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Graded [Frontier] It's only an Escort Quest

Mentions: Femboy Femboy Voiremine Voiremine DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Uasal Uasal Trystan1295 Trystan1295 @Ice Ice Ice Stanley Stanley Miria Miria
OOC: trystan was saying he was sick a while back. uasal is actively sick. Miria can't post for the first half of week. Not sure where the rest are.
Cooldown: B 4/4 until spell is dispelled
TLDR: warned the party about what he sensed earlier and replied to griffin's question
Post Listening:

Malik Seraphim

Malik, amidst the hush that draped over the party following their confrontation with the goblins, maintained a certain silence, his mind alive with thoughts, calculations, and an ever-present hint of caution. He was a man shaped by a world that demanded constant alertness. The act of detecting creatures within a 500ft radius was not just a precautionary measure but had become an almost subconscious ritual.

He observed the fallen goblins with a contemplative eye, an eyebrow subtly raised. "A waste of potential business capital," he thought, almost with a hint of remorse. Goblins could be put to use, given the right incentive or control. The untapped labor, the potential dealings, and perhaps even the networking possibilities with goblin tribes or syndicates flashed briefly in his mind. But he quickly filed those thoughts away for another time, another opportunity.

Keeping up with the group with a sense of purpose, he cleared his throat, ensuring he had their attention. "My magic has alerted me to the presence of highwaymen ahead of us. They've retreated for now, possibly observing our strength and tactics, but we should expect them to reappear. We must remain vigilant."

Malik took a moment to consider his hobbies in response to Griffin's question. He had never really had the luxury to indulge in hobbies during his tumultuous years of survival.

When he finally spoke, there was an almost hesitant air about him. "Hobbies...," he began, pausing to recall memories of simpler times, before finally settling on a few potential pastimes he might've once enjoyed - reading ancient scripts, crafting trinkets from found materials, practicing arcane arts for leisure rather than necessity more recently, and perhaps...playing a simple tune on a rustic flute. "I suppose," he started, looking at Griffin, "if I had to choose one, I'd say playing the flute. It was a simple instrument I found in my earlier years, a tool to momentarily escape the harsh reality around me. The melodies, though basic, and honestly hard to listen to by others, brought a momentary peace. It wasn't often, but it was... therapeutic."

Malik gave a small smile, one that didn't quite reach his eyes, still ever-watchful. "Perhaps I will take up the hobby again sometime. For now, let's keep our focus on the road ahead. We have a long journey still, and potential threats lurking."

Indeed, while he might have found a moment of nostalgia in Griffin's question, Malik remained as vigilant as ever, his internal radar pulsing silently, watching out for dangers that might threaten the group.

Fae Perception (Flux) - B(F) - 4 cooldown
Magic B(F), Appraisal F, Non-lethal F, Duration F(E) 1 day, AoE(D) 500ft radius, Focus F, Insight F
Allows Malik to spread a light layer of his magic in a 500ft radius around himself at all times. Any creatures that enter the area from bugs to enemies and more will be made aware to Malik. If the grade of the creature is low enough, Malik will also be made aware of the details of the creature as well as its intentions toward Malik and the party.

Ya see, he was totally raring to go ya know? Go and fight them there goblins, but uh, that anime-style sword stuff and arrows flying through the air, kinda made that hard. So he stayed back. They were just goblins ya know? You could probably look at them funny and they would keel over. He didn't feel too bad about their demise, they just weren't very relatable. Felt kinda bad about the pigs though, that sucks.

Ah. A non sequitur about hobbies, good idea Griffin. Hmmm, most of the stuff he liked probably wouldn't make much sense in fantasy land so...

"Well I may not look like it, but I'm a bit of a reader myself, more specifically the fiction department ya know? Who wants to read a book about stuff that happened? I could experience most of that stuff on my own," he pauses "But yeah, same for me Malik, haven't got much time for it recently, I suppose I may not need it anymore."

Nox's eyes blazed with the remnants of her bloodlust as she watched the remaining goblins fleeing in the distance. The temptation to pursue them and eliminate the threat was strong, but she knew that her primary duty was to protect the group and the cart. With a tremendous effort of will, she managed to rein in her instincts.

She turned to her companions, her voice firm and resolute. "Stick close to the cart," she instructed, her tone leaving no room for argument. "I'll go after the fleeing goblins and make sure they don't bring reinforcements. I'll return as quickly as possible."

Without waiting for a response, Nox sprinted after the retreating goblins, her agile form weaving through the forest with grace and speed. Her moon-blessed katana remained in her hand, ready for whatever lay ahead.

With each passing moment, the distance between Nox and the goblins closed. She could see the fear in their eyes, the realization that their escape was futile. But she didn't let up. She pushed herself to her limits, her heart pounding in her chest as she closed in on her quarry.

Completly unaware of the bandit threat Malik had mentioned to the others.
Mentions: Uasal Uasal Novama Novama Voiremine Voiremine DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Trystan1295 Trystan1295 Stanley Stanley Miria Miria
(We'll shift on through with a timeskip probably next post to move on to the second and more eventful half of the trip)

Character Sheet
(Tachanka Titles: Otherworlder, Beast, Canine)
(Milky Titles: Otherworlder, Beast, Furpent)

Milky was hoping that they would be able to easily move on without a problem, only to find that Nox had other plans of making sure that there were no witnesses, wanting to say that it wasn't necessary only for the woman to already have set course on seeing it through. Sighing, she wasn't sure on whether they should go on ahead without her as they had stopped without making any real progress at all except passing the bloodied and ruined bodies of Nox's first targets.

"Ah, I do a little bit of learning to tinker and work with making some little magical things. I learn from some who are giving me guidance in tinkering and being an artificer for helping out a little. It's somewhat why I'm here doing this delivery" Milky answered to Griffin's question, having not expected either Malik or Rieger to hold their respective interests in what hobbies they mentioned. Although, Rieger being into fictional stories in specific seemed rather makesense along with that the status of someone like Malik felt like someone who would hold some little hidden talent to do with something musical or artsy.

Tachanka didn't hold much interest in such matters, so she kept quiet as she just watched in the direction that Nox had ran off to.
"Should someone go check up on her or what? I thought we weren't gonna be distracted by little things" she asked impatiently as Milky pondered on the thought, thinking that they should probably check that she's okay.

"Well, since I wasn't expecting to be caught held up by something like this, I feel like this is taking up time... maybe someone should just go and get her in case she takes too long or gets sidetracked. We should really try to pick up the pace and make some ground once she gets back" Milky sighed as she slumped back onto the rest of her tail for a moment, her disappointment making Tachanka raise an eyebrow and choose to raise more discussion so the snake didn't feel like their pause was a failure.
"So, where'd you all come from? While the insane woman with a sword ran off, what brings you to a place you even found advertisement for this little trip? Everyone comes from somewhere, right? The carpet's real interested in business and do-goody types of stuff. I hear she wants to be able to open an orphanage to help those who need it" Tachanka asked as she crossed her arms, moving on to try and make comments to make Milky feel better but it turned out it did much better at making her embarrassed. Nox running off was definitely costing them time since even she didn't believe such goblins were worth the hassle of chasing. At the least, Malik's Fae Perception would tell him of Nox's encounter.

Out in the forest, the seven other goblins that Nox had decided to give chase to were very obviously not able to escape from her as they had eventually ended up stumbling and slowing. With fear already within them, they chose to stand and fight with the shoddy shivs and stolen daggers they possessed on-hand as they had collectively turned back on her now. It wasn't much, but it was the best that they could attempt. Considering she made simple work of the ones prior, these should pose little to no threat whatsoever.
INTERACTION: Femboy Femboy Voiremine Voiremine Novama Novama Uasal Uasal Stanley Stanley Miria Miria Trystan1295 Trystan1295

Griffin watched, initially caught off guard by Nox's determination to be a goblinoid exterminator. Then Malik got his attention when he brought up there being highwaymen and how they should be weary, which he could agree with. Naturally, Griffin took out an arrow from his hood again and held it in his left hand, prepared to shoot if need be. However, he would be ultimately unaware of whether anything was happening or not. He had no heightened senses nor special senses or perception abilities to help him with something like that. And for a similar reason, that's why he decided not to locate Nox. Though he also didn't think there was a reason to. She's part of the adventurers guild. He'd like to think she could make her way back to the party, right? On another note, Riegar, Malik and Milky had very interesting hobbies. He hadn't taken Riegar for much of a reader, though he was also into the fiction genre. Maybe Griffin could ask for recommendations later? He wasn't surprised that Malik played the flute. Unfortunately, Griffin wasn't most into playing a musical instrument, so therefore, he couldn't expand on the subject. And Milky was a very busy serpant as she ended up also doing bits of tinkering and Being a artificer, though it did make sense. Griffin patiently waited for Tachanaka and Milky to stop talking before saying anything. Soon enough, Tachanaka asked them where they came from and why they decided to join. What would've been a easy question for most was a difficult question for Griffin. He couldn't say earth, he couldn't say an abandoned warehouse. His best guess was the vessel 'Griffin' came from somewhere within or on the out skirts of Ryke but he didn't know enough about the land to determine that. He also had no specific destination. So he gave a safe response.

"I came from Ryke. The Escort quest thingy wasn't out of the way."

He then added asking Riegar.

"Have you found any books that interested you? Do you have any recommendations?"​
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Walking along the front side of the cart, Eila felt a light and swift wind pass by. The woman who cut down the goblins and slaughtered the poor pigs whizzed by the group with grace and speed.

Where is she going?

Tachanka noticed, sighed and stopped the cart. From Eila’s point of view she looked a tad frustrated. Thinking about it, they hadn’t really gotten very far from leaving the gates. Eila wondered if the woman would come back, so they could continue the trip.

"What is your guy's favorite hobbies?" Griffen asked, his voice seemed quiet and yet not a hint of shying away from starting up a conversation.

Perhaps I can learn a tip or two from him… I suck at starting up conversations. She mused herself.

Eila listened to Malik who answered first. Her jaw nearly dropped learning he once had an interest in flute playing. He didn’t seem like the musical sort at all, as quiet as he has been since their departure from the gates. She wondered if he might pick up the flute again if she sang something.

Another surprise was Reiger who enjoys reading fiction. Though his comment made Eila cover her mouth while some wavy hair fell over her shoulder, as her shoulders shuddered with silent laughter. Reiger is quite a character, she thought.

Milky, the furry serpent, is into tinkering with magical trinkets. She wondered what sort of artistry that was.

Tachanka, however, didn’t answer.

Hmm. The only one I really enjoy and find purpose in,” Placing a delicate hand to her chest, her almond eyes memorized by a distant memory. “Is singing.” Coral colored lips formed a small smile upon visiting a precious thought.

Still, Eila wondered about Tachanka’s interests in hobbies. Did she have any? Of course, everyone does! Mustering up the courage to ask this amazingly strong beast-lady.

“Tachanka, what about you? What is your prized interest or hobby?

Though the question hangs in the air, Tachanka asked a question of her own - asking where everyone was from. Eila felt a little pang in her belly. She didn't grow up in a wealthy area and her parents scraped what they had together to get her traveling going. Looking at the ground, she listened for the others.

Malik cleared his throat and announced to the group there were Highwaymen ahead, although they retreated for now.
Thankful for the rest, Eila feels like she has recovered enough energy and if necessary her catalyst at the ready, should anyone need healing.
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As she closed the distance, the goblins began to panic. They realized that their attempts to escape were futile, and desperation took hold. One of them, the largest among them, attempted to rally the others and turned to face Nox.

With a feral cry, he brandished his stolen dagger and lunged at her. But Nox was prepared. With a fluid motion, she sidestepped his attack and delivered a precise strike, her katana finding its mark with lethal accuracy.

The goblin leader fell, and the others hesitated for a moment before continuing their flight. Nox didn't give them a chance to regroup. She pursued them relentlessly, her determination unwavering.

With each passing moment, the distance between Nox and the goblins closed. She could see the fear in their eyes, the realization that their escape was futile. But she didn't let up. She pushed herself to her limits, her heart pounding in her chest as she closed in on her quarry.

Finally, in a secluded clearing deep in the forest, Nox confronted the remaining goblins. They were cornered, with no way to escape. Their weapons trembled in their hands as they faced the relentless warrior before them.

Nox didn't hesitate. With a series of precise strikes, she swiftly dispatched the goblins one by one. Their cries for mercy fell on deaf ears as her katana found its mark with unerring accuracy.

When the last goblin fell, the clearing was silent once more. Nox stood amidst the fallen, her chest heaving as she caught her breath. The adrenaline of the pursuit still coursed through her veins, but she knew it was time to return to her companions.

She retraced her steps through the dense forest, her senses alert for any signs of danger. As she approached the location where she had left the group and the cart, she felt a sense of relief. They were safe, and she had fulfilled her duty.

Nox returned to her companions, her katana sheathed once more. She nodded to them, her expression serious but determined. "The threat has been dealt with. We should continue on our journey, but remain vigilant. We don't know if there are more goblin bands in these woods."

With her warning issued, Nox resumed her position alongside the cart, ready to protect her fellow travelers from any further dangers that might arise on their path.
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Rieger sighed, she was more of a character than he realized, whatever, she was an anime swordswoman and they were goblins, this probably wasn't the right genre to have her lose, so she would probably be fine. In the meantime,

"Huh? Yeah, as stated before I'm an adventurer for the guild from Ryke, I took the job cuz I wanna see more of the world, and I kinda wanted to do some more fighting but I have yet to get a chance to do so. I may go after-" he notices Nox's return, "Nevermind, seems she made it back just fine. Who woulda guessed?"

Ah, book recommendation, ummm, none that he could recommend currently exists in this world so...

"A book rec? Let's see," he puts his fingers to his chin, "Well I haven't read anything recently, and I don't think I've read anything physically since..." he trails off in thought.
(Sry to those who haven't/didn't have time to post but I gotta post or this'll be a while waiting)
Mentions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Novama Novama Uasal Uasal Voiremine Voiremine Miria Miria Stanley Stanley Trystan1295 Trystan1295
Character Sheet
(Tachanka Titles: Otherworlder, Beast, Canine)
(Milky Titles: Otherworlder, Beast, Furpent)

Milky's thoughts on the hold-up of their travel while they waited for Nox to rejoin them were somewhat quelled at the distraction of talking about hobbies to pass the time. Although she didn't end up adding much to the conversation, she still listened in as Tachanka supposed the verbal distraction being caused was enough until she was asked of her own interests. Despite Eila's curiosity, Tachanka would ponder on the question for a short moment as she leaned on the cart. She was primarily thinking about if she should even answer the question, before shrugging in response.

"I suppose I don't have one. Or I just haven't found it yet" the beast girl had answered since she couldn't come up with any other answer at all. Details of her past life were not important, let alone significant in the slightest. She hadn't picked up any interests along the way and was more or less along for the ride of life.

As Rieger was talking, Milky was delighted to see that Nox had returned from the little distraction she had chosen to finish off, glad that they were able to keep moving now that they were all returned back together in a group. Waiting for discussion to settle so she didn't have to interrupt, the furpent made gestures to Tachanka in order to let her know that it was time to keep moving. If they started going, everyone would be able to follow suit now that there were no problems.

"Now that our friend is back, we can keep moving. Hopefully, we can keep a good pace without trouble" Milky spoke in a soft yet cheerful tone.


Their trip would take a couple more uneventful hours to reach any significant point of concern. After a long while of travel, it became much more apparent as to where the path was bumpier and the woods that surrounded it were denser. Milky had glanced up at the sky to try and guess at how much daylight they had left.

"Hm, I think we would end up going into dark hours if we wanted to get there without need for stopping. I'm not thrilled about the idea of staying in the woods overnight, but I won't push everyone here to walking through the dark if they didn't want to" Milky spoke as she grew slightly hesitant. The group would be able to see that their path was obstructed by wild wolves. Likely unintentional, their presence was now much attracted to the travel party. Although six wolves were present that were just amidst feasting on something in the middle of the road, one of them was significantly more distinct. Milky wasn't expecting to encounter anything of the sort, but she supposed that dire beasts such as potentially this one were in the area. She was more confused on her research into planning the route, as she believed it should have been somewhat mostly safe.

"I thought this path you picked out was supposed to be simple" Tachanka asked, of which Milky sighed.
"I know, I wasn't expecting this" Milky murmured as she nervously pressed her back against the cart, Tachanka stepping in front of her like she was about to take a bullet for the fluffy snake. Milky's nervousness only doubled when three more stray wolves were following behind, more apprehensive to approach and feeling less threatening of a target than the rest albeit still a cornering problem.

"I'd ask that this is a significant time to help" Milky asked nervously as Tachanka stood protectively in front of the snake woman. After a brief moment of staring from the wolves and the singular dire wolf from the forward path, they had begun snarling as they approached in order to simply intimidate and pick targets.

Although not visible, Malik would be able to sense the presence of a small band of bandits, five in number. They were waiting close enough whereas they would likely be able to tell if fighting started. Sharing a readable and simple intention of wanting to stop and heist their haul, they were probably waiting to jump them. There was also another wolf hidden in the shrubbery and foliage on the opposite side of the path from thr bandits. A smaller threat, but one that was obscured and hidden in waiting.
Mentions: Femboy Femboy Voiremine Voiremine DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Uasal Uasal Trystan1295 Trystan1295 @Ice Ice Ice Stanley Stanley Miria Miria
Cooldown: B 4/4 until spell is dispelled
TLDR: Malik warns the party of the presumed return of the bandits and of a wolf hiding out of sight in addition to the wolves closing in. Relies on Nox to do most of the heavy lifting and advises the party to feign being in a tight spot to lure out those that wish to ambush them.
Post Listening:

Malik Seraphim
As Malik moved among the party members, he maintained an air of calm and awareness that often came naturally to him. Each step was measured, and his gaze was continually assessing, noticing the subtle changes in the environment around them. His experiences had honed his sense of caution and his magic made him especially aware of possible threats.

Coming closer to Tachanka, he nodded towards the bandits he'd detected. "Tachanka," he began in a hushed tone, his voice gravelly but soft, "Five highwaymen are waiting for the right moment. My magic senses them not too far off." He paused, glancing towards the wolves. "That's not all. There's another wolf, hidden, waiting to surprise us."

His past dealings allowed him to have a good sense of such situations, even if he wasn’t going to dive into specifics. He knew the bandits would return.

Malik offered the group a reassuring smile despite it not quite touching his eyes. "There's always a way out. Sometimes, the threat isn't as menacing when you face it head-on." He gestured towards Nox. "With Nox around, and all of us together, we stand a good chance."

Thinking of Nox's actions throughout their journey, Malik felt a twinge of respect and gratitude. Nox had shown herself to be reliable, and her presence was a comforting thought. He trusted that she would be a key factor in the imminent confrontation.

Drawing from his past experiences, Malik proposed, "I suggest we be strategic. Separate the threats. While the wolves are a concern, our priority should be the bandits. If we can draw them out, making them think they have an advantage, we can turn the situation to our favor."

It was the risky barebones of a plan, but it was the first plan on the table, so Malik would leave it to the others to come up with better plans if they didn't like it.

Malik added, "Also, be on the lookout for that hidden wolf. It might jump out when we least expect it. But remember, unpredictability can be a weapon too. They don’t know us as well as they think and we are already aware of them and their intentions."

Malik couldn't help but reflect on the complexities of life. From one challenge to the next, it was the camaraderie and combined strengths of those around him that made each obstacle manageable. It reminded him of something he'd heard said in a past life: "In unity, there's strength. In strategy, there’s victory."

Fae Perception (Flux) - B(F) - 4 cooldown
Magic B(F), Appraisal F, Non-lethal F, Duration F(E) 1 day, AoE(D) 500ft radius, Focus F, Insight F
Allows Malik to spread a light layer of his magic in a 500ft radius around himself at all times. Any creatures that enter the area from bugs to enemies and more will be made aware to Malik. If the grade of the creature is low enough, Malik will also be made aware of the details of the creature as well as its intentions toward Malik and the party.
Eila Farland

While waiting for the woman with fiery eyes to come back, Tachanka answered Eila’s question of hobbies.

Oh,” Both eyebrows raised in surprise. Most people know what their interests are. Perhaps she is far too busy to know what they are. Eila felt a bit sad for her, but quickly turned that into encouragement. “It’s ok, I’m sure there is something you love to do. Finding it is all the more adventurous.” Satisfied with an answer, Eila smiled brightly.

While Reiger and Griffen discussed their books, a figure walked toward them. As the figure walked with purpose and satisfaction, the woman who sliced down the previous goblins and pigs came into view. With her back in the party and said threat decimated, Eila smiled in thanks to her efforts.

Thank you for keeping us safe.

Shortly after the cart began its trek along the path.


During their uneventful couple hours journey, Eila observed her surroundings. It was very peaceful and there were many new sights since she has never traveled outside of Ryke. There were multi-coloured flowers and tall grass that resembled a feathered tail. The trees were not so tall to her anymore. Some of them had blossoms while others did not. Eila figured there was a bit of everything in this area.

However, Malik’s warning from before still lingered in her mind. Just how far off were these highwaymen?
As soon as the thought entered her mind the announcement from Malik was confirmed. Already they were approaching them and with dire wolves.

Eila reached her hand into her pocket, fingers grazing the catalyst making sure it is there and hidden from plain sight. Readying herself as the group walked along the path with the cart as they came closer to a real threat.

Note: " will indicate spoken dialogue, ' inner dialogue

Nox took in all the information provided by Malik. Five highwaymen lay in wait, hidden and ready to strike, and a concealed wolf lurked in the underbrush. While the immediate threat was the pack of wolves blocking their path, she recognized the importance of addressing the human bandits first. Wolves, though dangerous, were creatures of instinct, and she believed she could intimidate or drive them away.

Stepping forward, Nox moved with a quiet, deliberate grace. Her hand slowly moved to the hilt of her katana, her fingers tightening around the grip. As she took each step, her presence grew, and her battle aura began to seep out like a chilling mist. It enveloped her like a shroud, a manifestation of her lunar blood and the power she wielded. [Penumbra (Imperfected)]

'I didn't teach you this'

'You didn't have to'
'It's incomplete'
'It will do'

Her eyes, once calm and serene, now burned with an inner fire. The crimson glow that emanated from them was an unspoken warning to the approaching wolves and bandits. Nox was not to be underestimated.

As the snarling wolves closed in, she held her ground, her aura radiating a sense of imminent danger. Her presence was commanding, a silent challenge to the creatures that dared to threaten her group. It was a test of wills, a battle of dominance, and Nox was determined to emerge victorious. As a Moon-Blessed Vampire, she was an apex predator too, her presence would not be something the pack leader could mistake for anything less. This was a challenge that would only end in one or the other's death were it to be accepted. A battle between Apex predators demanded no less.

Nox's gaze shifted toward the hidden bandits, her crimson eyes locking onto them with an intensity that sent a clear message. She knew they were watching, waiting for the right moment to strike. But she was aware of their presence, and she would not be caught off guard. [Perception F]

With her aura still radiating an unspoken challenge, Nox issued a warning to both the wolves and the hidden bandits. Her voice, though calm, held an underlying steel.

"Step aside"
'Kill Them'
'Not Yet'

Her words hung in the air, a final chance for the threats before her to reconsider their actions. Nox was ready for whatever came next, her katana poised for battle, her crimson aura a silent declaration of her determination. The outcome of this encounter would be decided by their choices, but Nox was prepared for any eventuality.

Actions 3/3

1. Movement

2. Penumbra (Imperfected) E
Penumbra Imperfected - E - [Aura][Indirect] [Multidimensional] [Penetrating E], [Intimidation E], [Selective], [Area E], [Non-Lethal] [Blind Fighter] [Blind Ranged Fighting] [Blight Psychic Damage] - Channeling her blessing Nox produces an aura that's spread over a wide area that intimidates and deals nonlethal mental damage to those who enter or are within its range possibly knocking them out with sheer fear and dread. Supposedly the Perfected version has the potential to paralise and even kill. 1 Turn Cooldown/1 action.
Effectivness= [Moonblade Sword] D + Strength C + [Penumbra Imperfected] E = 9 Base Effectivness + 2 from Penetrating = 11 Effectivness + 2 Damage from Blight. 2 True damage from Aura. Non Lethal.

3. Perception F

F- N/A (Energised F)
E - Active

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INTERACTION: Femboy Femboy Voiremine Voiremine Novama Novama Uasal Uasal Stanley Stanley Miria Miria Trystan1295 Trystan1295

When Nox had returned to the party, the group continued on with their journey. Griffin twirled an arrow in his left hand as they continued to go deeper into the woods and for a bit it had been uneventful, or it was until they bumped into a pack of six wolves in the middle of the road, including a dire wolf. Griffin didn't know if his arrows would affect a dire wolf, and things would get worse as three more wolves came up behind them. Malik explained their situation, he told everyone about there being 5 bandits and a hidden wolf. Even Eila was prepared to do something with a book in hand, Griffin was thinking of a way to go about this and it didn't take Nox long to make the first move. It seemed more like a mental attack, a threat of some sort, though he didn't know what it was. He would attempt to help reinforce her point with the use of the [fighting style-Wind Archer [E] ]. He positions an arrow on the arrow rest of his bow. He releases an arrow, and then another one and then the final one, until he shoots three arrows off to hopefully impale his targets. He had aimed at three regular wolves in the front, so he only hoped it would do.

allows Griffin to shot regular arrows at selected targets with precision that are within range

Ok! Yeah! Something he can do! The bandits will totally think they have the upper ground if we are fighting with or injured by wolves. This is great!

"Yeah! Let's do this!" he shouts, "Though I know it will be a bit difficult due to our pitifully low levels," he winks at Malik "I know we can pull through in the end!" he finishes in an exaggerated shout

He runs past the three frontmost wolves Griffin shot at, and Nox, aiming an uppercut directly at the wolf nearest him.

"Cross the Water!"

Cross the Water - Fighting Style F, Technique Core [Knockback] F, Magic F - User declares the name of this ability, infuses a fist with mana, and throws a strong punch with it, sending the impacted target flying. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
Eila Farland

: Standby.

As soon as Eila lifted the red and golden laced book, the woman with the sheathed sword already moved toward the threat.
She moved with certain grace better than a stealthy cat, and a steely determination so focused, Eila thought she might not hear the rest of the party alongside her.

Arrows shot through the air toward the opposition and Reiger, eager to fight, assisted Griffen in near perfect harmony as Eila watched in surprise.

With a flick of her wrist the book opened in mid air, like an invisible podium standing before her. Fitting her hand on an empty page, she stood by and watched for any injuries that might take place against her party.
(Things irl are best described as Joopy rn so bit of messed up posting time but, I mean people had time so nwn heres ur Bost. Hopefully my legs start being unbroken)
Novama Novama DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Uasal Uasal Miria Miria Voiremine Voiremine Trystan1295 Trystan1295 Stanley Stanley (I have a feeling some of these people might've ghosted?ah well we'll see by the end)

Tachanka raised an eyebrow when Malik informed her of the problems that were hiding out of sight. Giving a silent nod to his callouts, the canid woman held close to the fluffy serpentine lady who was going to have to bear witness to more cruel and unnecessary violence in the world. She saw Nox approach the wolves ahead of them and disappointedly coiled up, covering her eyes.

"Why do things have to be so violent? Can't anyone ever just get along?.. " Milky sadly muttered as Tachanka tutted and shook her head. Gently patting Milky's head much to her shock and disapproval of such demeaning treatment, Tachanka responded back to her.
"If thing were that easy, we wouldn't even need to make the delivery. It's nobody's fault that someone out there doesn't like us and put such a cosmic chain of events into motion that we call life" Tachanka commented as she looked to how others were getting on. Milky was saddened about the whole ordeal, although atleast Malik and Eila didn't seem like the violence supporting types. Well, Malik may have been. He seemed too classy to allow himself to be assigned to such messy work, but Eila seemed purehearted and sweet enough unlike others present. If only there were more people like that in the world.

Nox's aura had briefly stopped all of the wolves in their step, but the Dire Wolf didn't appear affected much. It had been set off when Griffin shot arrows into some of the regular wolves ahead, with the combined attacks and mental damage killing two of them while a third fell unconscious yet bleeding from an arrow wound. With barks issued like commands from the Dire Wolf that clearly led its lowers, it instilled atleast enough confidence in the two left standing beside it to strike at Nox with it. The Dire Wolf and two of its smaller companions that were still standing all targetted and rushed at Nox in particular, leaving one of their own members to be left passed out and bleeding on the floor just to strike revenge against her. While the largest and one more would still be coming towards her, Rieger managed to provide assistance by catching an approaching wolf offguard and punching it  really hard as it was launched away from the group to land and roll in dirt also too injured to desire to fight.

The three wolves that held behind them as well as the one hidden in the brushes had grew hesitant at Nox's aura and the fight in front of them as, despite being rather weak wild animals, looked like they were considering how ridiculous the attempt was. They had locked eyes on Milky while she wasn't looking, although were still a little shaken to take initiative. Once Tachanka had picked up on their presence, she stared at the wolves behind them ready to raise her shield in defence if they approached.
"Try it, there's a reason why I'm a wolf who was allowed to stand on two legs" Tachanka muttered sarcastically.

Outside of the conflict, the presence of bandits wasn't very hidden anymore. It was like they were closer and more noticeable, but very much bickering amongst eachother like children to who should lead their ambush before its too late or they were caught. Two of them stood up from the shrubs, hoping nobody would look their way as they drew their bows albeit the slightest bit shaky. They wanted to strike soon, but were intimidated into thinking that it might turn out terribly. From the look of their damaged clothes and old weapons, they didn't seem like very skilled bandits at all.
INTERACTION: Femboy Femboy Voiremine Voiremine Novama Novama Uasal Uasal Miria Miria Stanley Stanley Trystan1295 Trystan1295

Griffin had been relieved at seeing his arrows hit his targets, effectively taking out three wolves by killing two and passing out from blood loss due to an arrow wound. He did feel bad after seeing Milky's reaction, he understood where she came from. She just wanted a non-violent trip, but in a sense, he had to agree with Tachanaka. In his mind, only in a perfect world would violence not be needed, a perfect world which didn't exist. He watches as Riegar punches a wolf. He admired his guts for simply jumping in and punching a wild animal, but Nox was still in the path of the dire wolf. He had faith in her. Among the group, she seemed to be the strongest or most skilled. Meanwhile, Griffin was thinking of something else he could use against the wolves. He used [Fast [E]- Feature:Lion feet] to swiftly move a few feet away from conflict and [Gust Cloak [F] to make sure he wouldn't be heard. This was mainly a test to see how focused the remaining wolves were on Nox. He took out five arrows. He didn't know what he would be using them for, he'd have to carefully watch and see the results of the conflict, but one thing for sure. It was either the wolves or bandits.

This skill is related solely to character ability to cover ground and is not related to dodging. Creatures with this skill can move over land faster than normal and move at a quick walk or jogging pace without exhausting self easily.
E - 24mph(max)/120ft per move

Gust Cloak- Undetected[F] , Affinty Wind [F],-Grade F- 0 post cool down-
Griffin makes himself undetectable with the use of wind gusts making temporarily undetectable by sound, -1 post duration

1697415452448.jpegNote: " will indicate spoken dialogue, ' inner dialogue

As the Dire Wolf and its remaining companions rushed at Nox, she met their attack with unwavering resolve. Her crimson aura still enveloped her, a visible testament to her determination and power. She knew that the Dire Wolf posed the greatest threat, and her focus was squarely on it.

Raising her blade chest high, Nox prepared for a single, blinding strike that would unleash a torrent of unforgiving power directly against one of the wolf's vital organs. As she brought her katana front-right, it seemed as if the very essence of the moon's dark side had descended upon it. [Piercing Moonlight]

Her blade became encased in an eerie, icy aura, mirroring the cold, unforgiving nature of the lunar night. The ethereal ice seemed to materialize from the depths of the cosmos, coating her katana in an otherworldly frost that shimmered with an otherworldly, chilling glow.

With this formidable attack, Nox had a singular, unwavering purpose: to pierce her target to the very core. Her focus was solely on the Dire Wolf, the leader of the pack that posed the most significant threat. As she stepped forward to meet it's lunge she pressed her blade forward with incredible speed and strength, her intent was not to simply drive through the creature's defenses, but to instead pierce its very being.

The moon's dark side, embodied in Nox's strike, held a profound coldness, not just physical but also metaphysical. It was a strike of celestial magnitude, an embodiment of the lunar power that flowed through her veins.

As her blade descended, the chilling aura surrounding it intensified, casting an otherworldly glow upon the battlefield. The attack, infused with the power of the moon, held the promise of piercing through the Dire Wolf's defenses and leaving an indelible mark on the battlefield.

The bandits, hidden nearby and bickering amongst themselves, had also grown aware of the unfolding conflict. They were not skilled or organized, and their tattered appearance revealed their lack of competence. Nox's display of strength and Malik's revelation of their presence had presumably further shaken their confidence. That being said the two bowmen that had shown themselves seemed ready to strike even if hesitant.

Fighting two parties at once was never recommendable but even if pinned by the wolves, Nox couldn't permit the Bandit's an opportunity to strike.

Bringing her sword up over her head, Nox spun elegantly upon her left heel pivoting to face the bandits for but a moment following her previous strike. A single moment wherein, with a swift, forceful motion, Nox brought her blade down, and as she did, a radiant arc of energy surged forth from the blade. This ethereal arc carried an ominous crimson glow and appeared almost like a crescent moon. It sliced through the air with deadly precision, following an unstoppable trajectory toward its intended targets. [Altered Apogee]

The remarkable aspect of this attack was that the energy arc had a homing ability. It didn't matter if the target sought refuge behind obstacles or tried to evade it through quick maneuvers; the arc of energy would relentlessly pursue its designated prey. Like a vengeful spirit, it tracked the enemy, determined to strike with pinpoint accuracy.

As it traveled, the energy arc covered a distance of up to 30 feet (60 if it fails once due to homing, terms and conditions apply), moving through the air with supernatural speed. Its crimson glow cast eerie shadows on the surroundings, serving as a vivid warning to any who dared to stand in its path. This was a technique that showcased Nox's extraordinary skill and her otherworldly connection, a manifestation of her lunar power and relentless determination to overcome her foes.

The energy arc cut through the battlefield, its trajectory locked onto the two bow-wielding bandits, the arc splitting into two as it did so. The approaching arc of energy left little to no room for evasion or escape, and it was only a matter of moments before it would reach its target with devastating force.

Returning her focus to the wolves Nox spoke aloud to her party "Get behind the cart, you're all standing out in the open! I can't protect you from a rain of arrows!"

'You probably could'
"Shut up! I'm busy here!"

Actions 3/3

1. Penumbra (Imperfected) E
Penumbra Imperfected - E - [Aura][Indirect] [Multidimensional] [Penetrating E], [Intimidation F], [Selective], [Area E], [Non-Lethal] [Blind Fighter] [Blind Ranged Fighting] [Blight Psychic Damage] - Channeling her blessing Nox produces an aura that's spread over a wide area that intimidates and deals nonlethal mental damage to those who enter or are within its range possibly knocking them out with sheer fear and dread. Supposedly the Perfected version has the potential to paralise and even kill. 1 Turn Cooldown/1 action.
Effectivness= [Moonblade Sword] D + Strength C + [Penumbra Imperfected] E = 9 Base Effectivness + 2 from Penetrating = 11 Effectivness + 2 Damage from Blight. 2 True damage from Aura. Non Lethal.

2. Piercing Moonlight F
Piercing Moonlight - F -[Accurate], [Multidimensional] [Penetrating] [Blight = Holy Ice] [Hot Shot] [Targeted]- Raising her blade for a single blinding slash, Nox commits to an attack on her target with the sole intention of Piercing their very being. 0 cooldown/1 Action
Effectivness= [Moonblade Sword] D + Strength C + [Piercing Moonlight] F = 8 Combat Effectiveness + 1 from Penetrating. + 1 Damage from blight. x2 total damage from Hotshot on a vital point.

3. Apogee F [Non-Lethal]
Apogee - F - [Accurate], [Multidimensional] [Penetrating] [Blight = Bleed] [Hot Shot] [Incurable] [Continuing = Bleed] [Range] [Contact] [Targeted (?)] [Homing] [Indirect] [Non-Lethal] [Spreading] - Bringing her Blade down with a forceful slash, Nox's blade creates a traveling arc of energy that will travel 30 foot and home in on her target regardless of cover. can expand to hit targets within 5ft of the main target. 0 Cooldown/1 Action
Effectivness= [Moonblade Sword] D + Strength C + [Apogee] F = 8 Combat Effectiveness + 1 from Penetrating. + 1 Damage from blight. NonLethal.

F- N/A (Energised F)
E - Active
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(Not well rn so sry for any mistakes or lesser quality)
Mentions: Voiremine Voiremine Uasal Uasal Novama Novama Miria Miria DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Trystan1295 Trystan1295 Stanley Stanley
Character Sheet
(Tachanka Titles: Otherworlder, Beast, Canine)
(Milky Titles: Otherworlder, Beast, Furpent)

Milky silently recoiled and covered her eyes as she didn't wish to see any further events that were to unfold. The bandits whom were present with bows drawn at the ready pointed roughly at the group just to target anyone who would be vulnerably open. If they were to fire, Griffin would have been safely out of the prospect of being hit due to his Gust Cloak. Despite the lesser of the wolves being present to the group on multiple angles, they soon succumbed to Nox's aura as they fell to the floor unconscious or did so during their attempt to back away from the situation.

The Dire Wolf that had come directly for Nox was, albeit briefly, freed from all the effects of the mental intimidation and hesitance that her aura brought drove by pure bloodlust and vicious desire. That, and a moment of fleeting life as its incompetence in combat was given proof as it was fatally struck by Nox's piercing blade. While the purity of Nox's lack of injuries were left intact, the purity of Nox's lack of stains would end up taking some casualty from the shot of blood that had been split from the wound in the wolf back at her. Even if unintentional, the beast had still managed to write a mark on its target. Even if it was written in blood... and, probably could be washed out and immediately forgotten.

From the wolf problem being dealt with, Tachanka sighed for a brief moment as she muttered.
"That's easier than done with, now can we go-" she was speaking quietly before she heard the ungracious stepping of the bandits who held weapons drawn. The aura was intimidating them, but they were more susceptible to the fear that was caused by what they had witnessed. One bandit slackened his bowstring as his held arrow was dropped, turning around and wanting to escape before it was too late. It already had been as he was struck in the back by Nox's response strike that left them on the floor. Injured, bleeding and writhing, but still alive. His partner in archery had panicked at the sight of the attack and accidentally released his arrow before being hit in the chest and succumbing to the same.

Said arrow was moving in the general direction of Milky, but with her freed up attention and having noticed the bandits while they were making trouble. Tachanka had pre-moved to stand in defence of the furpent only for her to not be properly capable of sound defence in time as she managed to block the arrow albeit with her right upperarm to take the hit much to her frustration. Hearing the scampering of said fleeing bandits noticeably tripping over eachother and themselves in an attempt to leave, their unity must've been very terrible for their compatriots who were remaining hiding to immediately choose to abandon their two allies that weren't dead yet for the sake of their own lives.
"No, d-dont leave us! You can still help! Don't leave us with these monsters" the first to be struck had yelled at their abandoning bandits, whereas the other archer was completely silent.

"I-is everything okay yet?.. " Milky asked softly as she hesitantly lowered her hands from her eyes. Tachanka faced away from her intentionally.
"Completely. Phenomenal" Tachanka grovelled as she grit her teeth, taking hold of the arrow as she went to pull the arrow out starting slowly before removing it with a firmer tug. Milky looked around to see that most of the wolves except the Dire one were unconscious, except for one who seemed like they were bleeding out and might be dead soon.

Milky hadn't noticed Tachanka's injury yet, of which the canid woman who had been arrow-struck looked hesitant on telling their worrisome partner, who was nervously looking at what had happened as well as Nox. Upset that there still had to be violence, Milky didn't mistake the sound of the bandit calling to be helped right near them as she turned to face their direction.
"Who is that? Is someone also in trouble?" Milky asked, concerned about the voice of someone else.
Mentions: Femboy Femboy Voiremine Voiremine DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Uasal Uasal Trystan1295 Trystan1295 @Ice Ice Ice Stanley Stanley Miria Miria
Cooldown: B 4/4 until spell is dispelled
TLDR: Inspected the wolf bodies for value, praised the efforts of the fighters, and requested the wolves be loaded up and taken with them for trade in the next town.
Post Listening:

Malik Seraphim

1697505856243.pngAs the last of the wolves lay unconscious and the bandits fled, Malik maintained his concentrated stance, his fingertips glowing slightly. He was channeling his detection magic, ensuring that the fleeing bandits would not double back for a surprise attack. His senses expanded in all directions, keeping tabs on the quickening heartbeats of the retreating foes.

As the immediate tension began to ebb away, Malik approached one of the downed wolves, kneeling beside it. He murmured a soft incantation under his breath, casting his appraisal magic over the creature. "Hmm... pristine pelt, and those fangs would fetch a fair price in certain markets," he thought, his mind doing quick calculations. His position in the Silver Star trading company had given him keen insights into the value of unusual commodities. He glanced over at Nox, "Well done. Your method of subduing these creatures kept their bodies in near-perfect condition. We could make a tidy sum if we bring these back."

Walking over to Griffin, Malik extended a hand in a gesture of camaraderie, "Impressive display with the wind technique you used with your shots. Rarely have I seen someone utilize something like that." Malik's eyes betrayed a hint of envy, thinking how beneficial such a cloak would have been in his past negotiations.

He then approached Rieger, clapping the man on the back lightly, "Never a dull moment with you around. That was some swift action back there. Whenever we work together, there seems to be some excessive excitement."

Internally, Malik found himself appreciating the skills and efficiency of the party. It reminded him of the days when every negotiation, every deal, was a dance of wits and calculated risks. Not all his deals were legal, and he often had to employ a mixture of diplomacy and veiled threats. But now was not the time to dwell on the past.

Pulling the party together, Malik spoke with an assertive tone, "With the threats dealt with, we should make the most of this situation. Could a couple of you load up the wolf bodies for transport.; their pelts will ensure a good deal back in town. The rest of us can keep watch while those with the muscle to do so do the lifting, perhaps we could set up a perimeter. We don't want any more surprises."

Malik's mind continued to race. He was always thinking, always calculating.

Fae Perception (Flux) - B(F) - 4 cooldown
Magic B(F), Appraisal F, Non-lethal F, Duration F(E) 1 day, AoE(D) 500ft radius, Focus F, Insight F
Allows Malik to spread a light layer of his magic in a 500ft radius around himself at all times. Any creatures that enter the area from bugs to enemies and more will be made aware to Malik. If the grade of the creature is low enough, Malik will also be made aware of the details of the creature as well as its intentions toward Malik and the party.
INTERACTION: Femboy Femboy Voiremine Voiremine Novama Novama Uasal Uasal Miria Miria Stanley Stanley Trystan1295 Trystan1295

Griffin wasn't surprised when Nox took out all the wolves. He couldn't be after what she did to the goblins. With him knowing what could've happened to the bandits, he decided to childishly believe they could've escaped that and didn't get murdered.He would prefer to live in denial. Griffin was not going to investigate to confirm anything. He returned to the party and answered Milky's question as Malik praised Nox for keeping them in perfect condition for pelts.

"I don't know, I don't think we should check it out. It could be a trap."

It could be a trap and they had a delivery to make. Griffin returned the friendly gesture to Malik. An ally or a friend would be nice. He wasn't expecting praise for Gust Cloak though. It was a simple ability and the best defense he would have at the moment. It also only hid sound. So his response ended up being a awkward sounding 'thanks?', Griffin told Rieger.

"Nice punch"

Griffin wasn't sure if he could help load up the wolf's corpses. His strength was considerably average if that, before he could make a decision on that, though he got a bit distracted when he noticed Tachanka's arrow wound, noticing that he had asked the party.

"Do we have a healer? Tachanka is injured!"​
Watching the attacks unfold, Eila cautiously eyed for any injuries in Tachanka's party. Nox, Reiger and Griffen worked together in harmouneous synchronization which made Eila smile in confidence in them.
This is what true unity looks like, something the bandits could never pull off due to their insatiable greed and sour competition against one another. The bandits and their wild dogs have no chance. Pained to see the dire wolves lose their lives in this battle, their lives truly ended the moment they were tamed by these outlanders.

Poor things...

Upon Nox's warning, Eila sprinted a short way behind the cart so as not to be blasted by accident from her strong attack. Now in position, a gust of wind passed by. Eila was thankful for the alert and just in time. She placed her right hand back on the blank page and waited.

Not knowing the battle had ended, Eila heard a voice calling for help... or rather two voices. Eila peeked around the corner from behind the cart and saw Griffen requesting for a healer while the other voice came from a surviving outlander.

"Do we have a healer? Tachanka is injured!"

"Yes," Eila called out and sprinted back to the front of the cart to possibly see Tachanka's injury. If she can't see the wound then her catalyst book won't be able to record the confrontation or her work.

"May I see it, please? Where are you hurt?" Eila asked Tachanka in a serious professional tone. Her parents, or rather her new parents taught her to always ask before healing someone. That way she doesn't have any regrets or anyone claiming something against her. It's their choice, after all.

With a swift and masterful strike, Nox delivered the fatal blow to the Dire Wolf. Her blade pierced through the creature's defenses and found its mark, ending the threat it posed to the group. The wolf, once a symbol of dominance, now lay lifeless at her feet.

As the adrenaline of battle subsided, Nox looked down at her blood-stained hand. The crimson hue of the Dire Wolf's blood clung to her fingers and palm. Unfazed by the gruesome sight, she brought her hand to her lips and, with a calm and measured motion, licked the blood away. It was a testament to her otherworldly nature, an act that held a strange mix of primal instinct and ethereal refinement.

After cleaning her hand, Nox turned her attention to her blade, which had also been splattered with the wolf's blood. With a precise and practiced swing, she cleared the blade of the crimson stains, the moonlight-blessed katana gleaming once more with its ethereal luster.

Satisfied that both her hand and her weapon were now free of the beast's blood, Nox returned to the cart. Her coat, however, bore the marks of battle, stained with the evidence of her victory.

Looking to Malik, Nox shook her head softly "Those other wolves are not yet dead do be careful. They were knocked out by my battle aura, if you wish to skin them, be my guest but my employer has requested I take no more lives than are needed. That being said if you fill in a formal request for wolf skins with the adventurers guild when we arrive at our destination, I wouldn't mind accompanying you to gather more later."

Turning her attention to Milky, Tachanka, Eila and Griffin, Nox moved silently to stand by their side. Glancing down at the wound Tachanka had suffered. "You'll be fine. But in future, you should refrain from pulling the arrow out. Brake the shaft and wrap the wound, pulling the arrowhead out typically deals more damage than the initial impact itself." Turning her eyes to the Bandit's then, Nox commented "The two bandits I struck will also survive, as per your request Milky. Though it is a shame the Direwolf wouldn't stand down, only it lost its life by my hand. I trust this was satisfactory?"
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(This post is early, blame Uasal Uasal . A smaller post for now)
Mentions: Uasal Uasal DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Miria Miria Novama Novama Voiremine Voiremine Trystan1295 Trystan1295 Stanley Stanley
Character Sheet
(Tachanka Titles: Otherworlder, Beast, Canine)
(Milky Titles: Otherworlder, Beast, Furpent)

Milky's ears twitched at the sound of hearing that her partner was injured, panicked and wanting to see how bad it was as Tachanka rolled her eyes and showed the wound to Eila and Milky. Sighing that they would care so much, she offered said wound to them.
"It's fine, you can do what you need but no need to get so fussed about a little bleeding" Tachanka muttered as she allowed them to see. Milky could've possibly helped but since Eila seemed much more confident in the matter the furpent believed that the other girl would probably be able to handle it better. Tachanka left her to oversee her arm as she answered Nox's mention.
"It's just a little arrow wound, how bad could it possibly be?" Tachanka jested in response, making very little out of the issue.

Milky nodded to Griffin's suggestion as the faintest sound of huffing in the same direction the bandits had been hit could be heard before a little thump of the archer that remained awake passing out from shock. Hearing Nox speak about the condition of her foes, she turned her head to face her as she answered.
"Y-yes, thank you for doing your best to resolve things more... safely, even if they ended like this" Milky spoke as she paid attention to Malik's interest to make use of their pelts. Sighing that it would make such peaceful resolutions more null and void by taking them to be skinned, she knew it was the cruel truth of certain business doers. Hesitant on denying such suggestions out of pity for the wild creatures, she knew she couldn't deny business opportunities of others when the trip was already one of her own that they were getting free support for.
"If you're going to take them alive, p-please be very careful as so they don't cause any trouble... " Milky answered softly as she hesitantly roamed back to the cart as if considering to go again.

"We should clean up quickly and get everything to go soon, it's getting dark out and I'd hate to spend time going through the dark yet we're somewhat so close" Milky said as she looked at the wolves, knowing she wouldn't be much help in picking them up and Tachanka was getting treated to so it would need be to others to deal with.
"Say, if we're gonna drag around all this too, someone else is gonna have to chip in with manual labour. You can't just increase payload and expect us to keep pulling it for you" Tachanka input her thoughts over the matter of bringing along the extra weight Malik had ideas to use for pelts.

The forest would prove to be rather quiet now, as the skies were darker than earlier. Nightfall would very soon be upon them, although they had already intimidated and fought foes before that hopefully it should be a sign for future attackers. Milky was rather impatient and wanting to get going at the thought however, although camping out through the night was technically an option. Considering the unconscious present, it would prove ridiculously dangerous though.

OOC: Please let me know if I'm using the skills right! XD

Meanwhile Treating Tachanka's Arrow Wound

Eila sighed at Tachanka's reply and added onto Nox's statement-of-fact.

"Because the wound is now like a gaping hole, there are viruses and bacteria we take in on a daily basis. We don't realize just how much our bodies fight internally against infection and disease. An eternal war waging right inside of us, so please do make sure to take care and rest when needed." Eila wanted to make sure Tachanka heard both their words and understood her predicament. Taking things too lightly can mean an early, unintended end.

Eila continued. "Rest is part of the healing process as well, so relax and listen." She also hoped Milky would be reassured her friend will get better soon. The two seemed to get along well.
Resting her right hand on the first blank page, Eila thought of when she received this catalyst in form of a journal only she can read. Her hand is imprinted upon the book making it unique and only of use to her.

If Tachanka fell sleep it would mean a faster recovery, but not everyone responded the same. As Eila began to sing a slow, soft and lullaby-ish melody. Every note and word felt like a refreshing, quiet stream.

O Lord of Healing

Before you I kneel

For your help I plead

Knit this wound and seal

She chose this type of song to heal gradually. If bone broke or fractured from the battle, that is where the mending began, from deep within to the surface. The more natural, the better the healing recovery.
Singing more verses according to Tachanka's wound, she sensed it went deep. Following the thread of her song, tiny glowing butterflies carried a string. Weaving through and bringing back together the flesh that was torn. Ensuring her arm wouldn't become infected with illness and disease.

When healing ended Eila lifted her hand off the book and letters formed along the page. Once it reached the end of the page, it closed shut and floated back to Eila and she put the book back into her dress pocket.
Healing Process

"I've done what I can on my end. Now the rest is up to you. Please be sure not to use that arm for 8 hours to allow my zypherflies to continue patching you up."

Skills Used

[Affinity Wind F] Auxillary, E Grade Intelligence

[Healing F] Auxillary, E Grade Intelligence

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