal sword.


Name: Avis


Appearance Description: Imagine him faceless. His color tone is a bit more brighter grey than this. He does not have a cross on his chest.

Achael Energy Wielded:

This scythe is 9 ft in length but can be made longer depending on Avis. Very sharp and deadly accurate.

Achael Energy's Power/Capability: The scythe can firstly become longer and bigger than Avis himself. It can grow on up to 20 ft but still super light and manageable. Once the scythe hits the ground, Avis can make the ground burst and shatter into pieces with a 20 meter radius according to Avis' will. He can also choose to hit the ground and make a black-spiky terrain that can stab. He can control where the black-spiky terrain sprouts from the ground and can also make it move with his scythe.

Personality: Avis has a calm and patient manner. He never underestimates anybody and respects an enemy's strength once they fight. And on the battlefield, he naturally has no mercy. He prefers killing his enemies quickly.

Background: Avis is one of the respected Achaels in Deos. Many follow his commands because of his honorable reputation during the Divine War. He is a direct and a very calm Achael and he never wavers and never doubts. Direct and deadly is what he is.

Name: Virtas Sol

Gender: Male

Age: 24


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_static_-anime-guy.jpg.e9429d3e448c9520fe2c6fdbf6d893f4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67416" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/tumblr_static_-anime-guy.jpg.e9429d3e448c9520fe2c6fdbf6d893f4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Continent Currently Living In: Averak

Artifact Wielded:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Gauntlets-1.png.27d72d888f22fa26d6e767d68fd78902.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67419" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Gauntlets-1.png.27d72d888f22fa26d6e767d68fd78902.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Heavy and pack a punch, well balanced and rather flexible, useful in both offensive and defensive. Extend to biceps.

Artifact's Power/Ability: +70% boost to attack, +20%boost to regenerative abilities, +5% to dexterity

Inner Achael Form:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1651934296.jpg.c302fb91e4a12e80bd97dbeec25a659b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67421" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/1651934296.jpg.c302fb91e4a12e80bd97dbeec25a659b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Inner Achael Bonus: He and the gauntlets combine, and he can shatter anything his hands come in contact with.

Personality: When not sassy or sarcastic, he is a raging inferno of unbreakable determination.

Background: Ever since he was a child, Virtas had been obsessed with strength and his physical limits. He was an only child of his single mother. Even through his childhood he was he felt dedicated to becoming strong, and put everything he had into everything. He was apprenticed to a master of the martial arts and learned hand to hand combat, believing in being stronger than just a sword. The day he discovered the gauntlets he was attempting a lone mountain climbing session. At the very peak he found the gauntlets in a hollow tree. He then became determined to master the gauntlets.



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I like it! You're accepted! You can post now if you want to or we could just wait for the others :P
Name: Bartholomew Syphis

Gender: Male

Age: 20


Continent Currently Living In: Fideni

Artifact Wielded:

The size of the orb is variable, from being small enough to serve as a gem within a ring to being larger than a building
Artifact's Power/Ability: Aside from the more mundane augmentations any Artifact bestows on the wielder, the orb allows the wielder some measure of particle manipulation of varying levels depending on the target of the power.

The orb itself can be split into an almost infinite number of smaller orbs as well as transform into anything the user could imagine. At all times, the orb, and by extension anything it can transform into, can be controlled telepathically, and move through the air at a speed that rivals bullets (not that speed alone could affect the things we'll be fighting here.)


Inner Achael Bonus: Particle manipulation powers increase dramatically while the orb will be allowed to split an infinite number of times as well as take any form and size regardless of how ridiculous the proportions.

Personality: Nice, though more often than not the calculative nature of his powers override his pleasant personality.

Background: Bartholomew had always been curious, smart but somewhat too adventurous for his own good. Being born in a normal household, rich enough to have some excess to spend on a child but not as much as to own as significant portion of the continent, he grew up contented with the world, always looking for something new just to pass the time. That was when he found a puzzle box, exotic in appearance but extremely cheap when it came to market value. Legend had it that it was one of the artifacts, but being absolutely impossible to open, yes all have tried from prying it open to catapulting it onto an anvil, it all but faded into myth. When the child opened it with the ease of scholar, all credibility that it housed such a precious artifact simply fell away. Bartholomew himself was quite happy with his new toy, a captivating orb the size of a marble, but all his expectations were blow away when it opened his mind to the nature of the universe...
Hi @Silsa ! May I ask you to edit some words on your character sheet? See, the thing is, if you can create and imagine any object using your power, it's not really creating it with the right materials and components of the real object. Perhaps, maybe the orb can only duplicate a an object, somehow copying it's shape and size but it is only made by a single element called Achael Energy. Thus, it can only copy the shape and size, but all objects you create only share one color ( you may decide what colour ). And also, object duplicating may not be as accurate. It may have some dents and marks and some excess shapes on the edges maybe. Oh and just to make it clear, the real form of your artifact is a marble, am I right? Other than that, your character sheet looks amazing! :D

For an example: Bartholomew thinks of creating a golden shield telepathically. What actually comes out is a black shadowy, spirity, fiery, like object that has the shape of a shield with some cracks on it. ( Again, you can decide which color your Achael Energy has. But all your objects only share the same chosen color forever. )

Okay @Silsa ! You're good to go! Accepted!
I'm going to sign up just give me a bit of time to get everything organized.


Name: Jeanne Artoria

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Continent Currently Living In: Danthruil

Artifact Wielded: A dual sided spear she has kindly named Gungnir


Artifact's Power/Ability: Aside from the natural boosts that one obtains by coming into contact with Artifacts, Jeanne's spear, one of Gungnir's special ability to determine fate. What that means, is that when she speaks Gungnir's name. Her desired target is going to get hit with Gungnir whether or not she throws it. If she does throw it, nothing can get in it's way and can pierce all defenses. If the opponent tries to run when thrown, and obstacles are in its way, if it doesn't pierce them, it will turn and continue to follow its target. Let me give you a picture of what that looks like. If she doesn't throw it, the spear will guide her and itself, to the opponent's heart. In the case of the Achael's and other artifact users, it causes major damage. If she leaps into the air and then throws it, it will clone itself 50 times and unleash bursts of energy upon impact with whatever whether it be a person or the ground. It has other abilities but I don't want to spoil all of the fun.

Inner Achael Form: A form she so kindly named Marluxia


Inner Achael Bonus: Jeanne is much stronger in this form if that wasn't obvious enough. In this form, her battle prowess increases dramatically, making her a monster on the battlefield, a tactical genius of fulfilling all of your typical RPG roles. Jeanne also gains the ability to summon crimson chains from anywhere she desires, she'll usually bind her opponent and then use Gungnir's ability on them.

Personality: Jeanne was born defective, possessing a warped mind since birth. She is an evil person, but not a villain. She is deviant, but not inhuman. She is not sane, but neither is she insane. She is a void human being without a clear sense of self. She is calm and serious, rarely displaying emotion but also cruel and calculating, making it difficult discern her thoughts and intentions. Jeanne is someone who prefers to personally take action instead of having others do the dirty work for her with the exception of her golem, she is like "the calm before the storm," as she may remain silent until spotting a weakness in her enemies, and once she does, she will expose it without mercy. Her icy exterior makes it nearly impossible to approach her without her insulting you.

Background: Born to a mother and father unknown, Jeanne grew up without a sense of self, she had no real desire to do much of anything until one day, she figured she would become a knight. She trained, and trained and trained. She worked really hard to earn her place as a knight and eventually, she did. One particular day, she and several others were sent out to capture a group of bandits who were said to have stolen something extremely valuable. Her squadron had finally chased the bandits and cornered them when they were going to deliver whatever it was they stole. In the ensuing battle, the stolen item burst from its container, surprising everyone there. The item they had stolen turned out to be an odd double sided spear which then floated over to Jeanne and forced itself into her hand. Unfortunately, Jeanne does not remember much after all as she woke up back at the castle and none of the other knights that were there have told her nothing and don't seem to have any plans on doing so. Since obtaining the spear, Jeanne has slowly began to uncover the secrets of it and secretly trains with it to unlock more of its mysteries.
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Name: Horus Fell

Gender: Male

Age: 23


Continent Currently Living In: Ethas

Artifact Wielded:

Artefact's Power/Ability: Aside from the more superhuman augmentations artefacts bestow on the wielders, the scythe allows the wielder to trap anything, be it energy or matter, in a parallel chaotic dimension. Nearly inescapable, the dimension would require an extraordinary amount of energy to tear out of. Horus' has trapped an entire palace within in it, deranged servants tending to every need of his and 'guests' he brings.

The scythe itself is semi-sapient and very mobile as it can levitate under its own power. As such, it often times floats along behind its master.


( Also keeps Horus' hair style)

Inner Achael Bonus: The Scythe's void portal becomes a constant field around the Achael, causing everything within a 3 meter radius to be thrown into an antimatter dimension due to the Caja Negación and replaced with the antimatter copy. The longer it is released, the larger the field becomes. If left unchecked the field extends, reducing people and planets to empty wastes as the home universe reacts with the Anti-matter dimension copies, leaving the Achael to wonder the void till

Personality: A flamboyant persona is at odds with Horus' sociopathic tendencies and notorious narcissism. Cultured as any high class elite, his supreme arrogance reigns unchecked, though often times his polite mannerisms hide any overt issues. This is all an act as anything is with him. Insecure and quite possibly insane, Horus, if ever pushed wouldn't regret releasing the Inner-Achael, taking the rest of existence with him into the dark.

Background: Horus was but a humble human sacrifice for a mad cult that attempted to smash into the 'high-heavens' when his village was raided by the cult. The leader of the cult, an established Ethas noble, used the scythe to not only murderise victims, but send their corpses to the chaotic dimension. The resulting explosion that occurred as the scythe struck Horus sent the Desert Palace to the dimension leaving the leaders frayed and bloody corpse on the prestige marble floors with the Scythe in Horus hands.
Hey @NetherLightGod ! Until you post your character's ability, I think the rest of your char sheet is good to go! :D

@Kujaku I appreciate the work you put to your character sheet, but I'm honestly not convinced with your character sheet. I hope you can edit it soon because we're about to start :)

Here's the things you need to change:

Artifact's Power/Ability

I'm sorry but your Artifact's Main Ability itself is not really allowed :P You see, there's only two dimensions that exist in the RP: Thandos and Deos. There will never be another dimension that will be created unless I say so. I do not accept "trapping someone in a dimension" in this RP. If you look at the other accepted character sheets, all their powers focus on a more "external" manner or a more "natural" manner. My human character can teleport, My Achael character can shatter grounds. And Gabauchi's character focuses on stronger fists. All of them empower the character itself to become stronger. Our characters will never have the freedom to control and create dimensions, nor will I accept a character like that. Please change it. :)

Inner Achael Form

I saw your image and I'm not really satisfied with it. I clearly stated in the Overview tab on the Important Details section that Achaels always have a form that looks like fiery, shadowy, and spirity. Your image looks like a natural angel. Also, Achaels do not have hair. And it's not that they're bald, no. They have other features the cover up their head, but not hair at all. I insist changing your image. :D


I stated here that your character took the artifact from another wielder. Well, that's not allowed. If the artifact is already wielded by a human, it will not work on other human's hands. Even if the human dies, the owner will stay the same.
Okie Dokie, done all changes @ProxCnC, the original was kind of rubbish, though that's mostly since it was late at night and I was blegh but interested :)

Kujaku said:
Name: Horus Fell
Gender: Male

Age: 23


Continent Currently Living In: Ethas

Artifact Wielded:

Artefact's Power/Ability: Aside from the more superhuman augmentations artefacts bestow on the wielders, the scythe allows wielder to manipulate electrical fields, produce orbs of electrical energy with a very volatile disposition and launch bolts of electric devastation.

The scythe itself is semi-sapient and very mobile as it can levitate under its own power. As such, it often times floats along behind its master.


( Also keeps Horus' hair style)

Inner Achael Bonus: The Scythe's electrical manipulation is merged with that of the demon, aswell as granting further scale to the control of electrical fields. This extends Horus' power from the frying of a cow sized creature to ground shaking thunder storms as the worlds magnetic poles are thrown into imbalance.

Personality: A flamboyant persona is at odds with Horus' sociopathic tendencies and notorious narcissism. Cultured as any high class elite, his supreme arrogance reigns unchecked, though often times his polite mannerisms hide any overt issues. This is all an act as anything is with him. Insecure and quite possibly insane, Horus, if ever pushed wouldn't regret releasing the Inner-Achael, taking the rest of the country with him into the dark.

Background: Horus was but a humble noble of the city of Treno, a seedy underbelly of crime and villainy. As a teen he lorded over the other nobles as his parents were killled by a fire that set the city ablaze. As he hid in the cellar a large chest rattled and shuddered with energy as the Scythe came out, into the teens broken hands. Discovering its potential he initially attempted to have a bodyguard train with. As it remained inert he vaporised the guard with a bolt of lightning in frustration. Realising the power remained with him he stole himself away into the desert, having funds siphoned to construct a desert palace where the remaining servants of his now stay .
^^ Okay then, I like it... Accepted :) We'll have to wait for Nether before we start :D


Seth Gerendoff






<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.b443a51d493cd4fcaba111f66293e20e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68752" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.b443a51d493cd4fcaba111f66293e20e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Continent Currently Living In


Artifact Wielded

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.ab2d2e4c1beb7c640fbedd99bff83809.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68753" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.ab2d2e4c1beb7c640fbedd99bff83809.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(His artifact is inside his body)

Artifacts Power Or Ability

This Artifact allows him to use the half of and Anti Gods power


(Sorry,If It's too short there's nothing else known about his artifact)

Inner Acheal Form

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.7ef8744cc2c4087c0df571e64a314d98.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="68754" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/image.jpg.7ef8744cc2c4087c0df571e64a314d98.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Inner Acheal Bonus

When in Inner Acheal Form He is able to gain full control over his Anti God powers,If he wants to turn into this He has to give in to his destructive ego


Seth is a really quiet person He does not fancy talking that much and hates people who try to socialize with him Even though he doesn't say that out loud,Seth can also be considered as a "Silent But Deadly"

Person,Seth's friends call him a psycho sometimes because he blurts out weird and creepy stuff


Seth Gerendoff was born in Averak,He was born to a Family of three that consists of His Mother Celia Gerendoff,His Father David Gerendoff and His Older Brother Finn Gerendoff,His family was poor but they were able to get food and get money from growing crops and selling them They were living a really happy life Until His Older Brother Finn went missing and there hut was set on fire by some gang members When the hut was set on fire Celia and David were inside and was burnt to death This left Seth Heartbroke....

After this Seth was offered to go to the orphanage but ran away into the snowy mountains Where he found his artifact and met an old man,This old man taught him how to use the artifacts power and control it He also told Seth about the Acheals Deos and Many more interesting stuff,But sadly this old man was killed after Seth turned 20,The Old Man was killed by some dark figures there face was dark it was as if they had no face,But Seth was able to run away from these strange beings....

Jump a few years forward and Now he lives in Ethas and has a job in a weapon shop,He lives a normal life but he secretly trains in the weapon shop when he is given a break...



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Hmm I'm sorry buy you're not accepted :P Check the important details section on overview and see and check all the wrong things you put in your CS :P

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