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Fandom Fullmetal Alchemist; Conquest | CS


A feeling of euphoria you'll never compare to
I am so hyped for this you have no idea

Fullmetal Alchemist; Conquest |

Fullmetal Alchemist; Conquest | OOC


Welcome to Central City HQ;

Here you'll either be filing your transfer papers, signing up for our next round of State Alchemist Certification Exams, registering a change in circumstance (if you're a normal citizen)

Please refer to the below tabs for details on how to construct your applications!

  • images

    Age for military service is 18 minimum; unless you have been conscripted or accepted under special circumstances.

    Now here if you are applying for a rank of lt. Colonel or above, your characters age must exceed 30+ unless told otherwise

    Assigned HQ:
    Enlistment date:
    Service Record:
    (optional but recommended)





    Other: optional

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Hope you don't mind I added some of my own things.



NAME Cromwell, Addison

SEX Male

AGE Twenty-four

DATE OF BIRTH 01/01/1908

PLACE OF BIRTH Reole, Amestris


HEIGHT 152.4 cm

WEIGHT 47 kg

Addison possesses green eyes and spiky, blonde hair with bangs that are usually covering his left eye. He wears dark-coloured clothes; including, but not limited to, a black cap, a black coat, white gloves, dark-coloured pants, and dark-coloured boots. Under all these layers of clothing, Addison is quite muscular for his age, having trained in martial arts since the age of five. Despite being more built than most people his age, he is still very short - only topping off at five feet.


Military Rank



Addison of the Forest


Although he is of young age and small stature, Addison is a dangerous combatant. Having studied and practiced in martial arts since he was a mere five-year-old, the alchemist is considerably fit for his age. He has been shown to be very strong; able lift opponents that are of larger stature and weight seemingly effortlessly. He's also quite quick, making him an even more powerful opponent. Because of his unusual shortness, his speed and strength are even more deadly.


Wood Alchemy

●Wooden Hands restrain- the user first places their hands onto the ground and creates a number of wooden hands that erupt upward from beneath the ground. then hands then approch their target at a rapid speed encircling and restraining them.

● Wooden spear palm- The user runs their hands along a surface using their transmutation circle while on the move to create wood on the surroudning area. Upon reaching the foe the user swips their hands towards their oppoment dragging wooden spears towards them from the transmuted surface

● Wooden seperation- The user can create large walls of wood, this techinque is uses to seperate and cage foes but it requires steps of preperation most that the user has to get around the area and have transumted all directions around it.

● Human golumn- The user creates a large human-oid wooden golumn, this is usually for protection by placing it in front of the user and obscuring the opponents view to them. However if the user no longer requires a transmutation circle then its possible for it to be manipulated, with a transmutation circle it is harder since every movement would require a new one.


Addison Cromwell was born in the early winter of 1908, just a few hours after the new year, to Lexis Rose and an alchemist in the small town of Reole. Because the town was still in its reconstruction phase after the events of the year prior, Addison and his parent's home wasn't much; a small, deteriorating apartment with a single bedroom. However, the relatively new family made the best of a bad situation. Overall, they led a happy life.

In the midst of this blissful life, tragedy struck when Addison's father was killed in the line of duty. devastating Addison and his mother. Lexis, having lost the love of her life, sunk into a deep depression, causing her to completely neglect her son. Addison - who, at this time, had just turned six - was forced to take care of himself, allowing the boy to develop a larger sense of responsibility than most children his age would normally need.

This life continued for a couple of months, which caused a great strain on Addison's relationship with his mother. Despite this kink in their relationship, the two confessed to each other in the following years that they still loved each other deeply. Because of this strain, Addison left home at the age of nine and lived on the street for several months. During this time, the boy often stole from businesses to feed and care for himself, since his family was dirt poor even before his father's death.

Eventually, Addison stumbled upon a gang of fellow runaways - most of them a few years older than the nine-year-old boy - that would end up taking him in. This gang was more like a family than anything else; everyone was responsible for something, they looked after and took care of each other. The boy became very comfortable with the group, thinking of them as the siblings he only wished he had.

Addison would stay with this group of children for a few years. However, the boy believed he needed to venture out on his own, causing him to leave the gang a few months after turning twelve.

At the tender age of fourteen - after living on his own on the streets for over two years - Addison signed up to take the state alchemist's exam. The test had three sections: a written test, a psychological examination and a physical portion. Addison easily passed the written part, as he had studied alchemy since the age of seven and, thus, had an advanced knowledge of the art. For the psychological screening, Addison's sound mind allowed the young man to pass without any falters. During the physical exam, the soon-to-be state alchemist barely defeated two state alchemists by the sweat of his brow. Even so, Addison passed with high enough marks to be licensed as an alchemist for the military.

The first few months of being a state alchemist was easy for Addison; very few assignments were given to him because of his lack of experience. To make up for this lack of work, the young alchemist took to repairing his hometown of Reole to pass the time. Because of his time being spent in Reole was so large, Addison moved back to the small town, taking up residence with his estranged mother he had not seen since the age of nine.

Due to their strained relationship, it took several months for the two to go back to the way they were before Addison's father's death. However, they - in time - reestablished a good and healthy mother-and-son relationship; life was once again going well for the newly-made state alchemist. Within those months it took to revitalize their previous relationship, Addison had finished the reconstruction on Reole. Finally, the little town was back in working order.

Just as everything began to fall into place, Addison was called back to Central, the headquarters of the state military. Forgetting his annual assessment was within the coming month, the young man scrambled to create something to prove he wasn't wasting his rank away. After searching for weeks, Addison began to lose hope. However, he remembered a concept he read in a book from his past; human transmutation.

Desperate - his assessment due in less than a week - the state alchemist began researching any and all information on the forbidden subject. Although it was a taboo to perform such an act, Addison was confident in his ability to create the first successful transmutation of a human soul. Basing his project on one that he read about many years ago(only modifying things slightly), Addison enacted his plan to resurrect his deceased father. At first, the transmutation went well, with an exact replica of the young man's father standing before Addison.

However, it was merely a replica. For trespassing into "God's territory," Addison was sent into the Gate of Truth to seek judgment for his actions. The being that he met in the Gate was a spitting image of Addison himself - right down to his voice. Because of his blatant disregard for the value of a human's soul, the Truth took the boy's left eardrum as punishment for his crime. Although it was a small price compared to others, the Truth believed this would become a severe weakness in the near future.

Addison got rather lucky his little experiment was never discovered and as such he managed to keep his job in the military. He handed his research into Central even if it was on the subject of a taboo subject with the extensity he went into it was accepted as a good use of his time and as such the subject gained extra information, at the cost of his left ear drum.

A few more years went on and thanks to his little experiment Addison no longer need a transmutation circle and instead, could do Alchemy without it, however, he only does this when along in order to not bring attention to himself. Addison has never forgotten his incident and as such he has never tried it again, still this has not affected his ego not in the slightest. However not all was well and it was found out that God was right, progressively over time the hearing in right ear was getting worse and worse while not deaf yet Addison believes it will not be long.


Addison's personality is extremely complex, with very few beings fortunate enough to understand it completely. Addison is known for his fun-loving nature, always partaking in a laugh and appreciating a good joke. This joking nature often seeps into Addison's battles, where he is quick to mess around with his opponents, who clearly do not enjoy it. To further enhance this, he constantly displays a casual smirk on his face, as if he knows something his opponents don't, which often is the case. This smirk never seems to fade, even when Addison is being serious. Because of this casual nature, many misconceive him as a weakling, when they are, in fact, seriouslymisleading - something Addison likes to throw in his opponents' faces after this revelation.

When off-duty during his military days, Addison was usually seen hanging out with his friends in Reole, where their activities range from sitting around and reading, to playing sports. He has an incredibly strong bond with his friends or comrades, putting their safety before his own at all times, even when the situation doesn't call for it. Because of this, Addison often makes his friends feel inadequate; needing to be protected instead of being the protectors. Despite this feeling of inadequacy, his friends continue to stay true to him, knowing that Addison will eventually lighten up on them. Besides being protective, Addison is also remarkably devoted to his friends and cohorts, a loyalty that many comments upon to be "beyond the bounds of friendship."

As well as being a jokester to his friends - and opponents - Addison is possibly the most sarcastic person anyone could ever encounter, with just about every word that comes out of his mouth being heavily dunked into a bowl of sarcasm. His sarcasm knows no bounds, as Addison has shown himself to insult several high-ranking beings, including the führer himself. Because of the amount of sarcasm he spouts out of his mouth, Addison frequently speaks with sarcastic undertones, even when trying to speak of a serious matter, although this is completely accidental. This is often referred to as his predominant trait, as people have come to know him as "that sarcastic little bastard," a title Addison wears with pride.

Having been born with an IQ that well surpasses many of his enemies, as well as just about everyone else, Addison has been noted for his brilliance on many occasion. This intelligence is rarely seen, however, as he would prefer to stay as his usual joking, sarcastic and friendly self, which typically gets in the way of Addison using his intellect to
its full effect. Despite this, his genius was all but present when the state military began the manhunt to find and execute him. After applying his mind in a serious fight, he can easily dominate an opponent with his mind alone, a feat very few are capable of accomplishing. Even Addison's comrades have commented that facing him when he's using his genius is like playing baseball using a broom as the bat and a golfball as the baseball.

Even though he hardly ever displays such a side, Addison possesses a serious demeanor as well. This side is rarely shown, only being seen in the toughest of battles. However, this does not last long, with the Cromwell clansman reverting back to his usual sarcastic, fun-loving self in a matter of moments. When he is in his "serious mode," as Addison calls it, he is extraordinarily stubborn and bullheaded, sticking by his claims to the end, even if these claims are mere snap-judgments, which constantly gets the young man into quite a bit of trouble, especially when judging a being of higher authority.

Despite being a kind-hearted individual, Addison is also a very spiteful person; something he has no problem with. Although he doesn't like them, he is perfectly fine with holding grudges, with said grudges being everlasting. Many of his friends surmise that if Addison holds a grudge against someone, they "will have the worst life ever.".

Possibly his most unique trait is Addison's atheism. Despite living in a world of religious teachings, he refuses to believe that anything was a deity of anything. It is revealed that Addison came to this conclusion after visiting the Truth, believing that a real God wouldn't take away his hearing for attempting to resurrect his father. Although he refuses to accept the concept of a god, he is more than willing to listen to another's interpretation of religion... until it gets to a point where they are lecturing him. At this point, Addison will lose all respect he once held for that individual, as he detests the idea of someone forcing their beliefs onto himself.

Addison's last defining key trait is his overly-high opinion of himself. He is a self-proclaimed narcissist, frequently rambling on about how he considers himself to be more important than others at times. Because of this, he isn't quick to make friends, as Addison's narcissism gets in the way of establishing a friendly relationship with anyone he had not already befriended. This trait often puts his comrades at opposing ends with him, unable to properly work together as a team when Addison deems his abilities to exceed their own. However, he is quick to return to his usual self, believing himself to be no more important than that of an ordinary peasant. Despite these fluctuating levels of importance, Addison is still as friendly as always, even in his narcissistic state.



Name: Benjamin "Ben" Abrams



Title:"The Electric Alchemist"


Eye Color:Grey

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Appearance:,He usually wears his military uniform with a black trenchcoat over it, not wanting to stand out. He always wears transmutation gloves when on duty to allow him to use his electric alchemy.

Alchemical Style:Lightning Alchemy:
Ben has found a way to manipulate the atoms of both objects and the very molecules in the air to generate high amounts of electricity. He does it similarly to Mustang by snapping his fingers, and requires gloves to do it.
Lightning Bolt:
The easiest of the transmutations Been can use, only needing to snap his fingers while wearing his gloves to do it.
Electric Wave:
He can cause an electric current to flow through moist ground or water, electrocuting everyone in it.
Electric Conduction:
He can cause any electricity to pass through him, effectively making him immune to being shocked, though he has to use alchemy, and must be done conciously.

Personality:He can be a bit serious, going through situations with a cool, calculated demeanor. He has the unwavering belief that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, causing him to make sometimes immoral decisions in the name of the greater good. He has somewhat of an inferiority complex from feeling as if he could never live up to his father's expectations.

Backstory:Born to a military family in Central City, Ben grew up knowing conflict. His father had a hand in the war in Ishval, and bestowed in Eric a strong sense of patriotism. Eric grew up knowing he had no choice but to join the military, training his entire life to do it.

Since the day he could read, Been was fascinated by alchemy, despite his father's disposition towards it's practice. Ben gleamed what he could from books from his local library, meaning he has very little formal education in alchemy. With most other types of alchemy already in use, Been had one option:Lightning Alchemy.

He studied Lightning Alchemy further than any other, learning to create the necessary transmutation circles when he was just twelve years old. When he turned eighteen, Ben signed up for the State Alchemist program, passing his tests with flying colors, using homemade transmutation gloves for the alchemic test. He soon had the government make him professionally crafted gloves hand-made for him to aid in his alchemy.

He had very few friends growing up, his closest being Elise Krueger, a girl he soon fell in love with. They married when Ben was twenty-one, and are still happily married to this day. They are complete opposites, but they love each other dearly, and despite his lack of our Ward affection towards Elise in public, he is quite the charmer in private. He's currently in Central awaiting deployment on the front lines of the Cretan front.

Alchemy books, spending time at home with Elise, beef stew

Tight spaces, bees, selfish or arrogant people

He cracks his knuckles a lot, and gets embarrassed when someone mentions him and his wife together.

Other:I named him after Ben Franklin and the M1 Abrams tank.
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Shooting down my enemies with precise strikes is all I've got. Without that, who am I?
Hun-Lee McAllister

  • Name: Hun-Lee McAllister

    Age: 25

    Rank: First Lieutenant

    Ethnicity: Half-Amestrian, Half-Xingese

    Appearance: Hun-Lee is a man that stands at a height of 5'6". Inheriting the black hair of his mother and the blue eyes of his father, he certainly looks like an exotic mix between the two Purebloods. Gaining a face that would most likely be passed off as Xingese but also getting the frame of a rather well-built Amestrian would also gave it perfectly away. His body frame is rather lean and well-built, but his muscles doesn't bulge out nor is he took keen on showing it off.

    When on duty, he keeps wearing the usual military uniform with small modifications such as the two sashes of knives hidden underneath his coat and another one wrapped around his waist along with his sidearm and a rifle. When off duty, however, he seems to prefer rather casual clothing and has been seen playing between Amestrian styled outfits and Xingese-styled outfits which his mother had made for him. He never leaves without at least one sash of knives around him along with his sidearm.
Rain Forester

Age: 25

Rank; Major

Title; Fire Mage

Transmutation Circle; Fire

Ethnicity; Amestrian

Personality; Despite being a military alchemist, or the state dog, he isn't to assuming on his title. Rather those around him would never know that he is. His sole reason for existing his alchemy, and he pursues it diligently. His fanatical drive is a terror to those around him when they do find out about his desire. Nothing can stand between him and his goals. Why he doesn't broadcast this, is because well, he also fears being ostracized which is ironic because he doesn't socialize much with any one. It is amazing how he keeps his massive drive to succeed repressed under his skin.

History; Born to two alchemists, he was inducted at an early age into the secrets of alchemy. Well he was thrust into them headlong. Even as a 4 year old, his mother was making him recite the elements despite him not knowing their meaning. Soon however, he picked it up and with his genius little mind he made great strides. Soon his parents taught him the secrets of fire alchemy that they had recently discovered and gave it to him while preparing him to take the way of a military alchemist. They had been very interested in fire alchemy after they had seen the current Fuhrer in action with their own eyes. Of course, they had tweaked it a bit and revolutionized it significantly. In the end, at the age of 18, Rain entered as a state alchemist easily and went on to work hard at it.
Likes/dislikes/quirks: He is nervous when people start asking questions.

Other: optional
Elias & Alois
"The Twins"


March 13th 1912
22 Years Old


Rush Valley Natives
The First Born

Elias Hekmatyar

"I was born Sixteen minutes before Alois"

Ht: / 6"4
Wt: 86kgs / 166p

Occupation: Chemist/Winemaker
Likes: Alcohol, good humor, anything to do with water

Dislikes: Animals, anyone who gets too close to Alois
Quirks: People have commented that Elias love for his sister may cross admissable boundaries, an assumption most embarrassing for the young man himself and one that tends to send him fleeing at the earliest opportunity after vehement denial.

The Prodigy

Alois Hekmatyar

"Automail mechanic and Engineer extraordinaire"

Ht: 160cms / 5"3
Wt: 67kgs / 134p
Occupation: Automail Mechanic and regarded Weapons Engineer
Likes: Animals, Tea, Automail, anything mechanical, flowers
Dislikes: dark places, hospitals, direct sunlight, social interaction
Quirks: An avid Falconer since she'd encountered the term as a child, Alois owns one Northern Alpine Falcon, a bird with a wingspan of almost 2 meters and 3 razor like 6 inch talons per foot. Identifiable due to its mottled grey plumage, suitable camouflage for their native mountain ranges and Alois affectionately refers to hers as Peanut.

A History

  • Elias towered over most he encountered, standing at 6ft 4inches and being quite muscular from his years of carting around wine barrels and the like, weighing in at 86kgs.
    His height gives him the appearance of being quite scrawny, and he supplements this misconception by insisting on wearing clothing two times larger than his required size.
    Though quite long for a male, Elias' messy scarlet hair sat haphazardly atop his head never quite lying flat despite even the most determined of attempts and his eyes, a warm brown rippling with a reddish hue almost as bright as his hair gleamed with mischif, disguised beneath an easy going smile.
    His clothing choices rarely ever fluctuated, almost always donning the same worn out blue jeans and white t-shirt whilst covering himself in the military style dark green jacket, distinguishable by its hood which is lined with a pale grey fur and one both he and Alois possessed. A family trait if you would.

    Alois is, comparably small in stature standing at 160cms tall but weighing in at 67kgs, a by product of her passion for engineering and the result of many hundreds of hours spent lugging around all her tools and equipment.
    She is slim in build and at a first glance, may even appear to be petite but underneath is a physique toughened through hard work.
    Waist length, flaming scarlet hair tied up and deposited atop her head in a sorts of messy bun framed a small but reasonably attractive face, a pair of eyes almost as red as an evening sunset and tinged with a warm golden brown looked out from beneath dark lashes; only at quite keen observation would one take notice of the girls glass eye, the decoration placed to replace the real eye she'd lost in childhood.
    Her clothing choices are always quite simple, maintaining a casual approach and opting for a good pair of jeans and sturdy boots on most days and paired with some plain t-shirt and a single military style dark green jacket, distinguishable by its hood which is lined with a pale grey fur. While working, Alois will don a pair of dark grey overalls overtop a pair of blue cotton minishorts and a white cropped singlet, a pair of safety goggles pearched neatly atop her head.

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Name: Leona Guyer

Age: 24

Rank: Lieutenant

Assigned HQ: Central

Enlistment date: 1929

Service Record: Enlisted formally at 18, part of the peacekeeping force in Ishbal after the civil war. Served in squad 4937, Southern Ishbal protecting civilians and running guard missions for supply caravans. 4937 neutralized three independent resistance groups in the region, Leona leading two of the successful raids and being promoted to Lieutenant and transferred to central within the past month.

Ethnicity: Half Amestrian, half Ishbalan

  • Many would say that growing up with five brothers was what made Leona into the fire-spirited, competitive, to-the-point person she is today, but ask her adoptive father and he'll tell you that she always had a soul like a hurricane, willing to go above and beyond to get things done or to help those in need. Growing up with brothers, mainly those putting up a defensive front against terrorist groups within Ishbal was what made her cool under pressure, calculating and an excellent strategist. Liona would generally make an excellent leader, being charismatic, intelligent and holding a presence in whatever situation she finds herself in. Her failing is when asked to make choices that lose people. Leona is still young to war and refuses to accept that not everyone can be saved, or if they weren't then is was something created of her failing. She does her best to hide her bleeding heart as at least she has realized that it does not look good in a service report.

    Leona is often good at reading people and she can either turn it up or tone it down for whoever her company happens to be. She holds compassion as a close friend and often keeps her judgement of others to herself. Around superiors she is professional and frank, though as soon as she is given leave she is happy to crack jokes and goof off with the best of them.
    Getting her mad is something that is easy to do if one knows how. Most things don't bother her, however racism, of the Ishbalan people especially will earn her spite very quickly.
    Her opinion of state alchemists varies greatly with the alchemist. The few she has met she found pompous and self-important. Humility in a state alchemist will surprise her and earn her respect. Despite of her personal opinions however is she is assigned to one she will back them with her life and without question.
    Due to spending her childhood in either a military camp or among a broken people Leona finds the luxuries of city-living fascinating. She is completely new to Central and the entire concept of a life without conflict. It is easy to capture her attention with something that to everyone else might seem normal or mundane.
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