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Fantasy From Once There Was. [Accepting]

Euclid Leaf

Metamorphasis, Genesis, Metastasis
[border]Words of a Madman...[/border]

Even a world where Gods live and breathe among us, there is no peace, no salvation from the horrors we have sowed. The taste of our withered fruit is bitter and astringent. They can only watch in pity as we, once their kin, suffer and struggle. For some things are beyond the powers of the very Gods themselves. Fate already resolved is unchangeable. We had all been as mighty as them before, their blood once the same as ours. But such a time has long past. We know now the cruel truth of our frailty. So many of us live in fear of every minute tick and shadow, reminded that we are mortal above all else. There is only death. For that is our punishment. We had played with the sacred powers of Gods as though they belonged to us. How foolish we were. Our dear mother merely allowed us this gift in generosity. But we abused her benevolence and kindness. We forgot whose home and cradle we had been living in. We called ourselves Gods when they had been away for only a moment, forgetting who the true Gods were. Untamed power and complacent ignorance births deadly hubris. So when they returned to their cherished home set aflame, we were cast from their doorstep unto the world we ravaged and destroyed.

We created this dark hell. And hell has come to claim us.


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[border]-Year 405 AGF-[/border]

The golden harbored star, the magnificent Flameheart, paints the world below in a dim, but constant light. Surrounded by looming clouds, like a sun rising in the bleakest of dawns, it watches over those seeking hope as eyes for the God of Sunlight.

Beneath its rays lies Ciro, the last refuge in the darkness.

The usual silence of the solemn fortress has been disturbed this day.
Ring... ring. The toll of the Clock Tower signaled just another hour past, nothing different than the countless time before, but it was not the only voice to call out. The celebratory hoots from the populous announced the beginning of a new year. Even all the way from the outer castle rings, the vast stretches of dusty city streets were decorated in a sea glowing lanterns, the crowds below having begun their festivities. The much anticipated parade of flame had begun conduction and humble vendors hailing people to their humble stalls for sale. Warm, steam-lined food was a rarity, but the purified meat corralled by hunters was made plentiful for the masses today. It was a truly scarce time, to be able to forget the bleakness of this world. To dance in the light and forget the darkness. There were no beasts tonight. No fear. No suffering. There was enough of that for months to come. Even for just a bit, they were able to take a grateful breath and enjoy this precious moment. Perhaps thing would be different this coming year? Such a thing could be imagined possible watching the smiling faces and trickling of laughter.

However, there was no time to indulge in these illusions.

The knights were being called, as they were always, their intricate crests shining with a message;

"To the Hallowed Cathedral."

Within the towering ancient structure at the center of the city, located beneath the distant Flameheart, there was a commotion as available knights were being gathered into the main hall, confusion in their expressions as they awaited orders. This was a peculiar call. Not only were warriors being issued the summons but researchers and scholars as well. Soft words were being exchanged, but nothing to disturb the stern figure at the end of the hall. Captain Knight Anelle tapped her metal finger against the claymore resting upon the table, her fiery red eyes pointed down as she waited for all those called to be present before beginning. Younger knights looked in fear, having heard plenty rumors of her temper, while older members acted more of learned respect. The small party of a dozen seemed insignificant in comparison to the grand scale of everything around, the candle-light shedding light unto the hallways. The Master Architect certainly had a lofty vision when he carved the mighty mountains.

The Hallowed Cathedral stood as a convergent point where the three chapters would find unity, a central hub or sorts where information or news is exchanged. As it was the center of the Order, it was where the city looked upon in times of dire need.

Among the party of knights was a young Xanaran teen, his furry ears canted and his bright yellow head ducked forward as he tried to settle his nerves. Kashiro looked tiny in the initiate robes of the Circle, the flowing black and white cloth needed to be pinned against itself otherwise the long ends would trip him. For once he was glad the robes were over-sized, because they allowed to hide his nervousness underneath.

He was located well off to the side of the pews, hoping no one would find him in such a pitiful state. He couldn't stop his leg from shaking, even pushing both his hands down on the trembling lap. He felt overwhelmed, tugged at both ends by excitement and horror. It couldn't be helped, really. This was his first calling. Well, to be technical, this was his first test of graduation, the last steps for a Squire to be bestowed knighthood. He only hoped to prove himself worthy and not make
too much a fool of himself. Even now, the years of studying and training as a Maegus seemed like a dream.

He never thought he would be sitting here in the elegant halls standing by to be dispatched.

Ever since he was child, he loved hearing stories of the revered Knights of Dusk and their amazing feats. To be one of them, he couldn't imagine a better way to realize his goals. But the thought of failure ate at him ceaselessly.

Closing his eyes, Kashiro let out a whispered prayer.

"Please. Truth be, I am weak. Grant me strength, dear Lord of Sunlight, so that I may carry out your holy task."

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Crag, the Plague Advent


“And if we add a rotten egg here and a rat tail there, the substance should...?” pondered the Plague Advent. Thinking quietly was not one of his strong suits, and he preferred to listen to the sound of his own voice rather than sit in silence. Crag had been wanting to craft a deadly poison the old fashioned way, reminiscent of the age old witches from fairy tales, though he was sure an apple would not be as effective against the Fallen. It was going well, but the hustle and bustle from the parade kept capturing his attention. “I knew I should’ve asked for a higher workshop room! But it is nice to flash the neighborhood children a smile now and then, gotta maintain my friendly image as a knight. They do run away a lot though…” said the young lad to himself and the bubbling cauldron. “I do hope that Aias gets me a snack if he’s down there.” Crag added before finishing his concoction. “Smells absolutely putrid, should work as intended!” he exclaimed, before bottling the liquid up. He then moved down to a separate room within his personal laboratory.

The room he entered was riddled inch by inch with different colors of gunk and debris from past experiments, Crag even heard the bottom of his soles steam with every step he took. He stepped toward a chest caked in some weird black dust in the corner of the room, and took out a tiny succulent from within it. He placed it on the ground, and threw a vial of the new poison at it. Withering almost instantly, the test was a whopping success! “It could be a tad bit faster though…” said the boy, excited to start developing his next work.

His research was his number 1 priority, as his brain functioned differently than most others. First off, he was a savant of his trade, finishing studies on new toxins the day he starts them. Luckily for him, this completely counteracts the problems presented by his brain disease, which causes him to completely forget certain things every now and then. It does help that he records all his findings as well as his important relationships in his leather notebook.

The clock stroke as another hour ended and with it, a calling. The crest on the Maegus’ robe glowed with a message, signaling a meeting of the Knights of Dusk. “Orders schmorders, but I guess not showing up could get me evicted.” said the toxin madman. Not having a lab to himself being his worst fear, he quickly scribbled his freshly finished research in his notebook, as well as doodling a tiny caricature of a witch on the same page. Once ready to leave, he set off towards the Hallowed Cathedral, his trademark grin a bit bigger than usual, due to being content with his work.

He situated himself next to some fellow researchers, specifically Aias, and discussed with them all about their recent findings, whilst awaiting further instruction from the higher ups. Well, waiting may be a bit of a stretch, as he noticed a tiny Xanaran boy fiddling his thumbs with a nervous expression plastered on his face. “Hey there kid, you got claustrophobia or something? I’m pretty sure I can cure that.” said Crag, patting his notebook with a hearty smile.
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"Aaand... done!"

Louie's face splits with an ear-to-ear grin as Caroline, the newly made mini quadcopter, zips around the cluttered laboratory, Louie expertly maneuvering her with a small controller in his left hand.

"Laboratory" is an understatement. It's a small room, 6 meters at best, with a low ceiling and open windows, with only shutters to protect from the weather. Various different machines and books lay scattered about the floor, some different pieces parts of gadgets, others simple machines that need repairing. A few wooden shelves are littered with various flasks, each deliberately labeled. A few work tables here and there lay covered with different instruments for Louie's brewing; an electric burner here, a test tube rack there, etc. A bookshelf to the right wall is crammed with notebooks with recipes and diagrmas, some salvaged from Louie's parents' library, others from Randy's, and some written by Louie himself. A musty bed, which is really just a low table with a hard matress and a few thin sheets strewn over it, sits in the corner, leading one to believe that sleep isn't important for Louie. Against a wall is a large sink, complete with a plumbing system that Louie made. A nightstand with a drawer mechanism sits at the foot of the bed, and a coat rack holding Louie's brown leather jacket stands solitary near the creaky, drafty door. Some call the place a laboratory. Some call it a dump. Louie simply calls it home.

Louie listens to the people outside, forgetting the hopelessness and grim situation of the real world as they take part in the festivities. Louie figures he can join them, maybe meet up with his friends, and show Caroline to the people.

"Alright Caroline, ready to meet the wondrous outside?"

Caroline nods and does a circle around Louie's head and perches on the nightstand. Louie drops the controller and changes out of his grimy T-shirt covered in stains of oil and grease and quickly washes up the best he can. He's going to have to wash his work clothes eventually, but today's not the day. Just as Louie dons some cleaner clothes and his coat, the tell tale bell signals the new hour. With the new hour comes a peculiar call from his now glowing crest:

"To the Hollowed Cathedral"

Oh great, Louie thinks to himself. Another meeting. As much as I want to skip this, I like my home. And besides, a call on this day might be important.

Louie hastens to the Cathedral, unzipped coat billowing in the wind as his footprints make their temporary mark in the ever present layer of snow coating the ground.


When Louie arrives at the Hollowed Cathedral, he immediately recognizes Crag talking with a nervous looking Xanaran teen. Louie makes his way over to the plague advent, but only after letting Caroline make her enterance.
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Claudette smiles as she to waters her plants. The roses were blooming just right but the veins were starting to creep too close to the delicate marigolds. She pushes them away. “Roses are much too affectionate. I wish you would calm down you silly girl.” She giggles as some tomato leaves brush her. Claudette slips through the greenhouse like a garden snake. As much as she loved her plants, she hated the dirty and sweat she got from being with them. “It only they could grow inside.” She wipes her brow before getting into her small but lovely shower. She quickly got herself clean and ready to start a new day. She needed to clean the back room, finally, oh! And get to those pesky sheets, she hated the bland look, more color was what she needed in her life. She walks back into her lab with these thoughts.

The lab was a big sunny room, that seems to be bursting with life. From the sunflowers beaming from the big floor to ceiling windows to the butterflies and bee buzzing around, it was just a lovely garden of life. There are a few small desks scatted around, crawling with ecosystems. Many flash contain plants or some insects that buzz as she walks by. She opens a pink door which leads to a very girly bedroom. The walls as a soft blue with fabric butterflies pinned to them randomly. The bed looks soft with its plush quilt and cute flower pillows. A small lamp shaped like a ladybug sits on a desk near the front of the bed will a small window light the room. It was a little kiddish and she has had people call her out on her living areas but she loved them all the same. Claudette grabs a simple lilac dress; her chores could wait a little longer as she hears the fun going on outside. She smiles and starts to get ready, how she loved parades.

As she finally finishes up and starts to put on her shoes, she stops and grabs a small lotus bread bun. She could be hungry at a time like this, the festivals would charge high because they knew people didn’t eat. But she wasn’t going to go break this year, no way.

“I hope they have those delishes moon flowers this year.”

Claudette twirls and nods, yeah she looked good. As she puts on her shoes and fixes her hair, wondering who she might meet during the day. She notices the glow and a call. “To the Hollowed Cathedral" Aww they always called at the worst time, she wanted to have fun today…at a little bit. Still it must be important if they want to call on such a day right.

Claudette makes her way to the Cathedral, mind already thinking about who she’ll she and what they’ll talk about, she really hopes it wasn’t something depressing…

As she arrives she yawns and finds a seat real quick, she would say hi but she was a little tired right now and the two see knew were men she didn’t have the greatest urge to talk to.
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Knight Squire


The boy visibly flinched when a voice poked him, the ears covered underneath his hood standing upright.

Kashiro turned his panicked eyes up towards the smiling white-haired man, his cheeks turning bright red. He didn't want anyone to see him like this. Especially someone of the Circle. Word spreads quickly around those who have nothing better to do than study and memorize dusty lost languages all day long. Noticing the intricate crest of a senior upon his chest, the boy quickly shook off the embarrassment and stood up and bowing deeply. He was at the very least glad his weak constitution was mistaken as just a mental fear. If only it really was that simple. As the man said, he could get a temporary cure for such a minor ailment. Though something about the way he smiled while tapping the worn notebook might of suggested a different intention altogether. He also possessed a peculiar scent. A very peculiar scent.

"A-ah, don't worry about me." he stammered, "I am just nervous..."

Kashiro glanced about, watching the others talking so casually and letting out a sigh.

"Besides, I'm part of the Circle of Lunaris, dear brother. It's my job to heal
you." shaking his head, "I've memorized them over and over, yet I always imagine myself forgetting my spells when I'm needed the most... that I won't have the strength to do what must be done."

He turned his eyes toward one of the statues standing within the grooves high above. The God of Sunlight, the armor-clad god standing proud and bearing his revered spear, the one who created such an age possible of hope.

"Sorry..." he said with a quiet laugh, whether out of pity or disdain, it wasn't clear.

"I've just met you, but here I am pushing my problems upon you... I must appear so rude." turning to face the senior Maegus, a worried expression grew on his face. "Forgive me, older brother."

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In lithe repose, calm eyes on the ocean of strati, swaying along... about on the hammock. Reaching down beside, the one-armed monk tossed back a flagon, gulping noisily, before settling the now dried-out container with the rest. The mood was nice, just right - and with a smile curled on his lips, the young male perked up, stretching his limbs free. He had been doing little but laying on the hammock, cloud gazing since the midst of midafternoon, peacefully waiting. At this moment, the clang of the tower bell resounded across the city and into his ears. Kicking out his leg on signal, he ceased his relaxed swinging. Then in a smooth manner, he rolled off the hammock, grabbing his brown robe off the floor along the way as he swept back onto his feet, wearing it. Environed by the courtyard, the bustle of New Year merriment flowed subdue through Hanui's own unique atmosphere - becoming nothing more than clement currents and lost, echoed excitement. More than ready to welcome the debauchery however, the youth was able to fly out the front gate....

Hanui dived headfirst into an uninvited persona, not that the monastery was his personal property but damn! Recognizing the middle-aged man and the glowing crest in his hand, this scoundrel immediately rushed back to his hammock, deftly taking off the robe to use as a blanket before feigning illness.

"Owow, what is it senior want? Ah I'm so sick...I think I ate something wrong." he groaned, "I'm very tired right now..." Seemingly used to these antics, the middle-aged man brushed off his armor and beard, glancing around the area before walking inside. Occasionally peeking out an eye from his scrunch-up, pained visage - Hanui watched the knight come over to his side.

"Boy, you need to stop leaving your crest... We have to go the Hallowed Cathedral," the man spoke solemnly, dropping the insignia on his face, "And your acting is terrible as always."

"Hmph, sorry not interested! I don't stroke that way, I'll go with a beautiful young miss, you can leave!" the little monk said with a thick face, rolling his front away; the crest clattered on the stone tiles.

"Ah... brother Ansiau, I know you assigned me to watch over this kid..." the knight muttered under his breath before forcibly hoisting up this shameless fellow.

Hanui suddenly shouted like a terrified maiden, "Ahhh! Rape, I'm being raped, help me! A dirty uncle is forcing me against my will!" The nuns still inside the monastery came running out to see the commotion - and after witnessing a rough-looking, strange man struggling to carry the flailing youth away, started to chase the fiend while angrily berating. This uncle-knight had to let go of his grip as they all started to beat on him; even the damnable rascal joined in - with his sword too! At the end of his wits, although the women's blows were mitigated by his light armor, a vein still pulsated alongside his brow. The rogue had too many nuns around for him to give a proper thrashing, and even if he wanted to leave, he couldn't at this stage.

"Damn brat... you...!" the knight was so infuriated he couldn't articulate his thought, whistling loudly instead. All the action and pandemonium quickly halted as a large 9 meter-tall wyvern-like creature descended into the center of the yard, lifting up a ring of dust upon landing. Mustering up a surge of aether, the old knight took the small window of the nuns' stunned state to fling Hanui onto the back of the draco with a precise blast of wind. Picking up the crest from the ground, he steadily explained to the dazed Sisters that this was business of the Order. After they reluctantly dispersed, the bearded man climbed up on his mount to witness this devious youth perched on his side in the smuggest way possible.

Withholding his emotions, he gestured the wyvern-like creature to take off, grumbling nonsense in his frustration. The young man didn't really care, calling out for his own serpentine beast with a whistle, who then trailed some distance behind. Still, now that they were both high up in the air, there really wasn't anywhere to run... yelling and cries were soon heard evanescently above the festivities below.


Hanui with a swollen face and black eye, strolled into the gathering as though he was still the most handsome gentleman in all of Ciro. He took his seat with equal grace and candour, but there was a faint, undeniable scowl twitching in his eye.

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Jack, The Pierrot

Knight Captain


A figure swooped in beside the stand-offish youth, dropping from the ceiling of all places.

There was no sound until the mass of cloth fluttered down, waving like a stream of water, nor did the bench rock from the anticipated force. The collection of flowing robes and metal plating was mantled upon by a pale white mask. Their owner showed no regard for private space and immediately tossed their legs upon the aged wood and leaned back against the frame casually. This careless air bearing to none other than Jack. Some might see his actions as insulting, but he didn't see anything wrong with getting comfortable to brace the inevitable boredom to come. Especially if it was Anelle who was leading the speech today.

He let out a melancholic sigh, tapping the shining badge off.

"Just when I was getting cozy up in my little perch atop the clock tower too... I guess there's no rest for the wicked after all."

The mask turned towards Hansui, tilting slightly.

"Speaking of which, what got you this time, young one?" he said with a loving ring to his light sing-song voice, a pair of glimmering purple eyes falling upon the swollen eye. "Sour face... hm, a need to overcompensate masculinity... Wait. Don't tell me." the string of worded conciousness seemed to connect something within his pondering mind. A gasp promptly sounded and the masked-man reared back in shock, his hand raising to where his lips would be, as if he just discovered an embarrassing secret.

Clicking his tongue, "Now, now, what did I say about messing with a girl's heart? Didn't this happen last time you got caught flaking on a date? I know you're too nice, but you should just be honest and tell them your feelings." he chuckled, nudging Hanui teasingly with his elbow.

"Looks like you got lucky though. Riled women might be scarier than any Fallen you'll ever fight."

The eyes pointed forward to the stern-faced Anelle to the front, his voice lowering to a hush. "Well, I suppose you haven't seen the devil until you've seen that one angry..."

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"Now young one, how do you feel about death hm?".

Alas, despite his truest effort to appear innocuous the child in front of him recoiled in fear for his presence. However, the young researcher was incapable of grasping the concept of feelings and yet he yearned so fervidly to know the secrets of how a blank canvas such as this child could be stained by such a copious amount of paint in a matter of seconds. Such an intriguing existence with superior complexity.

His fingers were itching with the desire to crack up the skull on the young boy. It certainly would prove to be more efficiently, nonetheless if he resorted to such methods the organization who funded his research would turn on him. Such a shame that they couldn't appreciate his efforts to lay the path for science. His brilliant mind deserved all their respect and yet they dared to restrict his freedom in spite of his good intentions for the human race as a whole. Well, it was just a matter of time before the people would come to understand his true importance. Unquestionably yes, it was just a matter of time so, for now, he had to endure it.

The thin figure inched closer ever so greedily, the young boy trembling in absolute dread as he was cornered and rendered helpless.

"Come on now, don't waste my time" the young man purred.

Aias couldn't help but drool in an unrefined manner because of the excess saliva that had collected in his mouth in a pure frenzy. Lamentably enough, though, before the young boy had the chance to give him his long-awaited reply they were interrupted by the sudden light that the emblem on his robe exuded.

He clicked his tongue in dismay, as expected the same organization who underestimated him also proved to have the worst possible timing as well. Alas, he had no choice but to finish his current business. Dismissively he waved his hand towards the boy who immediately took the opportunity to escape. Such an unfortunate waste of his time.

He wanted to dissect someone. How dare they call for his presence even though the majority of the members had yet to arrive? Ah, how truly vexing. Impatiently the young man tapped his feet against the floor. Not even the stimulating presence of other like-minded people could calm him down.

Suddenly the young researcher ceased his rambling about the incompetence of the organization. Discreetly he sniffed the air to a beginning before aggressively inhaling the scent of trash while twirling around. Amidst this heap, he could distinguish something interesting. Aias chuckled in delight as he cracked a disturbing smile. His dark gaze seeking its way to the figure that stood by his fellow researcher, Crag's side. This gathering just became a thousand times better he concluded and whipped out his notebook from within the depths of his robe.

Unaware of his mad expression, Aias inched closer to them both, "Hello person standing beside Crag, would you mind if I asked you some

What a poor stroke of luck. An order-wide meeting? As if that wasn't enough of a pain, did the head-honchos really have to hold it on the day of the Festival? She'd been planning to attend the thing with her sister for the past two weeks, and now she had to bail out at the last minute...

Jeez. What in the world was she going to have to do to make up for this?

Hye sighed.

Even as a researcher, she'd hardly any time to herself as it was... Wasn't today supposed to be something special, for the people? Were the Knights not part of the people anymore? Aha... If only she could entertain such a train of thought. She knew she should've expected this sort of thing, she'd already been in the Order for what, Fifteen years now? And how many of those could she have actually made it to the festival? Man, she could probably count one on hand. And in recent years? Man, she'd be staring at a bare fist. Her fault for getting her hopes up, Hye supposed. Though whether her sister would think the same was tenuous at best. The thought made her smile. She knew the girl was, unfortunately, already used to this... She told her often enough, after all. She'd cook a stew or something tomorrow as an apology, regardless.

Still... It would have been nice to have some forewarning... She was walking around in her casual clothes when the message went out, for pete's sake. Seriously, she was dressed to spend the night as a maiden, not a Maegus... She could already imagine her fellows snickering at her for showing up dressed as she was. Well, that, or just scowling at her for such a 'blatant disregard of ceremony', or whatever other complaints the stiffs could think up.

Either way, she was pretty sure her night wasn't going to get any better than 'bearable' at this point. And that was being optimistic.

Knowing she was nearing the Cathedral, Hye slowed her pace to a crawl. The murmurings of the crowd... The bustle of the festivities... Even now they managed to carry themselves to her ears, however faintly. Under the ever-dim light of the sun, she felt the sensation of warmth. The festival's warmth. It was almost enough to get her to turn around and join in. But even she held a higher sense of duty than that. Unfortunately, she thought. Still. Nights like these, when the people were abuzz, and the streets were alight... An inspiration to any self-respecting knight, to be sure.

Stepping through the doors, she could already tell that was going to be a challenge. A sea of armor and robes... Knights, Maegus, Alchemists, the whole bunch. And here she was strolling through the doorway wearing nothing more than a blouse, pants, and her fancy boots. Stuck out like a sore thumb, she did. Even she'd laugh at her. Whatever. It wasn't like running home to change was an option, at least, not if she wanted to avoid a lecture or five on being late for this kind of thing.

Supposing it'd probably be best for her to just stop complaining and take a seat, Hye made her way towards the benches.

Where to sit, though? Familiar faces in the crowd were plenty enough. But friendly faces? Boy... She wasn't exactly spoiled for those. By way of the Maegus, she'd- somehow- managed to garner herself a reputation of some sort of hermit. Some sort of lazy hermit, of all things. Seriously? Man, just because she didn't spend all her time holed up in her study like they did, she was lazy? Didn't any of them have a social life? Aha. Right. Of course they did. With eachother. And the Knights? Man, she didn't even wanna think about the Knights. At least, she didn't wanna think about the older bunch, whatever few of them remained. Even words were blows with them, she'd well learned. Maybe it was better if she just sat on her own? She sighed. What a lonely thought.

She'd just have to hope some charismatic stranger decided to sit next to her to play friends, Hye thought, as she dropped into one of the backmost seats.
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The wooden door of the tavern flew open as a tall, muscular man with angel-like wings stepped into the rowdy room. Lucius' piercing light brown eyes scanned the tavern, absorbing his surroundings, before making his way towards the bar. "Aye Luce!" the bartender, Audric, happily called out when he saw the man enter. "Shouldn't you be studying your symbols? It's the middle of the day!"

Lucius smiled at the sight of the bartender and took a seat on one of the wooden stools. "They're called runes, Audric. How many times do I have to tell you to get it through that thick skull of yours?" he laughed. "I've been studying them
all day, man. A few beers won't hurt," he winked.

"'A few beers won't hurt' is right!" Audric instantly agreed, turning around to pour a beer for the man before sliding a pitcher across the wooden counter.

"Although don't tell any of the other Maegus' that I was here. Those stiffs judge anyone who doesn't dedicate their entire lives to studying," Lucius rolled his eyes, graciously accepting the beer pitcher.

As he began to pour his beer, however, the loud toll of the Clock Tower sounded. Normally, he would have ignored it, given that the Knights were always being called, but this was a rather odd call. This time, the scholars and researchers were being summoned as well. Lucius groaned, knowing that he wouldn't be able to just relax here and finish his beer. "I guess that's me," he sighed and gave Audric a farewell smile before taking a few gulps of his beer. He turned to swiftly exit the tavern, his wooden cup of beer still in hand.

Lucius headed towards the Flameheart, where he saw a group of Knights, Maegus, and Alchemists gathering for the peculiar calling. Preferring to linger towards the back of the crowd, he noticed a slender, pale woman with long, black hair sitting by herself. She was dressed rather casually, and he recognized her as another Maegus in the Circle. Hye, he believed was her name. He remembered hearing the other Maegus speaking of her in the laboratories before, calling her a lazy hermit. A small smile appeared on Lucius' face as he walked towards the slim female and sat down on the seat next to her. His light brown eyes noticed the annoyed look on her face as an amused expression took over his own.

"Why the long face?" he asked, taking a few sips of his beer, careful to keep his wings folded in such a cramped space. He had mastered the art of not-hitting-anyone-with-his-wings-in-crowds quite well by now. Lucius couldn't help but notice her curvy body combined with her delicate features, but he was careful to mask these observations as well. "Perhaps some beer might cheer you up? Audric's Tavern serves the best draft beer in this town," he offered with a intriguing smile as he extended the wooden cup towards the woman.

@The One Eyed Bandit

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Crag, the Plague Advent

The smile on Crag’s visage grew ever so slightly upon hearing the boy’s words, “Older brother huh, of all the names I’ve been called in my life… That one’s new and I rather like it!” thought the senior Maegus aloud, as per usual. Nervousness, sadly was not something Crag could provide solid treatment for; he had been hoping to test out one of his new toxins, one that should be capable of curing small ailments, such as the one mentioned earlier. Actually, the researcher knew a way to alleviate the effects of anxiety.

Clapping his hand on the boy’s seemingly frail shoulder, he said to him, “Ah forgetting your spells, especially after you’ve memorized them? You’re worrying way too much my young friend, you’ll start getting wrinkles!” Crag had almost forgot the most important thing in aiding the Xanaran, “Dear me we almost forgot the most simple thing, introductions! The name’s Crag, and I guess I’m more well known as the Plague Advent.” chuckled the albino wistfully. Allowing for more informality as well as a pat on the shoulder, a good medicine for the boy’s symptoms.

Out of the corner of his eye, Crag witnessed two shady characters approach, well only one in hindsight; he had accidentally lumped the innocent Louie with his fellow scientist. The redheaded Alchemist seemed to have yet another new toy, to no one’s surprise. “How do you do on this fine evening, Sir Louie.” bowed Crag with a snicker. “Shall I fetch you and your lovely date a table?” he added, staring at the flying machine.

Now to address the other character in this ragtag group that was being formed around this poor young boy. “Ah my good pal Aias, what do I deserve the honor- by the way you didn’t happen to join in on the festivities, correct? I was sort’ve hoping you would have snagged me a pastry or two.” prattled the hungry Crag, his stomach growling for added effect. Now noticing the quite different hunger plastered on Aias’ countenance, an internal groan was let loose within the chambers of Crag’s mind, not this again...

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Claudette sighed, she was dreadfully bored and the meeting hadn’t even started yet. She fidgets in her chair. As more and more people come in, she pouts, not one of them brought her any type of sweets, how rude of them. Well, she wasn’t going to share any of her dish with them, since they were so damn selfish. Claudette plays in her bag before pulling out a sweet honey roll. The scent of honey is strong and she didn’t bother hiding it, they could all look on as she devoured her meal.

She stuffs the whole thing into her mouth before breaking out some white dull glowing drink to wash it down. Mmm, milk and honey were always the best. A few flowers bloom in her hair making the area only smell sweeter. Her pout lessens with the food filling her up, still she was booored. She twists in her seat, till she was almost laying on the table, her hair fanning out around her, flowers sliding out of her hair as she stares at some of the men. She had never realized how lovely, some of them looked especially Crag. His pretty looks always caught her eyes but she knew he wasn’t a man she could get with….the way he smelled of death stopping her from talking to him.

Lucius was looking good as ever too and her desire to touch those wings never waned. Would the feel soft like doves or maybe smooth and silky like a waterfowl. Her mind always wanted to know when she saw him. Ohhh maybe those wings of his gave him pleasure. The thought made a deep blush appear on her face. How perverted of her, she shakes those thoughts away as she finally spots a boy..A healer like her..but so young. She giggles at his nervousness. How sweet, she was once like him, long ago. Claudette yawns before blowing some white petals to the boy, he needed something to calm him and she knew her flowers could do the trick. She sits up, now on the table she could see everyone better, this meeting must be important if everyone is here…wow. She pulls out another honey roll. She should have brought some jam. “I think I should have made blueberry jam today!”
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Knight Squire

The man's touch actually made his stomach lurch unpleasantly. It only lasted the briefest of moments, but the lingering feeling of oil and slick remained. While it didn't exactly help him feel more comfortable, Kashiro was grateful at the attempt regardless.

He listened as the man talked, a gleeful grin and perpetually happily closed eyes. Upon hearing the name, the young boys eyes widened. No wonder an odd smell and sickly feeling was so centered around this man.

The Plague Advent was only a maegus he's heard of, so he didn't realize it until now. This was mostly in the begrudging talk of Maegus passing his public quarters, whom had been forced on detour around the winding passages of the massive cathedral because of yet
another pollution of toxins fumigating a whole ward. He had always thought of the Advent as a inconvenience to the Order, thinking of how unprofessional it was to have precious research go awry because of careless procedure. But seeing the infamous Crag up close for himself, the white-haired man trying his best to help calm him, Kashiro's thoughts didn't know which way to go. In many ways, he really did seem like a big brother. Albeit a bit weird. And smelly.

Still, Kashiro swallowed his anxiety and attempted a smile back to Crag. He held himself highly on his manners. But he found he didn't need to. Something seemed to well within him strength. His emotions calmed.

"Thank you for your kind thoughts, brother Crag..." he said, bowing his head, "My name is--"

But as he spoke, the humming of a mechanical drone drowned out his already quiet, meek voice.

Kashiro stared in awe at the fascinating floating metal object with propellers, followed by a red-headed Alchemist. He seemed rather proud of his work. As he should, Kashiro couldn't ever work his mind around the circuity and minutia. He smiled fondly. It looked like one of the kites he flew when he was a child, though obviously those weren't dangerous tools of destruction. But he was quickly drawn out of his happy mulling, a sharp jolting sound irritating his ears, the furry flats of his ears immediately lowering down. It was more of his own problem though, rather than the integrity of the machine. Being a Wolf-kin, he was sensitive to even a leaf falling. Alchemists and their spectacular contraptions were something he loved seeing in action, but hated their effects upon him.

Maybe even Crag wouldn't have smelt at all to normal humans, but such details couldn't escape the xanaran boy. He had a good nose for certain things, as the elders told him.

Kashiro realized he'd have to say something, but it seemed these two knew each other already, Crag having shot a line meant to start banter.

Kashiro sighed in relief. He was bad enough in social situations and was glad Crag had taken the helm. He looked to the Plague Advent, in wonder. Relations between the two more inquisitive chapters was not odd, but they both often kept to their own realms in their dealings. How did they become so friendly?

As he watched them, a shadow suddenly interrupted his thoughts, one with a smile that could leave nightmares. His skin crawled as Kashiro scooted closer to Crag, fending away from the disfigured being.

"Ah... um..." he stammered helplessly at the issued question.

Yet another introduction by Crag brought his eyes up in shock. He knew this man too? Kashiro wanted to believe he was as good-natured as Crag, but every instinct and sense told him to back away from the wild-faced man. The unusual calmness from earlier was shattered with a stomp. Should he trust in his senior's judgement? He didn't know what to do.

The young xanaran could almost hear himself whining like a puppy because of the stress.

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Immanuel leaned over the wooden counter of the tavern and looked over the customers and sighed. "Ugh, why did I agree to work part-time in a place filled with a bunch of filthy drunkards," he thought on the inside. "It's only temporary, once I get enough to money to pay for my rent for a few months, I'm done with this place and look for a different method of income," he muttered under his breath.

The young boy wiped down the counter covered with spills and suds, gathered all of the used glasses to go and washed them when he noticed Lucius sitting over at the counter, conversing with the bartender. "Hey, I've seen him once, isn't he a Maegus also?" he thought. "I wonder what is he doing here?"

Immanuel was wiping down the rest of the counter when he heard the loud chime of the Clock Tower. Immanuel was relieved when he heard this, as this marked his working hours were done for the day, but only this time, instead of only the Knights being called to the tower, scholars and researchers, such as himself, were being summoned as well. A perplexed expression spread across his face. "That's odd, why are they calling the Maegus and Alchemist this time," the lad thought. Immanuel finishes the task of washing the glasses and let's the bartender know he was leaving know and quickly, her exited the tavern after the tall, angel-winged man left.

Immanuel tools of his turban and wiped his forehead and heads over toward the Cathedral, following the others inside.

Immanuel looked around, deciding where to sit, and looked for a seat, not to close to the front and also not to far back. So then, Immanuel settled in a seat near the other researchers, a few seats away from Crag and Aias, and couldn't help but glance over and listen to what Crag and the others were doing.
Hanui rolled his eyes at the ceiling, a tingle in his leg ready to kick the chair out from under the masqueraider. Nevertheless, his mood lightened soon after as he saw a certain uncle-knight walking in with the exact same demeanor he had: artfully discolored to resemble a panda bear, yet proudly indifferent, but still completely and tastefully pissed off underneath. Living beside (though not under) the Order allowed him to recognize some other familiar faces, especially those who were acquaintances with his absent master; otherwise, he didn't quite spend his time to rendezvous with those of his own generation. Those he may see at the monastery were few and sparse in between. The monk yawn-sighed, inclining his head towards Jack, a captain whom he greeted once, maybe twice, likely never.

He complacently nodded to each of their words like a poet adoring his own love letters, shooting the masked male a different level of gaze once they shifted his attention away.

"Oh, I can't help it... women are so cruel..." he called them back with an incredibly meek and mellifluous tone, grabbing onto Jack's elbowing arm with his hand,"...You're right, I'm too nice. I should tell it clearly, but they just don't understand... "

"You don't understand..."

Hanui's gestures were so smooth without a trace of inhibitions, suppressing any gaps to resist his advances with. His brown hues were like polished wood, fertile soil - staring deeply through the mask's eye socket as he slid his grip onto Jack's delicate fingers, playing circles in the man's palm with his unoccupied index.

This hideously beaten male with a single arm still had the nerves to act cute, grazing his bottom lips with his teeth, his eyelids fluttering anxiously. Shaking his head, Hanui's expression transformed from bashful into passionately determined, denying any sort of resistance with an iron claw.

"Those damnable women don't understand who I admire... and like isn't them, but you. " he spoke firmly, "You're blissfully attractive, smart and graceful...mysterious; a leader whom I would give my life - no, share my life together with. Life and death" he confessed wholeheartedly from his ass, which proceeded to plant itself on the Pierrot's lap with hip-breaking force.

"These meetings are so boring, so lonely... you told me to be honest..." the scoundrel whispered musefully, his breath hot on the other's ear. Supplely, he leaned back over - letting go to reach across to the sweet, honey-smelling woman. With discriminating fingers, he surreptitiously plucked the prettiest Aether-flower from her mane. The rascal first had to sniff the feminine fragrance before interrupting the captain, his captain, with a playful shush.

There was no pause to observe the people around him - and especially not Anelle whose harsh gaze stabbed him like a cold knife - but he remained acting with genuine defecatery. With a blossoming blush, he placed the flower between his lips, guiding it atop Jack's head. Then gently gliding down again, his fat, bruised lips were closely zoning onto that white, porcelain smile.


ft @Mikailgirl
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Crag, the Plague Advent

As the Xanaran boy inched ever so slightly toward the Plague Advent, he started to feel as if he was truly an elder brother. Ah, meetings are truly fun events! A plethora of people to have whole hearted shenanigans with, the only thing to top such a setting was furthering his research. “Younger brother, there is nothing to fear, at least I hope. Aias is a bit of a conundrum, even amidst the craziness that is the Circle of Maegus, even compared to me! But he’s definitely not as bad as his appearance would have you think.” said Crag with complete sincerity, which should’ve been supported by the curvature of his lips; but that being his one facial expression, who knows…

“I think it might be best for you to find that out for yourself though, uh I still haven’t got your name actually. But, anyways, yell if Aias touches you in any weird way, and I’ll come running!” said the senior Maegus, as he left the two Xanarans (and Alchemist) to their own vices.

Crag hadn't had his fill just yet, there hasn’t been an opportunity of this large a scale in a long time. He absolutely couldn’t wait to tease his next target, and boy did he find a golden chalice in this garbage dump.

In the corner of his closed eye, he noticed a boy about his age having a steamy bout with the captain. Unsure of whether the scene within his gaze was but a ruse, Crag saw it fit to join in on the fun presented by the amputee. After shifting himself over to the captain and his lover, he bent himself on one knee and confessed, "But why fair maiden, must you love him, and not me? Ever since I caught a glimpse of your beauty, I've been enthralled~" Taking the freshly placed flower from the head of his superior, Crag placed it between his teeth, and grasped the waist of his newfound love, "I’ll treat you a million, no, a billion times better than he ever will!" proclaimed the boy in the most manly voice he could muster.

He prepared to make the final scene as dramatic as possible, and to shield it from the prying eyes of those around them; especially from the young boy from earlier, as this act of his was getting quite raunchy! Crag, still holding the attractive male, injuries notwithstanding, in his arms leaned down as if to kiss him. At the same time he released his aether, causing a plume of white smoke to exude from his robes, the skulls manifested by it seeming to kiss each other before evaporating.

In the midst of the madness, hidden in the puff of smoke he had just created, he stared down at the boy, no, man in his arms and chuckled softly at him. “So, come here often? Mind if I catch your name sweet maiden?”

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She blinks..and blinks again before a blush spills over onto her face. She had never seen one of these relationships up close, only in those lovely books, she picked up on the back of certain shops. Her hair is abloom with more flowers; this time, the smell is almost sickly with how sweet it. It’s now that it fills the air, calming the guest down as she stares at the man who took a flower from her. She can’t believe it…he was courting this man..oh how wonderful! She grins and winks at him before crawling on the table to get a closer look. They were both plenty handsome and she could see how they fit together. She wondered who the top was….but the man who took her flower seemed like a power bottom…one who was in control even if it didn’t look it.

She tilts her head and shakes a few more flowers out so that they may be romantic. She knew it wasn’t such a romantic spot but her flowers would do the trick.

She passes a honey roll between them. Something to eat, aww! It was like a little date. She hadn’t been on a date in years but she always loved seeing other find their soul mates. She finally stops shaking her hair and scoots back a little, still watching them.

Ohhh she hoped the man who be impressed. Her blossoms were perfect.

At the new man she gasp…oh it was a love triangle. She bites her lips, so hot! She was jealous but she could never fault who a person finds love with. She crushes the flowers sending out a white dust the starts to clear the room, calming it down. “Oh! I wish I was as loved.” She sighs and nibbles on her lips….hmm what would make the mode even better..oh dancing! She stands and begins to twist and twirl, making sure her flowers fell between the lovers. “I think you should choose Crag! His lovely features could charm a horse and though he’s a little crazy, it’s exciting right!” She laughs, quick on her feet.
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Jack, The Pierrot

Knight Captain


Oh, having some fun, are we?

Jack thought to himself, watching the display of mock affection unravel so tendering and yet so violently before him. The boy always had a good humor, but this might be one of his crowning moments. A smile was growing underneath the mask. A painful one. The glowing purple eyes didn't dare blink fearing they'd miss any of the marvelous show. And as with watching the drama unfold, it made him want to jump in with the theatrics. Though excited, he knew to reel himself in tow, for each performance needed its time to settle and shine. Hanui was doing splendidly. Everything was in place, from his use of intimate body gestures and the lines rolling so naturally out of his mouth. He might have fallen for the lad right there if he wasn't so jaded.

But as with any good show, there was a plot-twist!

Before he could seize the appointed queue tossed to him, a familiar face popped in, ever-smiling and took away his supposed 'maiden'. Crag was never a stickler for sharing jokes, a trait Jack could appreciate. Also, a newcomer, a young girl whom he hadn't attended to before, probably because he was not the instructor for Lunaris, showed to add to the amusing little affair, fluttering pale aether-flowers for much-valued visual effect. Jack's glowing eyes glanced back and forth behind the mask, the Pierrot wanting to curl over and laugh aloud. If it wasn't obvious, the little group had garnered the attention of everyone in the grand hall, the only voices theirs, as nearly a hundred set of eyes stopped their own conversations and bearing now witness to the event.

But the man did not laugh, resolving to keep his character, stomping his foot like a befuddled lover and charging over to the embraced pair.

"How dare you!" he cried, raising his ornate rapier form the scabbard.

Jack pulled Hanui from the Advent's arms and rested him gingerly to his side, wrapping his arm around the lad's waist and bearing the weapon at the supposed thief.

"If you think I will let you have my beloved Hanui, it'll be over my dead body! I may not possess a pretty face like you, but my love is unbounded and my loyalty yielding to none. Even the God of Sunlight cannot usurp these truest of feelings residing in my heart!"

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She gasps, even more, twist!

She finally stops dancing and drops to her knees to watch once more. Her hair was full of flowers and the petals littered the floor around them. This Hanui is one lucky man, he must be something special for these men to want him oh so much. She stuffs another roll in her mouth. This was just like a play she watched as a child..though that one ended horrible, with both suitors dead! Her eyes grow wide..no way! If this ended like the play did then she would have blood spilled on her flowers! Claudette jumps up, tripping over her skirts as she falls off the table and into the middle of the men.

She rubs her head and winces seems this dress had been a little too long, she would have to get it tailored. But enough about this, she needed to stop the men.

“P-Please don’t rush into things! This man should pick whoever his heart loves more and no matter who he chooses, one man should walk away peacefully!” She finally stands up, brushing herself off and looking between them. “I would hate for one of you to die for love..no matter how romantic it would be. I’m sure whoever losses this man will learn to love again. Why there are many men in this room who I’m sure would be happy if you picked them.” She looks around. “So please calm down and don’t fight!” She gives them all a wide-eyed look. “You could always settle for a multiple romance. It might not be legal in the eyes of the law but the heart want what the heart wants!”
Immanuel looks over toward the big scene taking place in the Cathedral, eating a sandwich. His eye widens and is marveled at the romantic jesting. He scans the room to see if others are watching and see that those three have gathered the attention of almost all the participants in the meeting. He cringes at the site of all of this, as usually does at the display of romance, he just feels the lovers embarrassment for them if they do not themselves, and he wants to love away, but he continues to watch and observe the “lovers”. As he continues to watch, he can’t help but laugh a bit at the silly jesting. ”Does this kind of stuff usually happen within these meetings?” He says quietly to himself.

Immanuel decideds to add to the scene by creating Aether glowing angel-like shapes and sending them over to Hanui and Jack and having them hover over their shoulders making the match seem heavenly.

@Fenn @Deccimo @RyuShura @Mikailgirl
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Cold amber eyes gazed forward as the sound of her shoes clicking against the stone reverberated with each step as she ventured out from the dark confinements of her research chamber. Her long brown hair flowed behind her in step as she walked. Her dress flowed in motion keeping a steady pace. It wasn't hard to tell that time was not a consideration for the young woman. She was meant to meet up at the cathedral, but it wasn't something she cared all that much to be timely with. Her research came well before any pesky affairs such as a meeting. Her completely expressionless face only exposed how unworried she was about turning up late.

She ventured inside, continuing her steady pace. Her eyes darting briefly to observe those who gathered, looking to not be very late herself as she had initially expected. It seemed even with a casual pace, she had managed to arrive with plenty of time to spare. Perhaps it was a sense of naivety on Rena's part expecting the order in its eternity to be some functioning machine with all the cogs turning and working in perfect unison. Such an order wasn't able to pick the perfect candidates it wanted to be a part of it, and there could only be so much indoctrination that could manipulate it's members to be as orderly as they so desired.

Despite such a realization, it had taken her more by surprise seeing what appeared to be a strange game of love. She watched as the 'love birds' seemed to be mingling, having shown up just in time for another to find their way into the frey. Her eyes focused on watching as the three parties interacted, laced with the presence of a woman who emulated flowers, enthralled in the affair. Rena stood before it all, uninterested in the affair. Her lack of emotion showing through finding it all to be a wasteful endeavor, whatever game that was attempting to be played.

"Why engage in such meaningless prattle? This entanglement provides no tangible benefit to either party. A connection predicated upon lust should simply be engaged in as both parties lack a true connection that will efficiently blossom into a long term relationship. Engaging in primitive competitions over one's hand without an established bond would be the very same as gambling upon Aether's metaphysical properties to accurately reflect the exact model you conceive within your mind. Unless this is all an elaborate ruse, of which case nothing of significance can be gained and a large detriment of time exhausted when a more valuable trade of information could be wrought."

Rena finished her long winded response staring upon the group showing absolutely no emotional response appearing blank. It was hard to tell if she was being serious or not for sure, although the dry tone and world choice she gave likely gave the impression she being serious. Rena wasn't exactly known for being the most 'fun' person at times, often acting as a stick in the mud.

@Fenn @Deccimo @Mikailgirl @RyuShura
"Leave it to Crag to make things crazy," Louie says as his eyes follow the rambunctious scene unfolding, and, of course, Crag is present, pulling an Aias on a one armed teen, who looks none too comfortable, and Louie doesn't blame him. Also present is the flower girl, who Louie has seen before, but never has put a name to. Louie could only smile and shake his head. As much as he liked Crag and his carefree demeanor, being near him could lead to an uncomfortable couple minutes. He turns to the nervous looking Xanaran teen, and pulls out one of his oh so clever jokes, saying

"After all, you can't spell 'Crag' without most of the letters of 'crazy'."

Although Louie usually says jokes for the sake of saying them, he does want to aleviate some of the teen's nervous tension, and sometimes a bad laugh can do just that. Louie extends his hand to the Xanaran teen.

"The name's Louie, and this is Caroline," Louie says, indicating to the drone hovering a dozen centimeters from his left ear with a nod of his head.

"And don't worry; I won't bite."
As his lips loomed in, the young male was guffawing like an idiot inwardly. Romance aloft in saccharine paradise - flowers like edelweiss richening the Cathedral air - her deluded ministrations were much appreciated and splendidly, served his shtick in manners he wouldn't have thought of requesting. Divided by a mask, why would Hanui care about touching mouths?

The licentious monk was ready to take not only Jack's, but the whole room's breath away - and just a few more until - but then, his attempt was suddenly intruded by another lithe, pale arm. The pressure exerted on his waist was not powerful, but his body shifted with the ebb and flow - leaving the Pierrot's lap to meet the new courter. With the jade-like fellow holding their hands on his hips, the scoundrel returned in kind - wrapping his strong, sturdy arm around the former's shoulder.

Running his svelte and experienced fingers through the wan, ashen hair - he glanced back over his shoulder at the captain. Resolving to play the hand he was dealt, Hanui's eyes focused back on the young maegus's own, glittering conspiratorially like the white, flowering dust suffusing the area; and without resistance, he allowed the mage to take him off his feet. He flashed a cool smile under the veil of smoke, teasing his hand down their back before stopping right above their rear.

"You can call me Hanui, and though I don't mind being described a maiden... it's au contraire." the flirt, with his better physical abilties, reversed his position with the snowy-haired youth in a wink. Hearing this person's name being announced, his brown hues found the nice-smelling girl in the crowd, staring thoughtfully with a devilish elevation of the brow.

"This boy..." his gaze lowered back down to the mage," Hahaha, has surely charmed a horse." This sentence, both vague and clear, was spoken with mischievous emphasis. Hanui, however, didn't continue - paused in his track by the loud outcry behind him. With a forceful release, he dropped Crag like a corpse; fortunately, the top of his foot kindly caught the plummeting young mage, easing him down on the tiled floor.

Turning tail, he strolled back to the masked captain's side, gazing smilingly "Captain, I didn't know you felt this way... all this time I thought." The scoundrel choked back some happy tears, happiness brought upon by the ridiculousness. Even the ethereal angels, timed the instance he and Jack reunited was stabbing by his side, if not the rapier. It was not the scenario he was expecting; but in a bleak, desolate world, it didn't bother him to just let loose whenever he could.

Attending to the brunette's anxious address, Hanui's eyes were now glistening. He ran and stole her in his arms, crying softly:

"Beautiful sister, it's truly too tough to choose... I don't want anyone hurt because of me." The little rascal took advantage of the girl's kind bearing, furtively inhaling her scent before turning back to look at the two confronting 'suitors.'

"Elder sister, you're so warm and soothing, thank you for supporting me. Hehe." Hanui removed himself, quite enjoying the embrace evidently by his delirious smile. He would've liked to savor her more, but it was too bad someone decided to bring questionable logic into his theatrics. Frowning, he shot a glance at the young woman.

"Hmph, what right can you talk in this matter? How could you understand the feelings between a man and a man? Your assumption of relationships driven by lust is shortsighted; aside from observing his heroic character, the captain and I had also interacted prior to this. Do you know the first thing he said about me that delighted my endless admiration and affection? His tender words endeared my face to make him want to pucker his lips, kissing mine... that I have a countenance more lovely than any women he seen..." The rogue twisted the masqueraider's words exaggeratedly; but he was unable to persist in his scolding at this point, trying to keep even a modicum of laughter from absconding.

Regardless, Hanui managed to maintain a composed expression. Any normal onlooker would assume he was too dazed in girlish infatuation to speak. Those that knew the little bastard in and out, all wore strange, crooked faces. If anything, they were more or less determined to let the show finished right til the end.

"It's not true love without a little risk. Hahahaha."
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Claudette lets out a soft sound of shock as the boy hugged her. How sweet he was. She smiles and hugs him back, patting his head some. But she did take a step back at what the woman said. Her face has a quizzled look on it before she gets what the woman had said. She thought the men were in lust. Well, she was about to defend them when she stops and thinks about what just happened. It did remind her of her time in the whore house when men would throw themselves to her like they were in love but all they wanted had been her body. The flowers around her begin to wither as the sweet smell grows a bit too harsh. She never noticed it but the smell now was almost enough to make one puke. Claudette's face grow somewhat serious. She gave the boy another look over..was he playing her. A final flower drops from her hair. Oh no! She must have looked like a fool!

Claudette moves back to her seat now, hiding her face behind a very ornate fan. Her blush was so red and heavy that those could see it, even with the fan as the blush spread to her hair. Oh, why did she have to do something so silly? She couldn’t have people looking at her like she was a court whore. She grips the fan tighter as if to protect herself from the eyes and grins from others. She takes a sip of her sweet milk, keeping her eyes down as not to bring anymore attention to herself. She lets her hair fall into her face as she sits back against her seat.

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