• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Freshers


New Member

(This first post is the exact same as the one in the interest check board)

Darcy watched the raindrops streak across the window pane, looking beyond at the roadside where the puddles reflected the light of the ascending sun in a watery image of oranges and reds, distorted and blended together in a swirl of colour. She had never seen the world at this hour before, usually being very much asleep when the sun rose to start the day, and was quite taken aback by how very beautiful the morning could be. The weather, however, was so atrocious that the rain pelting against the roof of the car and the howling of the wind drowned out the music being played over the radio, along with anything said by her parents sitting in the front seats who would occasionally turn to offer her an encouraging smile or to wave a bag of mints in her direction. Not that Darcy minded the noise, it even helped to calm her nerves somewhat, even if just a little. Ever since she was a child, right up to this day, she had been lulled soundly to sleep by the rhythm of rainfall pattering over her head when she was warm and safe inside, and although she was nowhere near to feeling drowsy anymore, she wasn’t quite at a nail-biting stage of fear either. She was packed tightly into the back seat of the car, wedged between two huge suitcases with a vast assortment of bags and pillows and various other loose belongings piled high on her lap and threatening to topple over and on to the floor at every slight turn.

The family had been driving for just under an hour, having set their alarms to a painfully early hour of the morning in order to load up the car and get on the road before the roads clogged up with traffic. Darcy’s father hated traffic, almost had a fear of it, especially on the motorway where you can be stuck in it for hours on end, crawling your way slowly and gradually across a great chunk of the country until you finally reach a turning to escape. Still, to Darcy, being restless and fidgety in a convoy of equally bored and frustrated drivers still beat having to drag herself up at 5AM, falling quite literally out of bed and crashing to the floor, still rolled up in her duvet and nearly drifting back to sleep right there on the carpet. If she had to get up at this time on any other day, she would quite happily run a brush through her hair, throw on the closest sweater and pair of jeans and be out the house in just under half an hour, but today wasn’t any other Monday morning. She was on her way to university, she would be meeting a whole crowd for the first time, and if ever there was a time that she needed to be the height of fashion and elegance, today was the day.

Her short hair, an unnatural shade of dark cherry red, was static from a night of nervous tossing and turning, tapering awkwardly at the end of almost every strand, and she took straight to the task of ironing it out. It didn’t take long, because although fairly thick, her hair was cropped into a short bob that ended in rather sharp and neat edges, just about reaching her shoulders. Applying her makeup for the day was, naturally, a far more complex process, and she set about each powder and paste in her collection, almost as a very process of elimination, picking a pretty bright eyeshadow shade and then changing her mind for a more subtle one, and then reconsidering the first colour on reflection on how well it would match her floral blouse, and then deciding not to wear that blouse any more in favour of a different outfit of a completely different colour. A fraction of that time she spent actually working on her face, although the winged eyeliner was something that called for patience and a steady hand, and there was that very tense moment where a hand wobble nearly smudged her hard work. She finished her look with a deep red lipstick, a shade that matched her hair almost perfectly. She stood in the full length bathroom mirror, twisting and turning in the knee length crepe dress, before returning to sit on top of her suitcase, overflowing with all the clothes and shoes that used to line her now bare wardrobes and drawers, in an effort to force it closed.

The university halls, her home for the next year, were fairly new and modern, with huge sliding glass doors that led into the lobby, complete with fluffy rugs underneath plush armchairs and puffy beanbags, a front desk that stretched the length of the entire room, and another door that seemed to lead into a fancy bar of some kind, but she ended up being bustled into the lift before she could get a closer look. Lifts, as if happens, are not meant for three people and four suitcase, a fact that Darcy discovered upon being shoved right into the corner with her back up against the buttons (they ended up on the wrong floor several times before reaching the right floor. The very top. Typical).

After wheeling all of her things into the little room that was now her own, followed by a very tearful goodbye in the hallway, Darcy found herself sitting all alone in the kitchen. The room was really quite huge, with enough cupboards for everyone to claim one, three fridges and a number of stoves. The walls were painted in bright, zany colours, with a lot of somewhat questionable pop art pinned up wherever there was a space, with surfaces cluttered with bizarre objects such as little watering cans and plant pots, housing wooden spoons, knives or pens, almost in a desperate effort to be as quirky and unique as possible. There was a long dining table with twelve seats around it, which gave her a good indication of just how many people would be joining her, and she picked the one on the very end, twirling the fake flower in the vase in the middle of the table and gazed up at the huge clock hanging above one of the fridges. It was still very early in the morning, and it was likely most of new flatmates hadn’t even hit the road yet, let alone come close to arriving. There wasn’t much else to do but wait for them.  

(My second character will be arriving late, so I'll bring him in later)

Michelle was travelling through the bus. This way of travel was horrible, there were so many strangers and they were so close. At least, she had managed to put her suitcase and guitar case next to her, so that she would not be interacted with. 

When she got off the bus, she looked around. It looked lonely. Good. She had trouble getting the heavy suitcase and the unhandy guitar case with her, but she somehow managed to get inside and find the room assigned to her. In the process, she passed a person, a girl. But Michelle looked down, avoiding to appear like she would want contact.

Theodore 'Theo' Anthony Foaly

His new room, his new school, his first country. Theodore was standing in his doorway, his room was clean, untouched. He throwed his two bags on the bed, and then he shut the door behind him and turned to the more important parts of the new place; the dining hall and the kitchen. He found it fast, exited about its greatness and amazed by the amount of people that would be able to use it. Theodore had chosen to come early to be ready when everyone else came, ready to get new friends and to discover who he would study with. Who would be Juliet to his Romeo, he would call it.

 As Theodore was about to leave the kitchen and unpack he noticed a girl sitting alone at one of the tables. Her hair was as red as fire, Theodore could not understand how he had missed her the first time he looked through the room. He came to life, almost throwing himself forward to meet a new friend. His eyes was filled of ambitions, this place was famous for its drama course, and he had wanted to study it for so long, he wanted to fit in badly. He flipped the chair before sitting down, so the backrest was against his chest.

 "Hey!" His voice was loud, filled with happiness, "I'm Theodore, call me Theo. Doing drama, you too?" Theodore pointed at himself when itroducing himself, and then he did the famous Hamlet act when mentioning drama, though instead of holding a scull he held his phone.

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Amber Rain 


Today was the day, the first day of college. Amber was beyond excited to go to college. 

So many wonderful things happen with college, maybe she would make so really good friends. 

The thought of having some good friends made her smile, she missed her best friend. 

But this was one of the reasons she was going to go to college. 

To learn to help people, to make their lives better. 

Her parents were dropping off today. 

She would miss them very much, but she would see them again. 

That made all this so much easier for when they left her to head back home. 


Pulling up to the college, it was raining. Not that she minded. No, actually she loved the rain. 

The trunk was full of her things that she wanted to take with her to college. 

To make it feel more like home. 

Hopping out of the car, her parents followed her out of the car. 

They looked sad, knowing that their little girl was growing up and going off to college. 

Their driver got out and started for the back of the car, starting to take out Amber's things. 

Amber, looked at the college, her long hair laying over one shoulder. The rain covering her glasses. 

It was hard to hide her tattoo's, but she loved to show them off. Her parents saw it as away for to express who she was. 

That is one of the reasons that she had so many on her. And she planned getting more here at college. 


Standing her parents walked up beside her. Her father speaking first. 

"This is going to be a wonderful time for you. You will do great baby girl. " 

Smiling up at her father, she was shorter then her. Well, she was shorter then most people. 

That never bothered her. 

The bright smile spreading across her face. "I can't wait daddy! It is going to be amazing for sure!" 

Placing his arm around her, hugging her to his side. 

Wrapping her arms around his waist, hugging him tight. 

She would miss her father that was for sure. They were very close to one another. 

Her mother, had been trying not to cry the whole time. 

No matter how many times Amber or father talked to her. It did good, her mother was still sad Amber was going to college. 

Her mother didn't say much. 


Taking all of things, with the help of her driver. 

Her father chuckled, "Did you bring your whole room with you baby girl?" 

Amber's laughed softly, "No daddy. Just things to remember home while I'm here." 

He smiles and nods. 

Making their way inside out of the rain. 

Walking up to where she would be staying for college. 

Her parents taking in the college as they walked through. 

Amber was to excited to pay attention to close. Though she should, she didn't want to get lost getting to class. 

But she would learn her away around her at some point. 

Finally making, knowing that she would be sharing with others, excited to meet all the ones that she would be living with. 

Opening the door she heads inside, followed by her parents and then the driver. 

Walking by the kitchen, smiling knowing that she would meet the ones later. Wanting to get settled and say good bye to her parents. 

Finding a room down the hall, it was perfect for her. The driver setting all of things in the room. She would get to later. It was time to say by to her parents. 

The driver nodding heads back out to the car. 

Standing in the room, her parents smiling at her. Her mom looking like she would start crying once again. 

Turning to her parents, "Well, I guess this is where we say good bye." 

Her mother started to cry. Going Amber wrapping her arms tight around her pulling her close. 

"Remember to call. We are going to miss you so much." Sadness filling her voice. 

Wrapping her arms around her mother. "Mom, I promise to call. And we will see each other. I'm not going to fall off the face of the earth. But I'm going to miss you both a lot." 

Hugging her tight, they stood there a little while. 

Stepping away from her mother, going to her father next. 

Wrapping her arms once again around him. "I'm going to miss you daddy." 

Hugging her tight, "I will miss you to baby girl. We will see each other soon." 

Kissing the top of her head. He lets her go for a few moments. 

Pulling his wife to his side. "We will let you get settled." 

Smiling she nodded and watched them leave. 


She would tackle her room later. Wanting to meet the two that she saw when they came in. 

Closing the door behind her, walking back out in the kitchen. 

Smiling making her way to the table. Sitting next Theodore, "Hey you two!" Her smile sweet and kind. Her looks sometimes threw most people. A tattooed up girl, that is sweet. 

"I'm Amber Rain, but you can call me Amber or anything you would like. I'm studying psychology, what about you two." 



Jacqueline stepped off of the bus and waved to the bus driver, giving a sweet smile to him. The bus ride was pleasant and she made new friends with the sweet lady next to her. Picking up her bags, she walked to the university. She called her parents and talked to them as she made her way down the halls. The place was amazing, and better than she imagined. Opening the door to her room, she then said goodbye to her parents. She gave a little hum of contentment as she looked at her room. It was lovely, but bare. Jacqueline then started to decorate her room with mostly pink and fluffy items. "Magnifique," she said to herself as she looked at her new room. Most of the stuff in the room looked much like her room back in Paris, and she liked it that way. She lied down on her bed, feeling a bit drained. She decided she'd only rest for a few minutes and then introduce herself and make new friends, which is what she came here for.

Her outfit:


Amber Rain 


Today was the day, the first day of college. Amber was beyond excited to go to college. 

So many wonderful things happen with college, maybe she would make so really good friends. 

The thought of having some good friends made her smile, she missed her best friend. 

But this was one of the reasons she was going to go to college. 

To learn to help people, to make their lives better. 

Her parents were dropping off today. 

She would miss them very much, but she would see them again. 

That made all this so much easier for when they left her to head back home. 


Pulling up to the college, it was raining. Not that she minded. No, actually she loved the rain. 

The trunk was full of her things that she wanted to take with her to college. 

To make it feel more like home. 

Hopping out of the car, her parents followed her out of the car. 

They looked sad, knowing that their little girl was growing up and going off to college. 

Their driver got out and started for the back of the car, starting to take out Amber's things. 

Amber, looked at the college, her long hair laying over one shoulder. The rain covering her glasses. 

It was hard to hide her tattoo's, but she loved to show them off. Her parents saw it as away for to express who she was. 

That is one of the reasons that she had so many on her. And she planned getting more here at college. 


Standing her parents walked up beside her. Her father speaking first. 

"This is going to be a wonderful time for you. You will do great baby girl. " 

Smiling up at her father, she was shorter then her. Well, she was shorter then most people. 

That never bothered her. 

The bright smile spreading across her face. "I can't wait daddy! It is going to be amazing for sure!" 

Placing his arm around her, hugging her to his side. 

Wrapping her arms around his waist, hugging him tight. 

She would miss her father that was for sure. They were very close to one another. 

Her mother, had been trying not to cry the whole time. 

No matter how many times Amber or father talked to her. It did good, her mother was still sad Amber was going to college. 

Her mother didn't say much. 


Taking all of things, with the help of her driver. 

Her father chuckled, "Did you bring your whole room with you baby girl?" 

Amber's laughed softly, "No daddy. Just things to remember home while I'm here." 

He smiles and nods. 

Making their way inside out of the rain. 

Walking up to where she would be staying for college. 

Her parents taking in the college as they walked through. 

Amber was to excited to pay attention to close. Though she should, she didn't want to get lost getting to class. 

But she would learn her away around her at some point. 

Finally making, knowing that she would be sharing with others, excited to meet all the ones that she would be living with. 

Opening the door she heads inside, followed by her parents and then the driver. 

Walking by the kitchen, smiling knowing that she would meet the ones later. Wanting to get settled and say good bye to her parents. 

Finding a room down the hall, it was perfect for her. The driver setting all of things in the room. She would get to later. It was time to say by to her parents. 

The driver nodding heads back out to the car. 

Standing in the room, her parents smiling at her. Her mom looking like she would start crying once again. 

Turning to her parents, "Well, I guess this is where we say good bye." 

Her mother started to cry. Going Amber wrapping her arms tight around her pulling her close. 

"Remember to call. We are going to miss you so much." Sadness filling her voice. 

Wrapping her arms around her mother. "Mom, I promise to call. And we will see each other. I'm not going to fall off the face of the earth. But I'm going to miss you both a lot." 

Hugging her tight, they stood there a little while. 

Stepping away from her mother, going to her father next. 

Wrapping her arms once again around him. "I'm going to miss you daddy." 

Hugging her tight, "I will miss you to baby girl. We will see each other soon." 

Kissing the top of her head. He lets her go for a few moments. 

Pulling his wife to his side. "We will let you get settled." 

Smiling she nodded and watched them leave. 


She would tackle her room later. Wanting to meet the two that she saw when they came in. 

Closing the door behind her, walking back out in the kitchen. 

Smiling making her way to the table. Sitting next Theodore, "Hey you two!" Her smile sweet and kind. Her looks sometimes threw most people. A tattooed up girl, that is sweet. 

"I'm Amber Rain, but you can call me Amber or anything you would like. I'm studying psychology, what about you two." 



Theodore 'Theo' Anthony Foaly

His new room, his new school, his first country. Theodore was standing in his doorway, his room was clean, untouched. He throwed his two bags on the bed, and then he shut the door behind him and turned to the more important parts of the new place; the dining hall and the kitchen. He found it fast, exited about its greatness and amazed by the amount of people that would be able to use it. Theodore had chosen to come early to be ready when everyone else came, ready to get new friends and to discover who he would study with. Who would be Juliet to his Romeo, he would call it.

 As Theodore was about to leave the kitchen and unpack he noticed a girl sitting alone at one of the tables. Her hair was as red as fire, Theodore could not understand how he had missed her the first time he looked through the room. He came to life, almost throwing himself forward to meet a new friend. His eyes was filled of ambitions, this place was famous for its drama course, and he had wanted to study it for so long, he wanted to fit in badly. He flipped the chair before sitting down, so the backrest was against his chest.

 "Hey!" His voice was loud, filled with happiness, "I'm Theodore, call me Theo. Doing drama, you too?" Theodore pointed at himself when itroducing himself, and then he did the famous Hamlet act when mentioning drama, though instead of holding a scull he held his phone.

Michelle quickly felt, that she was getting hungry. She indeed had not eaten in a few hours, while she was travelling per bus. Therefore, she decided to head to the cafeteria. She hoped not too many people would be there, if there were to many she would be unable to stay there, it would be too unbearable among many people. 

Michelle made her way to the kitchen, looking around. She counted three people, which was alright to her. It would be better without people at all, but it was okay like this. Michelle burshed her blonde hair into her face, so it would hide her eyes. She snuck past the three and sat down at the table behind them, after she had taken herself some food. She hoped they would just socialize on without paying attention to her.
Michelle quickly felt, that she was getting hungry. She indeed had not eaten in a few hours, while she was travelling per bus. Therefore, she decided to head to the cafeteria. She hoped not too many people would be there, if there were to many she would be unable to stay there, it would be too unbearable among many people. 

Michelle made her way to the kitchen, looking around. She counted three people, which was alright to her. It would be better without people at all, but it was okay like this. Michelle burshed her blonde hair into her face, so it would hide her eyes. She snuck past the three and sat down at the table behind them, after she had taken herself some food. She hoped they would just socialize on without paying attention to her.


Amber watched as a new girl came in. Smiling as she watched her. 

Though it seemed that she didn't want anything do with the rest of us. 

Amber wasn't one to push herself on others.

But this was the first day of college, and no one should be left out of things. 

And who knows she might like them if she sat with them. 


Turning around some, looking over her and Theodore shoulder's. 

"Hey! Why don't you come and join us over here." 

Smiling sweetly at her. 

"I'm Amber, as I told these two. You can call me what you like." 

She hoped she didn't come onto to strong. But she was a sweet and friendly person. 

Patting the spot next to her. 

"There is room for you." 


Amber watched as a new girl came in. Smiling as she watched her. 

Though it seemed that she didn't want anything do with the rest of us. 

Amber wasn't one to push herself on others.

But this was the first day of college, and no one should be left out of things. 

And who knows she might like them if she sat with them. 


Turning around some, looking over her and Theodore shoulder's. 

"Hey! Why don't you come and join us over here." 

Smiling sweetly at her. 

"I'm Amber, as I told these two. You can call me what you like." 

She hoped she didn't come onto to strong. But she was a sweet and friendly person. 

Patting the spot next to her. 

"There is room for you." 

Michelle blushed fiercely and looked away from whoever spoke with her. Why was she speaking to her. Michelle had done her best to look like a person you would NOT want to speak to. But this girl had just... just interacted with Michelle, forcing the blonde to answer. 

Michelle looked at the girl for a few seconds, not speaking at all. THe emotion most present on the germans face was shock and fear. "I... I´m fine.", was what she at least managed to get out. It was nothing more than a whisper, that left her lips and she was obvioulsy very unsteady, being made uncomfortable just by speaking. She quickly focussed on her food again. 'Stupid me, dont let them drag you into their conversations!', she scolded herself. She did not really feel like eating anymore and started to poke around in her meal with her fork.
Michelle blushed fiercely and looked away from whoever spoke with her. Why was she speaking to her. Michelle had done her best to look like a person you would NOT want to speak to. But this girl had just... just interacted with Michelle, forcing the blonde to answer. 

Michelle looked at the girl for a few seconds, not speaking at all. THe emotion most present on the germans face was shock and fear. "I... I´m fine.", was what she at least managed to get out. It was nothing more than a whisper, that left her lips and she was obvioulsy very unsteady, being made uncomfortable just by speaking. She quickly focussed on her food again. 'Stupid me, dont let them drag you into their conversations!', she scolded herself. She did not really feel like eating anymore and started to poke around in her meal with her fork.

Nodding her head, though she never liked to leave anyone out. 

"Well, the offer is always open." 

Smiling softly, she turns back around to two that she was talking to.

Not wanting to push the blonde girl into anything she didn't want to do. 

Though maybe with time, she would be able to open up. 

And they may become good friends. 


Looking at the two before her. 

"So, what are you studying here?" 

Wanting to get to know them more. 

But maybe she was coming onto strong. 

But she couldn't help who she was. 

Leaning on the table some. Playing her gauge in her ear. 

Rylee stared up at the campus before her. She was almost certain she was late. Jean clad legs and feet covered by black boots carried her forward to the housing hall looming before her. After what felt like hours but was only a few minutes of searching, she finally gave up on finding the suite on her own and began wondering around to find someone who could point her in the right direction. Eventually she came acroos a man in extremely round, extremely large glasses who was able to show her to the suite. 

A few minutes of walking later, she arrived at the door, sliding the key she'd acquired into the lock and pushing open the door to her new home. She could hear the chatter of her suite mates and she smiled, calling out in her cheery manner. 

"Hello? Anybody home!" The sound of boots hitting the floor could be heard as she made her way in the direction of the voices.

(Sorry about how terribly late this is. I didn't get notified of this beginning.)
(Sorry, I was on holiday for a week or so which is why i haven't replied again until now)

Darcy jumped a little at the sound of a voice and dropped the flower back into the vase. She had been sitting there at the kitchen table for a little under half an hour now, growing more and more resentful of her father's determination to be out of the house at first light, and was so absorbed in her thoughts and how tired she was, as well as her very serious concerns that her bed here might not be as comfy as the one she climbed out of that morning, or that she might have left something important behind (even though she had packed, unpacked and repacked her suitcase several times in the months leading up to university), that she hadn't noticed people beginning to arrive until she heard the very loud and enthusiastic voice as one of her new flatmates, a boy, joined her at the table. She couldn't helped but laugh at his dramatic introduction, but certainly not in a snide or sarcastic way. He seemed light a funny guy, very friendly, and certainly a spirited character, and sharing her course as well!. 

"Theodore" she said, and then pointed at herself "Darcy. I'm Darcy, its great to meet you. I'm doing drama as well, actually. Isn't that wierd? you're the first person I've met here, and we're doing exactly the same thing"
Not long after the words had left her mouth, another flatmate joined them, a girl this time. "I'm Darcy" she said again "Amber, right?", cringing a little inside. Of course her name was Amber, she had only just introduced herself. "I'm studying drama. It was kind of a last minute choice, actually, have you always wanted to study Psychology" she looked over at Theodore as well "and what made you want to study drama. Like, was that something you always wanted to do or was it kind of random, like it was for me"

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Arriving at the campus, Finley exited the cab he had taken and got out the 3 cases he brought with him, one that was about the size of a regular suitcase(the essentials), one that was rather long and had metal lining around it(bass, stand, and other instrument essentials except the amp and pedalboard), and one that just seemed to be 3 medium-sized crates stacked together attached to a dolly(computer stuff and an amplifier+pedalboard). After tipping the taxi driver and waving as he left, he took the strap of the metal lined case and slung it over himself before grabbing the other two and heading onto the campus.

He made his way into the university halls, and followed the wall signs to where the dorms were. He passed by the cafeteria to see that there were already a couple people here, who all seemed to be decent people, at least from a distance. ‘Let’s see…’ he thought to himself before stopping at the lift and checking on his phone what room number he was given. ‘Second floor, Room 219.’ He headed into the lift with his stuff, which was starting to get tiring to lug around at this point, and pressed the button indicating the second floor.

A short time later, he arrived to the aforementioned level and made it to his room, which just so happened to be one of the couple that overlooked the general area of the dormitory building. He unlocked the door with the student ID card he was given and stepped into his new home for the next couple years.

It wasn’t all that different from his room on the other side of the atlantic, with the exception of it being reflected on the other side of the room for a potential roommate: a simple bed, a well sized desk with a rolling chair, a television atop a dresser, and plenty of room to walk around it. He put the crated dolly in front of the desk, put the suitcase on the bed, and unslung the metal lined case off his shoulder, opening it and taking out his maple-coloured squier and putting it on a stand that he also took out of the same case.

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Theodore 'Theo' Anthony Foaly

Theo was just about to answer Darcy when the other girl came in. Her tattoos was wounderful, he followed every trace of them. He liked them, they showed so much personality. He felt a hint of envy, he himself could not have tattoos like that due to him wanting a career in acting or drama or anything on a stadge. And on the stadge they wanted a clean sheet, and tattoos would not give him a clean sheet.

"Amber, fun name! I'm Theo, doing drama", her turn toward Darcy again, "drama is amazing, I can't remember a time when I didn't wanna do it. Started doing classes when I was ten, started acting when I was like two. This is my life gal, this is what I'm suppose to do with my life, I just love it yeah?" He showed the numbers with his fingers, at the end part he put his hand on his heart, before letting it fall down, flipping his phone in his hand.  His head was changing between the girls, talking to both of them. He smiled bright through the whole part, moving his hands and with a sparkle in his eyes. "Psychology is nice, lots of brainy things. So keen!" He finished, turned towards Amber.



Theodore 'Theo' Anthony Foaly

Theo was just about to answer Darcy when the other girl came in. Her tattoos was wounderful, he followed every trace of them. He liked them, they showed so much personality. He felt a hint of envy, he himself could not have tattoos like that due to him wanting a career in acting or drama or anything on a stadge. And on the stadge they wanted a clean sheet, and tattoos would not give him a clean sheet.

"Amber, fun name! I'm Theo, doing drama", her turn toward Darcy again, "drama is amazing, I can't remember a time when I didn't wanna do it. Started doing classes when I was ten, started acting when I was like two. This is my life gal, this is what I'm suppose to do with my life, I just love it yeah?" He showed the numbers with his fingers, at the end part he put his hand on his heart, before letting it fall down, flipping his phone in his hand.  His head was changing between the girls, talking to both of them. He smiled bright through the whole part, moving his hands and with a sparkle in his eyes. "Psychology is nice, lots of brainy things. So keen!" He finished, turned towards Amber.



Michelle had finished her meal and stood up. She intended to walk to her room, passing the three others. The blonde stopped for a moment. She opened her mouth, closed it again. Then she spoke. "Uhm... see y-... I mean... good b-... I mean..." She looked to the ground and turned around, quickly walking to her room. 



Once she had reached it, she grabbed her guitar case. "There has to be some place where I can play...", she said to herself and started her search for the music room. 



Aron was not one to get nervous, especially with things that involved meeting new people. However, this was a big day for him, moving away from his family and friends, living with people that he didn't know and not knowing how they would think of him. at least he would be finally be able to fulfill his dreams. Aron had always wanted to be an artist when he was growing up, drawing, painting, and playing anything he could. but now that he was going to school to be tested and taught in it, he was nervous. he didn't know if it was going to be easy or hard. regardless, he would do his best



Rushing down the wet black pavement of the highway, Aron drove his motorcycle. it was still early in the morning, so the sky was black. the rain felt cold on his leather jacket and gloves, giving him a slight chill. he loved it. although Aron was a chill person to hang around, but was vary adventurous on his own. Aron was traveling by himself at the moment, only taking what was necessary for when he got to the university.  his GPS told him that it was only a Kilometer away. Aron's new was about to begin


Parking his motorcycle at the university, Aron went inside to check in to his new room. Stopping it in a nice open place, Aron quickly grabbed his few carry-on that were in the back of his motorcycle, which were a few guitar cases and a suitcase. Aron was quite the collector of guitars, owning a pretty rare and expensive collection. And even though he brought his travel guitars, a few thousand dollars would be gone if he would to lose them. he put one base on his back, the other in his left hand. grabbing his suitcase, he entered the university dorm. 


Aron remembered that his room would be on the second floor, he just wasent sure where. going to the elevator, he pressed the second floor button and walked inside. to be sure where his room was, Aron checked his phone. ‘Second floor, Room 219'. Room 219, got it. Hearing a loud ding, Aron exited the elevator and made his way to his room. He was not sure if he would have a roommate or not. if and he did, would he be nice? only the future could tell. Walking down the carpeted hallways Aron counted the room numbers. "215, 216, 217, 218,". coming to 219, he gave a deep breath, bringing out his keys. This was it. 


Unlocking the door, Aron was surprised to already see someone in the room. "Yo, whats up" he said, putting his hand out for a shake "I'm Aron"

He finished tying what looked like a piece of cloth to the neck of the bass and slid it to where it was on top of the string nut when he heard the turning of the doorknob. He turned to see a guy about his age who looked like Zakk Wylde if he got a side cut. "What's good, man?" he said in response to his initial statement,walked up to aron and shaking his hand. "I'm Finley, cool to finally meet ya. Kickass beard and tats by the way." He spotted the various guitar cases behind him and a smile flashed across his face. "I take it you play?"

@Akio Chikara
The moment Aron saw that his roommate owned a bass, a smile crept across his bearded face. He never imagined that his roommate would be a musician as well. Shaking Finleys hand firmly, he wanted to make a good first impression. He took His compliments well, as someone would always compliment him on his unusual hair style everywhere he went. Of course he got some haters, but he didn't care. It made him stand out, and he liked it. 

Hearing Finleys question about his Guitar playing, an even bigger smile crept across his face "As Long as I can remember. Been my biggest passion and nothing could replace it" he said, setting his stuff to the other side of the room "what about you fam, how long you been play'in". Finally, someone that seemed to have guitar technical know-how. This was better than Aron could ever dream

(Sorry, I was on holiday for a week or so which is why i haven't replied again until now)

Darcy jumped a little at the sound of a voice and dropped the flower back into the vase. She had been sitting there at the kitchen table for a little under half an hour now, growing more and more resentful of her father's determination to be out of the house at first light, and was so absorbed in her thoughts and how tired she was, as well as her very serious concerns that her bed here might not be as comfy as the one she climbed out of that morning, or that she might have left something important behind (even though she had packed, unpacked and repacked her suitcase several times in the months leading up to university), that she hadn't noticed people beginning to arrive until she heard the very loud and enthusiastic voice as one of her new flatmates, a boy, joined her at the table. She couldn't helped but laugh at his dramatic introduction, but certainly not in a snide or sarcastic way. He seemed light a funny guy, very friendly, and certainly a spirited character, and sharing her course as well!. 

"Theodore" she said, and then pointed at herself "Darcy. I'm Darcy, its great to meet you. I'm doing drama as well, actually. Isn't that wierd? you're the first person I've met here, and we're doing exactly the same thing"
Not long after the words had left her mouth, another flatmate joined them, a girl this time. "I'm Darcy" she said again "Amber, right?", cringing a little inside. Of course her name was Amber, she had only just introduced herself. "I'm studying drama. It was kind of a last minute choice, actually, have you always wanted to study Psychology" she looked over at Theodore as well "and what made you want to study drama. Like, was that something you always wanted to do or was it kind of random, like it was for me"

Smiling at her, "Good to meet you! Yup that would be me." 

Pondering her question for a little bit. 

"Actually, yes I have. Its..." She didn't know how to explain in. 

"I guess you can call it a vow or calling whatever you like. I have always wanted to help people" 

A little sad because she didn't open up to the reason that she wanted to this. 

It was one of those things that might come out in time. 

"One way to make the word a better place in the end." 

That is true, that is something she felt deeply about. 

To safe one person, that was a feet in its self. 


Theodore 'Theo' Anthony Foaly

Theo was just about to answer Darcy when the other girl came in. Her tattoos was wounderful, he followed every trace of them. He liked them, they showed so much personality. He felt a hint of envy, he himself could not have tattoos like that due to him wanting a career in acting or drama or anything on a stadge. And on the stadge they wanted a clean sheet, and tattoos would not give him a clean sheet.

"Amber, fun name! I'm Theo, doing drama", her turn toward Darcy again, "drama is amazing, I can't remember a time when I didn't wanna do it. Started doing classes when I was ten, started acting when I was like two. This is my life gal, this is what I'm suppose to do with my life, I just love it yeah?" He showed the numbers with his fingers, at the end part he put his hand on his heart, before letting it fall down, flipping his phone in his hand.  His head was changing between the girls, talking to both of them. He smiled bright through the whole part, moving his hands and with a sparkle in his eyes. "Psychology is nice, lots of brainy things. So keen!" He finished, turned towards Amber.



Laughing a little at how animated that Theo was. 

"Pleasure to meet ya!" 

Giggling softly, "Thank you, my parents did a great job naming." 

Though never in her life had anyone, said that to her. 

Listening to them go back and forth talking to one another. 
It was so nice to be around them, maybe they would become good friends. 

If they actually had any classes together. 

Though at the moment it didn't seem like they would. 

Laughing, "Yeah I guess so. But the mind is a wonderful thing to explore." 

Maybe she was the only one that thought that though. 

One of the things about her, she loved a challenge. 
It made her feel more proud of herself, when she over came the challenge. 

Theo was nice that was for sure. 


Michelle had finished her meal and stood up. She intended to walk to her room, passing the three others. The blonde stopped for a moment. She opened her mouth, closed it again. Then she spoke. "Uhm... see y-... I mean... good b-... I mean..." She looked to the ground and turned around, quickly walking to her room. 



Once she had reached it, she grabbed her guitar case. "There has to be some place where I can play...", she said to herself and started her search for the music room. 


Smiling up to Michelle, she seemed so shy. 

"See you later, I hope we get to talk more with one another later." 

Watching her walk out of the room. 

She hoped that in time, that the blonde would open up more as time went on. 

She wanted to get to know everyone. 



Aron was not one to get nervous, especially with things that involved meeting new people. However, this was a big day for him, moving away from his family and friends, living with people that he didn't know and not knowing how they would think of him. at least he would be finally be able to fulfill his dreams. Aron had always wanted to be an artist when he was growing up, drawing, painting, and playing anything he could. but now that he was going to school to be tested and taught in it, he was nervous. he didn't know if it was going to be easy or hard. regardless, he would do his best



Rushing down the wet black pavement of the highway, Aron drove his motorcycle. it was still early in the morning, so the sky was black. the rain felt cold on his leather jacket and gloves, giving him a slight chill. he loved it. although Aron was a chill person to hang around, but was vary adventurous on his own. Aron was traveling by himself at the moment, only taking what was necessary for when he got to the university.  his GPS told him that it was only a Kilometer away. Aron's new was about to begin


Parking his motorcycle at the university, Aron went inside to check in to his new room. Stopping it in a nice open place, Aron quickly grabbed his few carry-on that were in the back of his motorcycle, which were a few guitar cases and a suitcase. Aron was quite the collector of guitars, owning a pretty rare and expensive collection. And even though he brought his travel guitars, a few thousand dollars would be gone if he would to lose them. he put one base on his back, the other in his left hand. grabbing his suitcase, he entered the university dorm. 


Aron remembered that his room would be on the second floor, he just wasent sure where. going to the elevator, he pressed the second floor button and walked inside. to be sure where his room was, Aron checked his phone. ‘Second floor, Room 219'. Room 219, got it. Hearing a loud ding, Aron exited the elevator and made his way to his room. He was not sure if he would have a roommate or not. if and he did, would he be nice? only the future could tell. Walking down the carpeted hallways Aron counted the room numbers. "215, 216, 217, 218,". coming to 219, he gave a deep breath, bringing out his keys. This was it. 


Unlocking the door, Aron was surprised to already see someone in the room. "Yo, whats up" he said, putting his hand out for a shake "I'm Aron"


As she talked with Theo and Darcy. 

Looking over she saw a few more people show up. 

When she saw one guy walk by, tattoo's coverings him. 

That peeked her interest, someone that she could see herself being friends with. 

Pulling her eyes back to their little group. 

Thinking of away that she could get away from them to go meet him. 

"Well, I'm going to meet some of our new room mates. Talk to you two later." 

She smiled as she got from the table. 

Making her way out into the hallway, trying to find where he went off to. 

Not seeing him as she walked. 

Walking past one of the opened doors, hearing two guys talking with one another. 

Stopping herself, she back tracked to the opened door. 

Peeking in, she smiled at the two of them. 

"Hey guys!" 

Leaning on the door frame of the room. 

"You two didn't come and say hey to others, I thought that I would come to you." 

Giggling to herself, knowing one of the reasons that she came down this way. 
Was so, that she could meet the tattooed guy. 

But she also, would get to meet the other guy that she saw. 

Two foe the price of one. 

"Mind if I come in a join you two?" 

She didn't want to push herself on them. 

This was their room after all. 

Maybe they were playing something, not wanting to bother them to much. 


Hearing the voice of a woman that was behind them, Aron turned around.

He was surprised to see a vary attractive woman leaning in the door frame.

She was small. well, almost everyone was small to Aron. being 6'4 had its perks

she was covered in tattoos and had long undercut.

her hair was the brightest blonde he had ever seen, it was almost white.

Aron was almost speechless. he was love struck.

looks like he had found someone that seemed more similar to him 

"Uh, um, not at all" he said, rubbing his neck and smiling, blushing beneath his beard "Come in". 

"let me introduce myself" Aron said in his deep baritone voice "I'm Aron" he stuck out his hands for a shake "And this is Finley"




She was shocked at how tall he was. 

But most were taller then her, she was short. 

But she had to admit that she liked that he was so tall. 

Having to look up at him as he spoke. 

It was nice to have someone here that was like her. 

He was the type of man that she could fall for. 

That beard and my god that hair. 

It was amazing that they had the same undercut she had. 

It was sweet they way that he rubbed the back of his neck. 

He almost seemed kind of shy. 

But she couldn't be sure of that right now. 

Pushing herself off the frame of the door, walking into their room. 

Smiling, "Its very nice to meet you Aron." 

Placing her tiny hand into his, as she wrapped her soft hand around his. 

Her hair falling back as she looked up to him, her eyes meeting his. 

"I'm Amber." 

She couldn't help but stare into his a little bit. 

Not she was just being creepy, staring at him like this. 

Pulling her eyes away from his, looking over to the other guy. 

Keeping her hand in Aron's just a little longer. 

Smiling over at Finley. 

"Nice to meet you as well. Its nice to have both of you here." 

Finally pulling her hand from Aron's holding out to Finley. 

Standing a little closer to Aron. 



Once resting for longer than Jacqueline intended, she quickly hopped off of her bed. She smiled after she forgot how much she loved the way her new room looked. She opened the doors and walked down the halls looking for someone she could introduce herself to. After a few steps down the hall, she noticed a brunette with jeans and boots walking down the halls as well. Answering the girl, Jacqueline said "Bonjour!" with a big smile. She walked a bit more quicker to go up to the girl. She stuck her hand out, still with a huge grin. "My name is Jackie," she said with her heavy French accent. "And you?" she asked, wondering what the girl's name was. The girl seemed very sweet and her appearance and voice sounded a bit southern. Jacqueline didn't know how old or exactly how tall the girl was, but Jacqueline certainly stood high above her. It was normal for her, and she didn't mind, especially since she was wearing heels.

The people around her seemed preoccupied in their own conversations but she still frowned at the lack of acknowledgement. But the frown soon dissapeared when a girl with an obviously French accent approached her and introduced herself in a rather outgoing manner. The first thing she noticed was that she was extremely tall, taller than Rylee at least, but then again Rylee wasn't very tall herself and was more on the stocky side. "The names Rylee." She smiled, shaking the girls hand,"Pleasure to meet ya." Sometimes her overly heavy southern accent got on her nerves, everyone always told her how different it was, though she never quite believed it.


Jacqueline smiled at Rylee's introduction to her. "Pleasured to meet you as well, Rylee," she told her.  Rylee was a lovely name and Jacqueline quite liked it. "Where are you from?" she asked. She hoped to get to know Rylee better and become good friends with her. Rylee seemed like a very sweet and good person. She was also very pretty and seemed like the kind of person to always stick by your side. Sitting down on a bench right next to them, she pat the area on the bench next to her offering Rylee to sit with her.

Rylee accepted the offer with a smile, placing her duffel bag on the floor and following suite in sitting on the bench. Her posture was far from lady like and was somewhat slouched, simply because it was comfortable and she could put her elbows on her knees. "The great state of Texas, West Texas to be exact." She rubbed her hands together, toying with her fingers which was a habit she'd developed when nervous. She shook her head, nervous? I'm nervous? "Super excitin', I know. How bout you?"

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Happy Rylee sat down with her and ignoring the way she sat, she listened to her. "Ooh Texas? I have always wanted to go," she said with a smile. Jacqueline had always been fascinated by America and everything about it. Texas was one thing she was certainly fascinated, of course Jacqueline was always easily interested in things. She nodded "Yes very exciting!" she told her. "I'm from Paris, France," she said to her with a smile. Noticing her duffel bag, she realized Rylee probably hasn't decorated her dorm yet. So, she asked "Have you decorated your dorm? It's very important, mon ami," she said calling her "my friend" thinking they were already the best of friends now, a habit of hers.


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