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Fandom Fullmetal Alchemist!


Name: Kiara Mustang

Species: Human

Age: 28

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 140 lbs

Rank: General

Significant other: Roy Mustang

Children: None. (However, she did get pregnant at one point but miscarried before Roy knew, as she was stabbed while on the field.)

Personality: To the blind eye, Kiara is a stone-cold leader. She seems arrogant, and high strung at times, as well as a sarcastic, all around jerk that is a stick in the mud. While it is true that she prefers to get her work done before relaxing, and she is very serious about what she does, Kiara is actually a fun-loving, laid back woman with real feelings. She is kind and caring, all while keeping up the pride and confidence she has in herself as a leader. She prefers to think things through, should she have the time, but will do what is right in the long haul. Overall, she is a perfect balance for Roy, completing him, in a way.

Special Talents: She is an alchemist, meaning she can take one thing and make it another, so to speak. Much like her husband, her alchemical abilities are incredibly strong, and get what she wants to do done, and fast. That call her the "SHADOW ALCHEMIST", as she can easily manipulate light and darkness. She also has a very fast and bright mind, easily helping her out of sticky situations.

Distinguishing Marks: Kiara has many different marks and brands on her body, but the most obvious ones are the two transmutation circles on the palms of both hands, carved in and scarred over. She also has a large scar on her stomach from where she had been stabbed during her years as a State Alchemist.

Likes: She enjoys spending time with her loved ones, and having conversations with Maes. She also loves pineapple for some reason. She loves curling up with a good book, and sparring with others.

She absolutely hates skirts, which is sad because she must wear one. And PAPERWORK, don't get her started. She also dislikes the color yellow, and overly sweet things. Meaning, she may not like chocolate.

She secretly loves hearing about Maes' family, since she one day wants kids of her own with Roy. Also, her maiden name is Hughes, as Maes was her brother.
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Also sometimes known as the freewill water Alchemist.

Species: Human.

Age: 21

Height: 5'7ft

Rank: she's not in the military but helps whenever she can. Many offered she'd try her hand at the exam to become a State Alchemist but she says that she'd rather the freedom to act on her own command, over the access to knowledge.

Personality; she's a kind person, don't get her wrong. But her mood can be a bit... Fluid. (See what I did there?) She gets involved with the military at occasions and is kind of known for that. She struggles to pronounce things properly because her speech isn't solid. (Please give me the sad trombone.) Sometimes she can't find the right word in a sentence. Which makes some funny situations.

Special abilities; She's an alchemist, as already stated. Using the Oxygen in the air and Hydrogen molecules from evaporating water, she can use Alchemy to control water. In deserts, unless it's a rainy desert, pretty much makes it impossible for her to do any efficient Alchemy. If it rains or snows, however, she has an advantage. The summer is a dread for her because it doesn't snow or rain in the season. There's less Hydrogen to form H2O out of so she's weakened based by the weather.

Likes: she's that weird girl that likes rain. But she also likes helping people despite never getting any credit for her actions, being alone.

Dislikes: When people don't give her credit when she helps them and when they try to make her mad on purpose. She strongly dislikes disrespect. Or when folk laugh at her pronunciations. She doesn't like people. But still helps them because she's a person too. She dislikes romance and if someone tries hitting on her, she won't even speak. She'll just leave.

Extra: is Asexual. (If you didn't see that coming)

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