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From Fire to Ice (Forever & Enigma)


Entering the headmasters office was the uncomfortable to say the least. She felt like a child about to be scolded! She found herself trying desperately to try and recreate a smile but each time it would drop and she would appear completely broken once again. It was harder than ever before to try and retain her smiling persona and now it was as if someone had taken the ability away. Having entered, she took a seat upon one of the couches, letting herself fall back against it as she closed her eyes, unwilling to think about anything else but those eyes.

Kaori did not notice the headmaster that much or even when Aidou spoke as her mind continued to wonder aimlessly to a point she didn't awaken from it until she heard another enter the room. Kaname Kuran. Kaori looked between both the head master and the dorm president of the night class before her attention was taken by Aidou. Who was leaving. Instantly, the girl seemed to freak at the idea of Aidou vanishing, him having been the one thing that had kept her trying to remain calm. "A-Aidou..."

Shaken even more than before due to the blonde's absence, Kaori still tried to remain calm as she turned towards the headmaster and night class president, her brows furrowed as she folded her arms, settling them upon her lap as she leaned forwards, looking a mess. "This...is about that creatures, right?" She asked despite doubting the reply to it. "And erasing my memories, just like Akatsuki-san said, right?". Kaori looked back over to the door, frowning. "Why can't Aidou have stayed..."


Kaname POV

It was quite troublesome. He would have to punish Akatsuki and Aidou afterwards for their letting this human girl come into contact with a level E. How had it even come to this? The dorm leader sighed before inspecting the girl. She had wide eyes and seemed quite anxious, common after spotting something like a level E. But surprisingly, she wasn't in tears, and... By the looks of it, she would hang on tightly to her memories. It didn't look like erasing them would be an easy process.

"... Miss Kaori. I will allow you to be informed of the thing that you encountered, and why the night class must keep it a secret, but only if you promise me you will not say a word to anyone outside of the night class, the headmaster, and the prefects, Yuuki and Zero. If you agree to that, no action will be taken. I will allow Aidou to explain everything to you, as you seem to be more comfortable with him than me." Yes, quite troublesome indeed. Aidou's punishment would be to keep close watch of this girl from now on, ensure that she would not speak to anyone of it.


The blond vampire picked out some of the stuffing from the couch as he waited nervously. What would happen?! After what seemed like hours but was most likely only minutes, the doors opened. Kaname walked out, and nodded to him. "Meet me in my room later tonight, Aidou." Hanabusa gave him a tight nod, and then saw the pinkette exit the door. Did she have her memory erased? "..Kaori?" He asked, taking a hesitant step forward, searching her blue eyes with his aqua ones.​


She had remained quiet throughout the whole of the night class president's speech, still quivering despite the fact it had occurred now about an hour ago. Her fingers had curled tightly within the material of her skirt as she idly nodded in response to the pureblood but said nothing else but a quiet "Thank you.". Kaori had shared a look with the Headmaster. "Aoriri-san, you may excuse yourself for a few days from lessons to get over this but I hope you do keep this a secret." He paused, looking at her still down cast expression. "Please go rest first...you must be tired." The pinkette only nodded, walking over to the exit with a small huff.

Exiting the door, blue eyes slid towards the blonde vampire before her lip trembled and she had reached out with shaking hands to grasp at his night class blazer. Small sniffles were the only response from her for a while as Kaori tried to keep herself calm but the suppression from the event had slowly dwindled till Kaori finally had a chance to cry about her fear. She had said nothing but her grip upon Aidou only tightened as she didn't even try to stop herself crying this time.

Around ten minutes later, the sobs had faded and the grip had fallen, allowing Kaori to take a step back to look up at the other. "Aidou...please explain this all to me." She asked. Her eyes had regained some life to them as confusion had taken its place. "Why would I need to forget? What was that thing...The ice...Kuran-san...Please, just explain this all." She begged. It may have been the slight feeling of betrayal from Kain that caused her to seem so weak as her whole image of him had been damaged.​

Hanabusa Aidou

Aidou wasn't sure what he was expecting, but Kaori silently grabbing onto him for what seemed to be a need for comfort was not it. He stood still for a moment, and then wrapped his arms around her. She wasn't saying anything. Would she cry? She probably needed to cry... A few minutes later, his prediction came true. He began to gently stroke her pink hair, still keeping his other arm around her. She clearly needed to be comforted right now, and that bastard Akatsuki wasn't here to protect her. He was relieved that she wouldn't forget about him and his cousin, but it hurt to see how scared she was about this, as any human would be.

Sometime later she had finished her cry and stepped back, Hanabusa releasing her. His uniform was wet from the tears, but he would soak it any day if it meant comforting the pinkette. He let out a sigh at the words, but nodded. If her memory hadn't been erased, that meant that Kaname was okay with her keeping the memories. "Come with me somewhere a little more private, I'll tell you everything." He promised, taking her hand and leading her down the stairs and through the back way to the night class dorms, up the stairs and into his room. Luckily most of the students were sleeping, so no vampires saw him bringing a human inside.

"Okay," he started, closing his door and sitting down on his bed, motioning for her to join him. "This won't be easy for you to believe, but... Everyone in the night class is a vampire. That thing you saw today? It's called a level E. They're the lowest level, not even vampire anymore, just bloodthirsty monsters. There are five ranks: Purebloods, aristocrats, average vampires, humans turned vampire, then level E. Almost everyone in the night class is an aristocrat, including myself. Aristocrats have special powers that are different from regular vampires. The ice you saw in the tower was my doing. Akatsuki can create fire, Shiki can manipulate his blood, and so on. Besides us aristocrats, there are regular vampires who don't have any powers besides the whole superhuman strength and the need for blood. But... Purebloods are the really powerful ones. They are very rare, their blood lines have not been tainted by human blood at all. Kaname is one. Purebloods have influence over all other vampires, and they are pretty much royalty. You will rarely see any vampire cross a pureblood."

He paused, making sure that she was taking it all in. "Of course all vampires drink blood, but only purebloods will turn the humans whose blood they drink. Those are the humans turned vampire. They are generally very weak and have trouble controlling their blood lust. Eventually, if they aren't allowed to drink the blood of a pureblood, they will become a level E, and lose all sanity." He sighed. "Of course, we don't drink any blood from the students here. It's forbidden. We have these things called blood tablets, which we dissolve into water and drink. It gives us the nutrients we need from the blood without actually harming any humans." The vampire checked Kaori again. How would she react? "So that's why we couldn't tell you. Purebloods like Kuran-sama can also erase memories, so usually if a student finds out about any of this we erase their memory so that they don't tell other students and cause a panic. Now that that's all over with, do you have any questions?"


The pink haired human had listened to it all while keeping her silence, lips pursed and eyes closed throughout it all. It had been hours since the traumatic events and her eyes had dried and left a hue of red upon the skin around her eyes, lip having dried and broken from where her teeth had violently tore the skin and led to bleeding to which she covered immediately. It was clear it all took its toll and the girl seemed as if she would oppose it all, resist it and tell everyone because it was unfair. Even her eyes showed such a decision.

When finally those blue eyes opened, Kaori stared at Aidou with some lingering determination left that caused a frail and faint smile to settle upon her lips. "You are a vampire then..." Her eyes shifted, looking at Aidou carefully as for now, she kept her distance from him being the length of her arm. "Same species as that beast..." She had finished with a deep huff, brows furrowing as she screwed her eyes shut.

Kaori knew it was incorrect. Even if Aidou was the exact same biologically, she could not see him nor any of the other night class as such because it would be incorrect and poor judgement on her side. Kaori would not allow herself to be swayed by the effect of one mindless beast. However. it didn't cease the defeated look in her eyes as she response finally parted reluctantly from her lips.

Looking at him, she had finally gathered enough to smile a real smile at the vampire for the first time, her grip loosening to show her thoughts had finally found a conclusion as she nodded. "I will not tell anyone." There was no stuttering, no pauses or even a wavering emotion lingering in the words spoken. "I respect you all to be honest..." The girl looked up more, holding her head a little higher now. "Thank you for saving me Aidou..." She whispered, finally closing the gap she had put between them before from fear as she wrapped her arms around him, settling her head upon his chest due to height difference.​

Hanabusa AKA Kaori's Fanboy

The blond-haired vampire watched Kaori carefully, waiting for her reaction. He was saddened, but not surprised at her horror of discovering that the coveted night class were all vampires. That they were, in some way, although small, linked to the creature that had attacked her. He was prepared to apologize. He wasn't sure exactly what it was that he would be apologizing for, but seeing her eyes, scared, at the fact that the night class was more or less built on a lie.

However, Aidou was pleasantly surprised at her conclusion. She accepted it. She wasn't scared of them... He felt his eyes light up. She was okay with it! He couldn't stop himself from smiling. "I'm sorry, I know it's probably weird to be smiling at a time like this, but I'm so happy that you're not terrified of us. I thought you'd never talk to Akatsuki or me again, and that would be sad." He said with a slight frown, and then smiled again. "Of course. I am the amazing Aidou, what would I be if I couldn't protect the sacred students of Cross Academy from monsters such as that?" He joked.

Hanabusa wrapped his arms around her once more, but curiously, he felt his face heating up. Why could that be? He wondered... "You don't ever have to worry about any of the vampires here. We're almost all aristocrats, we have dignity and self control. If one ever drank a human's blood on campus, we would be expelled immediately. Blood tablet water may be bland and tasteless, but I don't think I'd ever drink a human's blood without their permission."

The aristocrat wouldn't have thought about it that much before, but after talking to this adorable pink-haired human, he couldn't imagine harming a human like that. It sounded terribly traumatizing to unwillingly get one's blood drunk, and he would never want to do that to anyone. Not after how terrified and fragile Kaori was after merely coming across a level E, despite that it hadn't so much as touched her. Hanabusa decided that he would never let any vampire of any rank harm this girl. He never wanted to see her so scared again.​


While she tightened her grip on the blonde, Kaori was pushing the fears that kept looming over her, to the back of her mind as she pulled back, in response, taking a few steps back. A smile flitted against her features as she reached up, brushing some of the pink locks from her face as they had long since escaped the twin ribbons bands to fall against her face. Back behind her ear, the pinkette swallowed as she took a deep breath to calm her racing heart as she finally seemed to have accepted it.

Seemed being the key word.

Kaori was however, glad at the reaction of Aidou about her feelings towards the night class and it caused her to chuckle softly as the famed Idol was left smiling brightly simply by that. It was..refreshing. "Aidou-san. You saved me, let me meet the person I once fawned over and even followed us on this date." She paused, tilting her head lightly as her smile fell slightly. "Even if I decided to think of you all as...that beast...I would not have hated you. Plus, I have watched and fangirled over you guys for the past year. You were nothing like that thing..."

Disgust had laced her normally calm and melodic tone but it had vanished instantly, leaving her with a faint smile as she nodded at his next explanation, her expression still dull and sullen but it was much better than before. "I believe you, Aidou-san." The day class had mumbled before she perked up, interlocking her fingers in front of her. "I have to go to one of my parent's balls, why do you come with me, Aidou-san?" She asked, her tone having cheered up considerably just at the notion. "I mean...If you are able too." She added as she sighed deeply, her composure was slowly regaining itself.

"Oh, when you see Kuran-sama, please thank him for me. I think forgetting this would of been worse..."


Hanabusa almost blushed at the praise. Almost. He got praised so much, why would this matter? Perhaps because it was actually sincere, not simply some compliments of millions of girls vying for attention. From someone who had caught even just a sliver of who he was, not the one-dimensional 'Idol' that all other day class members knew. She knew who, and what, he was. Her words made his smile wider, if possible. "You flatter me, Kaori-chan~" He said, turning his head away shyly. Somehow, the fact that they were alone in his room and she was honestly talking to him, not rabid and blinded by hormones, made it much different.

He cleared his throat, about to say something else, when her words shocked him once again. "M-me?" It was almost a squeak. She was asking him.!? "B-but, would you not rather take Akatsuki? He is the one you love and adore, after all..." He looked at the floor, doing his best not to pout. There was no way that Kain would willingly go to the ball with her, but Akatsuki owed it to her. Especially after he was so cold about trying to force her to forget and lose her memories.

"I-I mean not that I wouldn't want to go, I really would!" He stammered, eyes widening at how it seemed. "But I just don't want you to do it because I'm supposed to be looking out for you. If you would rather go with Akatsuki, then do that. It is your ball, you should go with who you want to the most." He said with a slight laugh, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. Balls were fun for him. He loved to dance, and Kaori was just the right height for many of the dances he would enjoy. "So... Yeah, your choice." He said with a slightly awkward laugh.​


The pinkette chuckled softly as the vampire ranted a little, clearly shocked as she delivered him and invitation to go with her. Kaori was actually expecting the event to be fun if she had Aidou there...that and she wouldn't need to dance with as many people as her parents would eagerly suggest on the day, expecting her to appear alone. Her smile had brightened as she watched him carefully, her head still tilted before she just shook her head tiredly, happily but it didn't stop the fact that she was tired all the same.

Then Akatsuki was in the conversation.

Her brows furrowed sadly as she cast her gaze towards the grown, lips having twisted back to the frown from before as her hands dropped limply to her side, unable to stay up with the wave of pain that ravaged her. "I...I think I may have been foolish. I fell for someone without having seen who they really are..." Kaori pointed out her own mistake and it only soured her mood further. "I did not know Kain-san but I became infatuated with me. I regret it all...I don't think I adore him anymore." Kaori swallowed, closing her eyes as she breathed deeply. "He wanted me to loose my memories and the thought of that scared me more than that beast did...."

Kaori had trailed off before she had tried to bring a trembling smile back to her lips. "You helped me and stayed with me, Aidou-kun." The suffix had already changed. "You didn't want me to have my memories taken either and you saved me from that thing." She had said it multiple times but the girl was still grateful for it all. "So I think I'd prefer it if you came with me to this party."



The smile soon fell from Kaori's lips, and Hanabusa regretted bringing his red-headed cousin into the conversation at all. Stupid! He hated seeing the pinkette frown like that, and he had been the one who caused it. He needed to make her smile again. After her dream date turned nightmare, she needed someone to look after her. Since he had encouraged Akatsuki to go with her, by default it was his fault. So he would be the one to keep her safe, and keep her beautiful smile on her face.

Her trembling voice tore at his heartstrings. The blond vampire couldn't stop himself for reaching out and pulling her to him in an embrace once more. "I... I am so sorry, Kaori-kun!" He exclaimed, eyes squeezed shut. He was so stupid! He should've never trusted Akatsuki with someone so fragile, so innocent. "It is my fault. I had encouraged Kain to go on the date with you because I thought that it would make you happy. But instead, you had to witness the beastly level E. It is all my fault."

Aidou let go of her and stepped away, his expression turning to shock at her next words. She wanted him to go, still? The relieved grin returned to the blond aristocrat's face. "I go to any ball with you that you wish, Kaori-sama." The respectful prefix was more of a jest than anything else, and Hanabusa told her so by giving her a twinkling, mischevious grin. "I love parties, and dancing, and whatnot. It would be my honor to go with you, ad I gaurantee that you will not regret it." With that he bowed to her lowly, taking her hand gently and kissing it, ensuring that his fangs were safely tucked away while doing so, before straightening himself, aqua eyes sparkling.​


Aidou had pulled her into another embrace and the pinkette settled her head against his shoulder, for a moment to just hide the frown on her lips. Akatsuki, in her eyes, had basically betrayed her and it had struck a chord...But Aidou was different that she initially believed him to be. After a few seconds of thought, the girl reached up and hugged the other, smiling faintly. "Do not apologize, Aidou-kun!" She chuckled softly, stepping back as she rolled her eyes. "Today was not...all bad...I guess..." She added. "And you actions were for my sake, so you shouldn't say sorry."

The pinkette tilted her head, reaching up to press her finger against her chin as she hummed lightly. "I should apologize to you though, Aidou-kun." Kaori mumbled, bowing slightly before she peered up at him. "I fawned over Akatsuki-san without knowing about him...I put you through a lot as well, so I am really sorry" Kaori trusted Aidou. She doubted this would all look good in Aidou's case as now a human knew about them all...but he stood up for her anyway and Kaori was still in silent awe.

Within seconds, she felt Aidou's hand around hers and it caused the girl to squeak, blushing madly as she stared back into aqua orbs, her own blue ones owlishly wide. "W-w-why did you do that?" She questioned, the words being barely a whisper as she swallowed, chewing her lip softly. "I can't wait! I'm sure it will be fun if you go with me..." She strayed her gaze from him, coughing lightly as she tried to calm and let the red hue vanish. "W-well its two days from now! You can invite others if you want...I mean I need to go shopping for a new dress but I cant wait!"

Aidou the Idol

Hanabusa was quite glad that Kaori didn't think badly about him. That she didn't blame him for any of the events that had occurred. Even so, he felt a pang of guilt. He was still the one who had set her up with his redheaded cousin, and put her in danger. He definitely needed to keep a close eye on her from now on. Not just because Kaname had assigned him to watch over her, but he felt like it was his duty to protect her from the horrors of the vampire world that he had accidentally exposed her to.

Aidou shook his head at the pinkette, tilting his own in confusion. "Your fault? No... There's no way you could've known. We do our best to keep our true identities hidden away from the day class, so you have nothing to apologize for." He told her with a soft smile. She really didn't put him through anything he had to endure at all, especially in comparison with the tasks that Kaname-sama made him do after he had been giving Yuuki a hard time, as he enjoyed doing.

"Why did I do that? I am still Idol, Kaori-chan. I have to be charming at all times, or I'd be breaking character." He replied with an amused laugh, gazing down at the day class girl with his affectionate aqua eyes. "Yes, I am sure that it will be fun. I do love dancing." He replied with a grin, and then shook his head, a few strands of blond hair falling into his eyes. "No, I think it'd be fun just to go with you. Plus, I'm not sure who I would invite. Most of my night class friends have to attend lots of balls and dances so they loathe it, but I still enjoy it"


A faint smile traced her lips, blue orbs watched the others aqua ones in brief awe before she blinked to rid herself of it. "Aidou..." She mumbled before she felt her hands drop limply to her sides. Since the whole events transpired her mood had gone astray as it weaved from getting better to disastrous but the blonde had settled her worries, if only temporarily. She was happy, even if it just appeared briefly so that it could vanish later and she would be haunted once more.

She clasped her hands together in front of her as she swayed upon the heels of her feet, grinning. "You really are charming, Aidou~" She told him with a soft chuckle as she brought her knuckles to her lips to stifle the sound. "I...cannot wait to go! I will actually be able to talk to someone without the usual formalities and constantly having to tell people about my studies." She whined with a tired sigh before rolling her eyes. "I get really tired of them...but I guess the festivities are fun..."

Looking down at her watch, blue orbs widened before she looked back over towards Aidou with a small, faint but visible smile as she took a small few steps back. "I need to go because I want to wash then sleep." Pulling her bag close to her, Kaori visibly checked through its contents before nodding. "I have a few days free, Headmaster Cross allowed me some absence, so Ill see you for the party by the gates!" She had turned around with a quick wave as she decided to head back to her dorm. She only paused in her steps to turn around to face him, the distance larger. "Thank you Aidou! Thank Kuran-sama as well please, Even if they are a pain I like keeping my memories~" She chimed before heading back.


Hana (<3)

The blond vampire couldn't keep the goofy grin off of his face. He had made Kaori smile! Even if it wasn't a large one, it was still adorable, and warmed his heart. Who needed stupid Akatsuki? He decided then that his goal for the ball was to make her smile again, a real smile. "Well, you won't have to tell me about your studies. If you're attending the coveted Cross Academy I know that you must be one smart cookie." He replied with a chuckle. "But worry not, I promise on my honor as Hanabusa Aidou, aristocratic idol, that you shall have a wonderful time!"

At the mention of leaving Hanabusa's smile faltered a bit, but then he glanced outside himself. It was pitch black! On a normal day she would surely be fast asleep by now. "Ah, right. I do apologize for keeping you out at this hour, I had not realized that it was this late! Head back safely!" He called as he watched the pinkette walk off, Her last comment brightened his smile a bit, but it didn't reach his eyes. He was relieved that she was able to keep her memories, but if only his redheaded cousin hadn't been such a jerk about it! "I'll see you later, then!" Hanabusa cooed, blowing a kiss at Kaori's retreating figure.

The aristocrat watched carefully from his dormitory window as the day class girl made her way out of the night class grounds, making certain that no stray vampires messed with her. Drinking from a day class student called for expulsion, but he knew well that that wouldn't stop some of his classmates... And he had been one of the rowdy night class members to attempt to taste the blood of a day class student. That thought now filled him with guilt and shame, after knowing how terrified Kaori had been. He vowed to himself never to even let that thought cross his mind again, and with a sigh, changed into his uniform before heading to his class, making sure to sit as far away from Akatsuki as possible.​


When she had gotten back to her room, Kaori had bathed, changed and went to her bed with worries far from her mind. It would be a while before the experience did not shake her to the core but the previous events had long since gained her full attention. It became increasingly clear of how sweet Aidou could be. It was not Akatsuki who comforted her or protected her and her memories of the event, but the famed "Idol". Before she drifted off asleep, Kaori thought a lot about the blonde haired vampire as her opinion shifted of both him and his cousin. She eventually drifted off after an hour or two of staring at her ceiling, letting sweet exhaustion forcefully take her.

The next day was less eventful. Classes she had already completed content for due to extra studies, being dragged off by her dear friends to watch the night class and even the usual lunch she chose. In short, it seems mundane in comparison. However, the second that the familiar chime signaled the end of her lessons, she had hurried back to her room at the earliest convenience. Her mind focused on the nights party and her current partner to said event. With a small smile on her pale features, mental exhaustion still plagues her, Kaori spent the next few hours decorating herself in her dress and jewels, finishing her hair and picking other accessories.

Ten minutes before she was meeting Aidou, Kaori looked at her attire in the mirror with a critical gaze. She wore a light blue dress that just reached the top of her knees, the bottom made into different layers while the top was layered with white crystals and a chiffon layer around her chest with the dress' top curving down to the blue waist of the dress. To match, she wore a pair of light blue heels that appeared as if lace with a simple matching bow on each. Pink locks had been done up into a bun with a separate lock braided and wrapped around, two bangs framing her pale features. A pin had been settled just above the bun that was shaped like a pair of wings, covered in crystals too. A matching bracelet around her left wrist. A chiffon, blue, shawl hanging around her elbows.


Kaori wore little makeup other than the mascara and lip gloss but she already seemed to detest her appearance but time was short. Mumbling softly she grabbed the small purse, the small ribbon handle wrapped around her wrist. Turning around she headed to the door of her room and headed off towards the gates. The whole time she was mumbling about how she should of picked the darker coloured dress and was now sulking. Just because. Sighing when she reached the sleek black car that her parents had sent to pick her up, She leaded against the door, waiting for Aidou.​


The duration of the classes were dull and dreary. Hanabusa already knew everything being taught, going to this school was more an opportunity to socialize with and meet new high-ranking vampires than anything else. Even when he was a mere child he had a knack for learning, and learning quickly. Most anything he read or heard got stored into his memory, and so he could easily recite off facts about almost any subject. Besides that, according to some human test that he had taken out of mere curiosity, he had extraordinary critical thinking skills, making able to get nearly perfect marks on anything he tried in the slightest to. That was one of the reasons humans interested him so, he was honestly just bored.

After the classes had finally ended for the night, Aidou heaved a sigh and made his way to his dorm just as the day was breaking, the sun a golden sliver on the horizon. Akatsuki didn't go straight into their dorm room, to the vampire's relief, as he did. The aristocrat changed into his pajamas, and was about to slip into bed, but he wanted to glance out the window once more. In the early morning light he saw the dorms for the day-class students. He hoped that somewhere in that building Kaori was getting a good night's sleep, despite all that had happened. Sighing, the vampire closed the curtain, shrouding his room in peaceful darkness, and climbed into bed, allowing sleep to quickly consume him.

It was nearing dusk by the time the aristocrat was ready as he stood eyeing himself in the mirror. He was wearing a blue suit jacket and slacks combination with a patterned blue-and-black vest underneath. A crisp white dress shirt was layered underneath that, the cuffs peeking out from the sleeves of the jacket. To top off his outfit, a black bowtie was situated immaculately at his neck. He glanced down at the glossy black dress shoes with thin blue laces. He had spent nearly twenty minutes shining the shoes to perfection... But not nearly as long as he had spent combing and styling his hair. In the end he decided to go with more or less his usual windblown look, but this time it was more mild, each strand of hair in place in a perfect my-hair-is-naturally-flawless look. With a sigh, Aidou quickly strode out of his dorm, thankful that he didn't encounter any of his classmates.

When he arrived at the gates, Hanabusa sucked in a breath, reflexively slowing his quick steps. Kaori looked absolutely stunning. Her blue dress complimented her matching eyes and flattered her small form, contrasting perfectly with the pink hair done up in a braided bun. He hadn't realized that he had been staring, but when he did, the vampire cleared his throat and ducked his head, embarrassingly aware of the slight blush spreading over his cheeks. This was ridiculous! He'd attended more balls with more girls than he cared to remember. So why was this any different? Could it be because he was going with this human girl? "I-uh-I hope I haven't kept you waiting too long." The aristocrat said, smoothing his initial nervousness over with his naturally smooth voice without missing a beat. He removed the bright blue rose resting in his breast pocket and offered it to the pinkette, extending his arm to her with a bowed head, allowing a smile to grace his lips. "Shall we go, then?"


Kaori had been glancing quietly inside of the car to pass the time. Her attention and mind could not settle, she was far to distracted to think or even notice the drivers impatient look. A blue nail reached up and tapped against the skin of her lip, the pink contrasting the blue, the two creating a similar combination as her eyes and hair did. Kaori was worried. She was taking someone like Hanabusa, a vampire and night class, one of the most exceedingly beautiful people in to the school to a ball that her parents were throwing simply because the elder duo wanted to show of their power and influence.

The human squeaked slightly, peering over at Hanabusa as he appeared with a deep blush painting her cheeks. Kaori was used to seeing the night class in those strikingly white uniforms but in normal clothes, formal, it shocked her to say the least. It was a whole new level. "O-oh! No you haven't made me wait, Aidou-kun" She replied hastily, not wanting him to think he hand. Even her tone was hurried. The blush on her face didn't fade, specially when she took the blue rose. A warmth became noticeable to her in her cheeks, butterflies in her stomach as to say as she studied the rose carefully. "I-its so pretty...~" Kaori cooed before looking back up, noticing Aidou again. With a smile, Kaori entwined her arm with his and nodded. "Lets."

The duo got in the car and soon enough it was heading to the party, though a short distance away, Kaori herself felt it to be a much longer trip. Her feelings for Aidou had changed but Kaori had yet to register this fact and accept it. There was no space left for Kain even in her mind, let alone her heart. Kaori coughed softly before turning to the other, rose settled on her lap. "Thank you for coming with me, Aidou-kun" She finally spoke up, trying to distract herself by opening her purse to put her rose inside.

Once the car was pulled to a park, Kaori shifted in her seat to grasp the doors handle, pushing it open. Kaori had hurried to do it because she didn't want the driver in her opinion, doing it for her like she was important. A large grin came to her lips as she watched Hanabusa exit also. "Are you ready? Mr.Aristocrat?"


The blond vampire couldn't help but notice the pink blush that was spreading over the pinkette's face, and he couldn't stop himself from grinning in response, his own embarrassment forgotten for the moment. He felt a warmth in his chest. What could that be? Pride, perhaps? After all, he was so handsome, that even a girl as stunning as Kaori was right now noticed. Somehow, though, he knew it wasn't his own pride at how amazing he was. Whether he acknowledged this to himself or not, the vampire knew that the warmth had something to do with how absolutely adorable Kaori looked with the shy blush gracing her face.

The aristocrat smiled slightly in relief when he heard that he had not kept her waiting. After all, this was her family's event, and he did not want to be the reason that the girl was late for an event her family was hosting. "Well, a beautiful flower to match a beautiful girl." As soon as the words came out of his mouth he wanted to hit his head against a wall. Did he really say that. "Ah... That was terribly cheesy, I'm sorry." Hanabusa let out a sheepish laugh, cursing the blush that returned to his face. Well... At least now they were matching.

He followed Kaori into the sleek car, nodding politely at the driver after he had shut the door to inform him that he was indeed ready for them to depart. An uncomfortably strange sensation came over him as he looked at Kaori, then looked out the window. It was foreign, like something buzzing around in his stomach. Could he be... Nervous? This was all so strange. Aidou prided himself for being able to 'keep his cool' most of the time, and it was the first time in a very long time that he actually felt a sense of anxiety. Sure, he was eager around Kaname-sama, but it was a reserved respect, subdued by the instinct to obey the pureblood. This... This was different. What have I gotten myself into? He thought to himself absently as he watched the scenery roll by out the window.

After a while, they had arrived. Hanabusa intended to get out to open the door for his partner, but to his surprise she was already standing outside the vehicle before he could even take off his seat belt. He allowed himself a light laugh. She was definitely interesting. "Why yes, I am ready, Cotton Candy." The aristocrat teased her blue-and-pink color scheme after he had exited the car and closed the door, lifting a hand to playfully tap her nose before extending his arm once again. "Lead the way."


She smiled when the other got out the car, pausing at the new nickname though. "Cotton Candy?" She questioned, a curious look upon her features. When it finally clicked, she had to take a moment to remember that her hair was pink of all colours, she pouted slightly, though her blush flickered to life. "Psh..." Was her only intelligent reply as she slipped her arm around Hanabusa's to lead him inside. "I apologize now for any of my family...they are quite...Urm, enthusiastic?" She tilted her head as the headed up the steps, passing the two men that were positioned at either side of the entrance.

Once into the hall it was clear that the large area was swarmed with people of multiple ages and ethnicity, though Japanese was predominantly present. Everyone wore clothes of high quality, some were clearly designer even from a distance. Kaori just pouted at the sight, grumbling a few incoherent words before she turned to Aidou. "I should of mentioned that it would be packed..." She added before glancing around, noting her parents towards one of the sides, simply chatting to a few of CEO's of allied business. A small smile came to her face as she turned her attention on them before hurrying over, pulling Aidou with her, despite gentle in her actions.

Reaching the duo, their guests having left, it was clear what Kaori's parents now looked like. Her mother was only slightly taller than Kaori with the same eyes but dark brown hair that hung down in low ringlets, light make up dawning her face as she wore a black long evening dress and heels. Her father had pink hair to match Kaori but was much taller, reaching 6ft in size with steely grey eyes, wearing a simple black but designer suit. Releasing Aidou for a second, Kaori wrapped her arms around them both, getting the same in return. "Okaa-san! Tou-san!" She cheered, obviously happy to see them both as when she leaned back she was smiling brightly. "Kaori!" Her mother called, smiling softly. "How are you, sweetie?" The older woman asked. Her father simply nodded, a small but present smile on his lips. "I am well, as usual!" Kaori wasn't going to tell her parents about the last few weeks, specially the vampires.

Pausing, Kaori reached over to Aidou and pulled him to her side, though entwining her hand with his. It was a small necessity that allowed Kaori to lie to her parents in a small way. "Kaa-san, Tou-san, this is Hanabusa Aidou, another student from Cross academy and my friend!~" She cooed, introducing him. "Aidou-kun, this is Yamiko and Touya, my parents!~" She finished, smiling brightly. Really, Kaori just wanted to spend the whole night with Aidou, she knew she had to greet her parents first. "Nice to meet Aidou-san." Yamiko greeted, bowing slightly. Touya however, simply held his hand out to shake. Touya clearly was not a talkative person. "Pleasure, Aidou-san."


The aristocratic vampire merely allowed himself to grin back at the shorter girl as she took his arm, her apparent lack of a witty retort to his nickname quite amusing to him. He followed her up the steps and bowed his head politely to the two guards. "No worries, I've been to many a party like this, and I know that there are many different types of guests who attend." He reassured her with a small smile in her direction. It was true, there were the type like Takuma who would dance with every young lady, Akatsuki who would stand in the corner aloof and watch everything with a cool detachment, an eager cousin three-times removed whose name he could never remember who always seemed to be a ball of enthusiasm.

Aidou himself wasn't really either type. He actually liked dancing quite a bit, but sometimes it got tiresome dancing with so many different girls from different aristocratic families, so he generally just danced with his younger sister, someone who he knew would dance with him without the ulterior motivation many other possible partners had underneath the pretense of a friendly dance. He gazed about, noting all of the expensive clothing and excess in general. Really, it didn't appear that different from a vampire ball, except that there were no blood tablets anywhere, and there was much more food.

Aqua eyes blinked as he was pulled toward two middle-aged adults, both of whom Kaori looked akin to, leaving him to rightfully assume that they must be her parents. He watched the exchange with interest, noting how different they interacted than most aristocratic parent-child relationships he saw. Children of aristocratic vampires more often than not were not raised too much by their parents, rather lower vampire servants and maids and nannies, but it warmed his heart to see how affectionate the human girl appeared to be with her parents. A slightly surprised blush made its way onto his face as he suddenly felt the girl's smaller hand intertwine with his own, but he masked the surprise with a charming smile toward the couple in front of him. "I am Hanabusa Aidou, it is a pleasure to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Aoriri. Thank you for allowing me to accompany your daughter here, I am honored." He told them, reaching his hand that was not in Kaori's to give shake her father's hand in a friendly fashion.

The nerves were back, and he desperately hoped that his hands weren't sweaty. Why was he so nervous? Meeting the pinkette's parents shouldn't be a big deal, not at all. But neither should attending this ball with her be. He had to just assume that it was something about everything that was happening recently. He hadn't been getting enough sleep, had he? That must be it, he was just tired, and it was manifesting here and now. Either way, he was hoping to get on the dance floor with Kaori soon, but decided that it would be rude to pull her away from her parents, and instead chose to wait until she had had her fill with speaking to the two of them.​

Kaori Aoriri

(Forgot her last name then x'3)

Kaori seemed overjoyed at the introduction between her parents and Aidou, though she did not understand why. She had simply approached them to say hi because it was the polite and best thing to do but in the end, her parents meeting Aidou captured her attention and made her smile. Widely so. She had turned to her parents after that for a brief conversation with them, the main part of which was her grades and studies with her father, Kaori was silent as her parents headed off to talk to over company owners, her attention turning to a waiter as they approached with drinks, non-alcoholic due the amount of children here. Grasping two she held one of the clear drinks out to Aidou, smiling softly.

Bringing her own drink up to her lips, Kaori took a small sip from the glass before holding it before her, tilting her head before she gasped. "U-urm, Aidou-kun?" She tried to get his full attention, her tone a whisper. "Do you need to put a tablet in it?" She reminded. Despite the expectant belief that it would be due to her uneasiness with the newly discovered truth, strangely it was evident on her face that she was more worried about Aidou himself. She did not know if it was hard to be around this many humans... After a while she watched the other carefully, taking another sip.

After a while, Kaori gave her glass to one of the waiters before smiling brightly at her guest, Aidou. She held her hand out in a small gesture as she cocked her head. Kaori loved to dance but she often did not at parties, mostly due to the unknown people there. "Would you like to dance, Aidou-kun?"

Hanabusa Aidou <3

The aristocrat waited as patiently as he could for Kaori to finish with her parents, and not wanting to be rude and eavesdrop, he scanned the room as he waited. There were many people dressed in extravagant dress, some gliding gracefully across the dance floor while others simply stood on the fringes and made conversation over drinks. He saw several teenagers around the age of Kaori and himself as well as many adults. But so far, everyone he saw seemed to be human, or at least a vampire he was not acquainted with. But as prestigious as he was, the blond doubted that there would be any vampires significant to attend such a grandeur ball that he did not know.

As Mr. and Mrs. Aioriri departed, Hanabusa turned his attention back to the shorter girl. He gave her a grin before the waiter brought drinks, and he accepted one from the girl graciously. He had already taken a sip of the bubbly liquid before her question came, and he almost forgot to swallow before he hastily shook his head. She was still very new to the world of vampires, and he did not want her to think that he was anything like the first savage one that he had encountered. "No, no. Don't worry, I have much more self control than that." He reassured her, giving her hand a gently squeeze. "Aristocrats of my caliber only need a blood tablet or two about every week to sustain ourselves, but as I'm around humans the most I like to take one every day so I'm not unnecessarily tempted." He tried not to talk too fast, but he was anxious to make her understand that he was not a monster.

However, the mention of dancing brought his mood up immediately. Aidou grinned. "Why yes, Kaori-chan, I'd love to dance." He replied, taking her hand and following her to the center of the ballroom. His hand clasped lightly around hers while the other circled her waist, and his feet automatically began to move in the rhythm of the moderately-paced orchestra music. He led her left, and then right, steps moving precisely in time to the beat with her. For whatever reason, he could not keep the ridiculous smile off of his face. It had been too long since he had danced like this, especially with a girl who wasn't one of his starstruck fans. As the tempo increased, his steps became more elaborate, and at the break in the song he spun Kaori around, lowering her toward the ground before catching her halfway down.

As his azure eyes met her bright blue ones, their faces flushed slightly with the dancing, he had the strangest urge to lean in close and kiss her. Hanabusa held her for a few more seconds, unable to break the hypnotizing eye contact, unconsciously inching closer... Before the next song struck up and he was shaken from his trance. Aidou abruptly pulled the girl up from holding her tilted in the dance and let out a breathy laugh, kicking himself mentally for how nervous he sounded. A waiter passed by and he snagged another cocktail glass from the tray, downing the fizzy liquid in one go. What was that? "U-um, perhaps we should take a little break from dancing?" He suggested, forcing his voice into steadiness.​

Kaori Aoriri

She realised, after she deemed it to be that her question nearly made him choke, her question might of upset the other some how. Horror briefly flashed in her crystal blue orbs before she went to rectify her mistake. Kaori simply wanted the other to be comfortable considering the amount of humans around. Her mind steeled as she went to apologize, only to find herself ensnared by the happier look that decorated his features at the mention of dancing. Kaori found herself brightening up as well, being led to he dance floor.

Kaori flushed at the close contact but still adorned a large grin upon her lips as she refused to shift her attention away from the other. She adored the sound of violins, which in this piece, was a predominant component to the current song. The classical music was enthralling. Each step she found herself grinning further and falling further into the dance and tempo, only focused on Aidou and the song. Aidou was flashy even when he danced with all the spins and twirls and Kaori just adored it.

It just seemed like his style.

He dipped her and Kaori couldn't help but release a small squeak in surprise, her blush once again returning when their eye contact seemed to linger. Kaori felt as if in that moment, they would kiss and she felt compelled to lean up just slightly to do so. Her feelings for him had certainly developed and she was falling for him... Kain was gone in her mind...Her attention was snapped back to reality when she was helped up and watched as Aidou took another drink and downed it.

Kaori cocked her head at his sudden change in attitude before she smiled softly in response. "Sure!~" The pinkette had turned to take one of the small cakes from a passing waiter and offering it out to her current guest. "U-mmm~ Aidou-kun..." She stopped, thinking for a moment before she continued. "I apologize for before. I only asked about the tablet because I wanted you to be comfortable...I know you are not a like the one..." She paused for a second. "from before... I mean you saved me, Aidou-kun."

With a pink hue to her cheeks she leaned up to peck his lips before grinning. "Mr Aristocrat is my Hero~" She cooed before giving a small mock curtsy. "I won't ever be scared of you, I promise. I trust you Aidou-kun." Kaori stated. Though despite her seemingly present confidence she had own actions had caused her blush to increase tenfold and her embarrassment causing her to take his hand while turning away, leading them to one of the extravagantly decorated tables to sit. Why had she done that!? Kaori couldn't stop mentally berating herself for the quick kiss in case she had upset the other.

So she planned to ignore her actions and avoid it...

Or at least try to.

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The aristocrat felt unreasonably jittery, his stomach fluttering as if it were filled with butterflies. Butterflies that had feathery wings, flitting around and bouncing off of the walls. It must have only been the fizziness of the non-alcoholic party drink... Right? His head turned once more toward the shorter girl still beside him, and listened as she explained her concern. She knew that he wasn't a monster. She was simply concerned for him! A relieved laugh escaped from his lips, and he couldn't stop the smile from spreading across his face.

"Oh Kaori-chan, you don't have to worry about me at all." He said happily and slightly amused, giving her arm a gentle squeeze affectionately. A warm wave of fondness enveloped Hanabusa at her words. She was so sweet, and looked so adorable with how she fidgeted nervously, clearly not wanting to offend him. What a precious little human he had found. In the short time that he had known her, he had grown increasingly attached to the girl. "Of course I saved you, there's no way I could let such an abominable creature harm my adorable little Kaori." He responded with a cheeky smile, choosing to ignore the fact that he had referred to as 'his.'

The kiss, however, was most definitely not something that he was expecting. It was there and gone in the blink of an eye, so swift that he wondered if he had just imagined it. But by the obvious blush gracing Kaori's cheeks, he confirmed that it was not something he had imagined. Within seconds heat rushed to his cheeks, and Aidou opened his mouth to say something, but the words wouldn't come, and so he simply stood like a fush out of water before the girl's hand found his once again and led him away.

Hanabusa followed her dumbly to the table, still in a daze. He sank into one of the plush seats and willed the blush to leave his face. Why was he acting like this? He was Hanabusa Aidou, the Idol of the day class! A simple kiss shouldn't faze him! But it was a kiss. Kaori had kissed him. With that realization finally dawning on him, the signature grin spread across his face. She had kissed him! Clearly there was something there, it wasn't him imagining it. Confidence restored, he turned back to the pinkette brightly. "So I'm your hero, hmm?" He asked teasingly. "Fear not fair maiden, I will save you from any danger you face. Hanabusa Aidou is at your beck and call from today on." He saluted to her jokingly.​

Kaori Aoriri

Kaori took a seat gently, brushing her skirts around her down as she continued to face anywhere but Aidou as the red warmth on her cheeks still remained hauntingly present upon her features. She couldn't believe she kissed him! The other may not reciprocate her feeling and feel offended...or angry...What if he thought this was something to do with her previous adoration of Kain! Though, it was only adoration then. Teeth bit her lower lip as thoughts muddled her attention and mind. Continuing to chew at her lip, Kaori was eventually snapped out of her trance when he spoke.

That usual grin was back on his face and so Kaori pushed away her minimal insecurities about her actions to play along with his words. Kaori adored his playful personality. "Mhm~ My beck and call, Aidou-kun?~" She cooed, leaning back in her seat as she dropped her hands into her lap. "So you will save me?" She continued, asking the vampire aristocrat. Eventually though she gave him a bright grin. "Well then, This maiden cant let this easily go..." It almost seemed negative by how she phrased this, until she continued. "So if my Hero ever needs something or help, ask me, okay?~" Aidou was sweet and so Kaori wanted to help the other as much as possible.

When another waiter passed she took a plate of snacks from him and gave him a gracious smile in return before setting the food in front of them. Her family had links to many sweet based industries and so tended to make the menu focused on them for these events. A sweet tooth, they were said to strongly hold. Kaori picked up one of the bite sized cakes and popped it in her mouth, chewing softly, swallowing before turning to Aidou. "Mhm... Whats it like it in the night class?" Kaori still faintly flickered her attention back to a few days ago but she didn't show any discomfort at all now. It probably would of been different if any other vampire was with her. "I have only spoken to you, Kain-san and Kuran-san...Kuran-san seemed quite serious..." She mumbled. She didn't even bother to talk about Kain.​

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