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Realistic or Modern Fukuoka Amusement Park


One Thousand Club

Fukuoka Amusement Park

An amusement park built in hopes of spreading joy. The park contains services which aim to create a hospitable atmosphere for both the employees working at the park and the individuals who visit the park. It has rides of all sorts, from the common roller coaster to a drop tower that reaches to the stratosphere. It has gifts, prizes, and items to buy of all sorts, and snack bars filled with all kinds of food and drinks. It also has an arcade game corner for those hardcore gamers, and it costs 100 yen for one game.


The employees who work there all live in the park, having access to luxury class rooms, complete with a full circle bed, flatscreen televisions, and LED light ceilings. (Credit to
@Kyon for this fantastic description!)

The employees will be controlled by the roleplayers. The aim of the roleplay is to have the characters become better as humans and develop bonds with their fellow employees as they strive to satisfy the needs of the visitors to the park.

Kazuma Nakamura

Kazuma stood up from his chair, a wide grin growing on his face as he curled his pitch black hair in anticipation. It was another day in the widely known amusement park, and he couldn't wait to see what it brought. To make sure that everyone was there in time, he took a megaphone and announced into it, "
It's another fine day at the amusement park, everyone! I wish for all of you to come to the front of my office."

After saying that, he opened the door and went outside to check that everyone was there.

Ayumi Hirata

Ayumi rolled out of her bed, landing on the ground and injuring herself. Once again, the manager was so loud with his megaphone that she felt that her ears were almost going to bleed. Her little brother came in to check the situation, and formed a frown when he saw her on the ground. "
Don't worry, I'm perfectly fine!" She smiled at her sibling, sensing the worry on his face. She got up and dusted herself off. She had fallen asleep in her work outfit last night, so she didn't need to change, so she walked towards the door.

She turned her face back to face her brother and waved, "
Well, I'm off to work!" Her brother told her to take care, and she nodded with a happy expression on her face. She opened the door and headed towards the manager's office.

@Lilah Tunth @Kyon @Marshmallow @T h e F o o l
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Kaito wakes up early before tue announcement and takes a small sigh. "All of this room to myself. It's so empty." He doesn't mind it though. He walks to the bathroom to freshen up and brush his teeth. He combs his hair with a slight bit of hairspray before walking out and juggling his soccer ball for a while. He was keeping a streak going for a while when he heard the manager's announcement to come to his office. Kaito changes into his work clothes before putting his ball away, shutting off the lights, and leaving for the day. "Time to go ride some rides again," he mumbles before putting on a cheerful smile and heading to the manager's office.
Aiko woke up hearing the announcement, a slight frown on her face, she got up and changed into her work clothes she changed her frown to a smile, she finished all her morning duties other than breakfast before walking in front of the managers office, looking around her, she didn't say a word but yawned covering her mouth.

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